# northamerica_usa_ak009 - Slana Bei Tok - Breitenmoser Tree Ring Chronology Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Tree Rings #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-01-07 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: northamerica_usa_ak009 - Slana Bei Tok - Breitenmoser Tree Ring Chronology Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Breitenmoser, P.; Bronnimann, S.; Frank, D. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Data from Breitenmoser 2014 Journal of past Climate supplementary, see publication for ARSTAN standardization details #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Breitenmoser, P.; Bronnimann, S.; Frank, D. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014-03-11 # Published_Title: Forward modelling of tree-ring width and comparison with a global network of tree-ring chronologies # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past # Volume: 10 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 437-449 # DOI: 10.5194/cp-10-437-2014 # Online_Resource: www.clim-past.net/10/437/2014/ # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We investigate relationships between climate and tree-ring data on a global scale using the process-based Vaganov–Shashkin Lite (VSL) forward model of tree-ring width formation. The VSL model requires as inputs only latitude, monthly mean temperature, and monthly accumulated precipitation. Hence, this simple, process-based model enables ring-width simulation at any location where monthly climate records exist. In this study, we analyse the growth response of simulated tree rings to monthly climate conditions obtained from the CRU TS3.1 data set back to 1901. Our key aims are (a) to assess the VSL model performance by examining the relations between simulated and observed growth at 2287 globally distributed sites, (b) indentify optimal growth parameters found during the model calibration, and (c) to evaluate the potential of the VSL model as an observation operator for data-assimilation-based reconstructions of climate from tree-ring width. The assessment of the growth-onset threshold temperature of approximately 4–6 C for most sites and species using a Bayesian estimation approach complements other studies on the lower temperature limits where plant growth may be sustained. Our results suggest that the VSL model skilfully simulates site level treering series in response to climate forcing for a wide range of environmental conditions and species. Spatial aggregation of the tree-ring chronologies to reduce non-climatic noise at the site level yielded notable improvements in the coherence between modelled and actual growth. The resulting distinct and coherent patterns of significant relationships between the aggregated and simulated series further demonstrate the VSL model’s ability to skilfully capture the climatic signal contained in tree-ring series. Finally, we propose that the VSL model can be used as an observation operator in data assimilation approaches to reconstruct past climate. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swiss National Science Foundation # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Slana Bei Tok # Location: # Country: United States # Northernmost_Latitude: 62.83 # Southernmost_Latitude: 62.83 # Easternmost_Longitude: -143.92 # Westernmost_Longitude: -143.92 # Elevation: 600 m #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: northamerica_usa_ak009B # Earliest_Year: 1776 # Most_Recent_Year: 1983 # Time_Unit: y_ad # Core_Length: # Notes: {"sensitivity":"moisture"}{"T1":"4.37827816784"}{"T2":"12.568697255"}{"M1":"0.0235131231585"}{"M2":"0.572928417922"} #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: white spruce # Species_Code: PCGL #-------------------- # Chronology: # # # #-------------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by ## in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##age age, , ,years AD, , , , ,N ##trsgi tree ring standardized growth index, tree ring, ,percent relative to mean growth, , Tree Rings, , ,N # #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: nan # age trsgi 1776 1.268 1777 1.322 1778 0.639 1779 0.77 1780 0.642 1781 0.7 1782 0.491 1783 0.485 1784 0.442 1785 0.438 1786 0.523 1787 0.608 1788 0.689 1789 0.868 1790 0.73 1791 0.687 1792 0.7 1793 0.806 1794 0.855 1795 0.785 1796 0.77 1797 0.632 1798 0.722 1799 0.619 1800 0.775 1801 0.829 1802 1.079 1803 0.883 1804 0.791 1805 0.861 1806 1.16 1807 0.883 1808 0.834 1809 0.632 1810 0.724 1811 0.791 1812 0.727 1813 0.666 1814 0.637 1815 0.636 1816 0.701 1817 0.512 1818 0.642 1819 0.617 1820 0.713 1821 0.759 1822 0.826 1823 0.88 1824 0.799 1825 0.888 1826 1.006 1827 1.204 1828 1.162 1829 1.177 1830 0.968 1831 0.92 1832 1.216 1833 1.13 1834 1.098 1835 1.198 1836 1.22 1837 1.294 1838 1.179 1839 0.993 1840 0.996 1841 1.242 1842 1.267 1843 1.296 1844 1.344 1845 1.055 1846 1.335 1847 1.138 1848 1.41 1849 1.126 1850 1.233 1851 1.217 1852 1.356 1853 1.389 1854 1.589 1855 1.609 1856 1.282 1857 1.422 1858 1.515 1859 1.422 1860 1.484 1861 1.416 1862 1.564 1863 1.531 1864 1.437 1865 1.361 1866 1.295 1867 1.364 1868 1.203 1869 1.212 1870 1.187 1871 1.191 1872 0.987 1873 1.068 1874 1.093 1875 1.147 1876 1.185 1877 1.144 1878 1.203 1879 1.104 1880 1.056 1881 1.307 1882 1.319 1883 1.132 1884 1.365 1885 1.09 1886 1.173 1887 0.922 1888 0.981 1889 0.821 1890 1.004 1891 1.114 1892 1.047 1893 1.174 1894 1.172 1895 1.047 1896 0.97 1897 0.885 1898 0.998 1899 1.041 1900 0.923 1901 1.101 1902 1.304 1903 0.973 1904 0.825 1905 1.082 1906 0.933 1907 0.865 1908 0.999 1909 0.884 1910 0.769 1911 0.888 1912 0.622 1913 0.931 1914 0.771 1915 0.924 1916 0.813 1917 0.865 1918 0.892 1919 0.563 1920 0.75 1921 0.814 1922 0.778 1923 0.964 1924 0.745 1925 0.902 1926 0.884 1927 1.003 1928 0.861 1929 1.166 1930 1.207 1931 1.053 1932 1.073 1933 1.195 1934 1.013 1935 1.027 1936 1.074 1937 0.934 1938 0.979 1939 1.17 1940 0.905 1941 0.894 1942 0.946 1943 0.677 1944 0.668 1945 0.619 1946 0.649 1947 0.696 1948 0.79 1949 0.63 1950 0.595 1951 0.599 1952 0.673 1953 0.658 1954 0.468 1955 0.582 1956 0.652 1957 0.678 1958 0.861 1959 1.133 1960 1.135 1961 1.185 1962 1.179 1963 1.006 1964 1.152 1965 0.879 1966 0.982 1967 0.771 1968 0.744 1969 0.549 1970 0.652 1971 0.872 1972 0.795 1973 0.812 1974 1.003 1975 1.13 1976 1.146 1977 0.967 1978 0.965 1979 1.1 1980 0.948 1981 1.092 1982 1.132 1983 0.956