# Yangkou Cave, Southwestern China MIS 4/5 (98-59 ka) Stalagmite d18O Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/33613 # Landing_Page_Description: # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-cave-33613.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Speleothems # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: Monsoon, Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/asia/china/yangkou2021d18o.txt # Data_Download_Description: # # Supplemental_Download_Resource: # Supplemental_Description: # # Related_Online_Resource: # Related_Online_Description: # # Original_Source_URL: # Original_Source_Description: #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-06-11 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-06-11 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Yangkou Cave, Southwestern China MIS 4/5 (98-59 ka) Stalagmite d18O Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Zhang, R.; Yang, X.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, R.; Yan, Y.; Zuli, S.; Wang, Y. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Oxygen isotope (d18O) data from stalagmite JFYK2 collected in Yangkou Cave, Southwest China, spanning MIS 4/5 (98-59 kaBP). # Provided Keywords: Decoupling, Chinese Interstadial 18, Abrupt climatic events, Teleconnection, Yangkou Cave #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Rui Zhang, Xunlin Yang, Haiwei Zhang, Riping Zhang, Yingran Yan, Saisi Zuli, Yong Wang # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-06-01 # Published_Title: Centennial- to millennial-scale Asian summer monsoon changes during the MIS 5/4 transition revealed by high-resolution stalagmite records from southwestern China # Journal_Name: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology # Volume: 571 # Edition: 110390 # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110390 # Publication_Place: # Publisher: # ISBN: # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0031018221001759 # Other_Reference_Details: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: During the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5/4 transition, the global climate changed from an interglacial to a glacial state, and hence it was characterized by high-amplitude climate changes. High-resolution stalagmite records can potentially improve our understanding of climate change during this transition. Here we use a high-precision 230Th-dated, 50-yr-resolution stalagmite d18O record from Yangkou Cave, in Chongqing, southwestern China, to reveal centennial- to millennial-scale changes in Asian summer monsoon (ASM) intensity during the interval of 98.8-59.3 kyr B.P. (thousands of years before 1950 CE). The record reveals five Chinese Interstadial events, namely CIS 18-22, and pronounced centennial-scale oscillations are evident and verified within these millennial-scale events. There are four centennial-scale events of monsoon strengthening in both CIS 21 and CIS 22, corresponding to Greenland Interstadial events GI 21 and GI 22. By contrast, CIS 18, CIS 19 and CIS 20 differ in both structure and onset time relative to the corresponding GI events during MIS 4. During MIS 5, reduced ice sheet and sea-ice cover and strong Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) forced the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) towards its northern limit, which enhanced the teleconnection between the ASM and climate change in northern high latitudes. During MIS 5, the millennial-scale events (CIS 21 and 22) show a rapid atmospheric teleconnection between the ASM and the climate of northern high latitudes, but this coupling did not exist during MIS 4. The weakening of Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, the expansion of ice sheets and sea ice, combined with the increased influence of Antarctica, may have led to the decoupling of the Asian summer monsoon and climate change in high northern latitudes. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 41971109, 41572158, 41272192, 41072141, 41972186 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Key R&D Program of China # Grant: 2016YFC0502301 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Graduate Scientific Research and Innovation Foundation of Chongqing # Grant: CYS19075 #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Yangkou Cave # Location: Asia>Eastern Asia>China # Northernmost_Latitude: 29.083 # Southernmost_Latitude: 29.083 # Easternmost_Longitude: 107.1667 # Westernmost_Longitude: 107.1667 # Elevation_m: 2000 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Yangkou2021d18O # Earliest_Year: 98793 # Most_Recent_Year: 59347 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes # Notes: #-------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Uranium-Thorium # Chronology_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/noaa-wds-paleo-uth-terms.csv # Chronology_Download_Description: Uranium-Thorium terms and definitions. # Chronology_Notes: # 238U_Decay_Constant: 1.55125e[-10]/year # 234U_Decay_Constant: 2.82206e[-10]/year # 230Th_Decay_Constant: 9.1705e[-6]/year # Initial_230Th/232Th: 4.4 ppm +/- 2.2 ppm # Initial_230Th/232Th_Method: Estimated using the values for a material at secular equilibrium, with the crustal 232Th/238U value of 3.8. The errors are arbitrarily assumed to be 50%. # Missing_Values: NaN # Chronology_Table: # samp_id depth_mm 238U_ppb 238U_2s_ppb 232Th_ppt 232Th_2s_ppt 230Th_232Th_atom_ppm 230Th_232Th_atom_2s_ppm d234U_meas_permil d234U_meas_2s_permil 230Th_238U_act 230Th_238U_act_2s age_uncorr_BM age_uncorr_2s_yr d234U_init_permil d234U_init_2s_permil age_corr_BP1950 age_corr_2s_yr # JFYK2-1 29 7150.7 8.2 13819 277 4143 83.1 143.4 1.4 0.4856 0.0007 59489 151 170 2 59374 155 # JFYK2-2 30 8297.9 6.2 6006 120 11111 222.8 136.0 1.2 0.4878 0.0005 60392 129 161 1 60308 130 # JFYK2-3 35 7970.4 6.4 2973 60 22163 444.7 131.5 1.3 0.5014 0.0005 62997 141 157 2 62921 141 # JFYK2-4 37 11099.6 28.9 1880 42 48271 1074.3 116.5 2.3 0.4960 0.0015 63283 316 139 3 63213 316 # JFYK2-5 50 15156.7 14.3 232 5 550569 12709.3 129.5 1.3 0.5117 0.0006 64898 145 156 2 64832 145 # JFYK2-6 60 16334.1 23.8 360 8 393806 8582.4 149.4 1.4 0.5267 0.0009 65782 187 180 2 65714 187 # JFYK2-7 70 12710.3 16.8 485 10 228380 4738.8 147.4 1.4 0.5282 0.0008 66213 177 178 2 66145 177 # JFYK2-8 76 9816.2 12.3 431 9 207946 4331.9 192.8 1.4 0.5539 0.0008 66738 175 233 2 66670 175 # JFYK2-9 80 11628.5 15.7 512 10 203908 4171.7 169.1 1.4 0.5441 0.0009 67062 185 204 2 66994 185 # JFYK2-10 83 13113.8 12.5 627 13 187247 3866.8 165.7 1.4 0.5426 0.0006 67107 157 200 2 67040 157 # JFYK2-11 87 12872.8 19.0 393 8 297751 6334.3 179.6 1.5 0.5518 0.0010 67477 204 217 2 67409 204 # JFYK2-12 101 7301.3 14.9 1832 44 36803 882.6 181.2 2.3 0.5602 0.0015 68750 323 220 3 68679 323 # JFYK2-13 121 6697.1 4.5 1169 24 53964 1090.9 176.5 1.2 0.5714 0.0006 71069 150 216 1 70999 150 # JFYK2-14 139 11725.6 24.4 1092 30 101090 2797.8 164.3 1.9 0.5710 0.0015 72124 314 201 2 72056 314 # JFYK2-15 149 7951.1 7.2 2677 54 28468 572.3 166.6 1.4 0.5814 0.0007 73728 181 205 2 73654 182 # JFYK2-16 156 5943.7 5.8 327 7 175389 3835.8 169.2 1.7 0.5853 0.0008 74183 212 209 2 74116 212 # JFYK2-17 173 9297.7 36.9 503 14 178450 5114.7 150.3 3.7 0.5850 0.0024 76000 589 186 5 75934 589 # JFYK2-18 180 11027.8 19.9 560 11 189648 3862.3 146.1 1.6 0.5844 0.0012 76317 267 181 2 76249 267 # JFYK2-19 185 10843.9 11.4 590 14 177799 4288.2 146.1 1.3 0.5863 0.0008 76680 198 181 2 76612 198 # JFYK2-20 190 12389.2 10.4 228 11 526102 25772.9 144.4 0.9 0.5875 0.0007 77072 167 179 1 77005 167 # JFYK2-21 215 13548.7 27.9 1368 40 96192 2803.3 144.1 1.7 0.5893 0.0016 77439 350 179 2 77371 350 # JFYK2-22 230 12578.9 16.3 347 11 353735 11063.1 136.4 1.6 0.5925 0.0009 78875 249 170 2 78807 249 # JFYK2-23 240 12518.9 13.9 201 10 600659 29773.0 118.0 1.3 0.5835 0.0009 79161 222 148 2 79094 222 # JFYK2-24 280 9404.9 9.6 198 8 475285 19516.8 145.1 1.3 0.6061 0.0009 80540 222 182 2 80472 222 # JFYK2-25 285 9221.6 7.2 288 11 320392 11759.8 146.5 0.9 0.6072 0.0008 80581 179 184 1 80513 179 # JFYK2-26 290 9263.0 9.0 201 10 458022 21685.8 136.7 1.3 0.6031 0.0008 80906 214 172 2 80839 214 # JFYK2-27 302 13353.6 30.0 1408 41 95331 2774.1 139.3 2.0 0.6097 0.0018 81896 423 176 3 81828 423 # JFYK2-28 326 7434.5 16.3 778 27 97561 3364.3 143.1 2.4 0.6192 0.0017 83334 443 181 3 83266 443 # JFYK2-29 330 5535.8 5.0 912 20 63060 1364.1 154.2 1.3 0.6304 0.0009 84246 228 196 2 84175 228 # JFYK2-30 340 9666.4 9.9 361 11 275243 8056.7 123.0 1.3 0.6240 0.0009 86766 244 157 2 86698 244 # JFYK2-31 350 15005.4 13.9 193 9 791085 36178.7 108.9 1.0 0.6172 0.0008 87154 214 139 1 87087 214 # JFYK2-32 355 14496.8 16.2 149 11 994238 70128.2 111.1 1.3 0.6195 0.0009 87355 257 142 2 87287 257 # JFYK2-33 382 5125.5 3.4 2181 44 24433 491.1 106.7 1.3 0.6305 0.0006 90341 226 138 2 90264 226 # JFYK2-34 392 7498.9 22.9 1250 26 60626 1267.5 65.4 2.7 0.6129 0.0021 92294 633 85 4 92226 633 # JFYK2-35 410 10162.5 9.0 1262 25 81987 1654.5 56.9 1.4 0.6174 0.0007 94667 270 74 2 94598 270 # JFYK2-36 427 15885.7 43.2 559 20 293937 10723.7 67.8 2.1 0.6276 0.0019 95412 561 89 3 95346 561 #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/PaST-thesaurus/SKOS/past-thesaurus-v1.0.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Variables format: Short_name what,material,error,units,seasonality,data_type,detail,method,data_format,additional_information # ## age age, , , calendar kiloyear before present, , speleothems, , ,N, 230Th Age ## d18O delta 18O, calcium carbonate, , per mil VPDB, , speleothems, , isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, # #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: # age d18O 59.34736 -6.13198 59.3919 -6.52672 59.43643 -6.32794 59.48096 -6.22937 59.52549 -6.20166 59.57003 -6.042 59.61456 -6.24446 59.65909 -6.43046 59.70362 -6.29085 59.74816 -6.30717 59.79269 -5.93332 59.8373 -6.18416 59.88191 -6.14809 59.92653 -5.98449 59.97114 -6.15101 60.01575 -6.03144 60.06037 -6.30661 60.10498 -6.32507 60.14959 -6.11239 60.1942 -5.83137 60.23882 -6.106 60.28313 -6.312 60.32744 -6.345 60.37175 -6.271 60.41607 -6.25 60.46038 -6.032 60.50469 -6.331 60.549 -6.069 60.59332 -6.317 60.63763 -6.106 60.68194 -5.872 60.7265 -6.306 60.77106 -6.414 60.81562 -6.496 60.86018 -6.632 60.90474 -6.336 60.9493 -6.741 60.99386 -6.65 61.03842 -6.71 61.08298 -6.834 61.12754 -6.924 61.17242 -6.922 61.21731 -6.875 61.26219 -7.009 61.30708 -6.916 61.35196 -6.789 61.39685 -6.793 61.44173 -6.881 61.48662 -6.962 61.5315 -6.943 61.57639 -6.978 61.62091 -7.016 61.66543 -6.967 61.70995 -7.122 61.75448 -6.978 61.799 -7.259 61.84352 -6.916 61.88804 -7.075 61.93256 -7.122 61.97708 -7.014 62.0216 -7.136 62.05795 -6.991 62.0943 -6.911 62.13065 -6.934 62.167 -7.029 62.20335 -7.132 62.2397 -6.951 62.27605 -6.993 62.3124 -6.963 62.34875 -6.875 62.3851 -6.883 62.42145 -6.876 62.4578 -7.062 62.50283 -6.848 62.54785 -6.804 62.59288 -6.77 62.63791 -6.798 62.68294 -6.962 62.72797 -7.063 62.773 -6.993 62.81803 -6.922 62.86305 -7.015 62.90808 -7.074 62.94469 -6.919 62.98131 -6.948 63.01792 -7.025 63.05453 -6.992 63.09115 -7.054 63.12776 -7.013 63.16437 -6.903 63.20099 -7.146 63.2376 -7.259 63.34744 -7.35 63.40402 -7.044 63.51718 -6.91 63.63033 -7.217 63.63923 -7.071 63.6511 -7.287 63.65999 -7.2 63.66147 -7.229 63.66343 -7.188 63.66589 -7.419 63.68626 -7.249 63.70663 -7.323 63.76699 -7.304 63.80722 -7.56 63.87149 -7.538 63.93575 -7.899 64.00254 -7.601 64.06933 -7.806 64.13084 -7.268 64.20465 -7.685 64.25744 -7.62 64.31023 -7.989 64.35568 -7.589 64.40114 -7.329 64.4395 -7.506 64.49705 -7.615 64.54776 -7.637 64.59848 -7.572 64.65197 -7.779 64.70546 -7.483 64.76411 -8.02 64.82276 -7.801 64.88349 -7.862 64.94422 -7.873 64.99709 -8.095 65.04995 -7.527 65.09014 -7.775 65.13034 -8.347 65.16686 -7.788 65.20339 -7.913 65.2466 -7.699 65.28981 -8.144 65.37062 -8.277 65.40455 -7.052 65.43849 -7.352 65.47405 -7.249 65.5096 -7.36 65.54415 -7.82 65.57869 -7.543 65.64859 -7.728 65.71924 -8.117 65.79448 -7.94 65.83832 -8.079 65.86964 -7.64 65.90646 -7.625 65.94328 -8.31 66.01002 -7.792 66.04624 -8.223 66.07039 -7.997 66.12952 -7.794 66.18498 -8.384 66.23242 -8.342 66.25526 -8.357 66.2781 -8.77 66.31086 -8.533 66.33269 -9.387 66.4083 -8.953 66.43865 -8.788 66.48416 -7.333 66.52485 -8.54 66.55875 -8.508 66.59743 -8.655 66.63612 -8.641 66.7125 -8.811 66.79349 -8.117 66.86831 -8.461 66.90051 -8.503 66.93914 -8.358 67.01031 -8.051 67.04741 -8.152 67.07833 -8.11 67.14427 -8.226 67.17941 -7.592 67.21454 -7.96 67.28387 -7.436 67.32616 -7.747 67.35436 -7.693 67.42796 -7.543 67.50719 -7.519 67.55846 -7.727 67.60972 -7.491 67.71734 -7.791 67.80498 -7.654 67.89443 -7.471 67.97756 -7.577 68.06565 -7.822 68.15073 -7.535 68.23599 -7.595 68.32427 -7.344 68.41097 -7.929 68.50625 -7.514 68.60432 -8.51 68.62927 -7.927 68.6667 -7.966 68.70413 -7.805 68.72908 -8.423 68.76858 -8.036 68.79491 -7.93 68.82124 -8.111 68.86073 -8.653 68.88629 -7.95 68.91185 -8.001 68.93742 -7.824 68.98854 -7.317 69.10802 -8.087 69.21883 -7.846 69.33002 -7.747 69.43829 -7.917 69.54544 -7.564 69.64895 -8.09 69.74948 -7.846 69.8461 -8.102 69.93934 -8.251 70.01694 -7.841 70.0888 -7.951 70.16614 -8.03 70.19087 -8.744 70.22384 -7.854 70.24858 -7.859 70.27764 -7.726 70.30671 -8.038 70.32608 -7.818 70.34546 -7.891 70.37388 -8.105 70.40231 -8.668 70.44021 -8.175 70.47648 -8.949 70.51276 -8.43 70.53089 -8.179 70.55905 -8.139 70.5872 -8.311 70.62474 -7.994 70.64351 -7.862 70.67168 -7.808 70.69046 -8.019 70.71862 -7.922 70.76816 -7.888 70.81769 -6.832 70.84766 -7.65 70.87763 -7.825 70.91759 -6.943 70.95944 -7.096 70.99082 -7.366 71.0222 -7.653 71.05392 -7.69 71.0962 -7.671 71.12791 -7.933 71.20422 -7.383 71.23693 -7.375 71.26797 -7.579 71.30935 -7.44 71.34039 -7.799 71.37219 -7.576 71.41459 -7.725 71.44639 -7.66 71.50201 -7.24 71.52055 -7.534 71.5391 -7.381 71.58558 -7.416 71.63207 -7.711 71.67963 -7.543 71.70817 -7.515 71.72719 -7.525 71.75528 -7.313 71.78337 -7.112 71.82083 -6.976 71.86808 -6.996 71.89642 -7.39 71.91532 -7.18 71.95241 -7.133 71.98023 -7.023 72.00805 -7.169 72.06443 -7.089 72.10202 -7.182 72.19451 -6.604 72.23186 -6.878 72.2692 -7.015 72.28787 -7.199 72.33298 -6.871 72.37809 -6.879 72.40251 -7.123 72.46765 -6.602 72.50273 -7.107 72.55535 -7.324 72.59016 -7.627 72.61627 -6.898 72.64238 -7.901 72.67559 -7.419 72.70049 -6.987 72.7254 -6.451 72.76016 -6.917 72.79492 -6.82 72.81231 -8.031 72.8364 -7.595 72.86852 -8.031 72.89261 -8.232 72.91716 -7.537 72.94989 -7.807 72.97444 -8.247 73.00892 -8.172 73.06065 -7.978 73.09061 -7.984 73.14054 -8.483 73.16051 -8.303 73.20469 -8.409 73.23783 -8.796 73.27096 -8.65 73.31379 -8.422 73.34591 -8.31 73.37803 -8.252 73.42961 -8.424 73.48119 -8.594 73.51278 -8.524 73.5549 -8.741 73.58649 -8.854 73.62918 -8.747 73.6612 -8.956 73.69323 -9.088 73.73685 -8.689 73.76956 -8.41 73.80228 -8.954 73.8248 -8.586 73.85857 -8.42 73.88109 -8.649 73.91487 -8.612 73.94724 -8.367 73.99042 -8.632 74.0228 -8.796 74.07742 -8.874 74.11019 -8.685 74.13204 -8.07 74.17519 -8.535 74.20756 -8.464 74.23992 -8.659 74.2827 -8.794 74.31478 -8.667 74.34687 -8.685 74.38653 -8.618 74.41628 -8.721 74.44602 -8.693 74.49405 -8.919 74.52286 -8.382 74.54207 -8.867 74.57777 -8.809 74.61347 -8.462 74.63132 -8.616 74.66776 -8.493 74.69509 -8.365 74.72242 -8.787 74.75696 -8.698 74.78286 -8.247 74.80877 -8.69 74.83563 -8.73 74.87144 -8.744 74.8983 -8.467 74.92382 -7.949 74.93233 -8.608 74.94084 -8.032 74.94934 -7.962 74.95785 -7.531 74.96636 -7.876 74.97487 -7.97 74.98338 -6.992 75.01748 -7.409 75.06862 -7.234 75.12877 -7.255 75.15455 -7.187 75.18977 -7.759 75.2426 -7.444 75.32567 -7.605 75.4124 -7.794 75.50288 -7.794 75.6087 -7.762 75.71011 -7.661 75.80682 -7.868 75.88237 -7.608 75.95286 -7.784 76.02754 -7.926 76.10194 -8.003 76.17905 -7.983 76.25518 -7.963 76.33139 -7.758 76.40671 -7.938 76.48184 -7.768 76.559 -8.003 76.62642 -7.973 76.69055 -8.007 76.75136 -8.293 76.81783 -8.705 76.8826 -8.415 76.93791 -8.82 76.9765 -8.775 76.99912 -9.075 77.00908 -8.959 77.01507 -9.11 77.02106 -9.185 77.02833 -9.205 77.03598 -9.143 77.05214 -9.403 77.07225 -9.672 77.09538 -9.314 77.12093 -9.668 77.15606 -9.721 77.18742 -8.829 77.2177 -9.12 77.25381 -8.89 77.31453 -9.146 77.38118 -9.387 77.44747 -9.31 77.50456 -10.178 77.55533 -10.03 77.58502 -10.071 77.60581 -9.991 77.63613 -9.916 77.68939 -9.716 77.74524 -9.779 77.80016 -9.751 77.85715 -9.465 77.91279 -9.85 77.96904 -9.785 78.02592 -10.119 78.08062 -9.908 78.13779 -9.667 78.19382 -9.738 78.25008 -10.098 78.30669 -9.755 78.36358 -10.04 78.42324 -8.75 78.482 -8.869 78.53986 -9.161 78.59938 -8.765 78.6584 -8.983 78.71265 -9.03 78.76568 -9.025 78.82589 -9.284 78.88014 -9.312 78.91255 -9.578 78.93491 -9.902 78.9653 -9.824 79.01399 -9.316 79.06432 -9.66 79.11438 -9.547 79.16358 -9.39 79.20936 -9.555 79.25183 -10.045 79.29602 -9.545 79.33622 -9.745 79.37125 -9.906 79.39903 -9.961 79.42857 -9.902 79.45682 -9.219 79.48509 -9.965 79.5174 -9.711 79.55028 -9.621 79.58323 -9.658 79.61706 -9.937 79.6472 -9.926 79.67962 -9.627 79.71053 -9.988 79.74013 -9.835 79.76815 -10.125 79.80119 -10.124 79.83019 -9.829 79.85701 -10.265 79.88474 -10.076 79.90827 -9.876 79.93272 -10.279 79.94554 -10.461 79.95724 -10.092 79.96884 -10.161 79.97588 -10.339 79.98064 -9.974 79.99924 -10.186 80.0186 -10.383 80.0452 -10.172 80.0837 -10.107 80.13118 -10.446 80.18356 -10.378 80.23402 -10.33 80.29531 -10.282 80.35473 -9.304 80.41526 -10.439 80.47616 -10.047 80.52507 -9.797 80.5784 -10.14 80.64352 -10.09 80.7063 -10.296 80.77464 -10.463 80.84058 -10.085 80.8609 -9.538 80.88799 -9.476 80.89477 -9.571 80.90154 -9.743 80.90831 -8.754 80.9153 -9.967 80.92228 -10.026 80.92926 -10.089 80.9572 -9.887 80.97815 -9.336 81.04432 -9.114 81.11037 -9.085 81.17442 -9.275 81.24176 -9.564 81.30275 -9.677 81.36883 -9.688 81.4332 -9.634 81.5009 -9.766 81.56769 -9.601 81.64229 -9.778 81.71073 -10.022 81.78615 -9.008 81.85224 -9.594 81.91014 -9.627 81.97037 -10.311 82.03575 -10.051 82.10573 -9.997 82.18133 -9.841 82.26219 -10.091 82.34382 -10.045 82.42452 -9.847 82.50655 -9.394 82.58899 -9.957 82.66119 -9.677 82.74318 -9.465 82.83785 -9.403 82.9416 -9.958 83.04798 -9.915 83.15522 -9.703 83.24372 -9.466 83.31755 -9.505 83.3399 -9.3465 83.36225 -9.4455 83.37342 -10.298 83.38685 -9.4515 83.40028 -9.4135 83.407 -9.643 83.41345 -9.5585 83.41991 -9.5765 83.42314 -9.743 83.4248 -9.4665 83.42645 -9.5445 83.42728 -9.672 83.44414 -9.1635 83.46101 -9.4615 83.46944 -9.616 83.54046 -9.4165 83.61148 -9.5165 83.64699 -9.893 83.72524 -9.3555 83.74481 -9.017 83.76437 -8.929 83.78394 -8.67 83.8035 -8.64 83.82306 -8.272 83.84263 -8.765 83.86156 -8.26 83.88049 -7.477 83.89942 -7.284 83.91835 -7.546 83.93728 -7.761 83.99407 -7.6025 84.03193 -8.189 84.10626 -7.6415 84.18059 -7.7265 84.21775 -7.782 84.29562 -7.8285 84.37348 -7.8645 84.41242 -8.472 84.48924 -7.7945 84.56606 -6.6355 84.60447 -7.831 84.68026 -7.7255 84.75605 -7.8385 84.79394 -7.991 84.87025 -7.5455 84.94657 -7.4475 84.98472 -7.939 85.06112 -7.6475 85.13752 -6.8195 85.17572 -7.829 85.25023 -7.7314 85.32473 -7.8144 85.36198 -7.953 85.43495 -7.92583 85.50792 -8.0744 85.5444 -7.497 85.61824 -7.7464 85.69208 -8.1434 85.729 -7.706 85.8043 -7.82083 85.87959 -7.97683 85.91724 -7.961 85.99462 -7.91583 86.11069 -7.798 86.17103 -7.3614 86.23138 -7.6704 86.26155 -7.727 86.30431 -7.6434 86.34707 -7.6434 86.36845 -7.899 86.40418 -7.4754 86.43992 -7.7424 86.45779 -7.788 86.49614 -7.676 86.5249 -7.6214 86.55366 -7.709 86.60018 -7.6 86.62809 -7.7044 86.64669 -7.9 86.68241 -8.079 86.7092 -7.6624 86.73598 -5.826 86.78253 -5.785 86.80115 -6.162 86.82907 -6.465 86.84764 -6.607 86.87548 -6.705 86.92189 -7.17 86.95766 -7.179 87.01133 -7.323 87.03879 -7.451 87.06625 -7.891 87.10287 -7.667 87.13736 -7.872 87.16324 -7.773 87.18911 -7.661 87.22194 -8.649 87.27119 -8.245 87.31367 -7.751 87.35615 -6.466 87.37854 -6.374 87.40093 -6.771 87.43078 -6.806 87.44442 -6.83 87.45806 -6.969 87.47626 -7.386 87.50835 -7.118 87.54045 -7.49 87.6029 -7.631 87.66536 -7.461 87.73626 -7.573 87.80716 -7.839 87.85685 -7.857 87.89412 -7.765 87.93138 -7.761 87.95435 -7.757 87.98881 -8.032 88.01178 -7.425 88.04623 -7.648 88.06759 -7.701 88.09964 -7.755 88.15305 -8.154 88.17338 -8.292 88.20389 -8.079 88.25473 -8.005 88.30028 -8.046 88.32761 -8.094 88.34583 -7.909 88.37298 -8.08 88.40014 -7.513 88.43634 -7.999 88.48282 -7.967 88.5293 -7.904 88.57172 -8.009 88.63535 -7.887 88.66062 -8.133 88.69853 -7.998 88.7238 -7.678 88.7617 -8.025 88.82929 -7.944 88.85632 -7.69 88.89687 -8.099 88.9248 -7.675 88.95273 -7.586 88.98066 -8.001 89.0086 -7.563 89.03653 -8.096 89.06311 -7.411 89.08969 -7.299 89.11627 -7.873 89.14285 -7.504 89.16943 -7.956 89.20883 -7.542 89.2351 -7.924 89.2745 -7.508 89.30076 -6.996 89.32706 -7.415 89.35336 -7.608 89.39281 -7.36945 89.43227 -6.719 89.47056 -7.40075 89.53438 -7.30989 89.5599 -7.262 89.61018 -7.64687 89.66045 -7.29807 89.68559 -7.261 89.73474 -7.56733 89.7839 -7.46053 89.80848 -7.359 89.85363 -7.00083 89.89878 -7.18829 89.91007 -7.11984 89.92136 -6.737 89.95463 -7.23013 89.97681 -7.59096 89.99899 -7.44762 90.03226 -7.6 90.05318 -7.41523 90.07411 -7.25766 90.11596 -7.02524 90.13689 -7.427 90.16733 -7.33159 90.18762 -7.14857 90.21806 -7.45862 90.23836 -7.707 90.25757 -7.74292 90.27677 -7.99136 90.31519 -7.82315 90.3344 -7.348 90.37272 -7.79006 90.38549 -7.77352 90.39826 -7.92866 90.41103 -8.04481 90.4238 -8.19625 90.43657 -7.90494 90.46211 -7.939 90.50235 -7.72632 90.54259 -7.97123 90.56941 -7.49031 90.59624 -7.987 90.6395 -7.49193 90.7116 -7.55198 90.74044 -7.811 90.79715 -7.6473 90.85385 -7.65112 90.8822 -8.134 90.92335 -7.76577 90.99194 -7.49575 91.01937 -7.003 91.05795 -7.21127 91.12225 -7.31181 91.16083 -7.744 91.23224 -6.66548 91.30364 -6.557 91.38392 -6.39494 91.43745 -6.767 91.49779 -7.09709 91.55814 -7.12 91.62062 -6.89718 91.6831 -6.072 91.749 -7.03982 91.76218 -6.92147 91.81489 -7.169 91.95005 -6.622 92.08042 -6.917 92.19723 -6.809 92.31282 -7.146 92.42734 -7.163 92.54083 -6.859 92.65242 -6.24 92.76495 -6.99 92.87909 -6.838 92.98927 -6.351 93.10371 -6.391 93.21023 -6.491 93.32275 -6.158 93.43399 -6.645 93.54208 -6.728 93.65328 -5.318 93.76406 -7.09 93.87473 -7.096 93.98317 -7.078 94.0926 -7.067 94.20449 -7.034 94.31563 -7.162 94.42579 -6.907 94.54246 -6.963 94.65342 -6.809 94.76147 -6.929 94.87643 -6.818 94.98455 -7.052 95.09869 -7.168 95.20816 -7.13 95.31737 -7.29 95.43902 -7.091 95.55152 -7.275 95.66633 -6.298 95.77364 -6.289 95.88147 -6.602 95.98547 -6.5 96.08947 -6.734 96.19347 -6.786 96.29747 -6.791 96.40147 -7.015 96.50547 -6.807 96.60947 -7.217 96.71347 -6.921 96.81747 -7.505 96.92147 -7.049 97.02547 -7.033 97.12947 -7.105 97.23347 -7.196 97.33747 -7.317 97.44147 -7.301 97.54547 -6.694 97.64946 -7.65 97.75346 -7.27 97.85746 -6.679 97.96146 -7.465 98.06546 -6.597 98.16946 -6.944 98.27346 -6.718 98.37746 -6.955 98.48146 -6.772 98.58546 -7.254 98.68946 -7.244 98.79346 -7.155