# Sauchyn - Douglas Fir Ecological Area - PSME - ITRDB CANA327 #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/13759 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-tree-13759.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Tree Ring # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: hydrology #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/measurements/northamerica/canada/cana327a-crn-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: Raw Measurements - NOAA Template File; cana327a-crn-noaa.txt # # Related_Online_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/treering/chronologies/northamerica/canada/cana327a.crn # Related_Online_Description: CRN File; Chronology - Tucson Decadal File # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2012-12-20 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2012-12-20 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Sauchyn - Douglas Fir Ecological Area - PSME - ITRDB CANA327 #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Sauchyn, D.J.; Vanstone, J.; Perez-Valdivia, C. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: NOAA Template Raw Measurements file added 2019-02-04. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: # Journal_Name: Canadian Water Resources Journal # Published_Title: Modes and Forcing of Hydroclimatic Variability in the Upper North Saskatchewan River Basin Since 1063 # Published_Date_or_Year: 2011 # Volume: # Pages: # Issue: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.4296/cwrj3603889 # Full_Citation: Sauchyn, D., J. Vanstone, and C. Perez-Valdivia. 2011. Modes and Forcing of Hydroclimatic Variability in the Upper North Saskatchewan River Basin Since 1063. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 205-217. doi: 10.4296/cwrj3603889 # Abstract: In this paper the mean water year (October through September) flow of the North Saskatchewan River (NSR) at Edmonton, Alberta is reconstructed back to 1063 A.D. using a new network of moisture-sensitive tree-ring chronologies from limber pine and Douglas fir at seven sites in the headwater sub-basins of the North Saskatchewan River Basin (NSRB). Over the full extent of the proxy hydrometric record (1063-2007), we examined 1) the duration and severity of low flow, 2) the dominant frequencies of periodic variability and 3) the correlation between these significant periodicities in proxy streamflow and climate indices, specifically sea surface temperature oscillations, which are known drivers of regional hydroclimatic variability. This new record of the paleohydrology of the NSRB is compared to previous tree-ring reconstructions of the annul flow of the North and South Saskatchewan Rivers. Extending the reference hydrology for the basin from decades to centuries changes perceptions of the reliability of the water supply and understanding of the hydroclimatic variability. The gauge record not does represent the full extent of interannual to multidecadal variability in the tree-ring data; there are periods of low flow in the pre-instrumental record that are longer and more severe than those recorded by the gauge. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Douglas Fir Ecological Area # Location: Alberta # Northernmost_Latitude: 52.19 # Southernmost_Latitude: 52.19 # Easternmost_Longitude: -116.44 # Westernmost_Longitude: -116.44 # Elevation_m: 1320 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: CANA327 # First_Year: 1576 # Last_Year: 2007 # Time_Unit: CE # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: ring width # Notes: #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco # Common_Name: Douglas-fir # Tree_Species_Code: PSME #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables format: shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_CE age,,,year Common Era,,tree ring,,,N, ## trsgi tree ring standardized growth index,,,,,tree ring,composited,standard chronology method,N, ## numsamp number of samples,,,count,,tree ring,,,N, #--------------------- # Data: # Missing_Values: NA age_CE trsgi numsamp 1576 1.294 1 1577 0.815 1 1578 0.462 1 1579 0.944 1 1580 0.704 1 1581 0.824 1 1582 1.023 1 1583 1.25 1 1584 1.305 1 1585 0.793 1 1586 0.666 1 1587 1.053 2 1588 1.276 2 1589 0.791 2 1590 1.116 2 1591 0.856 2 1592 1.013 2 1593 0.395 2 1594 0.816 2 1595 0.897 3 1596 1.021 3 1597 1.442 3 1598 1.35 3 1599 1.415 3 1600 1.297 3 1601 1.278 3 1602 0.687 3 1603 1.229 3 1604 1.01 3 1605 0.782 3 1606 0.826 3 1607 0.964 3 1608 1.144 3 1609 1.038 3 1610 0.844 3 1611 1.164 3 1612 0.915 3 1613 1.238 3 1614 1.374 3 1615 0.838 3 1616 1.191 3 1617 1.592 3 1618 0.924 3 1619 0.581 3 1620 0.685 4 1621 1.116 4 1622 1.182 4 1623 0.699 4 1624 0.984 4 1625 0.989 4 1626 0.81 4 1627 0.575 4 1628 0.851 4 1629 0.787 4 1630 0.431 4 1631 1.099 4 1632 1.296 4 1633 1.204 5 1634 0.741 5 1635 0.487 5 1636 1.134 5 1637 0.958 5 1638 1.036 5 1639 0.374 5 1640 1.085 5 1641 0.727 5 1642 0.979 5 1643 1.148 5 1644 0.995 6 1645 1.233 6 1646 0.663 6 1647 0.78 6 1648 1.218 6 1649 1.336 7 1650 1.178 7 1651 0.917 7 1652 1.101 7 1653 0.954 7 1654 1.369 7 1655 0.682 7 1656 0.749 7 1657 0.473 7 1658 1.191 7 1659 1.217 7 1660 1.086 8 1661 1.041 8 1662 1.051 8 1663 0.646 8 1664 1.438 8 1665 1.427 8 1666 1.328 8 1667 1.063 8 1668 1.657 9 1669 1.811 9 1670 1.397 9 1671 1.256 9 1672 1.612 9 1673 1.5 9 1674 0.772 9 1675 1.521 10 1676 1.434 10 1677 0.872 10 1678 0.837 10 1679 1.134 10 1680 0.923 10 1681 1.188 11 1682 0.494 11 1683 0.589 12 1684 0.691 12 1685 1.367 12 1686 1.073 12 1687 0.767 12 1688 0.451 12 1689 1.081 12 1690 1.193 12 1691 1.29 13 1692 0.467 13 1693 1.334 13 1694 1.359 13 1695 1.241 13 1696 0.806 13 1697 1.067 14 1698 1.4 14 1699 0.968 15 1700 1.151 15 1701 1.052 16 1702 0.969 16 1703 0.638 16 1704 1.133 16 1705 0.606 16 1706 0.226 17 1707 0.522 17 1708 0.592 17 1709 0.84 17 1710 1.244 17 1711 1.128 17 1712 0.777 17 1713 0.776 17 1714 1.201 18 1715 0.585 18 1716 0.416 18 1717 0.693 18 1718 0.45 18 1719 0.62 18 1720 0.582 18 1721 0.409 18 1722 1.174 18 1723 1.507 18 1724 1.606 18 1725 1.157 18 1726 0.813 18 1727 0.974 18 1728 1.572 18 1729 1.42 18 1730 0.678 19 1731 0.949 19 1732 1.065 19 1733 1.118 20 1734 0.921 20 1735 0.902 20 1736 0.927 20 1737 0.865 20 1738 1.241 20 1739 1.069 20 1740 0.648 22 1741 0.346 23 1742 0.853 23 1743 0.994 23 1744 0.95 24 1745 1.339 24 1746 1.004 26 1747 0.838 26 1748 0.897 26 1749 0.804 26 1750 1.756 26 1751 1.121 26 1752 1.632 27 1753 1.288 27 1754 1.54 27 1755 1.193 28 1756 0.701 28 1757 0.415 28 1758 1.098 28 1759 0.476 29 1760 1.124 30 1761 1.265 30 1762 1.544 31 1763 1.497 31 1764 0.866 31 1765 0.91 31 1766 0.57 31 1767 1.113 31 1768 0.756 32 1769 0.891 33 1770 0.985 33 1771 0.53 33 1772 0.52 33 1773 0.629 33 1774 0.963 33 1775 1.266 33 1776 0.697 33 1777 0.777 33 1778 1.191 33 1779 1.354 33 1780 1.001 35 1781 1.684 36 1782 1.194 36 1783 0.618 36 1784 0.756 36 1785 0.828 37 1786 1.088 37 1787 1.937 37 1788 1.866 37 1789 1.572 37 1790 0.94 37 1791 0.775 37 1792 0.379 37 1793 0.408 37 1794 0.383 37 1795 0.69 37 1796 0.937 37 1797 1.245 37 1798 0.535 37 1799 0.956 37 1800 0.481 37 1801 1.264 37 1802 0.883 37 1803 1.038 37 1804 0.991 37 1805 0.683 37 1806 0.986 37 1807 1.258 37 1808 1.084 37 1809 0.522 37 1810 0.748 37 1811 0.51 37 1812 0.55 37 1813 0.485 37 1814 0.306 37 1815 0.262 37 1816 0.973 37 1817 0.612 37 1818 0.672 37 1819 0.952 38 1820 0.906 38 1821 0.905 38 1822 1.247 38 1823 0.963 38 1824 0.643 38 1825 0.747 38 1826 1.149 38 1827 1.154 38 1828 0.815 38 1829 1.168 38 1830 1.192 38 1831 0.686 38 1832 0.867 38 1833 0.873 38 1834 1.054 38 1835 1.209 38 1836 1.279 38 1837 1.152 39 1838 1.143 41 1839 1.528 41 1840 1.667 41 1841 1.076 41 1842 0.686 41 1843 0.449 41 1844 0.674 41 1845 1.323 41 1846 1.329 41 1847 0.599 41 1848 0.888 41 1849 1.299 41 1850 1.092 41 1851 0.893 41 1852 0.773 41 1853 0.511 41 1854 1.068 41 1855 1.429 41 1856 1.366 41 1857 1.291 41 1858 0.843 41 1859 0.416 41 1860 0.838 41 1861 0.948 41 1862 0.578 41 1863 0.535 41 1864 0.535 41 1865 0.671 41 1866 1.223 41 1867 1.18 41 1868 0.934 41 1869 0.537 41 1870 0.424 41 1871 1.066 41 1872 0.925 41 1873 1.538 41 1874 1.177 41 1875 1.065 42 1876 1.399 42 1877 1.37 42 1878 1.344 42 1879 1.438 42 1880 1.511 43 1881 1.976 43 1882 1.569 43 1883 1.281 43 1884 0.883 43 1885 1.314 44 1886 1.333 44 1887 1.237 44 1888 0.979 44 1889 0.362 44 1890 0.816 44 1891 0.474 44 1892 0.846 44 1893 1.018 44 1894 0.53 44 1895 0.719 44 1896 0.752 44 1897 1.179 44 1898 1.309 44 1899 1.113 44 1900 1.67 45 1901 1.76 45 1902 1.493 45 1903 1.172 45 1904 1.462 45 1905 1.204 45 1906 0.666 45 1907 0.791 45 1908 1.396 45 1909 0.753 45 1910 0.894 46 1911 1.176 46 1912 0.789 46 1913 0.86 46 1914 1.163 46 1915 0.882 46 1916 1.541 46 1917 1.269 46 1918 0.924 46 1919 0.365 46 1920 0.493 46 1921 0.63 46 1922 0.713 46 1923 1.123 46 1924 1.146 46 1925 0.921 46 1926 1.172 46 1927 1.614 46 1928 1.234 46 1929 0.582 46 1930 0.846 46 1931 0.827 46 1932 1.295 46 1933 0.877 46 1934 1.029 46 1935 1.541 46 1936 1.007 46 1937 0.758 46 1938 1.119 46 1939 0.54 46 1940 0.222 46 1941 0.275 46 1942 0.756 46 1943 1.072 46 1944 1.102 46 1945 1.021 46 1946 0.927 46 1947 0.898 46 1948 1.101 46 1949 0.749 44 1950 1.691 44 1951 1.468 44 1952 0.894 44 1953 1.66 44 1954 1.391 44 1955 1.543 44 1956 0.876 44 1957 0.898 44 1958 0.916 44 1959 1.197 44 1960 1.147 44 1961 0.423 44 1962 0.848 44 1963 1.122 44 1964 1.443 44 1965 1.667 44 1966 1.234 44 1967 1.021 44 1968 0.657 44 1969 0.921 44 1970 0.88 44 1971 1.099 44 1972 1.013 44 1973 1.1 44 1974 0.82 44 1975 0.444 44 1976 0.495 44 1977 0.883 44 1978 1.428 44 1979 0.811 44 1980 1.149 44 1981 1.336 44 1982 1.579 44 1983 0.69 44 1984 0.85 44 1985 0.555 44 1986 0.707 44 1987 0.601 44 1988 0.841 44 1989 0.764 44 1990 1.483 44 1991 1.377 44 1992 0.806 44 1993 0.915 44 1994 0.984 44 1995 1.113 44 1996 1.117 44 1997 0.619 44 1998 0.98 44 1999 1.061 44 2000 0.882 44 2001 0.513 44 2002 0.485 44 2003 0.854 44 2004 0.839 44 2005 1.001 44 2006 1.171 44 2007 1.084 44