# Klang Cave, Thailand 11,230 Year Stalagmite d18O Data and ITCZ Shift Index #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/33812 # Landing_Page_Description: # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-cave-33812.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Speloethems # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) #-------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/asia/thailand/klang2021ditczsi.txt # Data_Download_Description: # # Supplemental_Download_Resource: # Supplemental_Description: # # Related_Online_Resource: # Related_Online_Description: # # Original_Source_URL: # Original_Source_Description: #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2021-07-30 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2021-07-30 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Klang Cave, Thailand 11,230 Year Stalagmite d18O Data and ITCZ Shift Index #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Chawchai, S.; Tan, L.; Löwemark, L.; Wang, H.-C.; Yu, T.-L.; Chung, Y.-C.; Mii, H.-S.; GLiu, G.; Blaauw, M.; Gong, S.-Y.; Wohlfarth, B.; Shen, C.-C. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Stalagmite oxygen isotope data and Intertropical Convergence Zone shit index from Klang Cave, Thailand for the past 11,230 years. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Sakonvan Chawchai, Liangcheng Tan, Ludvig Löwemark, Hao-Cheng Wang, Tsai-Luen Yu, Yun-Chuan Chung, Horng-Sheng Mii, Guangxin Liu, Maarten Blaauw, Shou-Yeh Gong, Barbara Wohlfarth, Chuan-Chou Shen # Published_Date_or_Year: 2021-02-01 # Published_Title: Hydroclimate variability of central Indo-Pacific region during the Holocene # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 253 # Edition: 106779 # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106779 # Publication_Place: # Publisher: # ISBN: # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379120307411 # Other_Reference_Details: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Here we present a decadal-resolved hydroclimate record covering the past 11 thousand years based on d18O data of three stalagmites from Klang Cave (TK) on the Thai-Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand. The d18O values indicate wetter conditions/more rainfall during the early Holocene from 11 to 7 thousand years before present (kyr BP). A large increase of 2 per mil in d18O is observed from 7.0 to 6.0 kyr BP, indicating a millennial drying period followed by drought conditions between 6.0 and 5.2 kyr BP. After a long hiatus (5.2-2.7 kyr BP), d18O data show a millennium-long trend toward dry conditions. An abrupt positive change of 0.8-1.0 per mil in d18O is noticed between 8.29 and 8.17 kyr BP, reflecting the 8.2-ka event; however, the amplitude of the d18O shift is much smaller comparing to that of the event of 6.0-5.2 kyr BP. On orbital time-scales, the TK record agrees with insolation-dominated speleothem records in the Asian-Australian monsoon realm. Noticeable inconsistencies among records in the Southeast Asia region (between 8N and 4N-8S) have been documented on multi-centennial scales. Lower d18O values are likely associated with the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). A new reconstruction of Holocene ITCZ shifts index within the central Indo-Pacific region, based on stalagmite d18O records from Klang Cave (8N) and Liang Luar Cave (8S), shows that the ITCZ played an important role in hydroclimate variability in the Asian-Australian monsoon regions. The southward shift of the ITCZ in the central Indo-Pacific region, controlled by the interhemispheric extratropical insolation gradient, may strongly correlate with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) activities in the Holocene. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Liangcheng Tan, Chuan-Chou Shen, Ludvig Löwemark, Sakonvan Chawchai, R. Lawrence Edwards, Yanjun Cai, Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach, Hai Cheng, Yu-Chen Chou, Helmut Duerrast, Judson W. Partin, Wenju Cai, Akkaneewut Chabangborn, Yongli Gao, Ola Kwiecien, Chung-Che Wu, Zhengguo Shi, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Barbara Wohlfarth # Published_Date_or_Year: 2019-08-27 # Published_Title: Rainfall variations in central Indo-Pacific over the past 2,700 y # Journal_Name: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America # Volume: 116 # Edition: # Issue: 35 # Pages: 17201-17206 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1903167116 # Online_Resource: https://www.pnas.org/content/116/35/17201 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Tropical rainfall variability is closely linked to meridional shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and zonal movements of the Walker circulation. The characteristics and mechanisms of tropical rainfall variations on centennial to decadal scales are, however, still unclear. Here, we reconstruct a replicated stalagmite-based 2,700-y-long, continuous record of rainfall for the deeply convective northern central Indo-Pacific (NCIP) region. Our record reveals decreasing rainfall in the NCIP over the past 2,700 y, similar to other records from the northern tropics. Notable centennial- to decadal-scale dry climate episodes occurred in both the NCIP and the southern central Indo-Pacific (SCIP) during the 20th century [Current Warm Period (CWP)] and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), resembling enhanced El Nino-like conditions. Further, we developed a 2,000-y-long ITCZ shift index record that supports an overall southward ITCZ shift in the central Indo-Pacific and indicates southward mean ITCZ positions during the early MWP and the CWP. As a result, the drying trend since the 20th century in the northern tropics is similar to that observed during the past warm period, suggesting that a possible anthropogenic forcing of rainfall remains indistinguishable from natural variability. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: DPST Thailand # Grant: 042/2558 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) # Grant: 108-2119-M-002-012, 109-2123-M-002-001,106-2116-M-002 -021 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Taiwan University # Grant: 109L8926 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Higher Education Sprout Project of the Ministry of Education, Taiwan ROC # Grant: 109L901001 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Chinese Academy of Sciences # Grant: Strategic Priority Research Program XDB40000000 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swedish Research Council (VR) # Grant: 621-2008-2855, 621-2011-4684 and 348-2008-6071 #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Klang Cave # Location: Asia>Southeastern Asia>Thailand # Northernmost_Latitude: 8.33 # Southernmost_Latitude: 8.33 # Easternmost_Longitude: 98.73 # Westernmost_Longitude: 98.73 # Elevation_m: #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Klang2021ITCZSI # Earliest_Year: 11260 # Most_Recent_Year: 80 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes # Notes: #-------------------- # Chronology_Information # #-------------------- # Variables # # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/PaST-thesaurus/SKOS/past-thesaurus-v1.0.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Variables format: Short_name what,material,error,units,seasonality,data_type,detail,method,data_format,additional_information # ## age age, , , calendar year before present, , speleothems; climate reconstructions, , ,N, ## ITCZ-SI Intertropical Convergence Zone Index, delta 18O, , dimensionless, , speleothems; climate reconstructions, , ,N, ITCZ shift index # #-------------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: # age ITCZ-SI 80 0.471 90 0.566 100 0.596 110 0.619 120 0.611 130 0.616 140 0.606 150 0.587 160 0.588 170 0.567 180 0.517 190 0.472 200 0.445 210 0.412 220 0.433 230 0.437 240 0.442 250 0.456 260 0.482 270 0.482 280 0.503 290 0.514 300 0.506 310 0.509 320 0.534 330 0.603 340 0.665 350 0.717 360 0.725 370 0.715 380 0.690 390 0.651 400 0.624 410 0.633 420 0.630 430 0.620 440 0.614 450 0.600 460 0.577 470 0.564 480 0.556 490 0.549 500 0.521 510 0.517 520 0.494 530 0.464 540 0.444 550 0.442 560 0.395 570 0.375 580 0.346 590 0.341 600 0.332 610 0.355 620 0.379 630 0.421 640 0.445 650 0.456 660 0.480 670 0.519 680 0.547 690 0.554 700 0.581 710 0.574 720 0.555 730 0.516 740 0.494 750 0.472 760 0.471 770 0.474 780 0.481 790 0.503 800 0.520 810 0.532 820 0.537 830 0.571 840 0.591 850 0.616 860 0.637 870 0.643 880 0.622 890 0.601 900 0.597 910 0.593 920 0.581 930 0.582 940 0.576 950 0.553 960 0.540 970 0.542 980 0.537 990 0.530 1000 0.529 1010 0.522 1020 0.510 1030 0.500 1040 0.488 1050 0.485 1060 0.487 1070 0.492 1080 0.501 1090 0.504 1100 0.497 1110 0.495 1120 0.485 1130 0.484 1140 0.502 1150 0.522 1160 0.524 1170 0.513 1180 0.489 1190 0.481 1200 0.470 1210 0.469 1220 0.477 1230 0.499 1240 0.496 1250 0.494 1260 0.472 1270 0.437 1280 0.412 1290 0.373 1300 0.371 1310 0.358 1320 0.376 1330 0.383 1340 0.423 1350 0.420 1360 0.422 1370 0.434 1380 0.420 1390 0.379 1400 0.345 1410 0.340 1420 0.347 1430 0.355 1440 0.395 1450 0.419 1460 0.426 1470 0.391 1480 0.384 1490 0.375 1500 0.365 1510 0.410 1520 0.431 1530 0.405 1540 0.379 1550 0.383 1560 0.330 1570 0.334 1580 0.355 1590 0.370 1600 0.380 1610 0.428 1620 0.440 1630 0.475 1640 0.489 1650 0.505 1660 0.490 1670 0.490 1680 0.452 1690 0.428 1700 0.418 1710 0.429 1720 0.424 1730 0.492 1740 0.535 1750 0.566 1760 0.557 1770 0.572 1780 0.558 1790 0.566 1800 0.538 1810 0.530 1820 0.509 1830 0.467 1840 0.435 1850 0.399 1860 0.387 1870 0.394 1880 0.422 1890 0.438 1900 0.479 1910 0.510 1920 0.509 1930 0.519 1940 0.527 1950 0.533 1960 0.551 1970 0.583 1980 0.584 1990 0.586 2000 0.607 2010 0.576 2020 0.556 2030 0.534 2040 0.532 2050 0.498 2060 0.501 2070 0.510 2080 0.493 2090 0.461 2100 0.422 2110 0.391 2120 0.329 2130 0.345 2140 0.319 2150 0.358 2160 0.374 2170 0.395 2180 0.399 2190 0.440 2200 0.434 2210 0.418 2220 0.424 2230 0.427 2240 0.423 2250 0.398 2260 0.415 2270 0.419 2280 0.390 2290 0.380 2300 0.406 2310 0.393 2320 0.383 2330 0.378 2340 0.373 2350 0.355 2360 0.350 2370 0.334 2380 0.327 2390 0.338 2400 0.366 2410 0.380 2420 0.358 2430 0.353 2440 0.307 2450 0.266 2460 0.250 2470 0.300 2480 0.298 2490 0.327 2500 0.342 2510 0.328 2520 0.300 2530 0.305 2540 0.319 2550 0.298 2560 0.295 2570 0.296 2580 0.296 2590 0.256 2600 0.249 2610 0.268 2620 0.244 2630 0.273 2640 0.313 2650 0.342 5230 0.279 5240 0.284 5250 0.264 5260 0.238 5270 0.221 5280 0.204 5290 0.187 5300 0.193 5310 0.209 5320 0.234 5330 0.254 5340 0.272 5350 0.277 5360 0.285 5370 0.288 5380 0.282 5390 0.269 5400 0.259 5410 0.251 5420 0.248 5430 0.255 5440 0.271 5450 0.291 5460 0.313 5470 0.326 5480 0.326 5490 0.318 5500 0.300 5510 0.264 5520 0.227 5530 0.209 5540 0.206 5550 0.203 5560 0.202 5570 0.197 5580 0.195 5590 0.181 5600 0.181 5610 0.191 5620 0.194 5630 0.207 5640 0.214 5650 0.212 5660 0.237 5670 0.282 5680 0.300 5690 0.319 5700 0.333 5710 0.358 5720 0.365 5730 0.346 5740 0.358 5750 0.373 5760 0.338 5770 0.307 5780 0.341 5790 0.319 5800 0.301 5810 0.307 5820 0.323 5830 0.313 5840 0.308 5850 0.314 5860 0.303 5870 0.303 5880 0.303 5890 0.329 5900 0.323 5910 0.320 5920 0.309 5930 0.307 5940 0.309 5950 0.319 5960 0.311 5970 0.304 5980 0.292 5990 0.281 6000 0.279 6010 0.284 6020 0.293 6030 0.290 6040 0.304 6050 0.323 6060 0.352 6070 0.371 6080 0.384 6090 0.374 6100 0.328 6110 0.268 6120 0.224 6130 0.214 6140 0.193 6150 0.210 6160 0.214 6170 0.211 6180 0.162 6190 0.122 6200 0.082 6210 0.089 6220 0.099 6230 0.084 6240 0.073 6250 0.071 6260 0.057 6270 0.022 6280 0.022 6290 0.035 6300 0.039 6310 0.024 6320 0.040 6330 0.059 6340 0.056 6350 0.047 6360 0.032 6370 0.003 6380 -0.016 6390 -0.026 6400 -0.022 6410 -0.006 6420 0.015 6430 0.030 6440 0.039 6650 -0.023 6660 -0.040 6670 -0.056 6680 -0.050 6690 -0.037 6700 -0.034 6710 -0.014 6720 0.010 6730 0.023 6740 0.015 6750 0.018 6760 0.016 6770 -0.001 6780 -0.025 6790 -0.057 6800 -0.072 6810 -0.086 6820 -0.090 6830 -0.104 6840 -0.113 6850 -0.119 6860 -0.116 6870 -0.116 6880 -0.106 6890 -0.087 6900 -0.081 6910 -0.086 6920 -0.109 6930 -0.125 6940 -0.136 6950 -0.147 6960 -0.138 6970 -0.103 6980 -0.078 6990 -0.042 7000 0.001 7010 0.031 7020 0.050 7030 0.073 7040 0.083 7050 0.083 7060 0.081 7070 0.079 7080 0.075 7090 0.069 7100 0.061 7110 0.051 7120 0.038 7130 0.026 7140 0.016 7150 0.009 7160 0.006 7170 0.005 7180 0.008 7190 0.004 7200 -0.001 7210 -0.013 7220 -0.031 7230 -0.051 7240 -0.058 7250 -0.069 7260 -0.080 7270 -0.075 7280 -0.056 7290 -0.054 7300 -0.039 7310 -0.017 7320 -0.013 7330 -0.022 7340 -0.009 7350 -0.007 7360 -0.009 7370 0.000 7380 -0.002 7390 -0.009 7400 -0.030 7410 -0.039 7420 -0.062 7430 -0.065 7440 -0.092 7450 -0.078 7460 -0.058 7470 -0.039 7480 -0.032 7490 0.002 7500 -0.001 7510 -0.017 7520 -0.027 7530 -0.032 7540 -0.039 7550 -0.043 7560 -0.047 7570 -0.046 7580 -0.059 7590 -0.070 7600 -0.072 7610 -0.079 7620 -0.080 7630 -0.083 7640 -0.101 7650 -0.107 7660 -0.105 7670 -0.117 7680 -0.121 7690 -0.105 7700 -0.111 7710 -0.110 7720 -0.101 7730 -0.078 7740 -0.082 7750 -0.074 7760 -0.077 7770 -0.077 7780 -0.083 7790 -0.078 7800 -0.080 7810 -0.077 7820 -0.070 7830 -0.076 7840 -0.113 7850 -0.144 7860 -0.177 7870 -0.215 7880 -0.230 7890 -0.218 7900 -0.211 7910 -0.192 7920 -0.187 7930 -0.189 7940 -0.179 7950 -0.156 7960 -0.136 7970 -0.103 7980 -0.087 7990 -0.094 8000 -0.113 8010 -0.125 8020 -0.145 8030 -0.158 8040 -0.142 8050 -0.136 8060 -0.148 8070 -0.142 8080 -0.131 8090 -0.145 8100 -0.142 8110 -0.120 8120 -0.110 8130 -0.103 8140 -0.084 8150 -0.071 8160 -0.071 8170 -0.052 8180 -0.045 8190 -0.049 8200 -0.051 8210 -0.070 8220 -0.092 8230 -0.092 8240 -0.077 8250 -0.067 8260 -0.063 8270 -0.096 8280 -0.143 8290 -0.200 8300 -0.272 8310 -0.321 8320 -0.340 8330 -0.339 8340 -0.336 8350 -0.304 8360 -0.285 8370 -0.278 8380 -0.285 8390 -0.281 8400 -0.281 8410 -0.278 8420 -0.273 8430 -0.253 8440 -0.234 8450 -0.222 8460 -0.211 8470 -0.185 8480 -0.186 8490 -0.190 8500 -0.190 8510 -0.189 8520 -0.199 8530 -0.199 8540 -0.185 8550 -0.162 8560 -0.152 8570 -0.177 8580 -0.184 8590 -0.177 8600 -0.219 8610 -0.240 8620 -0.218 8630 -0.191 8640 -0.178 8650 -0.177 8660 -0.170 8670 -0.187 8680 -0.225 8690 -0.250 8700 -0.221 8710 -0.239 8720 -0.226 8730 -0.212 8740 -0.218 8750 -0.250 8760 -0.229 8770 -0.225 8780 -0.222 8790 -0.220 8800 -0.190 8810 -0.191 8820 -0.195 8830 -0.210 8840 -0.223 8850 -0.231 8860 -0.243 8870 -0.240 8880 -0.230 8890 -0.231 8900 -0.257 8910 -0.264 8920 -0.269 8930 -0.261 8940 -0.260 8950 -0.267 8960 -0.244 8970 -0.228 8980 -0.240 8990 -0.244 9000 -0.241 9010 -0.259 9020 -0.282 9030 -0.298 9040 -0.312 9050 -0.299 9060 -0.302 9070 -0.296 9080 -0.277 9090 -0.271 9100 -0.297 9110 -0.328 9120 -0.344 9130 -0.357 9140 -0.360 9150 -0.364 9160 -0.362 9170 -0.386 9180 -0.408 9190 -0.425 9200 -0.427 9210 -0.416 9220 -0.403 9230 -0.405 9240 -0.397 9250 -0.386 9260 -0.390 9270 -0.397 9280 -0.384 9290 -0.379 9300 -0.373 9310 -0.351 9320 -0.320 9330 -0.307 9340 -0.306 9350 -0.296 9360 -0.284 9370 -0.289 9380 -0.299 9390 -0.309 9400 -0.335 9410 -0.380 9420 -0.422 9430 -0.452 9440 -0.472 9450 -0.478 9460 -0.480 9470 -0.490 9480 -0.487 9490 -0.482 9500 -0.502 9510 -0.523 9520 -0.526 9530 -0.538 9540 -0.552 9550 -0.553 9560 -0.556 9570 -0.564 9580 -0.580 9590 -0.589 9600 -0.578 9610 -0.556 9620 -0.532 9630 -0.512 9640 -0.502 9650 -0.503 9660 -0.503 9670 -0.520 9680 -0.541 9690 -0.569 9700 -0.594 9710 -0.621 9720 -0.626 9730 -0.621 9740 -0.624 9750 -0.644 9760 -0.652 9770 -0.645 9780 -0.623 9790 -0.584 9800 -0.531 9810 -0.499 9820 -0.483 9830 -0.478 9840 -0.474 9850 -0.475 9860 -0.479 9870 -0.486 9880 -0.522 9890 -0.535 9900 -0.547 9910 -0.544 9920 -0.549 9930 -0.551 9940 -0.561 9950 -0.586 9960 -0.605 9970 -0.601 9980 -0.587 9990 -0.605 10000 -0.624 10010 -0.645 10020 -0.670 10030 -0.684 10040 -0.677 10050 -0.655 10060 -0.639 10070 -0.647 10080 -0.672 10090 -0.699 10100 -0.718 10110 -0.740 10120 -0.732 10130 -0.713 10140 -0.706 10150 -0.699 10160 -0.688 10170 -0.678 10180 -0.658 10190 -0.634 10200 -0.637 10210 -0.637 10220 -0.641 10230 -0.652 10240 -0.658 10250 -0.640 10260 -0.642 10270 -0.642 10280 -0.619 10290 -0.591 10300 -0.581 10310 -0.552 10320 -0.544 10330 -0.545 10340 -0.556 10350 -0.567 10360 -0.565 10370 -0.561 10380 -0.582 10390 -0.582 10400 -0.574 10410 -0.591 10420 -0.596 10430 -0.580 10440 -0.588 10450 -0.586 10460 -0.566 10470 -0.560 10480 -0.560 10490 -0.543 10500 -0.530 10510 -0.521 10520 -0.520 10530 -0.499 10540 -0.466 10550 -0.441 10560 -0.414 10570 -0.382 10580 -0.363 10590 -0.371 10600 -0.385 10610 -0.421 10620 -0.455 10630 -0.497 10640 -0.528 10650 -0.546 10660 -0.548 10670 -0.533 10680 -0.537 10690 -0.553 10700 -0.588 10710 -0.632 10720 -0.663 10730 -0.665 10740 -0.665 10750 -0.656 10760 -0.655 10770 -0.658 10780 -0.672 10790 -0.688 10800 -0.704 10810 -0.705 10820 -0.723 10830 -0.738 10840 -0.747 10850 -0.742 10860 -0.719 10870 -0.685 10880 -0.656 10890 -0.637 10900 -0.640 10910 -0.654 10920 -0.675 10930 -0.682 10940 -0.669 10950 -0.641 10960 -0.622 10970 -0.613 10980 -0.612 10990 -0.616 11000 -0.613 11010 -0.603 11020 -0.594 11030 -0.596 11040 -0.610 11050 -0.622 11060 -0.628 11070 -0.631 11080 -0.632 11090 -0.628 11100 -0.630 11110 -0.638 11120 -0.644 11130 -0.642 11140 -0.635 11150 -0.628 11160 -0.620 11170 -0.605 11180 -0.583 11190 -0.553 11200 -0.520 11210 -0.488 11220 -0.466 11230 -0.461 11240 -0.472 11250 -0.491 11260 -0.527