# Malevich - Antelope Lake Update - PIPO - ITRDB CA674 #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/15009 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-tree-15009.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Tree Ring # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: hydrology #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/measurements/northamerica/usa/ca674-crn-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: Raw Measurements - NOAA Template File; ca674-crn-noaa.txt # # Related_Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/chronologies/northamerica/usa/ca674.crn # Related_Online_Description: CRN File; Chronology - Tucson Decadal File # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-09-09 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2013-09-09 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Malevich - Antelope Lake Update - PIPO - ITRDB CA674 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Malevich, S.B.; Woodhouse, C.A.(https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0545-9753); Danloe, J.; Losleben, M.V.; Faulstich, H.L. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: NOAA Template Chronology file added 2018-12-20. NOAA Template Raw Measurements file added 2019-02-08. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: # Journal_Name: Journal of Hydrology # Published_Title: Tree-ring reconstructed hydroclimate of the Upper Klamath basin # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013 # Volume: # Pages: # Issue: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.04.048 # Full_Citation: Steven B. Malevich, Connie A. Woodhouse, and David M. Meko. 2013. Tree-ring reconstructed hydroclimate of the Upper Klamath basin. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 495, pp. 13-22, 12 July 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.04.048 # Abstract: This work presents the first tree-ring reconstructions of hydroclimate for the Upper Klamath River basin, which stretches from northern California into southern Oregon. The extended record provides a centuries-long perspective on the region’s hydroclimatic variability and context for water-related political issues that have erupted in recent years. Reconstructions of water-year precipitation for Klamath Falls, Oregon (extending 1564-2004 and 1000-2010 CE) were developed to compare past drought severity with drought severity of the instrumental record (extending 1896-2011). The reconstructions suggest that variability exhibited during the instrumental period captures extremes of moderate-to-long-duration (6-, 10-, and 20-year) droughts, but not of short (single-year and 3-year) and very long (50-year) droughts, which were more severe during the 11th-13th centuries. The late-16th-century “mega drought” is present in the Klamath River basin, though with less strength than in the neighboring Sacramento River basin. Cool-season storm tracks appear to be a direct driver of hydroclimatic variability, leading to instances of see-saw like relationships with neighboring regions, such as in the mid-14th century. In contrast, the larger area of drought in the 12th century is suggestive of a long-term northward shift in cool-season storm tracks. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Antelope Lake Update # Location: California # Northernmost_Latitude: 40.1 # Southernmost_Latitude: 40.1 # Easternmost_Longitude: -120.6333 # Westernmost_Longitude: -120.6333 # Elevation_m: 1385 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: CA674 # First_Year: 1450 # Last_Year: 2010 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: ring width # Notes: #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson # Common_Name: ponderosa pine # Tree_Species_Code: PIPO #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables format: shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_CE age,,,year Common Era,,tree ring,,,N, ## trsgi tree ring standardized growth index,,,,,tree ring,composited,standard chronology method,N, ## numsamp number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N, #--------------------- # Data: # Missing_Values: NA age_CE trsgi numsamp 1450 0.937 1 1451 0.877 1 1452 1.021 1 1453 1.078 1 1454 1.256 1 1455 1.315 1 1456 1.224 1 1457 1.369 1 1458 0.805 1 1459 0.203 1 1460 1.018 1 1461 1.019 1 1462 0.997 1 1463 0.979 1 1464 1.096 1 1465 1.242 1 1466 0.892 1 1467 1.099 1 1468 0.712 1 1469 1.026 1 1470 1.185 1 1471 1.105 1 1472 1.31 1 1473 1.328 2 1474 1.22 2 1475 1.351 2 1476 1.226 2 1477 1.335 3 1478 1.169 3 1479 1.453 3 1480 1.314 3 1481 1.61 3 1482 1.285 3 1483 1.365 3 1484 1.402 3 1485 1.502 3 1486 1.471 3 1487 1.402 3 1488 1.193 3 1489 1.462 4 1490 1.248 4 1491 1.486 4 1492 1.166 4 1493 1.152 5 1494 1.224 5 1495 1.076 5 1496 1.072 5 1497 0.904 5 1498 1.006 5 1499 0.542 5 1500 0.619 5 1501 0.913 5 1502 1.059 5 1503 1.186 5 1504 1.104 6 1505 0.754 6 1506 0.845 6 1507 0.866 6 1508 0.908 6 1509 1.187 7 1510 1.068 8 1511 0.734 8 1512 1.091 8 1513 1.114 8 1514 1.037 8 1515 0.973 8 1516 0.573 8 1517 0.981 8 1518 0.673 9 1519 0.992 9 1520 1.108 9 1521 1.107 9 1522 0.905 9 1523 1.086 9 1524 1.258 9 1525 1.182 9 1526 1.04 9 1527 1.176 9 1528 1.147 9 1529 0.904 10 1530 0.973 10 1531 1.024 10 1532 0.635 10 1533 0.79 10 1534 0.957 10 1535 1.039 10 1536 1.179 10 1537 1.061 10 1538 1.166 10 1539 1.345 10 1540 0.703 10 1541 0.54 10 1542 1.012 10 1543 0.982 10 1544 0.834 10 1545 0.873 11 1546 0.828 11 1547 0.881 11 1548 0.789 12 1549 1.047 12 1550 0.917 12 1551 1.18 12 1552 0.968 13 1553 0.808 13 1554 0.824 13 1555 0.992 13 1556 0.957 13 1557 1.19 13 1558 1.233 13 1559 1.213 13 1560 1.217 13 1561 1.137 13 1562 0.95 13 1563 1.097 13 1564 1.277 14 1565 1.023 14 1566 1.082 14 1567 1.084 15 1568 1.081 15 1569 1.182 15 1570 0.934 15 1571 0.823 15 1572 0.92 15 1573 1.014 15 1574 1.028 15 1575 1.16 16 1576 0.546 16 1577 0.822 16 1578 0.903 18 1579 0.526 18 1580 0.21 18 1581 0.505 18 1582 0.761 18 1583 0.883 18 1584 0.933 18 1585 1.022 18 1586 0.775 18 1587 1.159 20 1588 1.298 20 1589 1.298 20 1590 1.085 20 1591 1.202 20 1592 0.971 20 1593 0.937 20 1594 0.984 21 1595 0.7 21 1596 1.029 21 1597 1.085 21 1598 1.03 22 1599 1.151 22 1600 1.009 22 1601 1.108 22 1602 0.968 22 1603 0.921 22 1604 0.94 22 1605 1.19 22 1606 1.128 23 1607 0.991 23 1608 1.039 23 1609 1.029 23 1610 1.278 23 1611 1.355 23 1612 1.145 25 1613 1.074 25 1614 0.86 25 1615 1.345 26 1616 1.049 26 1617 1.28 26 1618 1.098 26 1619 0.883 26 1620 0.778 26 1621 0.818 26 1622 0.849 27 1623 0.942 27 1624 0.901 27 1625 1.072 27 1626 0.675 27 1627 0.762 27 1628 0.918 27 1629 0.609 27 1630 0.732 27 1631 0.539 27 1632 0.657 27 1633 0.898 27 1634 1.077 27 1635 1.146 27 1636 1.05 27 1637 1.099 27 1638 0.913 27 1639 0.464 27 1640 0.836 27 1641 1.226 27 1642 0.956 27 1643 0.852 27 1644 1.008 27 1645 0.896 28 1646 0.828 28 1647 1.028 28 1648 0.856 28 1649 0.893 28 1650 0.978 29 1651 0.983 29 1652 0.959 30 1653 0.91 30 1654 0.737 30 1655 0.619 30 1656 0.797 30 1657 0.531 30 1658 0.64 31 1659 0.767 31 1660 0.931 31 1661 0.966 31 1662 0.869 31 1663 0.984 31 1664 0.905 31 1665 0.924 31 1666 1.016 31 1667 0.703 31 1668 0.79 31 1669 0.982 31 1670 1.016 31 1671 1.028 31 1672 1.168 31 1673 1.071 31 1674 1.087 31 1675 1.053 31 1676 0.893 31 1677 0.942 31 1678 0.931 31 1679 1.094 31 1680 0.928 31 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1753 0.864 38 1754 0.991 38 1755 1.093 39 1756 0.758 39 1757 0.795 40 1758 0.759 41 1759 0.944 41 1760 0.935 41 1761 1.093 41 1762 1.014 41 1763 0.922 42 1764 0.891 42 1765 0.8 44 1766 0.806 44 1767 0.879 44 1768 0.998 44 1769 0.957 44 1770 0.835 44 1771 0.961 45 1772 1.025 45 1773 1.153 46 1774 1.154 47 1775 1.116 48 1776 0.433 48 1777 0.363 48 1778 0.622 48 1779 0.903 49 1780 0.87 51 1781 0.931 51 1782 0.808 52 1783 0.42 53 1784 0.892 53 1785 1.017 53 1786 1.004 54 1787 0.821 54 1788 0.833 55 1789 1.126 55 1790 1.01 56 1791 1.121 56 1792 1.258 56 1793 1.121 56 1794 0.776 56 1795 0.587 56 1796 0.646 56 1797 0.846 56 1798 0.925 57 1799 1.063 57 1800 0.885 57 1801 1.155 57 1802 1.008 57 1803 1.075 57 1804 1.105 58 1805 1.016 58 1806 1.036 59 1807 1.059 59 1808 1.118 59 1809 1.365 59 1810 1.299 59 1811 1.336 59 1812 1.334 59 1813 1.292 60 1814 1.081 60 1815 1.053 60 1816 1.104 60 1817 1.088 60 1818 1.121 60 1819 1.136 60 1820 1.116 60 1821 0.817 60 1822 0.53 60 1823 0.695 60 1824 0.755 61 1825 1.167 61 1826 1.143 61 1827 1.036 61 1828 0.961 61 1829 0.576 62 1830 0.789 62 1831 0.819 62 1832 1.169 62 1833 1.011 62 1834 0.893 62 1835 1.127 62 1836 1.119 62 1837 1.059 62 1838 1.026 62 1839 1.042 62 1840 1.074 62 1841 0.867 62 1842 1.014 62 1843 0.991 62 1844 0.583 63 1845 1.117 63 1846 0.711 63 1847 0.715 64 1848 0.768 64 1849 0.719 64 1850 0.727 64 1851 0.811 64 1852 0.864 64 1853 0.998 64 1854 0.749 64 1855 1.08 64 1856 0.873 64 1857 1.035 64 1858 0.904 64 1859 0.73 64 1860 1.085 66 1861 1.175 66 1862 0.876 67 1863 1.006 67 1864 0.672 67 1865 0.849 67 1866 1.186 67 1867 1.031 67 1868 1.255 67 1869 1.09 67 1870 1.087 67 1871 0.812 67 1872 1.121 67 1873 1.039 67 1874 0.988 67 1875 1.196 67 1876 1.062 67 1877 1.078 67 1878 1.226 68 1879 1.358 68 1880 1.021 68 1881 1.29 68 1882 0.98 68 1883 0.976 68 1884 1.088 68 1885 1.154 68 1886 0.936 68 1887 1.05 68 1888 0.855 68 1889 0.739 68 1890 0.797 68 1891 1.039 68 1892 0.985 68 1893 1.069 68 1894 1.201 68 1895 1.118 68 1896 1.22 68 1897 1.233 68 1898 0.993 68 1899 0.94 68 1900 1.426 68 1901 1.141 68 1902 1.106 68 1903 1.135 68 1904 1.134 68 1905 1.112 68 1906 1.285 68 1907 1.524 68 1908 1.385 68 1909 1.236 68 1910 1.176 68 1911 1.221 67 1912 0.872 67 1913 0.972 67 1914 1.029 67 1915 0.904 68 1916 1.097 68 1917 0.905 68 1918 0.795 68 1919 1.016 68 1920 0.811 68 1921 1.039 68 1922 0.891 68 1923 1.068 68 1924 0.504 68 1925 0.813 68 1926 0.978 68 1927 0.89 68 1928 0.979 69 1929 0.567 69 1930 0.914 69 1931 0.857 69 1932 0.688 69 1933 0.646 69 1934 0.73 69 1935 0.591 69 1936 0.613 69 1937 0.524 69 1938 0.718 69 1939 0.525 69 1940 0.736 69 1941 0.915 69 1942 1.041 69 1943 1.239 69 1944 0.907 69 1945 1.077 69 1946 1.149 69 1947 1.012 69 1948 0.857 69 1949 0.684 69 1950 0.868 69 1951 0.983 69 1952 0.888 69 1953 1.242 69 1954 1.08 69 1955 0.734 69 1956 1.01 69 1957 1.128 69 1958 1.203 69 1959 1.041 69 1960 0.878 69 1961 1.025 69 1962 1.082 69 1963 1.291 69 1964 1.149 69 1965 1.327 69 1966 1.052 69 1967 1.037 69 1968 1.128 69 1969 1.257 69 1970 1.193 69 1971 1.239 69 1972 1.282 69 1973 0.848 69 1974 1.149 69 1975 1.136 69 1976 0.716 69 1977 0.527 69 1978 1.258 69 1979 0.896 69 1980 1.048 69 1981 1.116 52 1982 1.451 52 1983 1.705 52 1984 1.415 52 1985 0.967 52 1986 1.587 52 1987 0.767 52 1988 0.325 52 1989 0.515 52 1990 0.701 52 1991 0.491 52 1992 0.362 52 1993 0.794 52 1994 0.599 52 1995 0.755 52 1996 1.276 52 1997 1.389 52 1998 1.224 52 1999 1.394 44 2000 1.539 44 2001 0.469 44 2002 0.714 44 2003 1.158 44 2004 1.108 44 2005 0.946 44 2006 1.189 44 2007 0.964 44 2008 0.715 44 2009 0.827 44 2010 0.9 44