Chronology file name : OR032.CRN Measurement file name : OR032.RWL Date checked : 29MAR05 Checked by : H. ADAMS AND J. LUKAS Beginning year : 1550 Ending year : 1990 Principal investigators: B.E. WICKMAN, T.W. SWETNAM, C.H. BAISAN Site name : INDIAN CROSSING Site location : OREGON Species information : PIPO PONDEROSA PINE Latitude : +4507 Longitude : -11701 Elevation : 0000M Series intercorrelation: 0.545 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.236 Avg standard deviation : 0.569 Avg autocorrelation : 0.814 Number dated series : 27 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 25 Pct problem segments : 7.84 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: or032.rwl 13:02 Tue 29 Mar 2005 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1550 1575 1600 1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1599 1624 1649 1674 1699 1724 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 IDC14A3 1852 1990 .56 .36 .12B .30B .56 2 IDC14B3 1841 1990 .53 .55 .76 .63 .41 .39 3 IDC15A3 1671 1990 .56 .53 .55 .66 .69 .67 .74 .48 .52 .81 .80 .61 .60 4 IDC15B3 1692 1990 .31B .22B .48B .63 .64 .68 .74 .80 .81 .73 .61 .64 5 IDC16B3 1613 1990 .51 .46 .44 .55 .64 .45 .45 .51 .48 .29B .38 .54 .35 .22A .41 6 IDC17A3 1843 1990 .44 .67 .69 .54 .52 .66 7 IDC17B3 1874 1990 .73 .75 .64 .58 .59 8 IDC18A3 1710 1990 .41 .26A .37 .27A .25A .37 .52 .55 .52 .40 .37 9 IDC18B3 1691 1990 .41 .49 .39 .45 .40 .34 .57 .64 .57 .42 .54 .65 10 IDC19A3 1784 1990 .54 .51 .56 .65 .73 .65 .33B .39 11 IDC19B3 1773 1990 .29A .34 .52 .36 .51 .77 .75 .41 .52 12 IDC20A3 1596 1990 .22B .26B .52 .58 .35 .28A .49 .59 .51 .55 .56 .59 .54 .47 .50 .59 13 IDC20B3 1598 1990 .30B .33B .57 .64 .49 .40 .43 .61 .64 .68 .66 .76 .82 .72 .66 .70 14 IDC21A3 1730 1990 .56 .47 .29A .33A .50 .63 .68 .56 .54 .64 15 IDC21B3 1647 1990 .46 .50 .22A .48 .58 .53 .50 .52 .39B .49 .58 .40 .47 .62 16 IDC22A3 1714 1990 .65 .52 .65 .46 .35 .44 .60 .65 .71 .68 .66 17 IDC22B3 1694 1990 .48 .54 .44 .45 .40 .19A .15B .24B .47 .58 .48 .53 18 IDC23A3 1665 1990 .45 .48 .68 .55 .58 .60 .59 .61 .58 .64 .48 .52 .61 19 IDC23B3 1682 1990 .57 .64 .59 .59 .58 .53 .48 .57 .67 .63 .52 .66 20 IDC24A3 1707 1990 .72 .65 .58 .41 .50 .63 .58 .70 .68 .63 .63 21 IDC24B3 1696 1990 .57 .65 .64 .54 .60 .58 .56 .72 .76 .73 .58 .57 22 IDC25A3 1569 1990 .62 .63 .44 .34B .58 .74 .68 .71 .61 .64 .67 .64 .76 .71 .56 .60 .62 23 IDC25B3 1632 1990 .69 .72 .67 .62 .60 .65 .62 .40 .44 .75 .78 .69 .54 .53 24 IDC26A3 1550 1990 .50 .53 .49 .61 .55 .36 .53 .58 .38 .38 .57 .46 .45 .67 .55 .42 .50 25 IDC26B3 1608 1990 .58 .66 .61 .35 .50 .66 .53 .50 .55 .40 .49 .68 .47 .43 .60 26 IDC27A3 1660 1990 .58 .54 .59 .67 .58 .54 .48 .52 .68 .79 .64 .53 .54 27 IDC27B3 1634 1990 .59 .62 .59 .64 .59 .55 .67 .77 .72 .74 .77 .62 .41 .51 Av segment correlation .56 .42 .44 .55 .57 .48 .54 .55 .54 .51 .51 .50 .60 .68 .58 .50 .57 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: or032.rwl 13:02 Tue 29 Mar 2005 Page 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 IDC14A3 1852 1990 139 5 2 .332 1.76 4.18 .956 .800 .249 2.39 .268 -.058 1 2 IDC14B3 1841 1990 150 6 0 .538 1.60 3.44 .738 .723 .292 2.57 .409 .016 2 3 IDC15A3 1671 1990 320 13 0 .640 1.10 2.95 .596 .907 .194 2.60 .392 -.010 2 4 IDC15B3 1692 1990 299 12 3 .627 .91 2.37 .405 .870 .181 2.59 .344 -.003 2 5 IDC16B3 1613 1990 378 15 2 .454 1.11 2.67 .529 .847 .214 2.68 .406 -.030 2 6 IDC17A3 1843 1990 148 6 0 .551 1.96 3.84 .590 .587 .224 2.68 .459 .061 1 7 IDC17B3 1874 1990 117 5 0 .654 2.24 5.12 .761 .650 .213 2.83 .596 .001 1 8 IDC18A3 1710 1990 281 11 3 .403 1.17 3.71 .714 .831 .269 2.77 .450 -.030 1 9 IDC18B3 1691 1990 300 12 0 .475 1.25 4.17 .689 .854 .241 2.77 .430 -.024 2 10 IDC19A3 1784 1990 207 8 1 .555 1.35 2.59 .458 .675 .222 2.79 .441 .033 1 11 IDC19B3 1773 1990 218 9 1 .488 1.35 2.76 .490 .673 .239 2.51 .305 -.024 1 12 IDC20A3 1596 1990 395 16 3 .479 .70 4.16 .482 .793 .286 2.68 .352 -.004 2 13 IDC20B3 1598 1990 393 16 2 .576 .82 4.28 .457 .803 .190 2.51 .250 .003 2 14 IDC21A3 1730 1990 261 10 2 .535 1.11 2.80 .483 .807 .206 2.67 .422 .029 1 15 IDC21B3 1647 1990 344 14 2 .490 1.19 2.98 .438 .725 .213 2.64 .401 .043 3 16 IDC22A3 1714 1990 277 11 0 .581 1.08 4.33 .584 .869 .181 2.39 .207 -.018 2 17 IDC22B3 1694 1990 297 12 3 .408 1.06 3.73 .606 .878 .208 2.62 .419 -.025 2 18 IDC23A3 1665 1990 326 13 0 .560 1.19 3.41 .777 .844 .252 2.89 .462 .022 1 19 IDC23B3 1682 1990 309 12 0 .585 1.09 3.69 .762 .855 .285 2.72 .332 .018 2 20 IDC24A3 1707 1990 284 11 0 .611 1.09 3.43 .491 .809 .199 2.92 .486 .025 1 21 IDC24B3 1696 1990 295 12 0 .620 1.09 4.64 .743 .914 .213 2.75 .443 -.007 2 22 IDC25A3 1569 1990 422 17 1 .603 .85 2.69 .386 .758 .251 2.64 .412 .002 3 23 IDC25B3 1632 1990 359 14 0 .622 .92 2.20 .401 .753 .245 2.57 .365 -.044 4 24 IDC26A3 1550 1990 441 17 0 .499 .76 3.47 .695 .918 .261 2.57 .374 -.001 1 25 IDC26B3 1608 1990 383 15 0 .527 .82 3.73 .606 .862 .268 2.63 .386 -.027 2 26 IDC27A3 1660 1990 331 13 0 .614 .96 2.97 .539 .785 .292 2.73 .515 -.030 3 27 IDC27B3 1634 1990 357 14 0 .625 .92 2.62 .482 .826 .253 2.55 .340 -.015 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 8031 319 25 .545 1.07 5.12 .569 .814 .236 2.92 .390 -.005