# Tamboril Cave, Brazil 2000 Year Strontium and Oxygen Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 2.0 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/21550 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/southamerica/brazil/tamboril2017d18o.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothem # # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2017-02-27 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Tamboril Cave, Brazil 2000 Year Strontium and Oxygen Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Wortham, B.E.; Wong, C.I.; Silva, L.C.R.; McGee, D.; Montanez, I.P.; Rasbury, E.T.; Cooper, K.M.; Sharp, W.D.; Glessner, J.J.G.; Santos, R.V. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Oxygen (d18O), Carbon (d13C), and Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope data from speleothems collected in Tamboril Cave, central Brazil, for the past 2,000 years. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Barbara E. Wortham, Corinne I. Wong, Lucas C.R. Silva, David McGee, Isabel P. Montanez, E. Troy Rasbury, Kari M. Cooper, Warren D. Sharp, Justin J.G. Glessner, Roberto V. Santos # Published_Date_or_Year: 2017-04-01 # Published_Title: Assessing response of local moisture conditions in central Brazil to variability in regional monsoon intensity using speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values # Journal_Name: Earth and Planetary Science Letters # Volume: 463 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 310-322 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.01.034 # Online_Resource: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X17300468 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Delineating the controls on hydroclimate throughout Brazil is essential to assessing potential impact of global climate change on water resources and biogeography. An increasing number of monsoon reconstructions from d18O records provide insight into variations in regional monsoon intensity over the last millennium. The strength, however, of d18O as a proxy of regional climate limits its ability to reflect local conditions, highlighting the need for comparable reconstructions of local moisture conditions. Here, speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values are developed as a paleo-moisture proxy in central Brazil to complement existing d18O-based reconstructions of regional monsoon intensity. Speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values are resolved using laser ablation and conventional solution mass spectrometry at high resolution relative to existing (non-d18O-based) paleo-moisture reconstructions to allow comparisons of centennial variability in paleo-monsoon intensity and paleo-moisture conditions. Variations in speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values from Tamboril Cave are interpreted to reflect varying extents of water interaction with the carbonate host rock, with more interaction resulting in greater evolution of water isotope values from those initially acquired from the soil to those of the carbonate bedrock. Increasing speleothem 87Sr/86Sr values over the last millennium suggest progressively less interaction with the carbonate host rock likely resulting from higher infiltration rates, expected under wetter conditions. Increasingly wetter conditions over the last millennium are consistent with an overall trend of increasing monsoon intensity (decreasing d18O values) preserved in many existing d18O records from the region. Such a trend, however, is absent in d18O records from our site (central Brazil) and Cristal Cave (southeast Brazil), suggesting the existence of divergent (relevant to d18Oprecip) shifts in the climate patterns within and outside the core monsoon region. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: ATM 1420079, AGS 1602962, EAR 1535824, MRI 0959524 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Tamboril Cave # Location: South America>Brazil # Country: Brazil # Northernmost_Latitude: -16.364 # Southernmost_Latitude: -16.364 # Easternmost_Longitude: -46.904 # Westernmost_Longitude: -46.904 # Elevation: m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Tamboril2017d18O # Earliest_Year: 1677 # Most_Recent_Year: -32 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Sample ID Depth (mm) Chemistry Date 238U ± (2s) 232Th ± (2s) d234U ± (2s) (230Th/238U) ± (2s) 230Th/232Th ± (2s) Age (uncorr) ± (2s) Age (corr)* ± (2s) d234U initial ± (2s) Age (corr) ± (2s) Lab # ng/g pg/g per mil activity ppm atomic yr yr per mil yr BP # BRZ8a 7 12/8/2014 1630 33 481 62 858.6 1.2 0.0010 0.00006 56 8 61 3 56.3 3.4 859 1.2 -9 3 MIT # BRZ8b 7 2/15/2015 1672 33 530 13 864.9 1.3 0.0011 0.00022 57 11 66 13 61.0 13.0 865 1.3 -4 13 MIT # BRZ9a 44 12/8/2014 2759 55 152 23 844.9 1.2 0.0029 0.00006 840 130 173 4 172.1 3.7 845 1.2 107 4 MIT # BRZ9b 44 12/30/2014 2479 50 105 45 843.8 1.4 0.0026 0.00007 990 430 156 4 155.5 3.9 844 1.4 91 4 MIT # BRZ9c 44 2/15/2014 2743 55 79 7 847.4 1.2 0.0026 0.00012 1410 140 151 7 150.2 7.3 848 1.2 86 7 MIT # BRZ B Top 77 11/23/2015 1351 27 745 17 846.6 1.4 0.0035 0.00006 102 2 209 3 199.8 5.7 847 1.4 134 6 MIT # BRZ B Bot 105 11/23/2015 2796 56 25 2 846.4 1.1 0.00353 0.00004 6262 572 209 2 208.4 2.2 847 1.1 142 2 MIT # BRZ11 248 12/30/2014 2841 57 84 3 847.1 1.4 0.0067 0.00010 3600 107 395 6 394.0 5.8 848 1.4 329 6 MIT # BRZ-6 385 11/23/2015 3703 74 297 7 847.6 1.1 0.00818 0.00010 1619 29 483 6 482.1 5.9 849 1.1 416 6 MIT # BRZ13 491 12/8/2014 4095 82 86 24 848.5 1.0 0.0118 0.00012 8900 2400 696 7 696.1 7.3 850 1.0 631 7 MIT # BRZ N 542 11/23/2015 3301 66 25 3 832.1 1.2 0.0127 0.00010 26770 2734 755 6 755.2 6.2 834 1.2 689 6 MIT # BRZP Top 591 11/9/2015 2233 45 183 4 911.3 1.2 0.0163 0.00006 3152 10 933 4 932.1 4.2 914 1.2 866 4 MIT # BRZP Bottom 626 11/9/2015 2487 50 8 0 985.8 1.2 0.0169 0.00010 80177 2242 930 5 930.4 5.4 988 1.2 865 5 MIT # BRZ14 634 12/8/2014 2852 57 169 70 1128.7 1.1 0.0204 0.00016 5500 2300 1048 8.4 1047.5 8.4 1132 1.1 983 8 MIT # BRZ15 677 12/30/2014 2589 52 65 2 1072.1 1.6 0.0223 0.00021 14200 370 1179 11 1178.0 11.0 1076 1.6 1113 11 MIT # BRZ tot Bot 790 11/9/2015 2159 43 104 2 1105.1 1.0 0.0392 0.00012 12996 29 2048 6 2047.8 6.4 1111 1.0 1982 6 MIT # # BA-M1 193 4/1/2014 2073 41 762 15 910 10 0.0056 0.00010 242 2 318 6 312 7 911 9.8 248 7 UCD # BA-M2 381 4/1/2014 4968 99 414 8 842 3 0.0094 0.00014 1800 5 558 8 556 8 843 2.9 492 8 UCD # # Interlab comparison analysis of sample splits from same horizons (BRZ9/10; BRZ 11/12) # BRZ10 44 10/8/2014 2569 52 68 1.4 856.4 2.6 0.0025 0.00004 761 20 145 4 144.6 3.6 857 2.6 80 4 BGC # BRZ12 248 10/8/2014 2477 50 28 0.6 849.9 2.9 0.0067 0.00007 4846 58 395 4 394.6 4.3 851 2.9 330 4 BGC # Notes: Corrected ages assume an initial 230Th/232Th of 4±2 ppm atomic; all 2sigma errors are given as absolutes; 0 BP = 1950; MIT - Mass. Institute of Tech.; BGC - Berkeley Geochronology Center; UCD - University of California Davis; Ages in grey were not used in construction of age model; replicate ages were averaged for construction of age/depth model # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth, , , mm, , , Depth from top , ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , , ,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem, , ,N ## d13CcarbVPDB delta13C, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, ,speleothem, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_mm age_calBP d18OcarbVPDB d13CcarbVPDB 1 -32.2 -5.419 -9.717 3 -23.7 -5.573 -9.981 5 -15.0 -5.838 -10.422 7 -6.4 -6.059 -9.972 9 2.2 -6.531 -9.817 11 10.8 -5.678 -9.417 13 19.2 -5.403 -8.825 15 27.4 -5.361 -8.570 17 35.4 -4.901 -8.458 19 43.1 -6.138 -9.054 21 50.5 -5.169 -8.838 23 57.5 -4.626 -9.382 25 64.2 -5.111 -9.623 27 70.3 -4.549 -9.165 31.05 81.2 -3.971 -9.414 32.55 84.6 -5.768 -9.836 34.05 87.6 -5.084 -8.880 35.55 90.3 -5.752 -9.300 37.05 92.6 -6.706 -9.937 38.55 94.8 -6.171 -9.975 40.05 97.0 -4.841 -9.780 41.55 99.2 -5.047 -10.197 43.05 101.2 -4.489 -9.507 46.05 105.2 -5.547 -9.958 47.55 107.0 -5.985 -10.455 49.05 108.9 -6.284 -10.064 50.55 110.6 -5.161 -9.028 50.76 110.8 -5.400 -8.970 51.76 112.0 -5.140 -9.320 52.76 113.1 -6.000 -10.050 53.76 114.1 -5.360 -9.550 54.76 115.2 -5.980 -10.250 55.76 116.2 -6.360 -9.490 56.76 117.2 -6.820 -9.880 57.76 118.2 -6.890 -9.910 58.76 119.1 -7.690 -10.860 59.76 120.0 -6.920 -9.930 60.76 120.9 -7.340 -10.860 61.76 121.8 -7.400 -10.190 62.76 122.6 -6.080 -9.500 63.76 123.4 -6.880 -10.290 64.76 124.2 -5.990 -9.100 65.76 125.0 -5.930 -9.650 66.76 125.7 -6.170 -9.530 67.76 126.4 -5.780 -8.880 68.76 127.1 -6.330 -9.540 69.76 127.8 -7.080 -10.490 70.76 128.4 -6.850 -10.030 70.9 128.5 -6.330 -9.430 71.76 129.1 -6.570 -9.940 72.76 129.6 -7.340 -10.560 72.9 129.7 -6.910 -10.230 75.9 131.3 -6.630 -9.460 76.9 131.8 -5.500 -9.100 79.9 133.2 -4.860 -8.980 80.9 133.6 -4.330 -9.020 81.9 134.0 -4.450 -9.250 82.9 134.3 -4.500 -9.470 83 134.4 -4.450 -9.360 83.9 134.7 -4.640 -9.750 84.9 135.0 -4.780 -7.780 85.9 135.3 -5.820 -9.630 87.9 135.9 -4.810 -9.850 88.9 136.2 -4.430 -9.680 89.9 136.5 -4.350 -9.580 90.9 136.8 -4.350 -8.540 91.9 137.0 -5.020 -9.620 92.9 137.3 -4.800 -8.840 93.9 137.5 -4.900 -9.500 97.9 138.6 -4.940 -8.570 100.9 139.5 -4.940 -9.960 103.75 140.4 -5.543 -9.694 105.25 140.9 -4.841 -10.095 106.75 141.5 -4.714 -9.824 106.9 141.6 -4.830 -9.370 107 141.6 -4.890 -9.410 107.9 142.0 -4.800 -9.160 108.25 142.1 -4.263 -9.797 108.9 142.4 -4.760 -9.080 109.75 142.8 -4.725 -9.725 109.9 142.9 -5.010 -9.950 110 142.9 -5.010 -9.920 111.25 143.5 -4.773 -9.619 112.75 144.4 -4.894 -9.816 114.25 145.3 -5.068 -10.097 115.75 146.3 -4.709 -9.838 117.25 147.3 -4.647 -9.417 118.75 148.5 -4.741 -9.585 120.25 149.7 -5.146 -9.801 121.75 150.9 -6.227 -9.588 123.25 152.2 -7.052 -10.187 124.75 153.6 -6.957 -10.794 126.25 155.1 -5.852 -10.392 127.75 156.6 -5.746 -10.155 129.25 158.2 -5.549 -10.358 130.75 159.8 -5.828 -10.949 132.25 161.4 -5.360 -10.390 133.75 163.2 -5.492 -10.973 135.25 164.9 -5.375 -10.616 136.75 166.7 -5.690 -11.263 138.25 168.6 -5.349 -10.190 139.75 170.5 -5.346 -10.553 141.25 172.4 -5.696 -10.025 142.75 174.4 -6.978 -10.336 144.25 176.4 -8.243 -10.950 144.75 177.1 -5.586 -9.601 146.25 179.2 -4.959 -9.550 147.75 181.2 -5.384 -10.440 149.25 183.3 -5.533 -10.291 150.75 185.5 -5.870 -10.157 152.25 187.6 -6.003 -10.185 153.75 189.8 -6.503 -10.777 155.25 192.0 -5.412 -10.162 156.75 194.3 -5.451 -10.252 162.5 202.9 -5.560 -10.160 163.5 204.4 -5.420 -9.370 164.5 205.9 -5.800 -9.360 165.5 207.5 -5.960 -10.270 166.5 209.0 -4.610 -10.120 167.5 210.5 -4.670 -9.730 168.5 212.0 -4.530 -9.680 169.5 213.6 -4.550 -9.310 170.5 215.1 -5.480 -9.560 171.5 216.6 -5.850 -9.650 172.5 218.1 -5.210 -9.440 176.5 224.2 -4.920 -8.080 177.5 225.7 -4.410 -8.230 178.5 227.2 -5.580 -8.910 178.6 227.3 -4.190 -8.660 181.5 231.6 -5.540 -8.680 185.61 237.6 -4.474 -8.586 186.61 239.0 -4.920 -8.677 187.61 240.4 -5.683 -8.620 188.61 241.8 -5.301 -8.605 189.61 243.2 -5.023 -8.536 190.61 244.6 -5.809 -9.371 191.61 245.9 -5.294 -8.926 192.61 247.3 -4.997 -9.218 193.61 248.6 -5.210 -9.507 194.61 250.0 -4.951 -9.377 195.61 251.3 -4.912 -9.274 196.61 252.7 -5.148 -9.799 197.61 254.2 -5.159 -8.772 198.61 255.6 -5.999 -9.420 199.61 257.0 -6.563 -9.512 200.61 258.5 -5.686 -7.520 201.61 260.0 -5.410 -9.064 202.61 261.5 -5.760 -9.124 206.75 267.9 -4.632 -8.677 208.25 270.2 -5.241 -9.577 209.75 272.6 -5.389 -9.655 211.25 275.0 -5.266 -9.423 212.75 277.3 -4.897 -9.362 214.25 279.7 -6.023 -9.758 215.75 282.1 -6.123 -9.736 217.25 284.5 -5.636 -9.950 218.75 286.9 -5.316 -9.730 220.25 289.3 -5.348 -9.648 221.75 291.6 -5.546 -9.429 223.25 294.0 -6.082 -9.632 224.75 296.3 -6.198 -9.818 226.25 298.6 -5.264 -9.759 227.75 300.9 -6.613 -9.772 229.25 303.1 -6.565 -9.621 230.75 305.4 -5.211 -9.689 232.25 307.5 -4.859 -9.063 233.75 309.7 -5.063 -9.656 235.25 311.7 -5.380 -10.028 236.75 313.8 -5.200 -9.938 238.25 315.8 -5.144 -9.130 239.75 317.7 -5.519 -10.230 241.25 319.5 -5.472 -9.403 242.75 321.3 -5.342 -9.150 244.25 323.1 -5.450 -9.174 245.75 324.7 -6.065 -9.519 255.75 334.1 -4.094 -8.709 257.25 335.4 -4.831 -9.119 258.75 336.7 -5.814 -8.811 260.25 337.9 -7.530 -9.988 261.75 339.1 -6.341 -9.756 263.25 340.2 -5.001 -9.738 264.75 341.4 -4.562 -9.123 266.25 342.5 -5.253 -9.702 267.75 343.6 -6.138 -9.586 269.25 344.6 -6.567 -10.048 270.75 345.7 -6.425 -10.701 272.25 346.7 -5.913 -9.577 273.75 347.7 -5.856 -10.317 275.25 348.7 -5.048 -9.890 276.75 349.7 -4.576 -9.234 278.25 350.6 -5.736 -9.834 279.75 351.6 -5.567 -10.107 281.25 352.5 -5.061 -9.724 282.75 353.4 -5.151 -9.889 284.25 354.3 -4.787 -9.698 285.75 355.1 -3.989 -9.137 287.25 356.0 -4.421 -9.394 288.75 356.8 -4.851 -9.735 290.25 357.6 -4.411 -9.709 291.75 358.5 -4.497 -9.153 293.25 359.3 -5.098 -9.344 294.75 360.1 -4.352 -8.748 296.25 360.9 -5.019 -9.338 305.75 365.7 -6.271 -9.689 306.75 366.1 -5.019 -9.085 307.25 366.4 -6.039 -9.167 308.25 366.9 -5.490 -9.302 308.75 367.1 -5.574 -9.544 309.75 367.6 -6.405 -9.817 310.25 367.9 -5.110 -9.641 311.25 368.3 -6.261 -9.421 311.75 368.6 -4.538 -9.263 312.75 369.1 -5.451 -9.371 313.25 369.3 -5.784 -9.857 314.25 369.8 -5.780 -10.033 314.75 370.0 -5.348 -9.960 315.75 370.5 -5.034 -9.995 316.25 370.8 -4.676 -9.584 317.25 371.2 -4.994 -9.413 317.75 371.5 -5.533 -9.694 318.75 372.0 -5.829 -9.814 319.25 372.2 -6.574 -10.560 320.25 372.7 -4.785 -10.025 321.75 373.4 -4.898 -9.534 322.25 373.7 -4.436 -9.201 323.25 374.2 -5.771 -10.125 324.75 374.9 -6.604 -10.425 325.25 375.1 -4.337 -8.621 326.25 375.6 -5.805 -9.913 326.75 375.9 -5.456 -9.502 327.75 376.4 -4.972 -9.613 328.25 376.6 -6.290 -10.168 329.25 377.1 -5.100 -9.699 329.75 377.4 -7.044 -10.743 331.25 378.2 -5.942 -9.721 332.75 378.9 -5.508 -9.321 334.25 379.7 -5.364 -8.938 334.75 380.0 -6.972 -10.569 336.25 380.7 -5.820 -9.704 337.75 381.5 -5.666 -9.448 339.25 382.4 -5.711 -9.400 342.25 384.0 -5.867 -9.996 345.25 385.7 -5.519 -10.002 346.75 386.6 -5.345 -10.238 348.25 387.5 -5.193 -9.888 349.75 388.4 -5.483 -10.007 351.25 389.3 -5.611 -10.382 352.75 390.3 -4.810 -9.761 357.25 393.2 -4.543 -8.607 358.75 394.2 -4.965 -10.382 360.25 395.2 -4.370 -9.884 361.75 396.3 -4.511 -9.591 363.25 397.4 -5.023 -10.881 364.75 398.5 -5.498 -10.506 366.25 399.6 -5.549 -10.287 367.75 400.7 -4.383 -8.606 369.25 401.9 -5.060 -10.203 370.75 403.1 -5.506 -10.641 372.25 404.3 -5.198 -9.995 373.75 405.6 -5.513 -10.736 375.25 406.9 -5.228 -10.310 379.75 410.9 -4.825 -8.997 381.25 412.3 -5.568 -9.659 382.75 413.7 -6.051 -10.264 384.25 415.2 -6.397 -10.099 385.75 416.7 -7.785 -10.436 387.25 418.3 -8.394 -10.695 388.75 420.0 -5.555 -9.821 390.25 421.8 -5.437 -10.644 391.75 423.8 -5.296 -10.416 393.25 425.8 -5.476 -9.839 394.75 427.9 -5.871 -10.369 396.25 430.1 -5.931 -10.404 397.75 432.4 -6.425 -11.044 399.25 434.9 -6.202 -10.403 400.75 437.3 -5.530 -10.546 402.25 439.9 -5.161 -9.691 403.75 442.6 -5.294 -10.548 405.25 445.3 -6.391 -9.877 406.75 448.1 -6.137 -9.854 408.25 451.0 -6.587 -11.343 409.75 453.9 -5.643 -10.362 411.25 456.9 -5.584 -11.270 413.75 462.1 -4.470 -9.839 415.25 465.2 -4.870 -10.576 416.75 468.5 -4.852 -9.757 418.25 471.7 -5.367 -10.068 419.75 475.0 -4.959 -10.403 421.25 478.4 -5.035 -10.949 422.75 481.8 -4.743 -9.999 424.25 485.3 -5.175 -10.790 425.75 488.7 -5.257 -9.838 427.25 492.3 -5.475 -9.982 428.75 495.8 -4.566 -9.454 430.25 499.4 -4.758 -10.498 431.75 503.0 -5.673 -10.881 433.25 506.6 -5.568 -10.784 434.75 510.2 -5.815 -11.412 436.25 513.9 -5.947 -10.312 437.75 517.5 -6.821 -11.483 439.25 521.2 -6.496 -10.615 440.75 524.9 -5.712 -10.609 442.25 528.6 -5.312 -10.419 448.35 543.5 -4.751 -8.722 449.85 547.2 -4.577 -8.815 451.35 550.8 -4.493 -9.224 452.85 554.4 -4.275 -9.370 454.35 558.0 -5.669 -9.994 457.35 565.1 -5.256 -9.757 458.85 568.6 -4.694 -9.251 460.35 572.1 -4.876 -10.059 461.85 575.6 -4.462 -9.168 463.35 579.0 -4.950 -9.886 464.85 582.3 -5.351 -10.408 466.35 585.7 -5.487 -10.971 467.85 588.9 -5.320 -9.602 469.35 592.2 -5.736 -10.199 470.85 595.3 -4.821 -9.434 472.35 598.4 -5.321 -9.659 473.85 601.5 -5.874 -10.257 475.35 604.5 -6.429 -10.618 479.85 613.0 -7.024 -10.294 481.35 615.8 -6.620 -10.410 482.85 618.4 -6.494 -9.814 485.85 623.4 -5.625 -11.227 487.35 625.8 -5.725 -10.656 488.85 628.1 -5.101 -9.875 494.75 636.2 -6.285 -10.141 496.25 638.1 -7.043 -10.294 497.75 640.0 -6.563 -10.778 499.25 641.8 -5.123 -10.180 500.75 643.5 -4.882 -9.901 502.25 645.2 -5.885 -10.871 503.75 646.9 -5.993 -10.856 505.25 648.5 -6.010 -11.495 506.75 650.1 -4.898 -10.076 509.75 653.2 -5.755 -10.961 511.25 654.7 -5.904 -10.830 512.75 656.2 -4.674 -9.647 514.25 657.7 -5.787 -11.176 515.75 659.2 -4.906 -9.898 519.75 663.2 -5.760 -10.261 521.25 664.7 -5.095 -10.423 524.25 667.8 -4.587 -10.298 525.75 669.4 -4.695 -10.331 527.25 671.0 -4.248 -9.792 528.75 672.7 -5.014 -10.708 530.25 674.3 -5.436 -10.483 531.75 676.1 -5.572 -10.889 533.25 677.8 -4.873 -10.805 534.75 679.7 -4.760 -9.871 537.75 683.5 -4.639 -9.374 539.25 685.5 -5.386 -9.463 540.75 687.5 -6.329 -10.681 542.25 689.7 -6.170 -10.630 543.75 691.9 -5.028 -9.578 545.25 694.2 -4.481 -10.062 546.75 696.5 -5.014 -10.711 548.25 698.9 -4.808 -10.572 549.75 701.4 -4.464 -9.171 551.25 704.0 -5.674 -10.908 552.75 706.5 -5.542 -10.687 554.25 709.2 -5.260 -10.384 555.75 711.9 -4.044 -10.445 557.25 714.7 -4.616 -10.435 560.25 720.3 -5.535 -9.636 563.15 726.0 -7.223 -10.902 564.65 729.0 -7.162 -10.401 566.15 732.0 -4.894 -8.792 567.65 735.1 -4.857 -9.276 569.15 738.3 -5.627 -10.118 570.65 741.4 -6.160 -11.215 572.15 744.6 -5.770 -10.056 573.65 747.9 -5.620 -9.925 575.15 751.1 -6.474 -10.651 576.65 754.5 -6.648 -10.785 578.15 757.8 -6.879 -11.127 579.65 761.2 -6.186 -9.731 585.75 775.1 -5.481 -9.244 587.25 778.6 -5.139 -9.058 588.75 782.1 -5.299 -8.715 590.25 785.7 -4.961 -8.488 591.75 789.2 -4.895 -8.864 593.25 792.8 -5.971 -9.166 594.75 796.3 -5.699 -9.482 596.25 799.9 -5.061 -9.124 597.75 803.5 -5.047 -9.162 599.25 807.1 -4.986 -9.579 602.25 814.3 -4.689 -9.176 603.75 818.0 -4.372 -9.297 606.75 825.2 -5.109 -8.986 608.25 828.8 -4.533 -8.744 609.75 832.4 -4.494 -8.895 611.25 836.0 -5.826 -9.491 612.75 839.6 -5.629 -9.333 614.25 843.2 -5.692 -8.570 617.25 850.4 -3.924 -8.152 618.75 853.9 -5.283 -8.631 620.25 857.5 -4.675 -9.377 623.25 864.5 -5.125 -9.345 626.25 871.4 -5.078 -9.854 632.75 885.6 -5.171 -9.443 634.25 888.8 -4.583 -9.178 635.75 891.9 -5.086 -9.173 637.25 894.9 -5.258 -9.304 638.75 898.0 -5.530 -9.329 640.25 901.0 -5.340 -9.050 641.75 903.9 -5.012 -9.148 643.25 906.9 -5.333 -9.259 653.75 927.1 -4.004 -8.851 655.25 930.0 -4.601 -8.855 658.25 935.8 -4.566 -8.669 659.75 938.7 -5.457 -9.222 661.25 941.7 -4.165 -9.052 662.75 944.6 -3.977 -9.046 665.75 950.6 -3.909 -8.202 667.25 953.6 -5.350 -9.157 668.75 956.7 -5.803 -9.159 670.25 959.8 -4.837 -8.981 671.75 963.0 -5.880 -9.249 671.76 963.0 -5.120 -9.095 677.75 976.1 -5.252 -9.441 679.25 979.5 -5.719 -9.762 680.75 983.0 -6.259 -9.923 683.75 990.2 -6.552 -10.005 696.5 1024.4 -5.876 -9.521 697.5 1027.3 -5.483 -9.774 698.5 1030.3 -4.687 -9.101 699.5 1033.4 -4.606 -9.787 700.5 1036.5 -4.268 -9.603 701.5 1039.7 -4.315 -9.349 702.5 1042.9 -5.433 -9.665 703.5 1046.2 -5.394 -9.918 704.5 1049.5 -6.319 -11.106 705.5 1052.9 -5.672 -10.477 706.5 1056.3 -5.544 -10.280 714.25 1084.9 -5.183 -9.861 715.75 1090.9 -4.873 -9.298 717.25 1097.0 -4.965 -8.615 718.75 1103.3 -4.289 -7.639 720.25 1109.7 -5.515 -9.759 721.75 1116.4 -5.049 -10.416 723.25 1123.8 -4.663 -9.169 724.75 1131.9 -5.043 -9.775 726.25 1140.8 -5.293 -10.400 727.75 1150.5 -5.350 -10.102 729.25 1160.8 -5.906 -9.948 730.75 1171.9 -4.396 -8.829 732.25 1183.6 -4.620 -9.185 735.25 1209.1 -5.366 -9.412 736.75 1222.8 -5.879 -9.387 738.25 1237.2 -4.783 -8.636 741.25 1267.6 -4.442 -9.154 742.75 1283.6 -5.519 -9.764 744.25 1300.3 -5.445 -10.085 748.75 1353.2 -4.531 -8.933 750.25 1371.9 -5.096 -8.798 753.25 1410.5 -4.155 -8.715 758.5 1482.2 -5.235 -9.308 759.5 1496.4 -4.175 -9.067 760.5 1510.8 -5.162 -9.392 761.5 1525.3 -6.304 -10.149 762.5 1539.9 -5.167 -9.671 763.5 1554.7 -5.403 -9.386 764.5 1569.7 -6.115 -9.236 765.5 1584.7 -5.091 -9.187 766.5 1599.9 -4.749 -9.234 767.5 1615.3 -5.121 -9.368 768.5 1630.7 -4.978 -9.200 769.5 1646.3 -4.769 -9.204 770.5 1661.9 -4.817 -9.523 771.5 1677.7 -5.920 -10.214