# Asian and South American Speleothem Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Data during Heinrich Stadial 2 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/36854 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-cave-36854.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Speleothems # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/18dq-7a17 # # Science_Keywords: #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/dong2022/dong2022-yx-51.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Stalagmite YX-51 d18O Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2022-09-20 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-03-24 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Asian and South American Speleothem Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Data during Heinrich Stadial 2 #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Dong, Xiyu; Kathayat, Gayatri; Rasmussen, Sune O.; Svensson, Anders; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Li, Hanying; Sinha, Ashish; Xu, Yao; Zhang, Haiwei; Shi, Zhengguo; Cai, Yanjun; Pérez-Mejías, Carlos; Baker, Jonathan; Zhao, Jingyao; Spötl, Christoph; Columbu, Andrea; Ning, Youfeng; Stríkis, Nicolás M.; Chen, Shitao; Wang, Xianfeng; Gupta, Anil K.; Dutt, Som; Zhang, Fan; Cruz, Francisco W.; An, Zhisheng; Edwards, R. Lawrence; Cheng, Hai #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: # Provided Keywords: Heinrich Stadial 2, timing, structure, ice-core chronology, climate dynamics #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Dong, Xiyu, Gayatri Kathayat, Sune O. Rasmussen, Anders Svensson, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Hanying Li, Ashish Sinha, Yao Xu, Haiwei Zhang, Zhengguo Shi, Yanjun Cai, Carlos Pérez-Mejías, Jonathan Baker, Jingyao Zhao, Christoph Spötl, Andrea Columbu, Youfeng Ning, Nicolás M. Stríkis, Shitao Chen, Xianfeng Wang, Anil K. Gupta, Som Dutt, Fan Zhang, Francisco W. Cruz, Zhisheng An, R. Lawrence Edwards, Hai Cheng # Published_Date_or_Year: 2022-10-04 # Published_Title: Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean dynamics during Heinrich Stadial 2 # Journal_Name: Nature Communications # Volume: 13 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: 5867 # DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33583-4 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Our understanding of climate dynamics during millennial-scale events is incomplete, partially due to the lack of their precise phase analyses under various boundary conditions. Here we present nine speleothem oxygen-isotope records from mid-to-low-latitude monsoon regimes with sub-centennial age precision and multi-annual resolution, spanning the Heinrich Stadial 2 (HS2) — a millennial-scale event that occurred at the Last Glacial Maximum. Our data suggests that the Greenland and Antarctica ice-core chronologies require +320- and +400-year adjustments, respectively, supported by extant volcanic evidence and radiocarbon ages. Our chronological framework shows a synchronous HS2 onset globally. Our records precisely characterize a centennial-scale abrupt “tropical atmospheric seesaw” superimposed on the conventional “bipolar seesaw” at the beginning of HS2, implying a unique response/feedback from low-latitude hydroclimate. Together with our observation of an early South American monsoon shift at the HS2 termination, we suggest a more active role of low-latitude hydroclimate dynamics underlying millennial events than previously thought. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 41888101, 41731174, 42150710534, 41703007 and 42172201 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences # Grant: XDB 40000000 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: FAPESP # Grant: 2017/50085-3 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Carlsberg Foundation # Grant: SOR’s ChronoClimate project #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Yongxing Cave # Location: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 31.6 # Southernmost_Latitude: 31.6 # Easternmost_Longitude: 111.2 # Westernmost_Longitude: 111.2 # Elevation_m: 700 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Stalagmite YX-51 d18O Dong2022 # First_Year: 24870 # Last_Year: 23190 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Uranium-Thorium # Chronology_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/noaa-wds-paleo-uth-terms.csv # Chronology_Download_Description: Uranium-Thorium terms and definitions. # Chronology_Notes: The sample number is named as “speleothem number-depth (mm)" # 238U_Decay_Constant: 1.55125x10[-10] # 234U_Decay_Constant: 2.82206x10[-6] # 230Th_Decay_Constant: 9.1705x10[-6] # Initial_230Th/232Th: 4.4 ± 2.2 ppm # Initial_230Th/232Th_Method: Values for a material at secular equilibrium, with the bulk earth 232Th/238U value of 3.8. The errors are arbitrarily assumed to be 50%. # Missing_Values: na # Chronology_Table: #samp_id depth_top_mm 238U_ppb 238U_2s_ppb 232Th_ppt 232Th_2s_ppt 230Th_232Th_atom_ppm 230Th_232Th_atom_2s_ppm d234U_meas_permil d234U_meas_2s_permil 230Th_238U_act 230Th_238U_act_2s age_uncorr_BM age_uncorr_2s_yr age_corr_BM age_corr_2s_yr d234U_init_permil d234U_init_2s_permil age_corr_BP1950 age_corr_2s_yr #YX51-205 20.5 958.894918 0.917104 2333.292051 47.105625 2010.345388 40.870979 531.442448 1.532135 0.296690 0.000766 23192 71 23147 78 567.316204 1.640282 23078 78 #YX51-285 28.5 1018.620028 1.004235 1212.344206 24.856040 4284.651939 88.291373 557.494013 1.550086 0.309288 0.000708 23823 66 23802 68 596.226947 1.661679 23733 68 #YX51-335 33.5 846.058971 0.816869 821.906291 17.116541 5248.894279 109.940754 546.668719 1.642118 0.309260 0.000754 24009 71 23991 72 584.962268 1.761147 23922 72 #YX51-350 35 848.794333 0.797209 433.230301 10.318098 10030.747602 240.013911 545.145272 1.667150 0.310516 0.000772 24144 73 24134 73 583.567615 1.788685 24064 73 #YX51-380 38 803.788513 0.674656 570.599505 12.437972 7238.161406 158.515402 546.059047 1.561070 0.311639 0.000708 24224 67 24211 67 584.672367 1.675154 24141 67 #YX51-480 48 840.301500 0.781884 789.727063 17.022136 5533.025440 120.797132 542.261010 1.466704 0.315383 0.001133 24614 101 24597 102 581.239043 1.581037 24528 102 #YX51-560 56 757.935594 0.725842 1720.429885 34.855625 2265.714350 46.362083 513.551516 1.488000 0.311921 0.000944 24838 88 24796 93 550.774325 1.602363 24727 93 # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth,,,millimeter,,speleothems,,,N,depth from top; the distance of dating sample drilled ## age_calyrBP age,,,calendar year before present,,speleothems,,,N,age of subsample; year before 1950 ## d18O_aragcor delta 18O,calcium carbonate,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,corrected,,N,delta 18O after aragonite correction #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: -999 depth_mm age_calyrBP d18O_aragcor 19.7 23192 -6.903 19.9 23203 -6.986 20.1 23214 -7.047 20.3 23224 -7.193 20.5 23235 -7.152 20.7 23246 -7.375 20.8 23252 -7.455 20.9 23258 -7.257 21 23263 -7.33 21.1 23269 -7.18 21.2 23275 -7.262 21.3 23280 -7.257 21.4 23286 -7.214 21.5 23292 -7.032 21.6 23298 -7.069 21.7 23304 -6.846 21.8 23310 -6.751 21.9 23316 -6.675 22 23323 -6.727 22.1 23329 -6.698 22.2 23336 -6.811 22.3 23342 -6.726 22.4 23349 -6.575 22.5 23355 -6.449 22.6 23362 -6.436 22.7 23368 -6.418 22.8 23375 -6.416 22.9 23382 -6.561 23 23389 -6.488 23.1 23396 -6.525 23.2 23402 -6.513 23.3 23409 -6.504 23.4 23416 -6.57 23.5 23423 -6.524 23.6 23430 -6.615 23.7 23437 -6.765 23.8 23444 -6.613 23.9 23451 -6.584 24 23458 -6.687 24.1 23465 -6.675 24.3 23478 -6.624 24.4 23485 -6.71 24.6 23499 -6.741 24.7 23506 -6.667 24.8 23512 -6.721 24.9 23519 -6.718 25 23525 -6.642 25.1 23532 -6.668 25.2 23538 -6.498 25.3 23544 -6.501 25.4 23551 -6.487 25.5 23557 -6.582 25.6 23563 -6.524 25.7 23569 -6.494 25.8 23575 -6.398 25.9 23580 -6.461 26 23586 -6.393 26.1 23591 -6.415 26.2 23597 -6.403 26.3 23602 -6.455 26.4 23607 -6.416 26.5 23612 -6.404 26.6 23618 -6.31 26.7 23623 -6.221 26.8 23628 -6.248 26.9 23632 -6.325 27 23637 -6.37 27.1 23642 -6.429 27.2 23647 -6.376 27.3 23652 -6.346 27.4 23657 -6.21 27.5 23661 -6.256 27.6 23666 -6.216 27.7 23671 -6.153 27.8 23675 -6.089 27.9 23680 -6.116 28 23685 -6.081 28.1 23690 -5.991 28.2 23694 -5.888 28.3 23699 -5.821 28.4 23704 -5.8 28.5 23709 -5.794 28.6 23713 -5.776 28.7 23718 -5.91 28.8 23723 -5.997 28.9 23728 -5.991 29 23733 -6.064 29.1 23738 -6.082 29.2 23743 -6.067 29.3 23748 -6.064 29.4 23752 -6.021 29.5 23757 -6.172 29.6 23762 -6.149 29.7 23768 -6.21 29.8 23773 -6.11 29.9 23778 -6.218 30 23783 -6.277 30.1 23788 -6.207 30.2 23793 -6.096 30.3 23798 -6.039 30.4 23804 -6.111 30.5 23809 -6.163 30.6 23814 -5.989 30.7 23819 -5.972 30.8 23824 -5.94 30.9 23830 -5.934 31 23835 -5.881 31.1 23840 -5.913 31.2 23845 -5.921 31.3 23850 -5.889 31.4 23855 -5.878 31.5 23860 -5.968 31.6 23865 -5.892 31.7 23870 -5.95 31.8 23875 -5.971 31.9 23880 -5.892 32 23885 -5.855 32.1 23890 -5.888 32.2 23895 -5.8 32.3 23899 -5.762 32.4 23904 -5.769 32.5 23909 -5.695 32.7 23918 -5.674 32.8 23923 -5.674 32.9 23927 -5.576 33 23932 -5.537 33.1 23936 -5.544 33.2 23941 -5.527 33.3 23945 -5.515 33.4 23950 -5.524 33.7 23964 -5.592 33.8 23968 -5.569 33.9 23973 -5.56 34 23977 -5.557 34.1 23982 -5.575 34.2 23986 -5.595 34.3 23991 -5.639 34.4 23995 -5.619 34.5 24000 -5.653 34.6 24004 -5.592 34.7 24009 -5.673 34.8 24013 -5.673 34.9 24017 -5.67 35 24022 -5.64 35.1 24026 -5.687 35.2 24031 -5.641 35.3 24035 -5.68 35.4 24039 -5.676 35.5 24044 -5.688 35.6 24048 -5.69 35.7 24052 -5.648 35.8 24057 -5.712 35.9 24061 -5.676 36 24065 -5.71 36.1 24069 -5.756 36.2 24073 -5.672 36.3 24078 -5.604 36.4 24082 -5.768 36.5 24086 -5.738 36.6 24090 -5.708 36.7 24094 -5.709 36.8 24098 -5.667 36.9 24102 -5.648 37 24106 -5.705 37.1 24110 -5.665 37.2 24114 -5.773 37.3 24118 -5.734 37.4 24122 -5.741 37.5 24126 -5.716 37.6 24130 -5.625 37.7 24133 -5.519 37.8 24137 -5.596 37.9 24141 -5.647 38 24145 -5.61 38.1 24149 -5.607 38.2 24153 -5.559 38.3 24156 -5.593 38.4 24160 -5.575 38.5 24164 -5.591 38.6 24168 -5.606 38.7 24171 -5.571 38.8 24175 -5.728 38.9 24179 -5.725 39 24182 -5.654 39.1 24186 -5.73 39.2 24190 -5.817 39.3 24193 -5.734 39.4 24197 -5.819 39.5 24201 -5.825 39.6 24204 -5.707 39.7 24208 -5.744 39.8 24211 -5.677 39.9 24215 -5.704 40 24218 -5.696 40.1 24222 -5.642 40.2 24225 -5.569 40.3 24229 -5.689 40.4 24233 -5.616 40.5 24236 -5.713 40.6 24240 -5.635 40.7 24243 -5.812 40.8 24247 -5.712 40.9 24250 -5.647 41 24254 -5.622 41.1 24257 -5.686 41.2 24261 -5.654 41.3 24264 -5.661 41.4 24268 -5.784 41.5 24271 -5.807 41.6 24275 -5.756 41.7 24278 -5.643 41.8 24282 -5.856 41.9 24285 -5.786 42 24289 -5.739 42.1 24293 -5.71 42.2 24296 -5.852 42.3 24300 -5.884 42.4 24303 -5.784 42.5 24307 -5.805 42.6 24311 -5.783 42.7 24314 -5.884 42.8 24318 -5.887 42.9 24322 -6.056 43 24325 -6.028 43.1 24329 -6.025 43.2 24332 -6.067 43.3 24336 -6.024 43.4 24340 -6.089 43.5 24343 -6.112 43.6 24347 -6.096 43.7 24351 -6.023 43.8 24354 -5.962 43.9 24358 -6.051 44 24361 -6.11 44.1 24365 -5.942 44.2 24369 -5.972 44.3 24372 -6.039 44.4 24376 -5.972 44.6 24383 -6.133 44.7 24387 -6.118 44.8 24390 -6.145 44.9 24394 -6.124 45 24397 -6.218 45.1 24401 -6.264 45.3 24408 -6.296 45.4 24412 -6.328 45.7 24422 -6.457 45.8 24426 -6.435 45.9 24430 -6.479 46 24433 -6.479 46.1 24437 -6.469 46.2 24440 -6.605 46.4 24448 -6.583 46.6 24455 -6.631 46.7 24459 -6.654 46.8 24462 -6.717 47 24469 -6.698 47.1 24473 -6.758 47.2 24477 -6.737 47.3 24480 -6.736 47.4 24484 -6.718 47.6 24491 -6.782 47.7 24495 -6.776 47.8 24498 -6.871 48 24505 -6.84 48.1 24509 -6.825 48.2 24512 -6.864 48.3 24516 -6.806 48.5 24523 -6.823 48.6 24527 -6.767 48.7 24530 -6.856 48.9 24537 -6.791 49 24541 -6.805 49.1 24544 -6.812 49.2 24548 -6.715 49.3 24552 -6.769 49.4 24555 -6.759 49.6 24562 -6.724 49.7 24566 -6.793 49.8 24569 -6.784 49.9 24573 -6.86 50 24576 -6.782 50.1 24580 -6.895 50.2 24583 -6.913 50.3 24587 -6.921 50.5 24593 -6.937 50.7 24600 -6.966 50.8 24604 -6.957 50.9 24607 -6.93 51 24610 -6.873 51.1 24614 -6.894 51.2 24617 -6.834 51.3 24620 -6.871 51.4 24623 -6.835 51.5 24626 -6.865 51.6 24629 -6.814 51.7 24633 -6.851 52.0 24642 -6.873 52.1 24645 -6.859 52.2 24647 -6.81 52.3 24650 -6.872 52.4 24653 -6.753 52.5 24656 -6.699 52.6 24659 -6.914 52.8 24665 -6.861 53.0 24670 -6.92 53.2 24676 -6.913 53.4 24681 -6.93 53.6 24687 -7.018 53.8 24692 -7.013 54.0 24698 -7.093 54.2 24704 -7.154 54.4 24709 -7.212 54.6 24715 -7.294 54.8 24721 -7.237 55.0 24727 -7.257 55.2 24733 -7.271 55.4 24739 -7.139 55.6 24746 -7.174 55.8 24752 -7.207 56.0 24759 -7.098 56.2 24765 -7.103 56.4 24772 -6.992 56.6 24779 -6.931 56.8 24786 -6.992 57.0 24792 -7.029 57.2 24799 -7.021 57.7 24817 -7.216 58.2 24834 -7.225 58.7 24851 -7.157 59.2 24868 -7.157