# Giralia Bay, Western Australia 90 Year Mangrove Wood Density Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:14608 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/measurements/australia/giralia3age.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Tree Rings #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-06-22 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Giralia Bay, Western Australia 90 Year Mangrove Wood Density Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Santini, N.S.; Hua, Q.; Schmitz, N.; Lovelock, C.E. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Mangrove (Avicennia marina) wood density data from Giralia Bay, Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia. # Data are presented as 4 wood density (g/cm3) profiles per stem (stem 1, stem 2, stem 3, stem 4) and with x=distance # from pith (cm) and x=years (calendar year before 2008 AD determined by radiocarbon dating). #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Nadia S. Santini, Quan Hua, Nele Schmitz, Catherine E. Lovelock # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013-11-12 # Published_Title: Radiocarbon Dating and Wood Density Chronologies of Mangrove Trees in Arid Western Australia # Journal_Name: PLOS One # Volume: 8 # Edition: e80116 # Issue: 11 # Pages: # DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080116 # Online_Resource: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0080116 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Mangrove trees tend to be larger and mangrove communities more diverse in tropical latitudes, particularly where there is high rainfall. Variation in the structure, growth and productivity of mangrove forests over climatic gradients suggests they are sensitive to variations in climate, but evidence of changes in the structure and growth of mangrove trees in response to climatic variation is scarce. Bomb-pulse radiocarbon dating provides accurate dates of recent wood formation and tree age of tropical and subtropical tree species. Here, we used radiocarbon techniques combined with X-ray densitometry to develop a wood density chronology for the mangrove Avicennia marina in the Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia (WA). We tested whether wood density chronologies of A. marina were sensitive to variation in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index, which reflects temperature fluctuations in the Pacific Ocean and is linked to the instrumental rainfall record in north WA. We also determined growth rates in mangrove trees from the Exmouth Gulf, WA. We found that seaward fringing A. marina trees (~10 cm diameter) were 48±1 to 89±23 years old (mean ± 1sigma) and that their growth rates ranged from 4.08±2.36 to 5.30±3.33 mm/yr (mean ±1sigma). The wood density of our studied mangrove trees decreased with increases in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index. Future predicted drying of the region will likely lead to further reductions in wood density and their associated growth rates in mangrove forests in the region. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Mexican Secretary of Public Education (SEP) # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) # Grant: 09047, 11114 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Australian Research Council (ARC) # Grant: DP1096749 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: University of Queensland # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Giralia Bay # Location: Australia/New Zealand>Australia # Country: Australia # Northernmost_Latitude: -22.45 # Southernmost_Latitude: -22.45 # Easternmost_Longitude: 114.3167 # Westernmost_Longitude: 114.3167 # Elevation: 0 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: GiraliaStem3age # Earliest_Year: 1919 # Most_Recent_Year: 2008 # Time_Unit: AD # Core_Length: 0.041 m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # # # # # # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow (have no #) # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # Wood density profiles Giralia Bay Avicennia marina Stem 3 age_calBP2008 age, , , calendar years before 2008AD, , , , ,N dens Density, wood, , g/cm3, , , Profile 1, ,N dens Density, wood, , g/cm3, , , Profile 2, ,N dens Density, wood, , g/cm3, , , Profile 3, ,N dens Density, wood, , g/cm3, , , Profile 4, ,N #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: age_calBP2008 dens dens dens dens 1 0.81182266 0.817190083 0.817190083 0.827447699 2 0.807843137 0.812489729 0.816515277 0.805867971 3 0.790407674 0.807843137 0.810491803 0.77370892 4 0.753658537 0.767701863 0.794216867 0.7743148 5 0.762374711 0.779810726 0.794855305 0.775529412 6 0.77492163 0.800647773 0.833024431 0.851679587 7 0.836548223 0.836548223 0.842966752 0.796776793 8 0.764733179 0.850946644 0.80455655 0.818543046 9 0.82883487 0.837966102 0.845851155 0.811156686 10 0.781660079 0.816515277 0.897277677 0.7743148 11 0.781042654 0.854624028 0.892418773 0.869656992 12 0.854624028 0.879715302 0.899727025 0.805211726 13 0.783518225 0.792307692 0.794855305 0.781660079 14 0.803249391 0.805211726 0.800647773 0.779810726 15 0.729986577 0.744986301 0.774149466 0.793347921 16 0.78025825 0.820271493 0.853082353 0.753762994 17 0.729008043 0.739918367 0.784761905 0.723672655 18 0.803308715 0.762214436 0.817804511 0.821510574 19 0.791615721 0.865298329 0.834110429 0.825250379 20 0.800353201 0.809285714 0.78137931 0.83603382 21 0.845785381 0.84447205 0.835391705 0.841857585 22 0.808684015 0.820271493 0.834750576 0.824 23 0.779698925 0.765432794 0.839259259 0.777469621 24 0.825250379 0.799764706 0.847763055 0.834750576 25 0.771404255 0.829656751 0.88357433 0.825876993 26 0.83603382 0.832195868 0.885732899 0.791615721 27 0.825876993 0.845785381 0.887177814 0.725603736 28 0.859146919 0.75480916 0.890081833 0.743967168 29 0.820271493 0.74295082 0.901143331 0.794506939 30 0.847763055 0.762748948 0.972880143 0.835391705 31 0.78137931 0.761147656 0.941714286 0.812307692 32 0.839259259 0.801532793 0.828392993 0.837966102 33 0.802123894 0.765432794 0.811096197 0.803308715 34 0.762214436 0.822753404 0.817804511 0.767052186 35 0.789317852 0.817190083 0.876454472 0.78137931 36 0.75691023 0.788745468 0.922544529 0.731951548 37 0.756383866 0.769766454 0.854422624 0.726573146 38 0.784761905 0.767593507 0.817190083 0.753240997 39 0.766511628 0.798590308 0.843162791 0.770311615 40 0.773598862 0.753240997 0.834110429 0.765432794 41 0.75480916 0.760615385 0.808684015 0.802123894 42 0.787033285 0.779140401 0.837966102 0.777469621 43 0.784196107 0.779140401 0.827762557 0.785895954 44 0.792769679 0.760615385 0.789317852 0.80808321 45 0.78532852 0.775805991 0.795669349 0.7725 46 0.793347921 0.774700855 0.791615721 0.785895954 47 0.750124138 0.745496916 0.795087719 0.787033285 48 0.753240997 0.797419355 0.792769679 0.747546392 49 0.774700855 0.779140401 0.804497041 0.779140401 50 0.767052186 0.757965157 0.768135593 0.763820225 51 0.789891068 0.777469621 0.806286138 0.761680672 52 0.753762994 0.769222065 0.78194105 0.786464208 53 0.757965157 0.773049041 0.760615385 0.746520247 54 0.815963991 0.762214436 0.804497041 0.820271493 55 0.745496916 0.787603186 0.776914286 0.783066955 56 0.793347921 0.757965157 0.767593507 0.752719723 57 0.769222065 0.754285714 0.759023029 0.758493724 58 0.764894515 0.749090909 0.747546392 0.773049041 59 0.786464208 0.765432794 0.798004402 0.773598862 60 0.765432794 0.739918367 0.765432794 0.750641822 61 0.779698925 0.731951548 0.743458647 0.733927126 62 0.683645506 0.750641822 0.691468531 0.710437622 63 0.597298188 0.687534766 0.729008043 0.678104738 64 0.718414795 0.654046903 0.6560193 0.589848156 65 0.702182053 0.591451876 0.695892514 0.67683883 66 0.687534766 0.656811594 0.706285714 0.652869148 67 0.651305389 0.613814898 0.642077922 0.627990762 68 0.773598862 0.591130435 0.717467018 0.722710963 69 0.658401937 0.724636909 0.650526316 0.692789809 70 0.685800757 0.660801944 0.688841039 0.645124555 71 0.686233438 0.642836879 0.626543779 0.663219512 72 0.654046903 0.644742146 0.703544631 0.642457177 73 0.670993214 0.609003359 0.61037037 0.647814175 74 0.655228916 0.664841076 0.647814175 0.642836879 75 0.606964286 0.596970362 0.647814175 0.574883721 76 0.696784113 0.598613099 0.611743532 0.673903346 77 0.619055208 0.613122886 0.663624161 0.633846154 78 0.670993214 0.5665 0.655228916 0.632372093 79 0.667288344 0.637935484 0.59306434 0.649749104 80 0.613122886 0.596970362 0.606625767 0.666879215 81 0.624385763 0.629444444 0.62762839 0.644742146 82 0.636442364 0.603261231 0.618703072 0.592741144 83 0.665654835 0.595336617 0.567682672 0.675997514 84 0.629080393 0.633846154 0.608662563 0.614161491 85 0.677682243 0.618351336 0.619407745 0.626904899 86 0.669341538 0.597626374 0.599272727 0.625103448 87 0.622598741 0.620114025 0.651695626 0.616598639 88 0.666470588 0.635698422 0.581025641 0.629080393 89 0.660080107 0.660080107 0.607371007 0.607371007