# asia_mong014 - Suulchyin Medee - Breitenmoser Tree Ring Chronology Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Tree Rings #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-01-07 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: asia_mong014 - Suulchyin Medee - Breitenmoser Tree Ring Chronology Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Breitenmoser, P.; Bronnimann, S.; Frank, D. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Data from Breitenmoser 2014 Journal of past Climate supplementary, see publication for ARSTAN standardization details #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Breitenmoser, P.; Bronnimann, S.; Frank, D. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014-03-11 # Published_Title: Forward modelling of tree-ring width and comparison with a global network of tree-ring chronologies # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past # Volume: 10 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 437-449 # DOI: 10.5194/cp-10-437-2014 # Online_Resource: www.clim-past.net/10/437/2014/ # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We investigate relationships between climate and tree-ring data on a global scale using the process-based Vaganov–Shashkin Lite (VSL) forward model of tree-ring width formation. The VSL model requires as inputs only latitude, monthly mean temperature, and monthly accumulated precipitation. Hence, this simple, process-based model enables ring-width simulation at any location where monthly climate records exist. In this study, we analyse the growth response of simulated tree rings to monthly climate conditions obtained from the CRU TS3.1 data set back to 1901. Our key aims are (a) to assess the VSL model performance by examining the relations between simulated and observed growth at 2287 globally distributed sites, (b) indentify optimal growth parameters found during the model calibration, and (c) to evaluate the potential of the VSL model as an observation operator for data-assimilation-based reconstructions of climate from tree-ring width. The assessment of the growth-onset threshold temperature of approximately 4–6 C for most sites and species using a Bayesian estimation approach complements other studies on the lower temperature limits where plant growth may be sustained. Our results suggest that the VSL model skilfully simulates site level treering series in response to climate forcing for a wide range of environmental conditions and species. Spatial aggregation of the tree-ring chronologies to reduce non-climatic noise at the site level yielded notable improvements in the coherence between modelled and actual growth. The resulting distinct and coherent patterns of significant relationships between the aggregated and simulated series further demonstrate the VSL model’s ability to skilfully capture the climatic signal contained in tree-ring series. Finally, we propose that the VSL model can be used as an observation operator in data assimilation approaches to reconstruct past climate. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swiss National Science Foundation # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Suulchyin Medee # Location: # Country: Mongolia # Northernmost_Latitude: 49.48 # Southernmost_Latitude: 49.48 # Easternmost_Longitude: 100.83 # Westernmost_Longitude: 100.83 # Elevation: 1800 m #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: asia_mong014B # Earliest_Year: 1617 # Most_Recent_Year: 2002 # Time_Unit: y_ad # Core_Length: # Notes: {"sensitivity":"moisture"}{"T1":"5.16198782121"}{"T2":"16.8217281429"}{"M1":"0.0225478619495"}{"M2":"0.426274814731"} #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Siberian larch # Species_Code: LASI #-------------------- # Chronology: # # # #-------------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by ## in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ##age age, , ,years AD, , , , ,N ##trsgi tree ring standardized growth index, tree ring, ,percent relative to mean growth, , Tree Rings, , ,N # #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: nan # age trsgi 1617 1.606 1618 1.216 1619 1.623 1620 1.078 1621 1.099 1622 0.396 1623 1.019 1624 0.857 1625 1.542 1626 1.743 1627 2.252 1628 1.238 1629 1.295 1630 0.356 1631 0.469 1632 0.465 1633 0.553 1634 0.937 1635 0.741 1636 0.924 1637 0.632 1638 0.295 1639 0.35 1640 0.397 1641 0.326 1642 0.163 1643 0.136 1644 0.462 1645 0.56 1646 0.74 1647 1.343 1648 1.119 1649 0.122 1650 1.455 1651 0.976 1652 0.32 1653 0.579 1654 0.967 1655 0.677 1656 0.923 1657 1.448 1658 1.986 1659 0.325 1660 0.153 1661 0.774 1662 1.292 1663 1.667 1664 2.118 1665 0.569 1666 0.566 1667 1.027 1668 0.683 1669 1.17 1670 1.169 1671 1.778 1672 1.449 1673 1.942 1674 1.384 1675 2.084 1676 1.542 1677 1.93 1678 0.383 1679 1.253 1680 0.197 1681 0.464 1682 0.414 1683 0.278 1684 0.716 1685 1.203 1686 0.662 1687 1.326 1688 0.791 1689 0.444 1690 1.114 1691 1.174 1692 1.195 1693 1.35 1694 0.282 1695 1.067 1696 1.52 1697 1.677 1698 0.105 1699 0.273 1700 1.123 1701 0.954 1702 0.794 1703 0.948 1704 1.11 1705 1.346 1706 0.891 1707 1.171 1708 0.189 1709 0.343 1710 0.801 1711 0.218 1712 1.576 1713 0.503 1714 0.323 1715 0.4 1716 0.562 1717 1.058 1718 1.27 1719 1.256 1720 2.719 1721 0.124 1722 0.371 1723 0.037 1724 0.847 1725 1.425 1726 1.216 1727 2.011 1728 1.055 1729 1.635 1730 0.936 1731 0.144 1732 0.491 1733 1.371 1734 0.968 1735 0.728 1736 0.067 1737 0.075 1738 0.51 1739 0.13 1740 0.435 1741 0.741 1742 0.692 1743 0.984 1744 1.032 1745 1.614 1746 0.515 1747 1.544 1748 0.534 1749 0.095 1750 0.27 1751 1.035 1752 0.929 1753 1.317 1754 1.866 1755 2.069 1756 0.337 1757 0.941 1758 0.841 1759 1.119 1760 0.855 1761 0.371 1762 1.662 1763 1.717 1764 2.032 1765 2.709 1766 3.068 1767 2.711 1768 2.079 1769 2.863 1770 1.366 1771 0.799 1772 1.382 1773 1.352 1774 2.134 1775 0.573 1776 0.201 1777 0.179 1778 0.305 1779 0.232 1780 -0.017 1781 -0.017 1782 -0.017 1783 0.149 1784 0.606 1785 0.904 1786 0.817 1787 0.905 1788 1.586 1789 2.374 1790 1.301 1791 1.547 1792 1.793 1793 1.296 1794 1.171 1795 2.231 1796 2.126 1797 2.373 1798 2.965 1799 1.72 1800 0.908 1801 1.508 1802 1.879 1803 1.437 1804 1.242 1805 0.731 1806 0.633 1807 0.606 1808 1.222 1809 0.204 1810 -0.017 1811 0.457 1812 0.136 1813 0.534 1814 0.637 1815 0.892 1816 0.744 1817 0.438 1818 0.264 1819 0.648 1820 1.058 1821 0.946 1822 0.791 1823 0.849 1824 0.103 1825 0.475 1826 0.518 1827 0.72 1828 0.559 1829 0.177 1830 -0.017 1831 1.084 1832 0.359 1833 0.182 1834 1.248 1835 0.517 1836 0.345 1837 1.306 1838 1.637 1839 0.422 1840 0.625 1841 1.145 1842 0.87 1843 0.548 1844 1.158 1845 0.517 1846 1.649 1847 1.721 1848 1.403 1849 1.224 1850 1.03 1851 1.803 1852 1.834 1853 1.491 1854 0.467 1855 1.101 1856 0.269 1857 0.085 1858 0.664 1859 0.15 1860 0.717 1861 -0.017 1862 0.639 1863 0.206 1864 0.899 1865 0.405 1866 0.072 1867 0.893 1868 1.172 1869 1.279 1870 1.409 1871 1.934 1872 1.749 1873 0.961 1874 1.57 1875 0.753 1876 1.051 1877 1.11 1878 0.872 1879 0.898 1880 0.168 1881 1.42 1882 1.709 1883 0.783 1884 0.387 1885 1.457 1886 0.812 1887 0.871 1888 0.974 1889 1.22 1890 1.587 1891 2.401 1892 0.642 1893 0.602 1894 0.033 1895 0.578 1896 0.548 1897 0.774 1898 0.26 1899 0.756 1900 0.116 1901 0.416 1902 0.83 1903 1.089 1904 0.347 1905 0.546 1906 1.192 1907 1.3 1908 1.179 1909 1.434 1910 0.445 1911 0.979 1912 1.321 1913 1.484 1914 1.363 1915 0.676 1916 1.828 1917 1.463 1918 1.441 1919 1.603 1920 1.776 1921 1.701 1922 1.57 1923 0.363 1924 0.394 1925 0.763 1926 0.774 1927 1.049 1928 1.07 1929 0.422 1930 0.099 1931 0.683 1932 1.213 1933 1.511 1934 1.042 1935 0.777 1936 0.693 1937 0.813 1938 1.366 1939 1.248 1940 0.289 1941 1.409 1942 0.075 1943 1.518 1944 1.247 1945 0.333 1946 1.264 1947 1.291 1948 0.55 1949 0.98 1950 1.211 1951 1.026 1952 1.443 1953 1.467 1954 0.762 1955 1.357 1956 0.672 1957 0.537 1958 0.752 1959 0.869 1960 0.646 1961 0.81 1962 1.36 1963 1.416 1964 1.815 1965 0.924 1966 1.444 1967 1.493 1968 1.417 1969 1.34 1970 1.079 1971 1.722 1972 1.866 1973 0.762 1974 2.072 1975 0.626 1976 1.303 1977 0.989 1978 0.355 1979 0.76 1980 0.608 1981 -0.017 1982 0.864 1983 1.021 1984 0.5 1985 0.977 1986 1.178 1987 0.431 1988 0.724 1989 1.043 1990 1.636 1991 1.2 1992 1.322 1993 1.743 1994 1.47 1995 1.362 1996 0.778 1997 0.169 1998 0.898 1999 1.274 2000 0.358 2001 0.287 2002 0.176