INPA Parket ltda. Concession, Bolivia - BOL021 Additional Site Information H.A. Chaparro J. Julio Camarero Chronology file name : BOL021.CRN Measurement file name : BOL021.RWL Date checked : 11MAR22 Checked by : NOAA Paleoclimatology Beginning year : 1872 Ending year : 2010 Principal investigators: H.A. Chaparro J. Julio Camarero Site name : INPA Parket ltda. Concession Site location : Bolivia Species information : ZETU Z. TUBERCULOSA Latitude : -160 Longitude : 7-6143 Elevation : 380M Series intercorrelation: 0.496 Avg mean sensitivity : 0.787 Avg standard deviation : 1.590 Avg autocorrelation : 0.509 Number dated series : 20 Segment length tested : 50 Number problem segments: 18 Pct problem segments : 20.45 PART 5: CORRELATION OF SERIES BY SEGMENTS: bol021 11:04 Fri 11 Mar 2022 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correlations of 50-year dated segments, lagged 25 years Flags: A = correlation under .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 INZT001A 1933 2010 .31B .46 .41 2 INZT001B 1933 2010 .37 .63 .60 3 INZT001C 1933 2010 .10B .31A .26A 4 INZT002A 1944 2010 .57 .66 .65 5 INZT002B 1944 2010 .61 .66 .63 6 INZT002C 1944 2010 .57 .72 .65 7 INZT004A 1872 2010 .38 .42 .57 .67 .69 8 INZT004B 1876 2010 .41 .33A .45 .60 .59 9 INZT005A 1888 2010 .50 .57 .66 .72 .76 10 INZT005B 1888 2010 .46 .47 .55 .74 .78 11 INZT005C 1888 2010 .32A .36 .60 .63 .69 12 INZT008A 1876 2010 .55 .60 .63 .73 .62 13 INZT008B 1876 2010 .49 .56 .69 .57 .44 14 INZT008C 1876 2010 .65 .66 .67 .69 .59 15 INZT009A 1886 2010 .11B .13B .36 .54 .63 16 INZT009B 1886 2010 -.07B .12B .32B .52 .56 17 INZT009C 1886 2010 .28B .21B .33A .57 .66 18 INZT010A 1885 2010 .52 .44 .38 .35B .40 19 INZT010B 1885 2010 .26B .46 .52 .47B .48 20 INZT010C 1885 2010 .38B .57 .60 .55 .59 Av segment correlation .37 .42 .49 .59 .58 PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: bol021 11:04 Fri 11 Mar 2022 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 INZT001A 1933 2010 78 3 1 .407 1.94 6.40 1.506 .501 .663 2.81 .524 .044 1 2 INZT001B 1933 2010 78 3 0 .500 2.22 7.36 1.882 .556 .653 2.77 .453 -.047 2 3 INZT001C 1933 2010 78 3 3 .186 1.33 5.58 1.340 .476 .852 2.90 .587 -.031 2 4 INZT002A 1944 2010 67 3 0 .634 1.64 4.17 1.242 .330 .956 2.58 .612 -.075 1 5 INZT002B 1944 2010 67 3 0 .619 2.36 7.12 1.802 .355 .757 2.80 .534 -.066 1 6 INZT002C 1944 2010 67 3 0 .589 2.23 8.62 1.904 .579 .750 2.57 .446 -.070 1 7 INZT004A 1872 2010 139 5 0 .531 1.72 8.51 1.854 .590 .766 2.92 .571 -.043 2 8 INZT004B 1876 2010 135 5 1 .457 1.29 6.36 1.393 .516 .844 2.78 .474 -.078 1 9 INZT005A 1888 2010 123 5 0 .626 2.72 12.62 2.135 .434 .753 2.79 .395 -.043 1 10 INZT005B 1888 2010 123 5 0 .630 1.80 7.98 1.631 .487 .857 3.11 .548 .018 1 11 INZT005C 1888 2010 123 5 1 .504 1.16 6.69 1.198 .517 .949 3.04 .662 -.024 1 12 INZT008A 1876 2010 135 5 0 .585 2.36 8.27 1.754 .500 .693 2.65 .422 -.053 1 13 INZT008B 1876 2010 135 5 0 .518 1.92 10.72 1.810 .674 .836 2.63 .408 -.028 1 14 INZT008C 1876 2010 135 5 0 .628 1.46 8.22 1.439 .520 .885 2.93 .496 -.041 1 15 INZT009A 1886 2010 125 5 2 .394 1.77 8.76 1.667 .395 .810 2.85 .636 -.010 1 16 INZT009B 1886 2010 125 5 3 .324 1.28 8.50 1.423 .359 .833 2.96 .492 -.022 1 17 INZT009C 1886 2010 125 5 3 .403 1.51 7.53 1.666 .528 .713 2.93 .455 -.056 1 18 INZT010A 1885 2010 126 5 1 .422 1.57 5.76 1.277 .516 .736 2.72 .498 .028 1 19 INZT010B 1885 2010 126 5 2 .426 2.24 7.53 1.685 .605 .658 2.78 .531 .060 2 20 INZT010C 1885 2010 126 5 1 .533 1.44 5.90 1.236 .601 .752 2.52 .421 -.036 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 2236 88 18 .496 1.77 12.62 1.590 .509 .787 3.11 .505 -.027