Train Trailhead ABAM, British Columbia, Canada - CANA645 Additional Site Information B. Coulthard B. Brice I. Homfeld L. Dye K. Anchukaitis Reference: Becky L. Brice, Bethany Lynn Coulthard, Inga K. Homfeld, Laura Dye, and Kevin J. Anchukaitis. 2021. Paleohydrological context for recent floods and droughts in the Fraser River Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Environmental Research Letters. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac3daf Funding: US National Science Foundation AGS-1803995 COFECHA output: Chronology file name : CANA645.CRN Measurement file name : CANA645.RWL Date checked : 30NOV21 Checked by : B. Bauer Beginning year : 1631 Ending year : 2017 Principal investigators: B. Coulthard B. Brice I. Homfeld L. Dye K. Anchukaitis Site name : Train Trailhead Site location : Canada Species information : ABAM PACIFIC SILVER FIR Latitude : 5036 Longitude : -12301 Elevation : 1367M Series intercorrelation: 0.612 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.199 Avg standard deviation : 0.322 Avg autocorrelation : 0.802 Number dated series : 28 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 17 Pct problem segments : 6.34 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: Train Trailhead ABAM 17:28 Tue 30 Nov 2021 Page 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1700 1725 1750 1775 1800 1825 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1749 1774 1799 1824 1849 1874 1899 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 TTH01AAU 1759 2017 .46 .50 .54 .64 .77 .68 .77 .81 .85 .79 2 TTH01BBU 1763 2017 .59 .60 .53 .60 .72 .75 .49 .56 .77 .74 3 TTH2AAUn 1776 2017 .63 .46 .40 .46 .54 .21A .28B .71 .77 4 TTH2BBUn 1785 2017 .54 .49 .54 .53 .49 .24A .42 .84 .79 5 TTH03AAU 1769 2017 .47 .46 .38 .45 .58 .69 .69 .71 .82 .80 6 TTH03BBU 1759 2017 .53 .64 .49 .52 .73 .71 .79 .82 .81 .84 7 TTH06BBU 1719 2017 .31A .43 .33A .36 .41 .59 .69 .69 .77 .74 .70 .62 8 TTH08BBU 1781 2017 .46 .49 .48 .58 .82 .66 .74 .72 .65 9 TTH09AAU 1840 2017 .69 .72 .66 .84 .85 .74 .64 10 TTH10BBU 1787 2017 .54 .60 .56 .78 .74 .65 .76 .86 .85 11 TTH11AAU 1749 2017 .62 .62 .57 .47 .72 .71 .66 .64 .58 .77 .76 12 TTH11BBU 1631 2017 .35 .42 .67 .60 .33 .57 .73 .63 .60 .72 .81 .80 13 TTH13AAU 1801 2017 .31B .55 .80 .74 .61 .63 .79 .75 14 TTH14AAU 1788 2017 .45 .41 .61 .78 .83 .55 .55 .75 .69 15 TTH14BBU 1814 2017 .62 .71 .64 .56 .70 .75 .84 .82 16 TTH15AAU 1732 2017 .35 .51 .37 .39 .73 .78 .78 .66 .69 .88 .86 17 TTH15BBU 1746 2017 .43 .46 .58 .40 .60 .68 .64 .59 .70 .78 .48 18 TTH16BBU 1777 2017 .64 .71 .63 .57 .57 .80 .63 .56 .48 19 TTH17AAU 1767 2017 .54 .55 .41 .58 .73 .73 .81 .78 .77 .76 20 TTH18AAU 1711 2017 .55 .60 .56 .53 .49 .55 .58 .58 .69 .71 .74 .79 21 TTH20AAU 1806 2017 .44 .63 .68 .70 .74 .80 .83 .75 22 TTH20BBU 1797 2017 .34B .33B .44 .64 .70 .78 .81 .82 .60 23 TTH21BBU 1780 2017 .03B .20B .46 .69 .75 .67 .74 .69 .63 24 TTH23BBU 1785 2017 .19B .14B .24A .47 .61 .55 .58 .59 .60 25 TTH24AAU 1707 2017 .49 .41 .45 .58 .45 .35 .49 .55 .39 .44 .53 .68 26 TTH25AAU 1782 2017 .28A .39 .52 .50 .46 .38 .47 .72 .70 27 TTH25BBU 1762 2017 .09B .17B .34 .51 .46 .30A .40 .65 .85 .80 28 TTH26AAU 1867 2017 .74 .76 .70 .59 .68 .75 Av segment correlation .42 .47 .48 .46 .43 .55 .65 .65 .62 .66 .76 .72 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Train Trailhead ABAM 17:28 Tue 30 Nov 2021 Page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 TTH01AAU 1759 2017 259 10 0 .696 .69 1.56 .225 .768 .171 2.52 .323 -.052 1 2 TTH01BBU 1763 2017 255 10 0 .633 .82 1.67 .206 .611 .169 2.86 .452 -.045 1 3 TTH2AAUn 1776 2017 242 9 2 .534 .68 1.98 .448 .921 .237 2.56 .327 -.085 1 4 TTH2BBUn 1785 2017 233 9 1 .558 .59 1.67 .303 .840 .222 2.64 .356 -.073 1 5 TTH03AAU 1769 2017 249 10 0 .656 .90 2.44 .510 .936 .154 2.60 .299 .001 2 6 TTH03BBU 1759 2017 259 10 0 .697 .83 2.25 .476 .938 .162 2.47 .324 .018 1 7 TTH06BBU 1719 2017 299 12 2 .557 .42 1.14 .167 .711 .231 2.45 .281 -.028 1 8 TTH08BBU 1781 2017 237 9 0 .611 1.10 2.25 .368 .758 .179 2.51 .384 -.006 3 9 TTH09AAU 1840 2017 178 7 0 .723 .69 1.14 .193 .516 .224 2.63 .377 -.054 1 10 TTH10BBU 1787 2017 231 9 0 .716 .57 2.03 .219 .768 .172 2.73 .405 -.031 1 11 TTH11AAU 1749 2017 269 11 0 .640 .80 1.56 .249 .817 .142 2.43 .282 -.008 1 12 TTH11BBU 1631 2017 387 12 0 .623 .62 2.19 .398 .882 .235 2.57 .260 -.044 1 13 TTH13AAU 1801 2017 217 8 1 .636 .67 1.36 .221 .815 .158 2.56 .380 -.046 3 14 TTH14AAU 1788 2017 230 9 0 .618 .87 1.91 .371 .790 .218 2.53 .343 -.048 1 15 TTH14BBU 1814 2017 204 8 0 .729 .87 1.93 .303 .725 .197 2.41 .248 -.037 1 16 TTH15AAU 1732 2017 286 11 0 .650 .76 2.16 .275 .769 .185 2.53 .344 -.034 1 17 TTH15BBU 1746 2017 272 11 0 .540 .79 2.01 .240 .770 .162 2.54 .370 -.031 1 18 TTH16BBU 1777 2017 241 9 0 .579 .58 1.59 .287 .788 .269 2.70 .397 .013 2 19 TTH17AAU 1767 2017 251 10 0 .681 .83 2.21 .384 .859 .192 2.53 .327 -.039 3 20 TTH18AAU 1711 2017 307 12 0 .624 .77 2.40 .400 .854 .177 2.60 .430 -.039 1 21 TTH20AAU 1806 2017 212 8 0 .684 .72 1.54 .324 .724 .237 2.57 .379 -.049 1 22 TTH20BBU 1797 2017 221 9 2 .623 .83 2.14 .375 .794 .237 2.57 .341 -.043 1 23 TTH21BBU 1780 2017 238 9 2 .550 .63 2.79 .432 .838 .226 2.69 .333 -.048 3 24 TTH23BBU 1785 2017 233 9 3 .484 .63 1.69 .351 .887 .229 2.51 .306 -.009 1 25 TTH24AAU 1707 2017 311 12 0 .477 .48 1.12 .173 .729 .191 2.70 .383 -.020 1 26 TTH25AAU 1782 2017 236 9 1 .520 .55 1.35 .224 .787 .213 2.60 .399 -.028 2 27 TTH25BBU 1762 2017 256 10 3 .525 .72 2.14 .454 .928 .202 2.63 .349 -.029 2 28 TTH26AAU 1867 2017 151 6 0 .679 1.26 2.32 .489 .829 .190 2.41 .382 .023 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 6964 268 17 .612 .73 2.79 .322 .802 .199 2.86 .347 -.031