# Bar-Matthews et al. 2003 Speleothem Stable Isotope Data, Soreq and Peqiin Caves, Israel #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/5423 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-cave-5423.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Speleothems # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/8a4v-ac50 # # Science_Keywords: #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/israel/soreq_2003-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Stable Isotope Data # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2003-09-15 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2024-02-23 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Bar-Matthews et al. 2003 Speleothem Stable Isotope Data, Soreq and Peqiin Caves, Israel #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Bar-Matthews, M.(https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8373-5341); Ayalon, A.; Gilmour, M.; Matthews, A.; Hawkesworth, C.J. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Oxygen and carbon stable isotope data from 2 cave speleothems in central Israel. Soreq Cave: 31.45N, 35.03E, Judean Mountains, surface elevation 400m, cave depth 10-50m below surface. Peqiin Cave: 32.58N, 35.19E, Upper Galilee Mountains, surface elevation 650m, cave depth 10-30m below surface. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Miryam Bar-Matthews, Avner Ayalon, Mabs Gilmour, Alan Matthews, Chris J. Hawkesworth # Journal_Name: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta # Published_Title: Sea-land oxygen isotopic relationships from planktonic foraminifera and speleothems in the Eastern Mediterranean region and their implication for paleorainfall during interglacial intervals # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003 # Volume: 67 # Pages: 3181-3199 # Issue: 17 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)01031-1 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The oxygen and carbon stable isotope compositions of cave speleothems provide a powerful method for understanding continental climate change. Here, we examine the question of the regionality of this isotopic record and its linkage with the marine isotopic record in the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region. The study presents a new, accurately dated 250-kyr d18O and d13C record determined from speleothems of the Peqiin Cave, Northern Israel. Its comparison with the continuous 185-kyr isotopic record of the Soreq Cave speleothems from Central Israel reveals striking similarities. Thus, a strong regional climatic signal, brought about by variations in temperature and rainfall amount, is reflected in both cave records. Low d18O minima in the Peqiin profile for the last 250- to 185-kyr period (interglacial marine isotopic stage 7) match the timing of sapropels 9 to 7 and are indicative of high rainfall in the EM region at these times. The combined Soreq and Peqiin d18O record for the last 250 kyr excellently matches the published Globigerinoides ruber (G. ruber) marine d18O record for the EM Sea, with the isotopic compositional difference G.ruber-speleothems remaining relatively constant at -5.6 +/- 0.7 per mil, thus establishing for the first time a robust, exploitable link between the land and the marine isotopic records. The correspondence of low d18O speleothem values and high cave water stands with low G. ruber d18O values during interglacial sapropel events indicates that these periods were characterized by enhanced rainfall in the EM land and sea regions. By use of sea surface temperatures derived from alkenone data as a proxy for land temperatures at the Soreq Cave, we calculate the paleorainfall d18O values and its amounts. Maximum rainfall and lowest temperature conditions occurred at the beginning of the sapropel events and were followed by decrease in rainfall and increase in temperatures, leading to arid conditions. The record for the last 7000 yr shows a trend toward increasing aridity and agrees well with climatic and archeological data from North Africa and the Middle East. #-------------------- # Authors: Bar-Matthews, M., A. Ayalon, and A. Kaufman # Journal_Name: Quaternary Research # Published_Title: Late Quaternary Paleoclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean Region from Stable Isotope Analysis of Speleothems at Soreq Cave, Israel # Published_Date_or_Year: 1997 # Volume: 47 # Pages: 155-168 # Issue: 2 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1006/qres.1997.1883 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The eastern Mediterranean continental paleoclimate during the past 25,000 years was determined by a high-resolution petrographic, stable isotopic, and age study of speleothems from Soreq Cave, Israel. δ18O–δ13C trends indicate that all speleothems older than 7000 yr formed under conditions that differ from those of today. The period from 25,000 to 17,000 yr B.P. was characterized by the highest δ18O and δ13C values, which indicate deposition at temperatures of 12°–16°C, annual rainfall of 300–450 mm, and vegetation typical of a mixed C3–C4type. From 17,000 to 10,000 yr B.P. (deglaciation in northern Europe) δ18O values dropped progressively, correlative with warming (2°–3°C) and a gradual increase in precipitation. A simultaneous decrease in δ13C gives a range expected for C3-type vegetation. This period also shows significant δ18O and δ13C “spikes” which are correlatable with global events (e.g., Heinrich events and the Younger Dryas Stade). The speleothems that grew between 10,000 and 7000 yr B.P. have a unique petrography showing irregular thin laminae of various colors and much detritus. They have the lowest δ18O (corresponding to ~1000 mm rain) coupled with the highest δ13C (caused by flooding events which stripped the soil cover). From 7000 to 1000 yr B.P. conditions became closer to those of today. This study demonstrates that global events which were recognized in Northern Europe and North Africa are also evident in the eastern Mediterranean and are reflected principally by large changes in the rainfall rate. #-------------------- # Authors: Bar-Matthews, M., A. Ayalon, A. Kaufman, and G.J. Wasserburg # Journal_Name: Earth and Planetary Science Letters # Published_Title: The Eastern Mediterranean paleoclimate as a reflection of regional events: Soreq cave, Israel # Published_Date_or_Year: 1999 # Volume: 166 # Pages: 85-95 # Issue: 1-2 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00275-1 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The climate of the Eastern Mediterranean region of the last 60 ky was determined by a high resolution study of the oxygen and carbon isotopic composition (1500 measurement pairs) of speleothems from the Soreq cave, Israel, with chronology provided by 53 precise 230Th–234U (TIMS) ages. The high precision of the speleothem TIMS ages permits us to determine the timing of regional climatic events in the Eastern Mediterranean region and to see if they correlate with global events. During the period from 60 to 17 ky, the δ18O and δ13C values were generally 2–2.5‰ higher than during the period from 17 ky to present. This is consistent with the climatic transition from glacial to interglacial. Within the 60 to 17 ky period, the Soreq cave stable isotope profile includes four cold peaks (at 46, 35, 25 and 19 ky) and 2 warm peaks (at 54 and 36 ky). In addition, the period <17 ky has two more cold peaks at 16.5 and from 13.2 to 11.4 ky. The ages of four of the six cold peaks correlate well with the ages of three Heinrich events (H1, H2, H5) and with the age of the Younger Dryas. However, the other two Heinrich events are not reflected in the Soreq cave record. Several other isotope peaks which appear during the last 7 ky are contemporaneous with regional climatic events in the Middle East and North Africa. # # In addition to the drop in δ18O and δ13C observed between the last glacial and the Holocene, sharp simultaneous drops in (234U/238U)0 ratios, Sr concentrations and in 87Sr/86Sr are also observed, suggesting that the latter are climate related. These variations are interpreted in terms of major changes in the temperature, the mean annual rainfall and its isotopic composition, the isotopic composition of the Mediterranean vapor source, the soil moisture conditions, and in the mixing proportions of sources with different 87Sr/86Sr ratios (sea spray, dust particles and dolomitic host rock). #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Israel Science Foundation # Grant: #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Soreq Cave # Location: Israel # Northernmost_Latitude: 31.45 # Southernmost_Latitude: 31.45 # Easternmost_Longitude: 35.03 # Westernmost_Longitude: 35.03 # Elevation_m: 400 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Soreq Cave composite # First_Year: 184000 # Last_Year: 0 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: carbon isotopes, oxygen isotopes # Notes: Samples from 20 different stalagmites and stalactites from various locations within the cave #-------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: #-------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_calkaBP age,,,calendar kiloyear before present,,speleothems,,,N, ## d18O_vpdb delta 18O,calcium carbonate,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,raw,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## d13C_vpdb delta 13C,calcium carbonate,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,raw,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: age_calkaBP d18O_vpdb d13C_vpdb 0 -5.25 -10.64 0.3 -5.3 -10.26 0.35 -5.05 -10.39 0.45 -5.42 -10.48 0.55 -5.62 -10.61 0.63 -5.75 -10.76 0.68 -5.51 -10.54 0.71 -5.49 -10.73 0.736 -5.43 -10.73 0.765 -5.44 -11.11 0.79 -5.29 -10.5 0.82 -5.3 -11.42 0.85 -5.32 -11.52 0.91 -5.07 -11.39 0.98 -5.2 -11.31 1.13 -5.48 -11.16 1.28 -5.5 -11.37 1.35 -5.55 -11.38 1.48 -5.48 -10.99 1.61 -5.37 -11.4 1.74 -5.33 -11.32 2 -5.31 -11.32 2.24 -5.36 -10.95 2.36 -5.42 -11.16 2.48 -5.39 -11.14 2.6 -5.6 -11.06 2.76 -5.56 -11.25 2.93 -5.51 -11.26 3.1 -5.62 -11.06 3.2 -5.41 -11.3 3.3 -5.45 -11.16 3.4 -5.4 -11.17 3.5 -5.33 -10.37 3.54 -5.49 -11.16 3.58 -5.39 -11.21 3.62 -5.28 -11.16 3.66 -5.26 -11.15 3.72 -5.51 -10.94 3.78 -5.55 -10.87 3.8 -5.52 -10.93 3.82 -5.37 -10.73 3.86 -5.4 -11.2 3.88 -5.24 -10.35 3.9 -5.23 -10.51 3.92 -5.35 -10.36 3.94 -5.31 -10.44 3.96 -5.37 -10.68 3.98 -5.25 -9.76 4.015 -5.34 -10.81 4.03 -5.36 -10.22 4.045 -5.36 -10.86 4.06 -5.47 -10.95 4.075 -5.49 -10.67 4.1 -5.42 -10.65 4.115 -5.52 -10.83 4.13 -5.42 -10.6 4.145 -5.33 -10.52 4.16 -5.31 -10.84 4.175 -5.2 -10.81 4.19 -5.39 -10.69 4.2 -5.39 -11 4.235 -5.52 -10.44 4.25 -5.52 -10.88 4.265 -5.5 -11.08 4.28 -5.5 -10.87 4.295 -5.52 -11.5 4.31 -5.51 -11.29 4.32 -5.54 -11.6 4.35 -5.66 -11.74 4.38 -5.82 -10.92 4.41 -5.79 -11.7 4.44 -5.6 -11.3 4.47 -5.63 -11.36 4.5 -5.5 -11.31 4.53 -5.58 -11.64 4.56 -5.78 -11.93 4.59 -5.84 -11.94 4.62 -5.98 -12.65 4.65 -6.12 -12.24 4.7 -6 -11.86 4.74 -6.04 -12.51 4.775 -6.02 -12.4 4.8 -5.81 -11.81 4.81 -5.8 -11.79 4.83 -5.88 -11.8 4.84 -5.74 -11.61 4.85 -5.9 -12 4.87 -5.89 -11.8 4.88 -5.87 -11.84 4.89 -5.83 -11.62 4.9 -5.5 -11.56 4.91 -5.19 -10.64 4.925 -5.25 -11.33 4.94 -5.36 -11.14 4.955 -5.35 -10.74 4.97 -5.77 -11.12 4.985 -5.5 -10.63 5 -5.5 -10.62 5.015 -5.54 -10.84 5.045 -5.87 -11.2 5.06 -5.96 -11.39 5.078 -5.6 -10.85 5.096 -5.59 -11.11 5.114 -5.84 -11.46 5.15 -5.22 -11.29 5.168 -5.22 -11.48 5.186 -4.53 -10.96 5.206 -5.08 -11.19 5.226 -6.1 -11.46 5.246 -6.04 -11.49 5.266 -5.52 -11.33 5.286 -5.68 -10.76 5.306 -5.33 -10.74 5.326 -5.29 -10.49 5.346 -5.36 -10.92 5.366 -5.57 -10.82 5.39 -5.7 -11.37 5.436 -5.88 -10.94 5.496 -5.82 -11.43 5.576 -5.73 -11.49 5.676 -6 -11.05 5.776 -5.89 -11.41 5.976 -5.64 -10.65 6.1 -5.7 -10.44 6.2 -5.9 -10.55 6.3 -6.09 -10.62 6.4 -5.72 -10.75 6.5 -5.58 -11.12 6.6 -5.57 -10.85 6.7 -5.55 -10.83 6.8 -5.74 -10.58 6.9 -5.31 -10.84 7 -5.98 -9.52 7.1 -6.01 -4.91 7.2 -6.02 -7.08 7.32 -6.32 -6.81 7.54 -6.45 -5.71 7.63 -6.58 -6.54 7.72 -6.01 -8.04 7.91 -6.26 -7.98 8.01 -6.12 -8.52 8.1 -5.54 -11.14 8.175 -6.16 -7.97 8.23 -6.08 -7.92 8.27 -5.86 -6.52 8.305 -5.96 -6.26 8.32 -5.97 -4.76 8.34 -5.98 -4.82 8.34 -6.36 -4.33 8.355 -6.12 -4.6 8.37 -6.32 -4.3 8.4055 -6.21 -4.73 8.41 -6.29 -4.72 8.415 -6.43 -5.09 8.42 -6.55 -4.89 8.425 -6.06 -5.91 8.43 -6.13 -4.86 8.435 -6.14 -4.3 8.44 -6.12 -5.37 8.445 -6 -6.69 8.45 -6.03 -8.44 8.455 -6.22 -7.16 8.46 -6.1 -12.06 8.465 -6.27 -11.81 8.47 -6.47 -11.4 8.48 -6.16 -11.73 8.49 -6.08 -11.37 8.5 -6.14 -11.74 8.51 -6.14 -10.95 8.52 -6.03 -11.84 8.535 -6.18 -11.94 8.55 -6.2 -11.15 8.565 -5.84 -11.07 8.58 -5.77 -10.86 8.6 -5.72 -10.75 8.62 -5.74 -12.22 8.64 -5.67 -12.48 8.67 -6.23 -12.74 8.71 -6.04 -12.74 8.76 -6 -12.7 8.82 -5.93 -12 8.9 -5.67 -12.66 9 -6.04 -12.9 9.14 -5.92 -12.6 9.34 -5.66 -12.18 9.59 -6.08 -12.42 9.89 -6.02 -12.94 10.24 -5.98 -12.65 10.59 -5.75 -12.51 10.99 -5.47 -12.46 11.1 -5.18 -12 11.2 -4.48 -12.09 11.42 -4.49 -11.9 11.94 -4.27 -11.45 12.3 -4.18 -11.3 12.65 -4.07 -11.7 13 -4.19 -11.73 13.36 -4.4 -11.73 13.72 -4.63 -11.51 13.8 -5.7 -12.29 14 -5.63 -12.72 14.23 -6 -12.87 14.41 -5.87 -12.11 14.7 -5.61 -12.51 14.9 -5.69 -12.68 15.1 -5.13 -11.66 15.4 -4.75 -11.94 15.71 -4.49 -11.95 15.755 -3.94 -10.57 15.795 -5.07 -12.01 15.85 -4.73 -11.99 15.91 -4.29 -11.55 15.96 -4.17 -11.62 16.02 -4.49 -11.79 16.07 -4.3 -11.28 16.13 -3.8 -11.24 16.18 -3.77 -11.38 16.24 -3.78 -11.32 16.29 -3.96 -11.35 16.35 -3.97 -11.42 16.4 -4.25 -11.11 16.42 -4.06 -11.2 16.44 -4.13 -10.99 16.46 -3.76 -10.04 16.47 -3.73 -10.91 16.49 -3.83 -10.98 16.51 -3.82 -11.01 16.53 -3.79 -11.19 16.55 -3.96 -10.97 16.57 -4.12 -10.8 16.59 -3.85 -10.8 16.61 -3.79 -10.29 16.62 -3.68 -10.78 16.64 -3.72 -10.51 16.66 -3.79 -10.8 16.68 -3.59 -10.91 16.7 -3.01 -10.11 16.72 -3.43 -10.24 16.77 -3.61 -10.65 16.78 -3.72 -10.61 16.8 -3.64 -10.45 16.82 -3.51 -10.41 16.85 -3.4 -9.36 16.87 -3.26 -9.38 16.88 -3.05 -9.41 16.92 -3.31 -10.11 16.95 -3.77 -9.71 17 -3.47 -9.84 17.02 -3.36 -9.67 17.1 -3.4 -9.97 17.15 -3.39 -9.67 17.2 -3.38 -10.36 17.25 -3.54 -10.43 17.3 -3.52 -10.4 17.32 -3.26 -10.39 17.34 -3.26 -10.5 17.36 -3.35 -10.31 17.38 -3.13 -9.45 17.41 -3.16 -10.19 17.49 -3.48 -10.29 17.57 -3.57 -9.98 17.64 -3.46 -10.39 17.72 -3.28 -10.33 17.8 -3.43 -10.53 17.88 -3.5 -10.6 17.96 -3.61 -10.98 18.04 -3.42 -10.48 18.12 -3.24 -10.26 18.2 -3.3 -9.56 18.28 -3.31 -9.93 18.36 -3.37 -10.06 18.44 -3.01 -10.01 18.52 -3.15 -9.97 18.6 -10.17 18.68 -3.07 -9.26 18.76 -2.9 -9.41 18.84 -2.94 -9.65 18.92 -2.42 -9.53 19 -2.73 -8.61 19.15 -2.82 -8.45 19.4 -2.98 -9.49 19.8 -3.17 -9.85 20.2 -3.13 -9.78 20.6 -3.27 -9.46 20.8 -3.4 -9.17 21 -3.43 -9.73 21.19 -3.32 -9.5 21.31 -3.42 -9.68 21.43 -3.32 -9.95 21.54 -3.13 -9.7 21.66 -3.05 -8.85 21.78 -3.11 -9.57 21.89 -3.18 -10.18 22.01 -3.12 -10.16 22.13 -3.25 -10.16 22.24 -3.18 -10.22 22.22 -2.82 -9.03 22.38 -2.88 -9.46 22.53 -2.88 -9.54 22.69 -2.93 -9.64 22.84 -2.93 -9.62 22.99 -3.48 -10.35 23.15 -3.58 -10.7 23.3 -3.55 -10.91 23.46 -3.05 -9.77 23.61 -3.17 -10.06 23.76 -3.22 -10.33 23.92 -3.12 -10.15 24.08 -3.28 -10.43 24.16 -3.22 -10.12 24.23 -3.13 -10.29 24.31 -2.88 -9.94 24.38 -2.83 -10.08 24.46 -3.16 -9.78 24.53 -3.1 -9.69 24.61 -2.91 -9.62 24.69 -3.14 -9.6 24.76 -3.09 -9.18 24.84 -3.24 -9.16 24.91 -3.35 -9.43 24.99 -2.94 -9.34 25.06 -2.91 -9.61 25.14 -2.76 -9.89 25.84 -2.8 -9.92 26.54 -2.95 -10.17 27.24 -2.96 -10.06 27.94 -3.25 -10.01 28.64 -2.84 -10.25 29.33 -2.94 -10.3 30.03 -3.07 -10.19 30.73 -2.86 -9.97 31.43 -2.88 -9.73 32.13 -2.88 -9.67 32.27 -3.08 -10.07 32.41 -2.87 -8.85 32.6 -2.72 -9.11 32.7 -2.72 -8.95 32.84 -3.42 -9.4 32.98 -3.62 -9.69 33.13 -2.99 -9.19 33.27 -3.14 -9.72 33.41 -3.23 -9.6 33.55 -3.15 -9.65 33.7 -3.09 -9.09 33.84 -2.93 -9.12 33.98 -2.88 -9.2 34.02 -2.58 -8.37 34.05 -2.61 -8.67 34.09 -2.59 -8.53 34.13 -2.71 -8.89 34.17 -3.1 -9.13 34.2 -2.87 -9.31 34.24 -2.96 -9.32 34.28 -3.04 -8.74 34.32 -2.95 -9.05 34.35 -2.74 -9.15 34.39 -2.78 -9.13 34.43 -2.75 -9.3 34.46 -2.74 -9.17 34.5 -2.7 -8.78 34.54 -2.95 -9.23 34.58 -2.5 -8.66 34.61 -2.73 -8.53 34.65 -3.01 -9.31 34.69 -2.78 -8.87 34.73 -2.86 -9.28 34.76 -2.81 -9.32 34.8 -2.72 -9.11 34.81 -2.99 -9.23 34.82 -2.79 -8.93 34.83 -2.83 -8.94 34.83 -2.54 34.84 -2.69 -8.58 34.855 -2.68 -8.8 34.865 -3.01 -9.31 34.87 -2.98 -9.22 34.89 -3.25 -9.53 34.9 -3.2 -9.68 34.91 -3.18 -9.7 34.92 -3.72 -11.06 34.93 -3.61 -9.95 34.94 -3.26 -10.17 34.955 -3.36 -9.66 34.965 -3.3 -9.35 34.98 -3.75 -9.4 34.99 -3.13 -9.28 35 -3.4 -9.55 35.01 -3.43 -9.65 35.02 -3.21 -9.4 35.03 -3.14 -9.29 35.05 -3.33 -9.48 35.06 -3.49 -10.11 35.07 -3.45 -9.58 35.085 -3.3 -9.18 35.1 -3.33 -9.37 35.12 -3.33 -9.63 35.13 -3.28 -9.66 35.15 -3.32 -9.2 35.16 -3.85 -9.84 35.18 -3.69 -9.51 35.19 -3.53 -9.79 35.21 -3.44 -9.63 35.22 -3.49 -10 35.24 -3.46 -9.86 35.25 -3.56 -10.07 35.27 -3.39 -9.33 35.28 -3.54 -10.04 35.3 -3.5 -9.36 35.31 -3.53 -9.12 35.33 -3.48 -9.32 35.35 -3.46 -9.82 35.36 -3.53 -9.87 35.38 -3.45 -9.54 35.39 -3.43 -9.55 35.41 -3.57 -10.08 35.42 -3.33 -9.94 35.44 -3.38 -10.26 35.45 -3.55 -9.53 35.47 -3.68 -10.04 35.48 -3.8 -10.26 35.5 -3.54 -9.55 35.51 -3.52 -9.79 35.53 -3.47 -9.76 35.54 -3.65 -10.04 35.56 -3.49 -9.8 35.58 -3.46 -9.77 35.59 -3.36 -9.82 35.61 -2.89 -8.24 35.62 -2.36 -8.38 35.64 -3.07 -8.26 35.65 -3.03 -8.28 35.67 -2.87 -8.27 35.68 -2.88 -8.89 35.7 -3.07 -9.54 35.71 -3.04 -9.25 35.73 -2.96 -9.66 35.74 -3.02 -9.04 35.76 -2.99 -9.84 35.77 -3.01 -9.97 35.79 -3.02 -10.24 35.5 -4.44 -11.74 35.91 -3.68 -11 36.27 -3.27 -10.68 37.4 -3.61 -10.82 38.21 -3.54 -10.9 39.18 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