# Wang et al. 2001 Hulu Cave Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data #---------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #---------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/5426 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-cave-5426.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Speleothems # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/h9ed-1h93 # # Science_Keywords: Monsoon #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/china/hulu_2001-h82wang-noaa.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Stalagmite H82 Oxygen Isotope Data from Wang et al. 2001 # #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2004-05-01 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2024-04-29 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Wang et al. 2001 Hulu Cave Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Wang, Y.(https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6021-2724); Cheng, H.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5305-9458); Edwards, R.L.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7027-5881); An, Z.(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9538-9826); Wu, J.; Shen, C.-C.(https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2833-2771); Dorale, J.A. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Hulu Cave Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data and 230Th dating. These data also available as supplementary information for Wang et al. 2001 and Yuan et al. 2004 from www.sciencemag.org. Extended age and isotope data from stalagmite H82 were published by Yuan et al. 2004. Oxygen data between 140.0 and 165.6 mm are from Yuan et al. 2004 and the rest from Wang et al. 2001. The distances have been re-measured by Yuan et al. 2004 and the total distance difference accumulated over 165.6 mm is within 2 mm of the original measurement. This contributes to a slight refinement in the timescale. Depths are relative to the top (youngest surface) of each stalagmite and are measured along the growth axis. Ages are established with 230Th ages, band counting, and as described in the text. "Years BP" refers to years relative to 1950 A.D. # #d13C (y axis) vs d18O (x axis) linear regression results: Data are regressed by individual stalagmite, as well as for the whole data set. Units are in per mil relative to VPDB for both isotope values. Best-fit lines have negative slopes for all groupings except for PD. The best-fit line for PD data has a positive slope; however, R2 is relatively low for this stalagmite. Thus, we observe no strong positive correlations among any groupings, indicating no evidence for kinetic fractionation. #Stalagmite Slope Intercept Correlation(R2) #data points #MSD -1.23 -14.77 0.629 268 #MSL -1.93 -20.76 0.387 285 #PD 1 0.39 0.285 149 #YT -0.42 -10.48 0.235 338 #H82 -0.21 -9.99 0.014 612 #MSD+MSL+PD+YT+H82 -0.13 -7.89 0.011 1652 #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Wang, Y.J., H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards, Z.S. An, J.Y. Wu, C.-C. Shen, and J.A. Dorale # Journal_Name: Science # Published_Title: A High-Resolution Absolute-Dated Late Pleistocene Monsoon Record from Hulu Cave, China # Published_Date_or_Year: 2001 # Volume: 294 # Pages: 2345-2348 # Issue: 5550 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1126/science.1064618 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Oxygen isotope records of five stalagmites from Hulu Cave near Nanjing bear a remarkable resemblance to oxygen isotope records from Greenland ice cores, suggesting that East Asian Monsoon intensity changed in concert with Greenland temperature between 11,000 and 75,000 years before the present (yr. B.P.). Between 11,000 and 30,000 yr. B.P., the timing of changes in the monsoon, as established with 230Th dates, generally agrees with the timing of temperature changes from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2) core, which supports GISP2's chronology in this interval. Our record links North Atlantic climate with the meridional transport of heat and moisture from the warmest part of the ocean where the summer East Asian Monsoon originates. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Yuan, D., H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards, C.A. Dykoski, M.J. Kelly, M.Zhang, J. Qing, Y. Lin, Y. Wang, J. Wu, J.A. Dorale, Z. An, Y. Cai # Journal_Name: Science # Published_Title: Timing, Duration, and Transitions of the Last Interglacial Asian Monsoon # Published_Date_or_Year: 2004 # Volume: 304 # Pages: 575-578 # Issue: 5670 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1126/science.1091220 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Thorium-230 ages and oxygen isotope ratios of stalagmites from Dongge Cave, China, characterize the Asian Monsoon and low-latitude precipitation over the past 160,000 years. Numerous abrupt changes in 18O/16O values result from changes in tropical and subtropical precipitation driven by insolation and millennial-scale circulation shifts. The Last Interglacial Monsoon lasted 9.7 ± 1.1 thousand years, beginning with an abrupt (less than 200 years) drop in 18O/16O values 129.3 ± 0.9 thousand years ago and ending with an abrupt (less than 300 years) rise in 18O/16O values 119.6 ± 0.6 thousand years ago. The start coincides with insolation rise and measures of full interglacial conditions, indicating that insolation triggered the final rise to full interglacial conditions. #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: EAR-9712037 and ESH-9809459 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation China # Grant: grant 49972055 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Chinese Academy of Sciences # Grant: KZCX2-108 and KZCX1-Y-05. #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Hulu Cave # Location: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 32.5 # Southernmost_Latitude: 32.5 # Easternmost_Longitude: 119.16 # Westernmost_Longitude: 119.16 # Elevation_m: None #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Wang2001 H82 # First_Year: 14941 # Last_Year: 10540 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes # Notes: As published in Wang et al. 2001. Depths are relative to the top (youngest surface) of each stalagmite and are measured along the growth axis. #-------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Uranium-Thorium # Chronology_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/noaa-wds-paleo-uth-terms.csv # Chronology_Download_Description: Uranium-Thorium terms and definitions. # Chronology_Notes: 230Th dating of stalagmites from Hulu Cave by TIMS. Errors are 2 sigma. Depths are relative to the top (youngest surface) of each stalagmite and are measured along the growth axis. Ages in years B.P. are relative to 1950 A.D. # Rejection_Rationale: # 238U_Decay_Constant: 1.55125 x 10-10 year-1 # 234U_Decay_Constant: 2.8263 x 10-6 year-1 # 230Th_Decay_Constant: 9.1577 x 10-6 year-1 # Initial_230Th/232Th: (4.4 ±2.2) x 10-6 # Initial_230Th/232Th_Method: Those are the values for a material at secular equilibrium, with the crustal 232Th/238U value of 3.8. The errors are arbitrarily assumed to be 50%. These values are consistent with calculated initial values (of 2.6 x 10-6 to 5.5 x 10-6) from 5 high 232Th sub-samples (marked "#"). # Age_Model_Method: # Missing_Values: na # Chronology_Table: # samp_id depth_top_mm 238U_ppb 238U_2s_ppb 232Th_ppt 232Th_2s_ppt d234U_meas_permil d234U_meas_2s_permil 230Th_238U_act 230Th_238U_act_2s age_uncorr_BM age_uncorr_2s_yr age_corr_BM age_corr_2s_yr age_corr_BP1950 age_corr_2s_yr d234U_init_permil d234U_init_2s_permil # H82-1 7 118.3 0.1 42 4 222.4 1.5 0.1181 0.0010 11060 97 11052 97 11002 97 229.5 1.5 # H82-2 158.5 209.4 0.2 6 4 209.9 1.1 0.1667 0.0010 16115 105 16115 105 16065 105 219.7 1.2 #-------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by '##' in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth,,,millimeter,,speleothems,,,N, ## age_calBP age,,,calendar year before present,,speleothems,,,N, ## d18O_vpdb delta 18O,calcium carbonate,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,raw,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: depth_mm age_calBP d18O_vpdb 0 10540 -7.68 0.25 10557 -8 0.5 10573 -7.76 0.75 10590 -7.76 1 10606 -7.58 1.25 10623 -7.51 1.5 10639 -8.11 1.75 10656 -8.53 2 10672 -8.24 2.25 10689 -7.89 2.5 10705 -8.54 2.75 10722 -8.61 3 10738 -8.57 3.25 10755 -8.5 3.5 10771 -8.44 3.75 10788 -8.25 4 10804 -7.75 4.25 10821 -7.75 4.5 10837 -7.59 4.75 10854 -7.75 5 10870 -7.8 5.25 10887 -7.77 5.5 10903 -7.74 5.75 10920 -7.76 6 10936 -7.69 6.25 10953 -7.8 6.5 10969 -7.67 6.75 10986 -7.53 7 11002 -7.44 7.25 11025 -7.16 7.5 11044 -7.72 7.75 11062 -7.68 8 11074 -8.27 8.25 11086 -8.07 8.5 11100 -8.01 8.75 11123 -7.96 9 11142 -7.83 9.25 11163 -7.77 9.5 11181 -7.85 9.75 11196 -7.49 10 11216 -7.62 10.25 11234 -8.05 10.5 11256 -7.91 10.75 11268 -7.66 11 11280 -7.68 11.25 11293 -7.63 11.5 11303 -7.83 11.75 11312 -7.96 12 11319 -7.86 12.17 11324 -7.89 12.33 11328 -7.82 12.5 11333 -7.93 12.67 11341 -7.72 12.83 11348 -7.73 13 11355 -7.62 13.17 11361 -7.79 13.33 11366 -7.56 13.5 11372 -7.53 13.67 11378 -7.57 13.83 11382 -7.82 14 11387 -7.84 14.17 11392 -7.95 14.33 11397 -7.98 14.5 11404 -8.42 14.67 11409 -8.28 14.83 11414 -8.15 15 11419 -7.79 15.17 11430 -7.94 15.33 11444 -7.63 15.5 11455 -7.95 15.67 11465 -8.04 15.83 11472 -7.69 16 11476 -7.07 16.17 11481 -7.19 16.33 11486 -6.99 16.5 11497 -7.04 16.67 11509 -7.34 16.83 11517 -7.31 17 11531 -7.42 17.17 11546 -7.12 17.33 11564 -6.88 17.5 11570 -6.38 17.67 11576 -7.5 17.83 11582 -7.14 18 11588 -7.06 18.17 11592 -7.21 18.33 11596 -7.22 18.5 11600 -6.88 18.67 11605 -6.84 18.83 11608 -6.67 19 11613 -6.7 19.17 11617 -6.51 19.33 11622 -6.98 19.5 11626 -6.95 19.67 11630 -6.89 19.83 11633 -7.09 20 11637 -7.22 20.17 11641 -7.33 20.33 11645 -6.9 20.5 11650 -6.93 20.67 11656 -6.82 20.83 11661 -6.88 21 11667 -6.98 21.17 11673 -7.03 21.33 11681 -6.77 21.5 11688 -6.73 21.67 11693 -6.76 21.83 11698 -6.73 22 11703 -6.67 22.17 11709 -6.65 22.33 11714 -6.64 22.5 11720 -6.57 22.67 11725 -6.78 22.83 11733 -6.87 23 11740 -6.97 23.17 11747 -6.91 23.33 11753 -7.23 23.5 11757 -7.29 23.67 11762 -6.98 23.83 11767 -6.7 24 11772 -6.71 24.17 11779 -6.56 24.33 11786 -6.55 24.5 11793 -6.64 24.67 11800 -6.6 24.83 11806 -6.43 25 11813 -6.3 25.17 11820 -6.29 25.33 11827 -6.43 25.5 11834 -6.58 25.67 11841 -7.06 25.83 11848 -6.8 26 11855 -6.77 26.17 11862 -6.81 26.33 11868 -6.8 26.5 11875 -6.79 26.67 11882 -6.9 26.83 11889 -7.02 27 11896 -7.1 27.17 11903 -7.08 27.33 11910 -7.71 27.5 11917 -7.57 27.67 11924 -7.64 27.83 11930 -7.77 28 11937 -7.15 28.17 11944 -7.28 28.33 11951 -7.3 28.5 11958 -7.05 28.67 11965 -6.89 28.83 11972 -6.76 29 11979 -6.87 29.17 11986 -6.86 29.33 11992 -6.97 29.5 11999 -6.57 29.67 12006 -6.88 29.83 12013 -7.54 30 12020 -6.82 30.17 12027 -7.07 30.33 12034 -6.84 30.5 12041 -6.98 30.67 12048 -6.89 30.83 12054 -6.73 31 12061 -6.52 31.17 12068 -6.29 31.33 12075 -6.55 31.5 12082 -7.11 31.67 12089 -7.33 31.83 12096 -7.17 32 12103 -6.74 32.17 12110 -6.87 32.33 12116 -6.21 32.5 12123 -6.78 32.67 12130 -7.34 32.83 12137 -7.27 33 12144 -7.01 33.17 12151 -7.13 33.33 12158 -6.84 33.5 12165 -6.5 33.67 12172 -6.24 33.83 12178 -6.44 34 12185 -6.39 34.17 12192 -6.51 34.33 12199 -6.36 34.5 12206 -6.38 34.67 12213 -6.48 34.83 12220 -5.95 35 12227 -6.25 35.17 12234 -6.67 35.33 12240 -6.21 35.5 12247 -6.51 35.67 12254 -6.82 35.83 12261 -6.75 36 12268 -6.8 36.17 12275 -6.88 36.33 12282 -6.74 36.5 12289 -6.75 36.67 12296 -6.63 36.83 12302 -6.7 37 12309 -7.25 37.17 12316 -6.71 37.33 12323 -6.32 37.5 12330 -6.55 37.67 12337 -6.31 37.83 12344 -6.4 38 12351 -6.49 38.17 12358 -6.24 38.33 12364 -6.43 38.5 12371 -6.37 38.67 12378 -6.42 38.83 12385 -6.15 39 12392 -5.88 39.17 12399 -6.25 39.33 12406 -6.39 39.5 12413 -6.48 39.67 12420 -6.53 39.83 12426 -6.8 40 12433 -6.76 40.17 12440 -6.83 40.33 12447 -6.92 40.5 12454 -6.85 40.67 12461 -6.92 40.83 12468 -6.89 41 12475 -6.77 41.17 12482 -6.87 41.33 12488 -6.95 41.5 12495 -6.91 41.67 12502 -6.71 41.83 12509 -6.96 42 12516 -6.98 42.17 12523 -7.03 42.33 12530 -6.94 42.5 12537 -6.78 42.67 12544 -6.92 42.83 12550 -6.94 43 12557 -6.88 43.17 12564 -6.91 43.33 12571 -7.02 43.5 12578 -7.14 43.67 12585 -7.19 43.83 12592 -7.23 44 12599 -7.16 44.17 12606 -7.22 44.33 12612 -7.25 44.5 12619 -7.12 44.67 12626 -7.41 44.83 12633 -7.47 45 12640 -7.31 45.17 12647 -7.25 45.33 12654 -7.37 45.5 12661 -7.46 45.67 12668 -7.46 45.83 12674 -7.49 46 12681 -7.75 46.17 12688 -7.53 46.33 12695 -7.53 46.5 12702 -7.6 46.67 12709 -7.5 46.83 12716 -7.48 47 12723 -7.37 47.17 12730 -7.35 47.33 12736 -7.46 47.5 12743 -7.36 47.67 12750 -7.5 47.83 12757 -7.43 48 12764 -7.46 48.17 12771 -7.39 48.33 12778 -7.5 48.5 12785 -7.56 48.67 12792 -7.61 48.83 12798 -7.68 49 12805 -7.54 49.17 12812 -7.58 49.33 12819 -7.44 49.5 12826 -7.84 49.67 12833 -7.78 49.83 12840 -7.95 50 12847 -7.72 50.17 12854 -7.77 50.33 12860 -7.87 50.5 12867 -8.03 50.67 12874 -7.87 50.83 12881 -7.78 51 12888 -8.02 51.17 12895 -8.03 51.33 12902 -7.86 51.5 12909 -8.06 51.67 12916 -8.06 51.83 12922 -8 52 12929 -8.1 52.17 12936 -8.25 52.33 12943 -8.16 52.5 12950 -8.33 52.67 12957 -8.15 52.83 12964 -8.45 53 12971 -8.36 53.17 12978 -8.33 53.33 12984 -8.59 53.5 12991 -8.62 53.67 12998 -8.56 53.83 13005 -8.62 54 13012 -8.67 54.17 13017 -8.56 54.33 13021 -8.29 54.5 13025 -8.56 54.67 13028 -8.41 54.83 13031 -8.3 55 13035 -8.27 55.17 13042 -8.15 55.33 13046 -8.3 55.5 13048 -8.38 55.67 13050 -8.38 55.83 13053 -8.43 56 13055 -8.4 56.2 13058 -8.38 56.4 13060 -8.41 56.6 13064 -8.48 56.8 13066 -8.37 57 13071 -8.38 57.2 13075 -8.45 57.4 13079 -8.3 57.6 13082 -8.3 57.8 13087 -8.28 58 13092 -8.29 58.2 13096 -8.02 58.4 13100 -8.16 58.6 13115 -8.14 58.8 13125 -8.13 59 13142 -8.1 59.15 13145 -8.04 59.35 13148 -8.22 59.55 13152 -8.14 59.75 13155 -8.17 59.95 13158 -8.05 60.15 13162 -7.93 60.35 13167 -7.85 60.55 13173 -8.02 60.75 13177 -8 60.95 13183 -8.03 61.15 13187 -8.09 61.35 13195 -8.09 61.55 13203 -8.06 61.75 13206 -8.17 61.95 13208 -8.08 62.15 13210 -8.07 62.35 13213 -8.1 62.55 13215 -7.96 62.75 13218 -7.71 62.95 13227 -7.85 63.15 13235 -7.99 63.35 13240 -7.94 63.55 13243 -7.87 63.75 13248 -7.94 63.95 13253 -7.87 64.15 13269 -7.72 64.35 13278 -7.86 64.55 13284 -7.94 64.75 13288 -7.96 64.95 13291 -7.99 65.16 13297 -7.98 65.37 13313 -7.88 65.58 13316 -7.87 65.79 13320 -7.96 66 13323 -8.14 66.2 13327 -8.36 66.4 13332 -8.45 66.6 13334 -8.37 66.8 13343 -8.35 67 13354 -8.38 67.2 13362 -8.35 67.4 13368 -8.36 67.6 13377 -8.26 67.8 13388 -8.36 68 13402 -8.33 68.2 13416 -8.56 68.4 13423 -8.48 68.6 13432 -8.58 68.8 13439 -8.38 69 13445 -8.4 69.2 13455 -8.26 69.4 13461 -8.34 69.6 13465 -8.28 69.8 13477 -8.29 70 13484 -8.09 70.2 13489 -8.09 70.4 13493 -8.01 70.6 13496 -8.33 70.8 13498 -8.21 71 13501 -8.34 71.2 13505 -8.46 71.4 13507 -8.48 71.6 13509 -8.32 71.8 13511 -8.2 72 13514 -8.16 72.2 13516 -7.97 72.4 13520 -8.03 72.6 13524 -8.19 72.8 13527 -8.14 73 13531 -8.37 73.2 13537 -8.25 73.4 13551 -8.2 73.6 13556 -8.15 73.8 13561 -8.14 74 13568 -8.26 74.2 13574 -8.23 74.4 13578 -8.21 74.6 13580 -8.1 74.8 13583 -8.14 75 13587 -8.14 75.2 13591 -8.17 75.4 13596 -8.02 75.6 13599 -7.94 75.8 13602 -8.1 76 13605 -8.16 76.2 13608 -8.13 76.4 13611 -8.08 76.6 13613 -8.03 76.8 13615 -8.23 77 13619 -8.05 77.2 13624 -8.03 77.4 13629 -8.37 77.6 13631 -8.22 77.8 13634 -8.1 78 13636 -8.19 78.2 13639 -8.28 78.4 13641 -8.24 78.6 13644 -8.22 78.8 13650 -8 79 13654 -7.87 79.2 13660 -8.09 79.4 13663 -8.31 79.6 13666 -8.18 79.8 13669 -8.14 80 13674 -8.11 80.2 13679 -8.12 80.4 13683 -8.2 80.6 13687 -8.15 80.8 13690 -8.12 81 13693 -8.06 81.2 13697 -7.87 81.4 13700 -8.02 81.6 13705 -8.05 81.8 13710 -8.07 82 13713 -8.32 82.2 13716 -8.14 82.4 13705 -8.26 82.6 13738 -8.24 82.8 13743 -8.22 83 13746 -8.22 83.2 13748 -8.27 83.4 13752 -8.17 83.6 13756 -8.22 83.8 13758 -8.2 84 13761 -8.29 84.2 13764 -8.18 84.4 13766 -8.19 84.6 13772 -8.39 84.8 13776 -8.36 85 13779 -8.38 85.2 13784 -8.05 85.4 13789 -8.16 85.6 13793 -8.28 85.8 13798 -8.25 86 13799 -8.2 86.2 13803 -8.26 86.4 13805 -8.3 86.6 13809 -8.17 86.8 13812 -8.21 87 13814 -8.2 87.2 13824 -8.36 87.4 13834 -8.22 87.6 13838 -8.32 87.8 13840 -8.2 88 13843 -8.21 88.2 13848 -8.18 88.4 13855 -8.18 88.6 13863 -8.08 88.8 13875 -8.26 89 13883 -8.17 89.2 13896 -8.02 89.4 13906 -8.13 89.6 13912 -8.14 89.8 13917 -7.95 90 13921 -8.12 90.2 13924 -8.21 90.4 13928 -8.16 90.6 13932 -8.17 90.8 13939 -8.04 91 13956 -8.08 91.2 13966 -8.13 91.4 13969 -8.07 91.6 13971 -8.06 91.8 13973 -8.06 92 13975 -8.02 92.2 13978 -8.04 92.4 13980 -8.02 92.6 13982 -7.85 92.8 13984 -8.04 93 13990 -8.11 93.2 13992 -8.07 93.4 13994 -8.02 93.6 13997 -8 93.8 14005 -7.91 94 14011 -7.95 94.2 14017 -7.87 94.4 14023 -7.79 94.6 14026 -7.88 94.8 14029 -7.93 95 14031 -7.89 95.2 14034 -7.81 95.4 14040 -7.83 95.6 14043 -7.86 95.8 14047 -7.76 96 14053 -7.55 96.2 14057 -7.77 96.4 14061 -7.75 96.6 14063 -7.65 96.8 14067 -7.62 97 14075 -7.46 97.2 14082 -7.52 97.4 14088 -7.45 97.6 14098 -7.56 97.8 14106 -7.37 98 14109 -7.45 98.2 14127 -7.4 98.4 14138 -7.39 98.6 14146 -7.37 98.8 14154 -6.97 99 14162 -7.33 99.2 14170 -7.27 99.4 14186 -7.3 99.6 14196 -7.38 99.8 14215 -7.46 100 14229 -7.4 100.2 14235 -7.51 100.4 14239 -7.52 100.6 14242 -7.62 100.8 14246 -7.57 101 14249 -7.44 101.2 14253 -7.59 101.4 14258 -7.5 101.6 14267 -7.77 101.8 14273 -7.75 102 14278 -7.76 102.2 14283 -7.61 102.4 14288 -7.87 102.6 14291 -7.77 102.8 14297 -7.73 103 14302 -7.92 103.2 14307 -7.77 103.4 14311 -8.04 103.6 14316 -7.96 103.8 14321 -7.96 104 14325 -7.92 104.2 14330 -7.98 104.4 14335 -7.91 104.6 14340 -8.02 104.8 14344 -7.9 105 14349 -7.88 105.2 14352 -7.95 105.4 14356 -8 105.6 14362 -7.99 105.8 14367 -8 106 14372 -7.87 106.2 14377 -7.92 106.4 14379 -7.95 106.6 14382 -8.03 106.8 14385 -8.08 107 14388 -8.21 107.2 14391 -8.27 107.4 14395 -7.98 107.6 14400 -8.09 107.8 14403 -7.95 108 14405 -8.06 108.2 14407 -8 108.4 14411 -7.97 108.6 14415 -7.84 108.8 14418 -8.02 109 14423 -8.03 109.2 14426 -7.89 109.4 14430 -7.92 109.6 14434 -7.95 109.8 14440 -7.98 110 14446 -7.8 110.2 14453 -7.8 110.4 14458 -7.78 110.6 14465 -7.94 110.8 14471 -7.75 111 14477 -7.67 111.2 14482 -7.75 111.4 14486 -7.77 111.6 14490 -7.72 111.8 14493 -7.68 112 14497 -7.6 112.2 14501 -7.45 112.4 14505 -7.38 112.6 14508 -7.44 112.8 14513 -7.44 113 14517 -7.27 113.2 14521 -7.29 113.4 14526 -7.18 113.6 14531 -7.08 113.8 14540 -7.24 114 14547 -7.23 114.2 14551 -7.29 114.4 14554 -7.29 114.6 14557 -7.17 114.8 14560 -7.16 115 14563 -7.14 115.2 14567 -7.06 115.4 14571 -7.08 115.6 14575 -7.02 115.8 14579 -7.03 116 14583 -7.02 116.2 14587 -7.02 116.4 14591 -7.1 116.6 14595 -6.93 116.8 14599 -6.88 117 14602 -6.95 117.2 14606 -6.91 117.4 14610 -6.67 117.6 14614 -6.75 117.8 14618 -6.77 118 14622 -6.74 118.2 14626 -6.84 118.4 14630 -6.69 118.6 14634 -6.71 118.8 14637 -6.49 119 14641 -6.51 119.2 14645 -6.49 119.4 14649 -6.57 119.6 14653 -6.67 119.8 14657 -6.5 120 14661 120.2 14665 -6.36 120.4 14669 -6.38 120.6 14672 -6.42 120.8 14676 -6.56 121 14680 -6.35 121.2 14684 -6.32 121.4 14688 -6.33 121.6 14692 -6.39 121.8 14696 -6.21 122 14700 -6.22 122.2 14704 -6.12 122.4 14708 -6.18 122.6 14711 -6.15 122.8 14715 -6.23 123 14719 -6.15 123.2 14723 -6.17 123.4 14727 -6.14 123.6 14731 -6.24 123.8 14735 -5.89 124 14739 -6.09 124.2 14743 -5.87 124.4 14745 -5.95 124.6 14747 -5.93 124.8 14750 -5.95 125 14752 -5.98 125.2 14754 -5.91 125.4 14756 -6 125.6 14759 -6.12 125.8 14761 -6 126 14763 -5.92 126.2 14765 -5.95 126.4 14768 -5.92 126.6 14770 -5.96 126.8 14772 -6.01 127 14774 -5.94 127.2 14776 -6.01 127.4 14779 -5.9 127.6 14781 -6.07 127.8 14783 -6.09 128 14785 -5.91 128.2 14788 -5.81 128.4 14790 -5.66 128.6 14792 -5.78 128.8 14794 -5.67 129 14797 -5.55 129.2 14799 -5.56 129.4 14801 -5.52 129.6 14804 -5.56 129.8 14806 -5.83 130 14809 -5.69 130.2 14811 -5.72 130.4 14814 -5.87 130.6 14817 -5.87 130.8 14819 -5.73 131 14822 -5.98 131.2 14824 -5.98 131.4 14827 -5.97 131.6 14830 -5.74 131.8 14832 -5.84 132 14835 -5.67 132.2 14837 -5.89 132.4 14840 -5.8 132.6 14842 -5.75 132.8 14845 -5.78 133 14848 -5.87 133.2 14850 -5.97 133.4 14853 -5.81 133.6 14855 -5.91 133.8 14858 -5.81 134 14861 134.2 14863 -5.99 134.4 14866 -6.03 134.6 14868 -6.02 134.8 14871 -6.18 135 14877 -6.1 135.2 14884 -5.99 135.4 14890 -5.97 135.6 14897 -5.85 135.8 14903 -5.8 136 14909 -5.77 136.2 14916 -5.48 136.4 14922 -5.48 136.6 14924 -5.62 136.8 14927 -5.69 137 14929 -5.77 137.2 14932 -5.76 137.4 14934 -5.73 137.6 14936 -5.81 137.8 14939 -5.84 138 14941 -5.89