# Grand Canyon Stalagmite Stable Isotope Data during the Early Holocene #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/38391 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-cave-38391.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Speleothems # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: Monsoon, Younger Dryas, thermal maximum #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/northamerica/usa/arizona/lachniet2023/lachniet2023-gc-1-iso.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; GC-1 Stable Isotope Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2023-08-03 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-08-03 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Grand Canyon Stalagmite Stable Isotope Data during the Early Holocene #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Lachniet, Matthew (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5250-0144); Du, Xiaojing; Dee, Sylvia; Asmerom, Yemane; Polyak, Victor; Tobin, Benjamin #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Provided Keywords: North American Monsoon; groundwater recharge; infiltration; uranium isotopes #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Lachniet, Matthew S.; Xiaojing Du; Sylvia G. Dee; Yemane Asmerom; Victor J. Polyak; Benjamin W. Tobin # Published_Date_or_Year: 2023 # Published_Title: Elevated Grand Canyon groundwater recharge during the warm Early Holocene # Journal_Name: Nature Geoscience # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Summer rainfall is an important contributor to water budgets in western North American deserts, where intense rainfall sustains ecosystems while also causing flash floods and damaging erosion. A better understanding of Grand Canyon paleoclimate and the long-term history of the summer monsoon from summer sensitive paleoclimate records will improve our ability to project future hydroclimatic changes under warmer conditions. Here we show multi-proxy evidence for an intensification of the Early Holocene (11,700 to 8200 years ago) hydrological cycle linked to a stronger and expanded summer North American Monsoon, from calcite oxygen and uranium isotopes in a uranium-series precisely-dated stalagmite from a Grand Canyon cave. Our results suggest that subsurface infiltration was greater in the Early Holocene than today at Grand Canyon. A data-model comparison with an isotope-enabled climate model suggests that enhanced infiltration was due to an Early Holocene monsoon intensification associated with rising atmospheric temperature. Projections of a future increase in precipitation intensity or more frequent and expanded North American monsoon rain events may paradoxically result in increased subsurface infiltration at Grand Canyon and other high-altitude plateaus, even within the context of western North American aridification in a hotter climate. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: ATM-1405546 and 1405557 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Grand Canyon GC-1 # Location: Arizona # Northernmost_Latitude: 36.055 # Southernmost_Latitude: 36.055 # Easternmost_Longitude: -112.14 # Westernmost_Longitude: -112.14 # Elevation_m: 2093 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: GC-1 Stable Isotope Lachniet2023 # First_Year: 13959 # Last_Year: 8533 # Time_Unit: calendar year before present # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes, age control # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Depth (mm) 238U (ng/g) 232Th (pg/g) 230Th/232Th activity ratio 230Th/238U activity ratio Measured d234U (‰) Initial d234U (‰) Uncorrected age (yr BP) Corrected age* (yr BP) Corrected age (yr B2k) d18O (‰ VPDB) # 158.319162375572 1.15778346024561 162.383126357509 1.18774575184048 9009.64210613991 50.4368932839777 8981.20876760314 52.3837860656471 8964.20876760314 52.3837860656471 -7.184 # 155.909655119314 1.15536320564691 160.126124479286 1.1866697737094 9456.78974078132 26.5060939034811 9455.88579450541 26.5302095738127 9438.88579450541 26.5302095738127 -7.04633333333333 # 168.103688463671 1.16745381574155 172.785031756508 1.20002641687112 9735.2427709828 24.8722311634585 9733.04911469558 24.8952735978126 9711.04911469558 24.8952735978126 -7.88258333333333 # 159.139104329491 1.15851042831387 163.819857165249 1.19264957993166 10272.9847433044 26.6950683976059 10272.1779285941 26.7087364564289 10250.1779285941 26.7087364564289 -8.835 # 166.940368247641 1.16627023560644 171.941390694004 1.20131292893278 10461.7099769223 32.6819253742716 10459.3788498298 32.7010583639687 10442.3788498298 32.7010583639687 -8.06666666666667 # 172.795724736552 1.17211832456241 178.195541574866 1.20882812858098 10904.623522143 27.9000490961043 10903.8718337041 27.9020089509032 10886.8718337041 27.9020089509032 -9.193 # 185.246073079304 1.18458043316839 191.194856967318 1.22306509457206 11205.5546396503 61.0616562784163 11200.341434974 61.0937871334643 11183.341434974 61.0937871334643 -9.82366666666667 # 186.242986088112 1.18555897307766 192.453349666996 1.22562737592641 11623.8618999724 66.6860601901422 11623.2776778064 66.6862778817184 11606.2776778064 66.6862778817184 -10.6305 # 186.897562726239 1.18625318732661 193.395958534418 1.22762438265404 12112.7396539708 32.1332804555669 12111.3697160752 32.1450357345827 12089.3697160752 32.1450357345827 -10.3406666666667 # 184.032457137816 1.18337184430871 190.654065316545 1.22607312752556 12526.2599226824 32.2481624489835 12525.7684066013 32.2486968079468 12508.7684066013 32.2486968079468 -10.9653333333333 # 188.503729201166 1.18784643977579 195.572070888706 1.23253108274454 13045.8241733786 34.1067419719961 13044.0778315165 34.1169942586957 13027.0778315165 34.1169942586957 -10.4525 # 182.804839758729 1.18213019995415 190.013434300181 1.22941002648313 13708.7148632536 75.3434338823965 13704.7554375714 75.3656224000529 13687.7554375714 75.3656224000529 -11.04075 # 170.115274917423 1.16944506906679 176.922907785306 1.21637011719337 13913.291302259 34.824023262344 13903.9543655914 35.1286509247064 13881.9543655914 35.1286509247064 -10.408 # *Corrected ages use an average crustal value for the initial 230Th/232Th atomic ratio = 4.4 ± 2.2 ppm. Years before present = yrs BP, where present is AD 2017 or AD 2022. yr B2k means years before 2000 CE. All errors are absolute 2σ. Subsample sizes range from 50 to 130 mg. δ234U = ([234U/238U]activity -1) x 1000. [230Th/238U]activity = 1 - e-λ230T + (δ234Umeasured/1000)[λ230/(λ230 - λ234)](1 - e-(λ230 - λ234)T), where T is the age. Decay constants (λ) are 9.1577 ×10-6 year-1 for 230Th, 2.8263 × 10-6 year-1 for 234U, and 1.55125 × 10-10 year-1 for 238U. #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth,calcite,,millimeter,,Speleothems,,,N, ## d13C delta 13C,calcite,,per mil VPDB,,Speleothems,,,N,measurement precision: 0.03 per mil ## d18O delta 18O,calcite,,per mil VPDB,,Speleothems,,,N,measurement precision: 0.08 per mil #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA depth_mm d13C d18O 0.5 -1.9643 -7.2580 1.0 -1.9353 -7.1460 1.5 -2.1543 -7.4010 2.0 -2.5853 -7.1960 2.5 -2.9343 -7.1190 3.0 -2.8803 -6.9250 3.5 -2.0533 -7.2150 4.0 -2.4733 -7.2110 4.5 -3.2933 -7.2620 5.0 -3.9723 -7.3450 5.5 -3.5443 -7.4130 6.0 -3.4513 -6.8570 6.5 -3.6573 -6.9660 7.0 -3.1873 -6.9180 7.5 -3.1783 -6.9570 8.0 -3.4503 -7.1580 8.5 -3.1103 -6.9520 9.0 -3.1473 -7.0260 9.5 -3.3773 -7.3070 10.0 -3.6423 -7.0270 10.5 -3.0053 -7.3000 11.0 -3.0933 -7.4990 11.5 -3.5843 -7.9670 12.0 -3.5513 -7.6450 12.5 -3.2263 -7.1580 13.0 -3.0533 -6.9720 13.5 -3.0283 -7.4820 14.0 -3.2873 -7.5380 14.5 -3.0393 -7.5790 15.0 -3.3183 -7.3760 15.5 -2.9653 -7.3510 16.0 -3.4733 -7.5700 16.5 -3.7563 -7.6430 17.0 -3.0583 -7.6810 17.5 -3.9773 -7.9050 18.0 -3.9173 -7.3900 18.5 -3.5463 -7.2153 19.0 -3.3373 -7.3733 19.5 -3.5843 -7.5533 20.0 -3.3283 -7.1953 20.5 -3.1473 -6.7663 21.0 -2.9553 -6.9863 21.5 -3.4423 -7.0523 22.0 -3.4683 -6.9543 22.5 -3.5283 -7.2723 23.0 -3.6553 -7.1983 23.5 -4.0683 -7.2683 24.0 -3.4033 -7.2283 24.5 -3.6263 -7.2133 25.0 -3.5953 -7.0873 25.5 -3.1623 -6.8733 26.0 -2.4893 -7.7273 26.5 -3.8293 -7.9073 27.0 -3.1353 -7.9893 27.5 -2.9953 -7.9033 28.0 -2.4733 -7.9723 28.5 -3.5455 -8.1403 29.0 -3.3835 -7.9593 29.5 -1.9675 -7.1833 30.0 -2.9205 -7.6433 30.5 -3.3145 -8.1133 31.0 -3.3115 -8.0453 31.5 -3.7475 -7.6983 32.0 -3.9965 -7.9403 32.5 -3.7365 -8.0463 33.0 -3.8255 -8.0533 33.5 -3.8085 -8.0583 34.0 -4.0275 -7.9343 34.5 -3.8885 -8.1743 35.0 -4.1245 -8.2833 35.5 -3.8465 -8.2983 36.0 -3.6595 -8.5193 36.5 -3.7815 -8.4493 37.0 -4.2565 -8.5123 37.5 -4.4695 -8.7363 38.0 -4.3465 -8.9213 38.5 -4.2693 -8.8253 39.0 -4.0833 -8.7253 39.5 -4.2103 -8.6253 40.0 -3.8953 -8.8003 40.5 -4.4323 -8.8733 41.0 -4.5653 -8.9793 41.5 -3.8823 -8.7823 42.0 -3.9843 -8.6143 42.5 -4.1713 -8.4963 43.0 -3.9553 -8.3873 43.5 -4.0333 -8.6043 44.0 -3.9563 -8.5903 44.5 -4.2313 -8.5393 45.0 -4.1303 -8.5573 45.5 -3.9633 -8.6493 46.0 -4.0073 -8.8183 46.5 -4.0473 -8.9713 47.0 -3.9573 -8.7563 47.5 -3.8133 -8.3683 48.0 -3.8063 -8.2813 48.5 -3.4653 -8.1923 49.0 -3.7405 -8.1540 49.5 -4.1635 -8.0740 50.0 -4.4865 -8.0700 50.5 -4.2295 -8.0480 51.0 -4.2795 -7.9760 51.5 -4.3655 -8.1570 52.0 -3.8185 -8.2000 52.5 -4.2835 -8.4570 53.0 -4.4275 -8.5230 53.5 -4.7615 -8.6660 54.0 -4.3005 -8.4450 54.5 -4.2365 -8.5850 55.0 -4.1015 -8.1670 55.5 -4.3585 -8.3580 56.0 -4.3385 -8.4050 56.5 -4.4005 -8.4360 57.0 -4.0425 -8.3240 57.5 -3.8595 -8.2460 58.0 -4.0155 -8.2580 58.5 -4.6235 -8.5620 59.0 -4.4585 -8.5430 59.5 -4.7185 -8.8190 60.0 -4.5595 -8.8570 60.5 -4.8065 -9.0710 61.0 -4.3805 -8.9310 61.5 -4.5195 -9.1660 62.0 -4.5115 -9.1310 62.5 -4.7415 -9.1730 63.0 -4.8175 -8.8780 63.5 -4.5295 -8.6900 64.0 -4.4495 -8.6720 64.5 -4.2295 -8.6270 65.0 -4.8785 -8.8690 65.5 -4.1615 -8.7470 66.0 -4.4035 -8.9760 66.5 -4.7285 -9.2150 67.0 -4.9535 -8.8700 67.5 -5.0145 -8.9990 68.0 -4.8075 -8.9460 68.5 -4.7315 -9.0000 69.0 -4.9215 -8.9140 69.5 -5.0715 -8.7180 70.0 -4.5075 -8.5190 70.5 -4.9525 -9.0180 71.0 -4.2805 -8.8300 71.5 -4.9865 -9.1550 72.0 -4.7375 -9.0130 72.5 -4.9065 -9.2060 73.0 -5.1305 -9.4610 73.5 -5.1095 -9.5060 74.0 -5.3265 -9.3880 74.5 -5.5235 -9.6490 75.0 -5.2105 -9.2280 75.5 -5.4255 -9.2490 76.0 -4.7535 -8.9630 76.5 -5.1405 -9.1520 77.0 -5.0885 -9.1560 77.5 -5.6165 -9.3580 78.0 -5.2015 -9.1360 78.5 -5.3315 -9.1295 79.0 -5.4603 -8.8923 79.5 -5.8123 -9.1123 80.0 -5.7903 -9.0513 80.5 -5.6833 -9.2623 81.0 -5.8823 -9.0293 81.5 -4.2213 -8.6053 82.0 -3.4043 -8.6313 82.5 -3.5423 -8.8843 83.0 -2.9143 -8.5793 83.5 -3.5313 -8.9153 84.0 -3.9073 -9.1710 84.5 -4.8863 -9.6073 85.0 -4.9323 -9.6573 85.5 -4.5483 -9.5083 86.0 -4.6143 -9.3923 86.5 -4.8553 -9.1763 87.0 -4.7143 -8.8203 87.5 -3.5133 -8.8253 88.0 -4.1753 -9.3673 88.5 -5.3223 -9.7533 89.0 -5.2673 -9.7463 89.5 -5.3563 -9.9153 90.0 -5.4123 -9.9583 90.5 -5.0093 -9.9483 91.0 -5.9843 -10.2173 91.5 -5.4433 -10.0223 92.0 -6.4783 -9.9463 92.5 -4.7753 -9.3153 93.0 -3.8983 -9.0963 93.5 -5.5463 -9.6503 94.0 -5.7383 -9.5943 94.5 -4.3133 -9.3463 95.0 -5.5843 -9.7763 95.5 -5.0573 -9.6623 96.0 -6.9503 -10.1003 96.5 -3.2523 -9.0673 97.0 -3.0543 -8.8983 97.5 -3.6403 -9.1933 98.0 -3.3433 -8.7273 98.5 -3.4287 -9.0988 99.0 -3.4237 -9.2278 99.5 -3.7297 -9.4648 100.0 -3.7967 -9.7168 100.5 -4.1177 -9.6728 101.0 -4.3947 -9.4718 101.5 -4.6047 -9.6828 102.0 -4.5157 -9.8128 102.5 -5.3217 -9.7208 103.0 -5.3287 -9.6558 103.5 -5.7027 -9.7138 104.0 -4.9307 -9.4848 104.5 -5.2097 -9.6738 105.0 -5.3417 -9.7928 105.5 -6.2297 -10.0628 106.0 -3.8287 -9.1878 106.5 -4.0777 -9.2278 107.0 -3.4767 -9.0578 107.5 -4.0257 -9.2458 108.0 -5.5137 -9.7978 108.5 -6.3127 -10.2668 109.0 -5.2057 -10.0588 109.5 -5.2357 -10.3008 110.0 -5.5897 -10.2908 110.5 -4.9097 -10.0468 111.0 -4.2957 -9.5298 111.5 -4.0407 -9.4208 112.0 -5.1127 -9.8248 112.5 -5.2717 -10.1228 113.0 -4.7597 -10.2128 113.5 -5.1467 -10.3938 114.0 -4.8547 -10.6058 114.5 -4.8557 -10.5678 115.0 -4.8047 -10.4598 115.5 -4.8617 -10.3428 116.0 -5.2957 -10.8258 116.5 -5.4697 -10.8858 117.0 -5.9107 -10.6228 117.5 -6.1117 -10.5138 118.0 -5.8307 -11.1008 118.5 -6.2800 -11.1030 119.0 -5.7550 -10.9120 119.5 -5.8260 -10.6380 120.0 -5.3880 -10.4040 120.5 -5.3920 -10.8870 121.0 -5.3330 -10.7590 121.5 -5.2975 -10.7150 122.0 -4.8290 -10.9460 122.5 -4.9700 -10.8550 123.0 -5.3220 -11.0350 123.5 -4.1600 -10.2860 124.0 -4.4150 -10.1030 124.5 -4.3470 -9.8120 125.0 -4.0650 -10.1630 125.5 -4.2110 -10.6040 126.0 -4.0930 -10.7560 126.5 -4.1250 -10.8720 127.0 -3.9140 -10.6690 127.5 -3.9000 -10.5350 128.0 -3.9750 -10.8050 128.5 -4.1830 -10.7260 129.0 -4.1770 -10.5490 129.5 -3.9780 -10.7720 130.0 -3.9720 -10.5550 130.5 -3.6540 -10.5520 131.0 -3.9930 -10.6470 131.5 -3.7340 -10.1510 132.0 -3.8170 -10.4740 132.5 -4.1300 -10.7850 133.0 -4.1490 -10.5160 133.5 -4.5560 -10.8720 134.0 -4.2950 -10.9440 134.5 -4.8130 -11.1220 135.0 -4.4980 -10.8750 135.5 -4.8910 -11.2220 136.0 -4.7600 -11.0770 136.5 -4.8480 -10.5190 137.0 -4.6530 -10.6510 137.5 -4.8030 -11.0690 138.0 -4.7640 -11.1100 138.5 -4.4483 -11.2450 139.0 -4.3283 -11.0150 139.5 -4.0903 -10.9010 140.0 -3.9013 -10.8730 140.5 -3.7943 -11.1270 141.0 -3.7843 -11.1440 141.5 -3.6943 -11.0390 142.0 -3.8443 -11.0390 142.5 -4.1263 -11.1980 143.0 -4.3333 -11.3640 143.5 -4.1423 -10.8950 144.0 -4.0313 -10.9990 144.5 -3.7053 -10.3880 145.0 -3.8013 -10.9650 145.5 -3.5093 -10.9060 146.0 -3.6063 -10.7650 146.5 -3.6583 -10.1600 147.0 -3.6453 -9.8680 147.5 -3.3283 -9.8220 148.0 -3.3093 -9.8810 148.5 -3.8343 -10.3300 149.0 -4.4293 -10.5090 149.5 -4.4998 -10.6713 150.0 -3.6828 -10.0963 150.5 -4.0698 -10.8033 151.0 -4.1958 -10.7523 151.5 -3.6648 -10.7363 152.0 -3.6158 -10.7233 152.5 -4.1878 -10.8983 153.0 -4.0608 -10.7563 153.5 -3.4138 -10.6483 154.0 -3.5428 -10.7833 154.5 -3.9418 -10.6283 155.0 -3.8688 -10.8103 155.5 -3.4878 -10.6913 156.0 -3.6818 -10.6073 156.5 -4.1118 -10.7193 157.0 -4.3148 -10.6413 157.5 -3.9625 -10.6928 158.0 -4.2115 -10.5678 158.5 -4.2305 -10.4658 159.0 -4.2245 -10.4318 159.5 -4.7795 -10.7358 160.0 -5.1235 -10.9328 160.5 -5.5875 -11.1298 161.0 -5.4955 -10.9938 161.5 -4.4355 -10.7108 162.0 -3.3095 -9.8228 162.5 -3.7435 -9.9818 163.0 -4.2405 -10.1598 163.5 -4.4895 -10.3838 164.0 -4.3995 -10.1118 164.5 -4.3575 -9.8728 165.0 -4.9915 -10.0848 165.5 -4.9635 -10.6178 166.0 -4.8955 -10.6278 166.5 -5.7915 -10.9718 167.0 -5.9255 -11.2248 167.5 -5.3985 -10.9928 168.0 -5.3935 -10.7738 168.5 -5.5345 -10.7078 169.0 -5.3285 -10.9038 169.5 -5.3255 -10.9268 170.0 -5.3555 -11.0968 170.5 -6.0928 -11.5233 171.0 -5.6345 -11.1218 171.5 -4.4545 -10.9008 172.0 -3.9355 -10.5048 172.5 -4.3675 -10.4938 173.0 -4.1605 -10.5058 173.5 -3.9485 -10.4608 174.0 -4.2595 -10.6048 174.5 -5.0205 -10.3338 175.0 -5.4405 -10.5988 175.5 -4.7615 -10.4328 176.0 -5.1805 -10.5338 176.5 -5.4955 -10.5808 177.0 -5.1695 -10.2558 177.5 -5.6938 -10.1815 178.0 -5.3038 -10.2535 178.5 -5.2498 -10.2885 179.0 -5.3108 -10.5795 179.5 -5.6208 -10.6425 180.0 -5.5578 -10.6965 180.5 -5.0738 -9.8245 181.0 -5.6168 -10.6925 181.5 -5.8258 -10.4645 182.0 -5.7358 -10.3905 182.5 -5.5285 -10.6290 183.0 -5.1675 -10.1410 183.5 -4.9505 -9.5410 184.0 -4.7445 -10.4570 184.5 -4.6828 -9.8183 185.0 -4.6265 -9.7340 185.5 -4.7478 -10.1253 186.0 -4.7748 -10.0573 186.5 -4.7258 -10.1363