Cold Water Cave Speleothem Luminescence Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Cold Water Cave Speleothem Luminescence Data LAST UPDATE: 5/2008 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Yavor Shopov, University of Sofia IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2008-049 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Shopov, Y.Y., et al. 2008. Cold Water Cave Speleothem Luminescence Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2008-049. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Shopov, Y.Y., L. Tsankov, L.N. Georgiev, A. Damyanova, Y. Damyanov, D.C. Ford, C.J. Yonge, W. MacDonald, and H.P.R. Krouse. 1996. Speleothems as Natural Climatic Stations with Annual to Daily Resolution. in "Climatic Change- the Karst Record", Ed. by S.E. Lauritzen, KWI, Bergen, p. 150-151. ISSB 0-9640258-1-7 ABSTRACT: Calcite speleothems luminescence (Shopov 1987, Shopov et al. 1994) depends exponentially upon soil temperatures that are determined primarily by solar infrared radiation in the case when that cave is covered only by grass or upon air temperatures in case that cave is covered by forest or bush. In the first case, microzonality of luminescence of speleothems can be used as an indirect Solar Insolation (SI) index, but in the second - as an paleotemperature proxy. So, in dependence on the cave site we may speak about "solar sensitive" and "temperature sensitive" luminescent speleothem records like in treering records, but in our case record may depend either only on temperature or on solar irradiation: - In case of Cold Water Cave (CWC), Iowa, US we obtained high correlation coefficient of 0.9 between the luminescence record and Solar Luminosity Sunspot index (Fig.1) and reconstructed sunspot numbers since 1000 AD with precision within the experimental error of their measurements; - in case of Rats Nest cave (RNC), Alberta, Canada we measured correlation coefficient of 0.67 between luminescence intensity and air temperatures record for the last 100 years (Fig.2) and reconstructed annual air temperatures for last 1500 years at the cave site with estimated error of 0.35 C, while the error of the direct measurements is 0.1 C. Intensity of luminescence was not dependent on actual precipitations and sunspot numbers (zero correlation). Speleothem growth rate variations represent mainly rainfall variations. Speleothem luminescence visualizes annual microbanding we used to derive proxy records of annual precipitations or the cave site. In case of RNC we reconstructed annual precipitations for last 280 years at the cave site with estimated error of 80 mm/year. By comparison of luminescent records with other solar proxy records we obtained a reconstruction of growth rates and precipitations in Bosnek karst region near Duhlata cave (DC), Bulgaria for the last 50000 years, and for the last 6400 years (with averaged time step of 41 years) for Iowa, near CWC. Achieved time step of 6 hours (Fig.3) in speleothem luminescence records allows resolution of several days in some best speleothem samples. Annual luminescence microbanding was used very successfully for relative and absolute dating of speleothems by Autocalibradion dating (Shopov et al. 1991). This dating method appear to be more precise than TAMS 14C and AMS U/Th dating for relative dating of short time intervals and only dating method for speleothems with little uranium, younger than 2000 years. It is demonstrated, that speleothems can be used as natural climatic stations with annual resolution for purposes of climatology and agrometeorology for a time span far exceeding all historic records. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: North America PERIOD OF RECORD: 1652 to 1982 A.D. FUNDING SOURCES: DESCRIPTION: Solar luminosity luminescence proxy record from a stalagmite from Cold Water Cave, USA for 1652 to 1982 A.D. Solar luminosity is presented by Optical Density of Luminescence (ODL) in decimal logarithm relative units. A high correlation coefficient of 0.9 was obtained between the luminescence record and Solar Luminosity Sunspot index directly measured since 1700 AD. Obtained correlation coefficient is within the experimental error of measurements of the sunspot numbers (10%) Experimental Solar Luminosity proxy TIMS U/Th dated record. Cold Water Cave location: 43°10'55" N, 91°51'59" W, 370 m elevation DATA: Cold Water Cave Speleothem Luminescence Data Column 1: Age, Calendar Year AD Column 2: Optical Density of Luminescence (ODL), decimal logarithm relative units Age ODL 1652.461539 0.870361 1656.538462 0.863037 1660.615385 0.849609 1664.692308 0.839233 1668.769231 0.825806 1672.846154 0.81543 1676.923077 0.807495 1681 0.807495 1685.076923 0.812988 1689.153846 0.823975 1693.230769 0.834961 1697.307692 0.846558 1701.384615 0.856323 1705.461539 0.869751 1709.538462 0.886841 1713.615385 0.906982 1717.692308 0.928955 1721.769231 0.958252 1725.846154 0.974731 1729.923077 0.980225 1734 0.983887 1737.75 0.978394 1741.5 0.969238 1745.25 0.965576 1749 0.97229 1752.75 0.9729 1756.5 0.969238 1760.25 0.965576 1764 0.955811 1768 0.960083 1772 0.971069 1776 0.978394 1779.454546 0.97229 1782.909091 0.966187 1786.363636 0.93689 1789.818182 0.909424 1793.272727 0.891724 1796.727273 0.895996 1800.181818 0.895386 1803.636364 0.881958 1807.090909 0.874634 1810.545455 0.866089 1814 0.865479 1816.5625 0.888672 1819.125 0.911865 1821.6875 0.952759 1824.25 0.977173 1826.8125 0.993042 1829.375 1.00769 1831.9375 1.01624 1834.5 1.03149 1837.0625 1.05591 1839.625 1.07361 1842.1875 1.07361 1844.75 1.07422 1847.3125 1.08398 1849.875 1.0968 1852.4375 1.11023 1855 1.11328 1860.571429 1.10596 1866.142857 1.09314 1871.714286 1.07361 1877.285714 1.06079 1882.857143 1.05164 1888.428571 1.04614 1894 1.04553 1901.4 1.06384 1908.8 1.08582 1916.2 1.1261 1923.6 1.15845 1931 1.20117 1938.4 1.23901 1945.8 1.24268 1953.2 1.24634 1960.6 1.24329 1968 1.26648 1969 1.26465 1970 1.2439 1971 1.23718 1972 1.25732 1973 1.28174 1974 1.29211 1975 1.30859 1976 1.33667 1977 1.37512 1978 1.40198 1979 1.42944 1980 1.47156 1981 1.50391 1982 1.52954