# Rao - Terminal Warehouse Building - PIPA - ITRDB NY051 #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/33532 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-tree-33532.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Tree Ring # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/measurements/northamerica/usa/ny051-crn-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: Raw Measurements - NOAA Template File; ny051-crn-noaa.txt # # Related_Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/chronologies/northamerica/usa/ny051.crn # Related_Online_Description: CRN File; Chronology - Tucson Decadal File # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-07-30 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-07-30 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Rao - Terminal Warehouse Building - PIPA - ITRDB NY051 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Rao, M.P.(https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3398-2453); Leland, C.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5571-2975); Cook, E.R.(https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7478-4176); Cook, B.I.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4501-9229); Lapidus, B.M.; Staniforth, A.B.; Solomon, A.; Holloway, M.Y.; Rodriguez-Catón, M. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Dendroproveance of the 1891 Terminal Warehouse, New York City, reveals that its longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) construction timbers were likely sourced from Western and Central Georgia and Eastern Alabama in the Southeastern USA. (32.0-34.15N; 82.0-86.0W). Sampled in 2019. NOAA Template Raw Measurements file added 2021-08-05. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Caroline Leland, Mukund Palat Rao, Edward R. Cook, Benjamin I. Cook, Bryan M. Lapidus, Andrew B. Staniforth, Alan Solomon, Marguerite Y. Holloway, Milagros Rodriguez-Caton # Journal_Name: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports # Published_Title: Dendroarchaeological analysis of the Terminal Warehouse in New York City reveals a history of long-distance timber transport during the Gilded Age # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021 # Volume: 39 # Pages: # Issue: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103114 # Full_Citation: None # Abstract: The Gilded Age of the late 19th century marked a period of rapid development and urbanization in New York City, U.S. To accommodate the high demand in wood products during that time, the timbers used for development of the city were increasingly sourced from locations distant from the northeastern United States. The Terminal Warehouse in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City was one of many large buildings erected during this period of city expansion, and is an important symbol of New York City commerce during the late 1800s. To determine the history and provenance of timbers used in the construction of the Terminal Warehouse, we used tree-ring analysis on longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) joists that were original to the building. The ring-width patterns on the joists crossdated well internally, suggesting a common origin of the sampled lumber. Further, our Terminal Warehouse tree-ring chronology (1512-1891 C.E.) correlated strongly with existing tree-ring chronologies from western/central Georgia and eastern Alabama, indicating that the timbers were extracted from this region of the southeastern United States. The provenancing and dating of the Terminal Warehouse timbers underscores the important role that southern pines played in the expansion and development of New York City during the Gilded Age. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Terminal Warehouse Building # Location: New York # Northernmost_Latitude: 40.751834 # Southernmost_Latitude: 40.751834 # Easternmost_Longitude: -74.005207 # Westernmost_Longitude: -74.005207 # Elevation_m: 6 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: NY051 # First_Year: 1512 # Last_Year: 1891 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: ring width # Notes: None #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Pinus palustris Mill. # Common_Name: longleaf pine # Tree_Species_Code: PIPA #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables format: shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_CE age,,,year Common Era,,tree ring,,,N, ## trsgi tree ring standardized growth index,,,,,tree ring,composited,standard chronology method,N, ## numsamp number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N, #--------------------- # Data: # Missing_Values: NA age_CE trsgi numsamp 1512 0.78 1 1513 1.056 1 1514 1.679 1 1515 1.409 1 1516 1.064 1 1517 0.16 1 1518 0.824 1 1519 0.485 1 1520 0.77 1 1521 0.81 1 1522 1.446 1 1523 2.325 1 1524 0.445 1 1525 1.17 1 1526 1.055 1 1527 0.606 1 1528 0.841 1 1529 2.034 1 1530 0.831 1 1531 0.503 1 1532 0.821 1 1533 1.066 1 1534 0.805 1 1535 0.489 1 1536 0.723 1 1537 1.053 1 1538 1.172 1 1539 0.955 1 1540 1.152 1 1541 0.723 1 1542 1.191 1 1543 0.717 1 1544 1.539 1 1545 0.578 1 1546 1.164 1 1547 1.1 1 1548 0.923 1 1549 1.154 1 1550 1.201 1 1551 1.124 1 1552 0.903 1 1553 0.789 1 1554 1.325 1 1555 0.504 1 1556 0.497 1 1557 1.082 1 1558 1.182 1 1559 0.997 1 1560 1.323 1 1561 1.243 1 1562 1.059 1 1563 1.161 1 1564 1.117 1 1565 0.842 1 1566 0.943 1 1567 0.917 1 1568 1.01 1 1569 1.015 1 1570 1.1 1 1571 1.325 1 1572 0.881 1 1573 1.113 1 1574 0.94 1 1575 0.941 1 1576 0.466 1 1577 0.902 1 1578 0.839 1 1579 0.847 1 1580 0.748 1 1581 1.064 1 1582 1.192 1 1583 1.365 1 1584 1.278 1 1585 1.367 1 1586 0.673 1 1587 0.741 1 1588 0.603 1 1589 0.787 1 1590 1.275 1 1591 1.169 1 1592 0.974 1 1593 0.743 1 1594 0.891 1 1595 0.986 1 1596 0.758 1 1597 1.256 1 1598 1.243 1 1599 0.688 1 1600 1.003 1 1601 1.2 1 1602 0.83 1 1603 1.083 1 1604 1.146 1 1605 1.061 1 1606 1.946 1 1607 1.288 1 1608 1.113 1 1609 0.983 1 1610 0.443 1 1611 1.067 1 1612 0.696 1 1613 0.803 2 1614 0.749 2 1615 1.129 2 1616 0.915 2 1617 1.298 2 1618 0.873 2 1619 1.055 2 1620 0.651 2 1621 0.823 2 1622 1.211 2 1623 1.905 3 1624 1.183 3 1625 0.629 3 1626 0.663 3 1627 0.854 3 1628 0.686 3 1629 0.671 3 1630 0.994 3 1631 1.404 3 1632 1.086 3 1633 1.013 3 1634 0.853 3 1635 0.668 3 1636 0.625 3 1637 0.856 3 1638 1.029 3 1639 1.09 4 1640 1.147 4 1641 1.207 4 1642 1.115 4 1643 1.072 4 1644 1.067 4 1645 0.863 4 1646 1.009 4 1647 1.055 4 1648 1.227 4 1649 1.15 4 1650 0.983 5 1651 0.936 5 1652 0.813 6 1653 0.914 6 1654 0.848 6 1655 1.046 6 1656 0.87 6 1657 0.744 6 1658 1.087 6 1659 0.798 6 1660 0.646 6 1661 0.897 6 1662 0.912 6 1663 1.181 6 1664 1.179 7 1665 1.175 7 1666 1.027 7 1667 1.233 7 1668 0.946 7 1669 1.093 9 1670 1.299 10 1671 0.918 10 1672 0.718 10 1673 0.868 10 1674 1.036 10 1675 0.988 10 1676 0.55 10 1677 0.947 10 1678 1.026 10 1679 1.06 10 1680 1.15 10 1681 0.918 10 1682 1.11 10 1683 1.149 10 1684 0.909 10 1685 0.897 10 1686 1.059 10 1687 1.078 10 1688 1 10 1689 0.888 10 1690 1.053 10 1691 0.925 10 1692 1.165 10 1693 1.017 10 1694 1.104 11 1695 0.941 11 1696 0.739 11 1697 0.87 11 1698 1.095 11 1699 0.901 11 1700 0.819 11 1701 0.875 11 1702 0.99 11 1703 0.985 12 1704 1.198 12 1705 1.216 12 1706 0.975 12 1707 0.882 12 1708 0.776 12 1709 0.942 13 1710 1.324 13 1711 1.251 13 1712 1.002 13 1713 0.732 13 1714 0.763 13 1715 0.982 13 1716 1.095 13 1717 1.281 13 1718 0.906 13 1719 0.947 13 1720 0.928 13 1721 1.067 13 1722 1.169 13 1723 0.966 13 1724 0.885 14 1725 0.931 14 1726 0.867 14 1727 0.983 14 1728 1.185 14 1729 1.413 14 1730 0.923 14 1731 0.88 15 1732 0.87 15 1733 1.1 15 1734 0.877 15 1735 0.726 15 1736 1.082 15 1737 1.01 15 1738 0.997 15 1739 1.163 15 1740 0.882 15 1741 1.072 15 1742 1.093 15 1743 0.95 15 1744 1.034 15 1745 1.16 15 1746 0.823 15 1747 0.919 15 1748 0.892 15 1749 1.193 16 1750 0.79 16 1751 0.997 16 1752 0.855 16 1753 1.195 16 1754 0.853 16 1755 1.018 16 1756 0.83 16 1757 1.179 16 1758 0.785 16 1759 0.81 16 1760 0.844 16 1761 1.354 16 1762 1.154 16 1763 1.012 16 1764 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0.952 7 1838 1.031 7 1839 0.874 7 1840 0.837 7 1841 1.119 7 1842 1.099 7 1843 0.936 7 1844 1.002 7 1845 0.883 7 1846 1.142 7 1847 1.051 7 1848 0.914 7 1849 1.015 7 1850 1.067 7 1851 1.129 7 1852 1.377 7 1853 0.896 6 1854 0.965 6 1855 0.604 6 1856 0.796 6 1857 1.075 6 1858 0.837 5 1859 1.191 4 1860 0.8 4 1861 1.105 4 1862 1.121 4 1863 0.982 3 1864 1.151 3 1865 0.885 3 1866 1.098 3 1867 0.737 3 1868 0.966 3 1869 1.158 3 1870 1.021 3 1871 1.177 3 1872 1.011 3 1873 1.119 3 1874 0.994 3 1875 0.885 3 1876 0.962 3 1877 0.957 3 1878 1.027 3 1879 1.015 3 1880 0.936 3 1881 0.76 3 1882 1.166 3 1883 1.177 3 1884 0.981 3 1885 0.849 3 1886 1.111 3 1887 0.738 3 1888 1.055 3 1889 1.055 3 1890 0.962 2 1891 0.754 1