# Heshang Cave, China 8.2ka Subannual Stalagmite Stable Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, # plus the Online Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: http://hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:14312 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/china/heshang2013iso.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Speleothems #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-05-01 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Heshang Cave, China 8.2ka Subannual Stalagmite Stable Isotope Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Liu, Y.-H.; Henderson, G.M.; Hu, C.-Y.; Mason, A.J.; Charnley, N.; Johnson, K.R.; Xie, S.-C. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: The dataset is a sub-annual resolution d18O and d13C record for the 8.2kyr event from Heshang cave in the Yangtze Valley in central China. Stable isotope samples were micro-milled continuously at ~40 um intervals from 235.3 cm to 231.9 cm of HS-4 with an average resolution of ~0.3 years. A total of 869 samples were measured on a Thermo Delta V Advantage Isotope Ratio Mass spectrometer fitted with a Kiel Carbonate Device IV at Oxford Department of Earth Sciences, with a precision of ±0.08 per mil. The chronology of stalagmite HS-4 during 8.2 kyr event has been established independently by U-Th dating (9 samples measured by MC-ICP-MS at Oxford University) and layer counting. Full details of the chronology and age model are provided in Supplementary Information of Liu et al. 2013. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Y-H. Liu, G.M. Henderson, C-Y. Hu, A.J. Mason, N. Charnley, K.R. Johnson, and S-C. Xie # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013-01-13 # Published_Title: Links between the East Asian monsoon and North Atlantic climate during the 8,200 year event # Journal_Name: Nature Geoscience # Volume: 6 # Issue: 2 # Pages: 117-120 # DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1708 # Abstract: An abrupt cooling event in the North Atlantic region 8,200 years ago affected climate throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The event is well constrained in Greenland ice cores, but lack of resolution in records from other regions has challenged our understanding of the timing and nature of the associated teleconnections. Speleothem records from East Asia have suggested monsoonal changes associated with the 8,200 year event, but the nature of these changes remains controversial. Here we assess changes in East Asian precipitation during the event from a sub-annually resolved stalagmite record from central China. Using d18O and Mg/Ca measurements of the speleothem carbonate, we show that climate dried significantly about 8,200 years ago. Based on our annual-layer-counted chronology, we show that the dry event lasted 150 years, with a central period of pronounced aridity that lasted 70 years. The duration and evolution of the event is indistinguishable from that observed in the Greenland ice cores. We therefore conclude that an effective and rapid atmospheric teleconnection exists between the North Atlantic and the monsoon system in warm climates similar to today's. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: UK Natural Environment Resource Council (NERC) # Grant: NE/G003416/1 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Gary Comer Science and Education Foundation # Grant: Abrupt Climate Change Fellowship #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Basic Research Program of China # Grant: 2011CB808800 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 40972219 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Heshang Cave # Location: Asia>Eastern Asia>China # Country: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 30.45 # Southernmost_Latitude: 30.45 # Easternmost_Longitude: 110.4167 # Westernmost_Longitude: 110.4167 # Elevation: 294 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Heshang2013H4iso # Earliest_Year: 8294 # Most_Recent_Year: 8061 # Time_Unit: CalYrBP # Core_Length: 0.235276 m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # Table S1: U and Th data for HS-4 subsamples. Depth is the midpoint depth of the U/Th subsample taken from the top of the HS-4 stalagmite. d234U = # ([234U/238U)measured - 1] *1000. Uncertainties are 2sigma and incorporate analytical, weighing, spike composition, and half-life uncertainty. Half lives are those of # Cheng et al. 2000 All ages are relative to 1950. The corrected ages are corrected for initial 230Th using measured 232Th/230Th for modern drips in the same # cave following Hu et al. 2008. Bayes Min and Bayes Max ages are calculated from corrected ages using the OxCal stacked ages calculation. Layer counted # ages represent the best fit of the annually layer counted age model for this portion of the HS-4 sample to the 9 ages reported here. # # Depth (cm) 238U (ppm) err d234U (per mil) err 230Th (ppt) err 232Th (ppb) err Raw Age (kyr) err Corrected Age (kyr) err Bayes Min Bayes Max Layer Counted (kyr) # # 229.0 0.4843 ±0.0006 731.4 ±1.2 0.991 ±0.005 1.509 ±0.003 8.10 ±0.11 7.96 ±0.13 8.11 7.81 7.90 # 230.1 0.4208 ±0.0006 717.0 ±1.2 0.880 ±0.004 3.097 ±0.005 8.35 ±0.11 8.03 ±0.19 8.13 7.88 7.94 # 231.0 0.3719 ±0.0005 709.2 ±1.2 0.795 ±0.004 3.992 ±0.007 8.59 ±0.12 8.12 ±0.26 8.15 7.93 8.00 # 232.0 0.4025 ±0.0006 732.1 ±1.2 0.875 ±0.005 4.683 ±0.008 8.61 ±0.12 8.11 ±0.28 8.18 7.98 8.06 # 233.0 0.4459 ±0.0006 749.5 ±1.2 0.985 ±0.005 6.596 ±0.011 8.67 ±0.11 8.04 ±0.34 8.22 8.02 8.12 # 234.0 0.3727 ±0.0005 743.0 ±1.2 0.811 ±0.004 3.416 ±0.005 8.57 ±0.11 8.17 ±0.23 8.27 8.05 8.20 # 235.0 0.4996 ±0.0007 755.2 ±1.2 1.096 ±0.005 4.139 ±0.008 8.58 ±0.11 8.22 ±0.21 8.37 8.10 8.28 # 235.9 0.6680 ±0.0009 770.1 ±1.2 1.440 ±0.006 4.360 ±0.008 8.35 ±0.11 8.07 ±0.17 8.37 8.10 8.34 # 236.8 0.4330 ±0.0006 743.8 ±1.2 0.936 ±0.005 1.832 ±0.003 8.50 ±0.11 8.32 ±0.14 8.43 8.11 8.39 # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow (have no #) # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_cm depth, , , cm, , ,middle of sample, ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years BP, , , , ,N ## d13CcarbVPDB delta 13C,calcium carbonate,,per mil VPDB,,speleothem,,,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta 18O,calcium carbonate,,per mil VPDB,,speleothem,,,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: depth_cm age_calBP d13CcarbVPDB d18OcarbVPDB 231.8857 8061.0 -9.02 -9.34 231.8940 8061.4 -8.95 -9.40 231.9029 8061.7 -8.88 -9.30 231.9114 8062.1 -8.43 -8.67 231.9162 8062.3 -8.14 -8.72 231.9210 8062.5 -8.27 -8.63 231.9257 8062.7 -8.43 -8.47 231.9305 8062.9 -8.48 -8.29 231.9348 8063.1 -9.12 -8.78 231.9377 8063.3 -9.76 -9.36 231.9407 8063.4 -10.45 -9.82 231.9437 8063.5 -10.65 -9.86 231.9466 8063.6 -10.54 -9.71 231.9496 8063.8 -9.51 -8.77 231.9526 8063.9 -8.98 -8.50 231.9556 8064.0 -9.27 -8.88 231.9583 8064.2 -9.69 -9.21 231.9607 8064.3 -10.17 -9.59 231.9632 8064.4 231.9656 8064.5 -10.57 -9.84 231.9681 8064.6 -10.43 -9.74 231.9706 8064.7 -10.23 -9.55 231.9730 8064.8 -9.64 -9.01 231.9755 8064.9 -9.34 -9.33 231.9779 8065.0 -9.62 -9.25 231.9802 8065.1 -10.27 -9.66 231.9817 8065.2 -11.01 -10.33 231.9832 8065.3 -11.13 -10.40 231.9847 8065.3 -11.13 -10.31 231.9861 8065.4 -10.86 -9.97 231.9876 8065.5 -10.15 -9.32 231.9891 8065.6 -9.88 -9.18 231.9906 8065.6 -10.02 -9.61 231.9920 8065.7 -9.84 -9.60 231.9935 8065.8 -9.87 -9.79 231.9950 8065.9 -10.01 -9.91 231.9965 8065.9 -10.27 -10.08 231.9979 8066.0 -10.70 -9.93 231.9994 8066.1 -10.98 -9.84 232.0035 8066.3 -11.18 -9.62 232.0093 8066.4 -11.20 -9.87 232.0152 8066.6 -11.17 -9.92 232.0210 8066.8 -11.06 -10.07 232.0268 8067.0 -10.94 -10.13 232.0326 8067.2 -10.93 -10.25 232.0384 8067.4 -10.95 -10.47 232.0442 8067.6 -10.90 -10.27 232.0500 8067.8 -10.66 -9.52 232.0558 8067.9 -10.43 -9.03 232.0609 8068.1 -10.03 -8.97 232.0640 8068.2 -10.13 -8.95 232.0671 8068.3 -10.13 -9.09 232.0702 8068.4 -10.15 -9.55 232.0733 8068.5 -10.19 -9.64 232.0764 8068.6 -10.02 -9.41 232.0795 8068.8 -10.09 -9.71 232.0826 8068.9 -9.94 -9.43 232.0857 8069.0 -10.12 -9.50 232.0888 8069.1 -9.91 -9.38 232.0920 8069.2 -9.98 -9.39 232.0953 8069.3 -9.78 -9.11 232.0987 8069.4 -9.46 -8.90 232.1020 8069.5 -9.59 -9.13 232.1053 8069.6 -9.82 -9.38 232.1086 8069.7 -9.67 -9.34 232.1119 8069.8 -9.09 -8.80 232.1153 8069.9 -8.71 -8.76 232.1186 8070.1 -8.63 -8.91 232.1230 8070.2 -8.92 -9.26 232.1281 8070.4 -8.70 -9.21 232.1333 8070.6 -8.48 -8.71 232.1385 8070.7 -8.64 -8.72 232.1436 8070.9 -8.85 -9.09 232.1488 8071.1 -8.73 -9.05 232.1532 8071.2 -8.92 -9.19 232.1575 8071.3 -8.58 -8.83 232.1617 8071.5 -8.87 -8.85 232.1659 8071.6 -8.99 -9.11 232.1702 8071.8 -8.72 -8.73 232.1744 8071.9 -8.81 -8.87 232.1786 8072.1 -9.00 -9.22 232.1823 8072.2 -9.02 -9.40 232.1858 8072.3 -9.14 -9.35 232.1892 8072.4 -9.28 -9.38 232.1926 8072.5 232.1961 8072.6 -8.93 -9.57 232.1995 8072.7 -8.85 -9.62 232.2030 8072.9 -8.96 -9.51 232.2064 8073.0 -8.85 -9.14 232.2099 8073.1 -8.65 -9.16 232.2199 8073.4 -8.81 -9.25 232.2303 8073.6 -8.82 -9.26 232.2406 8073.9 -8.68 -9.46 232.2510 8074.1 -8.31 -9.28 232.2627 8074.5 -8.21 -9.32 232.2743 8074.8 -8.41 -9.39 232.2825 8075.2 -8.35 -9.29 232.2874 8075.4 232.2923 8075.5 -8.17 -9.63 232.2972 8075.7 232.3021 8075.9 -8.39 -9.39 232.3070 8076.0 -8.71 -9.49 232.3135 8076.2 -8.74 -9.49 232.3228 8076.5 -8.76 -9.57 232.3321 8076.8 -8.73 -9.79 232.3414 8077.1 -8.69 -9.54 232.3507 8077.5 -8.69 -9.39 232.3600 8077.8 -8.63 -9.29 232.3693 8078.1 -8.57 -9.27 232.3751 8078.3 -8.16 -9.04 232.3805 8078.4 -8.64 -9.22 232.3860 8078.6 -8.65 -9.20 232.3915 8078.8 -8.82 -9.25 232.3970 8079.0 -8.46 -9.20 232.4023 8079.2 -8.72 -9.57 232.4075 8079.3 -8.14 -9.23 232.4126 8079.5 -7.65 -8.91 232.4178 8079.7 -7.39 -8.89 232.4230 8079.9 -7.78 -9.29 232.4281 8080.0 -8.29 -9.26 232.4366 8080.4 -8.66 -9.36 232.4469 8080.7 -8.67 -9.41 232.4573 8081.0 -8.68 -9.46 232.4654 8081.2 -8.50 -9.57 232.4726 8081.4 -8.50 -9.44 232.4799 8081.6 -8.48 -9.33 232.4872 8081.8 -8.59 -9.34 232.4945 8082.0 -8.56 -9.35 232.5005 8082.1 -8.35 -9.32 232.5025 8082.3 -8.25 -9.26 232.5045 8082.5 -8.19 -9.08 232.5065 8082.7 -8.04 -9.30 232.5085 8082.9 -8.31 -9.00 232.5105 8083.1 -8.60 -9.12 232.5129 8083.3 -8.96 -9.20 232.5153 8083.5 -8.93 -9.22 232.5177 8083.7 -9.28 -9.15 232.5202 8084.0 -9.37 -9.28 232.5229 8084.2 -9.36 -9.27 232.5263 8084.5 -9.35 -9.31 232.5297 8084.7 -9.53 -9.19 232.5330 8085.1 -9.44 -9.20 232.5349 8085.3 -9.54 -9.34 232.5368 8085.4 -9.53 -9.34 232.5387 8085.6 -9.50 -9.41 232.5406 8085.8 -9.49 -9.24 232.5425 8086.0 -9.48 -9.51 232.5444 8086.1 -9.38 -9.56 232.5457 8086.3 -9.60 -9.56 232.5471 8086.4 -9.42 -9.41 232.5486 8086.5 -9.19 -9.61 232.5500 8086.7 -9.17 -9.61 232.5514 8086.8 -9.03 -9.45 232.5528 8086.9 -8.95 -9.55 232.5543 8087.1 -8.92 -9.36 232.5563 8087.2 -8.76 -8.99 232.5592 8087.5 -8.52 -9.00 232.5620 8087.7 -8.55 -9.07 232.5649 8088.0 -8.35 -8.95 232.5679 8088.3 -8.23 -9.26 232.5710 8088.6 -8.36 -9.11 232.5741 8088.8 -8.16 -9.02 232.5773 8089.1 -8.40 -9.14 232.5821 8089.6 -8.58 -9.01 232.5870 8090.0 -8.63 -9.02 232.5925 8090.5 -9.09 -9.17 232.5982 8091.0 -9.47 -9.42 232.6027 8091.4 -9.57 -9.51 232.6069 8091.8 -9.54 -9.59 232.6107 8092.2 -9.53 -9.74 232.6131 8092.4 -9.33 -9.58 232.6156 8092.6 -9.24 -9.86 232.6180 8092.8 -8.94 -9.62 232.6204 8093.0 -8.86 -9.51 232.6220 8093.2 -8.30 -9.64 232.6233 8093.3 -8.40 -9.23 232.6246 8093.4 -7.85 -8.78 232.6259 8093.5 -7.94 -8.92 232.6272 8093.7 -7.83 -9.23 232.6286 8093.8 -8.10 -9.44 232.6299 8093.9 -8.00 -9.45 232.6312 8094.0 -7.99 -9.22 232.6330 8094.3 -8.04 -9.13 232.6356 8094.5 -7.83 -8.94 232.6382 8094.7 -7.84 -8.90 232.6409 8094.9 -8.23 -9.08 232.6435 8095.2 -8.19 -8.91 232.6480 8095.6 -8.15 -9.14 232.6523 8095.9 -7.61 -9.00 232.6574 8096.4 -7.76 -9.61 232.6631 8096.9 -7.88 -9.28 232.6688 8097.4 -7.67 -9.07 232.6745 8098.0 -7.50 -8.96 232.6788 8098.3 -7.72 -9.11 232.6826 8098.7 -7.88 -9.02 232.6863 8099.0 -8.27 -9.17 232.6941 8099.7 -8.32 -9.10 232.7000 8100.2 -8.24 -9.04 232.7038 8100.6 -8.05 -8.79 232.7076 8101.0 -7.90 -8.64 232.7117 8101.4 -7.55 -8.42 232.7160 8101.7 -7.70 -9.03 232.7201 8102.1 -7.69 -9.09 232.7228 8102.4 -7.53 -8.80 232.7254 8102.6 -7.71 -8.13 232.7280 8102.8 -8.11 -8.02 232.7306 8103.1 -8.29 -8.38 232.7344 8103.3 -8.55 -8.80 232.7383 8103.5 -8.79 -9.10 232.7422 8103.7 -8.84 -9.13 232.7462 8103.9 -8.36 -8.64 232.7502 8104.1 -7.97 -8.30 232.7577 8104.6 -8.30 -8.64 232.7652 8105.0 -8.64 -8.87 232.7697 8105.2 -8.28 -8.32 232.7732 8105.4 -8.09 -8.28 232.7767 8105.6 -8.46 -8.66 232.7802 8105.9 -8.43 -8.60 232.7837 8106.1 -8.13 -8.03 232.7889 8106.4 -7.71 -8.28 232.7941 8106.7 -8.10 -8.54 232.7994 8107.0 -8.74 -8.86 232.8056 8107.4 -8.74 -8.44 232.8122 8107.8 -8.25 -8.18 232.8190 8108.2 -8.47 -8.41 232.8278 8108.7 -9.15 -8.98 232.8366 8109.2 -9.56 -9.18 232.8454 8109.7 -9.54 -8.95 232.8538 8110.2 -9.31 -8.47 232.8614 8110.7 -9.45 -9.03 232.8689 8111.1 -9.91 -9.29 232.8764 8111.5 -10.10 -9.52 232.8840 8112.0 -10.07 -9.07 232.8895 8112.3 -9.89 -9.15 232.8943 8112.6 -9.95 -9.16 232.8991 8112.8 -9.94 -9.56 232.9035 8113.1 -9.69 -9.07 232.9065 8113.3 -9.51 -8.82 232.9094 8113.5 -9.61 -8.95 232.9123 8113.6 -9.66 -9.20 232.9152 8113.8 -9.70 -9.09 232.9182 8114.0 -9.61 -8.98 232.9210 8114.2 -9.87 -9.30 232.9236 8114.3 -10.01 -9.43 232.9263 8114.5 -10.27 -9.20 232.9289 8114.6 -10.32 -9.14 232.9315 8114.8 -10.23 -9.08 232.9342 8114.9 -10.17 -9.04 232.9368 8115.1 -10.18 -8.98 232.9399 8115.3 -9.96 -9.12 232.9430 8115.4 -10.11 -9.03 232.9461 8115.6 -10.16 -9.23 232.9492 8115.8 -10.15 -9.14 232.9523 8116.0 -10.19 -9.22 232.9550 8116.2 -10.42 -8.88 232.9572 8116.3 -10.32 -8.81 232.9594 8116.4 -10.29 -9.00 232.9615 8116.5 -10.16 -9.45 232.9637 8116.7 -10.24 -9.39 232.9659 8116.8 -10.15 -9.20 232.9681 8116.9 -10.20 -8.95 232.9703 8117.1 -10.26 -9.09 232.9738 8117.3 -10.24 -9.17 232.9779 8117.5 -9.73 -9.04 232.9819 8117.8 -9.90 -9.42 232.9860 8118.0 -9.91 -9.18 232.9892 8118.2 -10.06 -8.74 232.9915 8118.4 -10.05 -9.02 232.9938 8118.6 -10.33 -9.30 232.9961 8118.8 -10.40 -9.68 232.9985 8119.0 -10.39 -9.38 233.0018 8119.2 -10.05 -8.84 233.0069 8119.4 -10.13 -8.86 233.0121 8119.6 -10.11 -9.17 233.0173 8119.8 -10.13 -9.29 233.0224 8120.0 -9.97 -9.23 233.0270 8120.2 -10.12 -9.30 233.0311 8120.3 -9.79 -9.08 233.0352 8120.5 -9.40 -8.51 233.0393 8120.7 -9.21 -8.77 233.0434 8120.8 -9.32 -8.82 233.0474 8121.0 -8.98 -8.89 233.0521 8121.2 -9.08 -8.97 233.0576 8121.4 -8.86 -8.77 233.0631 8121.6 -8.43 -8.54 233.0687 8121.8 -8.31 -8.43 233.0742 8122.1 -8.31 -8.50 233.0816 8122.4 -8.42 -8.67 233.0894 8122.7 -7.93 -8.48 233.0971 8123.0 -7.93 -8.51 233.1033 8123.2 -8.46 -8.97 233.1084 8123.4 -8.37 -8.72 233.1136 8123.6 -8.34 -8.57 233.1188 8123.8 -8.46 -8.61 233.1239 8124.1 -8.72 -8.81 233.1291 8124.3 -8.48 -8.69 233.1343 8124.5 -8.35 -8.69 233.1394 8124.7 -8.81 -9.13 233.1446 8124.9 -8.93 -9.12 233.1498 8125.1 -8.99 -9.08 233.1539 8125.3 -9.15 -9.23 233.1580 8125.4 -9.21 -8.98 233.1620 8125.6 -9.00 -9.17 233.1661 8125.7 -9.18 -9.38 233.1702 8125.9 -8.99 -9.27 233.1743 8126.1 -9.00 -8.99 233.1799 8126.3 -8.98 -9.14 233.1859 8126.5 -8.96 -9.05 233.1918 8126.7 -8.87 -9.04 233.1978 8127.0 -8.81 -9.07 233.2022 8127.2 -8.66 -9.01 233.2057 8127.3 -8.51 -8.88 233.2093 8127.5 -8.60 -8.84 233.2128 8127.6 -8.53 -8.70 233.2163 8127.8 -8.65 -8.62 233.2198 8127.9 -8.77 -8.56 233.2234 8128.0 -8.36 -8.28 233.2273 8128.2 -8.16 -8.23 233.2316 8128.4 -8.00 -8.66 233.2359 8128.5 -8.10 -8.82 233.2402 8128.7 -7.93 -8.24 233.2445 8128.9 -7.97 -8.13 233.2488 8129.1 -8.36 -8.54 233.2525 8129.4 -8.89 -8.91 233.2560 8129.8 -9.33 -9.06 233.2594 8130.1 -9.12 -8.78 233.2622 8130.5 -9.13 -8.62 233.2650 8130.8 -9.16 -8.59 233.2678 8131.1 -8.60 -8.70 233.2706 8131.3 -8.48 -8.77 233.2725 8131.6 -8.01 -8.65 233.2748 8131.9 -7.02 -8.48 233.2771 8132.1 -6.69 -8.41 233.2802 8132.5 -7.12 -8.37 233.2833 8132.8 -6.32 -8.38 233.2867 8133.2 -6.48 -8.29 233.2913 8133.7 -6.19 -8.28 233.2960 8134.2 -6.37 -8.39 233.3006 8134.7 -6.47 -8.31 233.3053 8135.2 -6.62 -8.47 233.3084 8135.6 -6.79 -8.44 233.3119 8136.0 -6.75 -8.40 233.3151 8136.3 -6.56 -8.36 233.3182 8136.7 -6.62 -8.43 233.3213 8137.0 -6.72 -8.46 233.3242 8137.3 -6.70 -8.22 233.3270 8137.7 -6.64 -8.41 233.3298 8138.0 -6.67 -8.09 233.3326 8138.3 -6.79 -8.19 233.3354 8138.6 -6.88 -8.03 233.3382 8138.9 -6.91 -8.14 233.3410 8139.2 -6.85 -8.03 233.3441 8139.6 -6.85 -8.06 233.3472 8140.0 -7.00 -8.25 233.3514 8140.4 -6.97 -8.13 233.3570 8141.0 -6.97 -7.96 233.3613 8141.4 -7.09 -8.00 233.3653 8141.9 -7.07 -7.79 233.3701 8142.5 -7.31 -7.82 233.3757 8143.1 -7.24 -7.59 233.3813 8143.5 -7.41 -7.95 233.3838 8144.0 -7.40 -7.91 233.3868 8144.3 -7.47 -8.01 233.3893 8144.6 -7.25 -7.73 233.3918 8144.9 -7.16 -7.76 233.3946 8145.2 -6.76 -7.60 233.3986 8145.6 -6.80 -7.75 233.4024 8146.0 -6.68 -7.65 233.4079 8146.6 -6.95 -7.89 233.4133 8147.2 -6.90 -7.75 233.4179 8147.7 -6.95 -7.79 233.4223 8148.2 -6.94 -7.81 233.4263 8148.7 -7.21 -8.10 233.4303 8149.1 -7.26 -8.12 233.4338 8149.5 -7.38 -8.01 233.4372 8149.9 -7.75 -8.39 233.4413 8150.4 -8.02 -8.55 233.4460 8150.9 -7.63 -8.40 233.4511 8151.5 -7.66 -8.36 233.4567 8152.1 -7.57 -8.46 233.4614 8152.6 -7.94 -8.74 233.4661 8153.1 -8.34 -8.87 233.4700 8153.5 -9.19 -9.21 233.4740 8154.0 -9.69 -9.05 233.4771 8154.3 -10.37 -9.28 233.4799 8154.7 -10.46 -9.19 233.4827 8155.0 -9.72 -9.13 233.4861 8155.3 -8.04 -8.44 233.4901 8155.8 -7.43 -8.43 233.4940 8156.2 -6.99 -8.44 233.4976 8156.8 -7.12 -8.21 233.5027 8157.3 -7.27 -8.14 233.5108 8157.9 -8.00 -8.15 233.5188 8158.5 -8.57 -8.52 233.5265 8159.1 -8.75 -8.64 233.5310 8159.5 -7.61 -8.09 233.5354 8159.8 -7.26 -8.27 233.5402 8160.2 -7.31 -8.42 233.5459 8160.6 -7.60 -8.15 233.5517 8161.1 -7.94 -8.09 233.5562 8161.4 -8.84 -8.27 233.5607 8161.8 -8.81 -8.35 233.5652 8162.1 -8.80 -8.21 233.5685 8162.4 -8.52 -8.21 233.5719 8162.6 -8.17 -8.46 233.5752 8162.9 -8.03 -8.51 233.5786 8163.1 -8.10 -7.93 233.5823 8163.4 -7.74 -7.95 233.5860 8163.7 -7.49 -8.26 233.5896 8164.0 -7.41 -8.09 233.5941 8164.4 -7.53 -7.69 233.5992 8164.7 -7.27 -7.74 233.6042 8165.1 -7.07 -7.92 233.6082 8165.4 -7.24 -7.71 233.6122 8165.7 -6.99 -7.54 233.6163 8166.0 -7.01 -7.80 233.6195 8166.3 -6.94 -7.75 233.6226 8166.5 -6.80 -7.70 233.6257 8166.8 -6.60 -8.30 233.6288 8167.0 -6.87 -8.48 233.6336 8167.4 -6.84 -7.82 233.6394 8167.8 -7.64 -8.62 233.6445 8168.2 -7.75 -8.97 233.6485 8168.5 -7.37 -8.12 233.6525 8168.8 -7.02 -7.59 233.6566 8169.1 -6.92 -7.50 233.6611 8169.5 -6.97 -7.52 233.6656 8169.8 -6.71 -7.64 233.6702 8170.2 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8180.1 -7.39 -8.12 233.7886 8180.4 -7.52 -8.23 233.7909 8180.7 -7.24 -7.84 233.7932 8180.9 -7.54 -8.06 233.7959 8181.2 -7.11 -7.84 233.7999 8181.6 -7.21 -8.07 233.8039 8182.1 -7.23 -7.88 233.8065 8182.4 -7.04 -7.84 233.8090 8182.7 -6.94 -7.92 233.8116 8183.0 -6.84 -7.88 233.8145 8183.3 -6.87 -7.73 233.8180 8183.7 -6.81 -7.88 233.8215 8184.0 -6.88 -8.05 233.8267 8184.7 -7.18 -7.76 233.8326 8185.3 -6.73 -7.95 233.8396 8186.1 -7.08 -8.01 233.8453 8186.7 -6.68 -7.82 233.8509 8187.3 -6.98 -8.09 233.8564 8187.9 -6.43 -8.01 233.8630 8188.7 -6.90 -8.25 233.8700 8189.4 -6.68 -8.25 233.8770 8190.2 -7.16 -8.36 233.8839 8191.0 -7.03 -8.39 233.8897 8191.6 -7.40 -8.53 233.8956 8192.3 -7.25 -8.53 233.9026 8193.1 -7.50 -8.51 233.9083 8193.7 -7.35 -8.49 233.9138 8194.3 -7.57 -8.16 233.9194 8194.9 -7.40 -8.40 233.9243 8195.5 233.9290 8196.0 -7.40 -8.58 233.9322 8196.3 -7.60 -8.35 233.9350 8196.7 -7.45 -8.64 233.9378 8197.0 -7.42 -8.38 233.9412 8197.3 -6.91 -8.37 233.9452 8197.8 -7.45 -8.66 233.9492 8198.2 -7.54 -8.25 233.9532 8198.7 -8.15 -8.49 233.9571 8199.1 -8.01 -8.72 233.9586 8199.3 -8.17 -8.55 233.9602 8199.5 -7.29 -8.21 233.9617 8199.7 -7.93 -8.84 233.9633 8199.9 -7.71 -8.89 233.9648 8200.0 -7.87 -8.57 233.9671 8200.2 -7.92 -9.11 233.9717 8200.7 -8.21 -8.97 233.9762 8201.2 -7.45 -8.48 233.9802 8201.7 -7.33 -8.50 233.9842 8202.1 -7.52 -8.77 233.9881 8202.6 -7.81 -8.77 233.9921 8203.0 -7.80 -8.86 233.9945 8203.3 -8.17 -8.91 233.9965 8203.6 -7.57 -8.52 233.9985 8203.9 -8.03 -8.76 234.0014 8204.2 -8.04 -8.84 234.0076 8204.6 -8.12 -8.62 234.0138 8205.1 -8.53 -8.77 234.0200 8205.5 -8.77 -9.05 234.0262 8206.0 -8.82 -9.25 234.0301 8206.2 -9.12 -8.95 234.0330 8206.4 -8.69 -8.81 234.0359 8206.6 -9.26 -9.10 234.0388 8206.9 -8.60 -8.95 234.0416 8207.1 -8.49 -8.36 234.0445 8207.3 -8.06 -8.50 234.0474 8207.5 -8.61 -9.04 234.0503 8207.7 -8.08 -8.67 234.0532 8207.9 -8.33 -8.30 234.0562 8208.1 -8.24 -8.70 234.0616 8208.5 -8.47 -8.97 234.0671 8208.9 -7.97 -8.65 234.0725 8209.3 -8.12 -8.45 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234.2250 8220.2 -7.97 -8.50 234.2279 8220.4 -7.93 -8.51 234.2308 8220.6 -8.06 -8.40 234.2337 8220.8 -7.79 -8.32 234.2366 8221.0 -8.12 -8.55 234.2388 8221.1 -8.18 -8.33 234.2403 8221.3 -8.33 -8.47 234.2418 8221.4 -8.18 -8.48 234.2432 8221.5 -8.03 -8.26 234.2447 8221.7 -8.09 -8.23 234.2462 8221.8 -8.39 -8.54 234.2477 8221.9 -8.32 -8.15 234.2492 8222.1 -8.52 -8.32 234.2513 8222.2 -8.58 -8.45 234.2542 8222.4 -8.53 -8.59 234.2571 8222.6 -8.33 -8.54 234.2599 8222.9 -8.17 -8.23 234.2628 8223.1 -8.17 -8.26 234.2672 8223.4 -8.00 -8.44 234.2717 8223.8 -7.99 -8.57 234.2761 8224.1 -8.04 -8.36 234.2792 8224.3 -8.02 -8.03 234.2823 8224.6 -8.03 -8.26 234.2854 8224.8 -7.80 -8.36 234.2885 8225.1 -7.81 -8.13 234.2909 8225.2 -7.74 -8.05 234.2931 8225.4 -7.77 -8.43 234.2954 8225.6 -7.84 -8.52 234.2976 8225.8 -7.76 -8.43 234.2998 8225.9 -7.66 -8.04 234.3021 8226.1 -7.96 -8.48 234.3055 8226.4 -7.98 -8.84 234.3088 8226.6 -7.47 -8.35 234.3122 8226.9 -7.51 -8.11 234.3154 8227.1 -7.80 -8.34 234.3181 8227.3 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