Wabush, Canada - CAN716 Additional Site Information Filion Cloutier Cournoyer Chronology file name : CAN716.CRN Measurement file name : CAN716.RWL Date checked : 16JAN24 Checked by : NOAA Paleoclimatology Beginning year : 828 Ending year : 993 Principal investigators: Filion Cloutier Cournoyer Site name : Wabush Site location : Canada Species information : LALA TAMARACK Latitude : 5343 Longitude : -6638 Elevation : 38M Series intercorrelation: 0.692 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.390 Avg standard deviation : 0.557 Avg autocorrelation : 0.762 Number dated series : 30 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 4 Pct problem segments : 2.52 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: can716 14:10 Tue 16 Jan 2024 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 825 850 875 900 925 950 874 899 924 949 974 999 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 WAB101 1 846 993 .69 .74 .83 .79 .73 .75 2 WAB102 1 846 993 .57 .60 .72 .82 .77 .77 3 WAB111 1 849 993 .64 .71 .78 .85 .83 .79 4 WAB112 1 849 993 .58 .60 .73 .83 .79 .68 5 WAB121 1 848 993 .64 .66 .74 .79 .86 .78 6 WAB122 1 848 993 .58 .65 .69 .84 .79 .66 7 WAB131 1 840 993 .73 .75 .78 .80 .84 .71 8 WAB132 1 900 993 .80 .80 .73 9 WAB141 1 900 993 .62 .88 .83 10 WAB142 1 900 993 .76 .76 .77 11 WAB151 1 870 993 .74 .75 .77 .71 .67 12 WAB152 1 870 993 .62 .66 .74 .79 .80 13 WAB11 1 828 993 .64 .77 .85 .91 .59 .48 14 WAB12 1 828 993 .59 .61 .69 .73 .67 .70 15 WAB21 1 860 993 .67 .66 .78 .62 .52 16 WAB22 1 860 993 .69 .70 .78 .80 .70 17 WAB31 1 858 993 .23B .58 .70 .69 .62 18 WAB32 1 858 993 .33 .62 .75 .69 .68 19 WAB41 1 849 993 .67 .68 .73 .67 .73 .68 20 WAB42 1 849 993 .31A .32A .37B .76 .69 .61 21 WAB51 1 857 993 .56 .76 .79 .78 .73 22 WAB52 1 857 993 .75 .79 .86 .70 .59 23 WAB61 1 854 993 .66 .86 .86 .83 .77 24 WAB62 1 854 993 .73 .80 .75 .80 .79 25 WAB71 1 838 993 .63 .71 .85 .83 .84 .78 26 WAB72 1 838 993 .59 .74 .81 .82 .71 .61 27 WAB81 1 849 993 .74 .75 .85 .72 .70 .73 28 WAB82 1 849 993 .78 .78 .83 .79 .79 .75 29 WAB91 1 852 992 .65 .82 .84 .84 .73 30 WAB92 1 852 993 .57 .82 .80 .64 .59 Av segment correlation .63 .64 .74 .79 .76 .70 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: can716 14:10 Tue 16 Jan 2024 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 WAB101 1 846 993 148 6 0 .730 1.04 3.61 .677 .721 .415 2.78 .397 -.078 2 2 WAB102 1 846 993 148 6 0 .681 1.00 3.83 .639 .714 .410 2.69 .376 -.074 2 3 WAB111 1 849 993 145 6 0 .728 .95 2.54 .605 .812 .323 2.64 .440 -.051 2 4 WAB112 1 849 993 145 6 0 .737 .80 3.33 .604 .826 .419 2.62 .378 -.037 1 5 WAB121 1 848 993 146 6 0 .721 .69 2.13 .460 .763 .441 2.61 .499 .007 1 6 WAB122 1 848 993 146 6 0 .668 .86 4.19 .736 .838 .555 2.54 .374 -.048 2 7 WAB131 1 840 993 154 6 0 .762 .74 2.12 .469 .824 .417 2.64 .473 -.032 1 8 WAB132 1 900 993 94 3 0 .738 1.18 2.67 .682 .740 .388 2.67 .370 -.064 2 9 WAB141 1 900 993 94 3 0 .701 .81 2.60 .495 .755 .329 2.52 .366 -.009 1 10 WAB142 1 900 993 94 3 0 .763 1.06 3.19 .731 .809 .344 2.75 .535 -.049 2 11 WAB151 1 870 993 124 5 0 .712 1.35 3.86 .757 .767 .316 2.51 .338 -.045 1 12 WAB152 1 870 993 124 5 0 .710 1.10 2.47 .595 .712 .358 2.50 .386 -.046 1 13 WAB11 1 828 993 166 6 0 .709 .82 2.34 .441 .648 .371 2.91 .415 -.008 1 14 WAB12 1 828 993 166 6 0 .639 1.06 3.09 .605 .798 .311 3.53 .518 .048 1 15 WAB21 1 860 993 134 5 0 .652 .54 1.57 .376 .777 .480 2.82 .451 -.005 2 16 WAB22 1 860 993 134 5 0 .667 .57 2.25 .475 .807 .481 2.83 .465 -.035 2 17 WAB31 1 858 993 136 5 1 .469 .40 1.72 .309 .773 .416 2.49 .346 -.054 1 18 WAB32 1 858 993 136 5 0 .553 .49 2.16 .416 .756 .444 2.51 .304 .003 4 19 WAB41 1 849 993 145 6 0 .676 1.22 3.64 .822 .839 .385 2.50 .397 -.066 2 20 WAB42 1 849 993 145 6 3 .520 1.07 3.65 .650 .782 .330 2.61 .369 -.027 1 21 WAB51 1 857 993 137 5 0 .657 .90 1.94 .423 .710 .312 2.58 .413 -.019 2 22 WAB52 1 857 993 137 5 0 .729 .91 2.23 .484 .723 .331 2.72 .411 .023 1 23 WAB61 1 854 993 140 5 0 .775 .86 2.77 .573 .775 .425 2.62 .510 .053 2 24 WAB62 1 854 993 140 5 0 .747 .77 2.48 .494 .778 .398 2.62 .390 -.020 2 25 WAB71 1 838 993 156 6 0 .761 .99 2.64 .602 .779 .352 2.66 .423 -.013 2 26 WAB72 1 838 993 156 6 0 .704 .76 2.02 .480 .755 .373 2.61 .374 -.060 2 27 WAB81 1 849 993 145 6 0 .737 .85 2.63 .542 .747 .440 2.56 .400 .008 1 28 WAB82 1 849 993 145 6 0 .769 .99 3.39 .624 .681 .408 2.64 .421 -.036 2 29 WAB91 1 852 992 141 5 0 .722 .97 2.90 .578 .691 .345 2.60 .385 -.028 2 30 WAB92 1 852 993 142 5 0 .644 .85 1.77 .434 .761 .342 2.46 .333 -.006 2 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 4163 159 4 .692 .88 4.19 .557 .762 .390 3.53 .409 -.025