Jerusalem West Cave Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Jerusalem West Cave Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data LAST UPDATE: 11/2009 (Data digitized from Figure 6B by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTOR: Amos Frumkin, The Hebrew University IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2009-129 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Frumkin, A., et al. 2009. Jerusalem West Cave Stalagmite Oxygen Isotope Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2009-129. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Frumkin, A., D.C. Ford, and H.P. Schwarcz. 1999. Continental Oxygen Isotopic Record of the Last 170,000 Years in Jerusalem. Quaternary Research, Vol. 51, pp. 317-327. ABSTRACT: A long radiometrically dated oxygen isotopic record of continental climatic variations since the penultimate glaciation was obtained from a stalagmite deposited in a sealed cave in Jerusalem. This record shows that speleothems have the potential of assigning dates to long- and short-term climatic events, with possible refining of Milankovitch tuning of ice and marine records which themselves are not datable. Short-term (~1000-yr) events are very significant in the region, reaching ~50% of glacial/interglacial fluctuations. The Mediterranean Sea was the most probable source of local precipitation throughout the last glacial cycle. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Middle East PERIOD OF RECORD: 168 KYrBP - present FUNDING SOURCES: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the S.A. Schonbrunn Research Fund. DESCRIPTION: Oxygen isotope data from stalagmite AF12 from Jerusalem West Cave. The original data files were lost - these data were digitized from Figure 6B by the WDC for Paleoclimatology. Jerusalem West Cave: ~31°47'N, ~35°9'E, 700 m elev. DATA: Table 1. Radiogenic Isotopic Data and 230Th/234U Ages of AF12 from Jerusalem West Cave and AF14 from Hartuv Cave * Sample Age -2s +2s 234U/238U 230Th/234U 230Th/232Th 234U/238U Uconc(ppm) Method (yr B.P.) (yr) (yr) Initial AF12-3 81,800 2100 2100 1.044 0.531 98 1.056 0.09 Th/U TIMS AF12-4 102,500 2300 2400 1.052 0.615 127 1.069 0.08 Th/U TIMS AF12-5 27,040 380 380 (IsoTrace Lab #TO-4448) - - - 14C AMS AF12-6 7860 140 140 (IsoTrace Lab #TO-4449) - - - 14C AMS AF12-7 690 160 160 (IsoTrace Lab #TO-4450) - - - 14C AMS AF12-8 26,900 440 440 1.045 0.22 2922 1.048 0.37 Th/U TIMS AF12-9 76,500 1200 1200 1.033 0.507 20 1.042 0.07 Th/U TIMS AF12-10 29,630 340 340 1.055 0.239 144 1.06 0.42 Th/U TIMS AF12-11 8510 50 50 1.033 0.075 197 1.034 0.19 Th/U TIMS AF12-12 11,940 100 100 1.064 0.104 1544 1.067 0.31 Th/U TIMS AF12-13 64,660 840 850 1.052 0.45 120 1.062 0.12 Th/U TIMS AF12-17 77,200 3300 3200 1.059 0.511 3 1.07 0.18 Th/U TIMS AF12-18 220,900 10,100 11,300 1.052 0.88 1631 1.098 0.16 Th/U TIMS AF12-23 100,000 2400 2400 1.078 0.606 10 1.104 0.18 Th/U TIMS AF12-25 135,900 1900 1900 1.046 0.719 307 1.068 0.13 Th/U TIMS AF12-26 152,000 2300 2300 1.035 0.758 1788 1.055 0.24 Th/U TIMS AF12-27 138,500 2700 2800 1.006 0.721 618 1.009 0.07 Th/U TIMS AF12-30 99,500 1900 1900 1.063 0.604 332 1.084 0.11 Th/U TIMS AF12-F 142,060 2240 2300 0.998 0.729 2440 0.997 0.08 Th/U TIMS AF12-K2 144,970 1940 1980 1.051 0.743 4938 1.076 0.17 Th/U TIMS AF12-Z 144,220 1900 1930 1.042 0.74 18651 1.063 0.45 Th/U TIMS AF14-3 27,740 360 360 1.162 0.226 386 1.175 0.82 Th/U TIMS AF14-A 23,800 3400 3600 1.115 0.198 8 1.122 1.06 Th/U TIMS * Activity ratios of 234U/238U, 230Th/234U, and 230Th/232Th are given. Calculation methods are as described by Li et al. (1989). 2s errors in 234U/238U, 230Th/234U, 230Th/232Th, initial 234U/238U activities, and U concentration are smaller than 0.7, 2, 2, 0.3, and 0.2%, respectively. 2. Jerusalem West Cave stalagmite AF12 d18O data Digitized from Figure 6B Frumkin et al. 1999 by WDC Paleo Age(YrBP) d18O (per mil PDB) 32 -4.98 130 -4.87 1266 -4.68 2289 -5.13 2947 -5.18 3595 -5.54 4229 -6.38 4346 -5.64 4720 -5.75 5381 -5.71 6053 -5.32 6512 -5.69 6882 -5.92 7452 -5.75 7833 -5.63 8473 -6.26 9056 -5.69 9428 -5.84 9905 -5.68 10758 -5.51 10941 -5.68 11064 -4.77 11361 -4.32 11447 -4.59 11813 -4.94 11901 -5.14 12113 -4.39 12769 -4.49 13463 -3.4 14127 -3.25 14695 -3.17 15275 -2.72 15928 -2.93 16491 -3.01 17059 -2.93 17807 -3.12 18464 -3.18 18934 -3.24 19494 -3.41 20052 -3.66 20617 -3.67 21195 -3.27 21750 -3.59 22313 -3.67 22417 -3.35 22701 -3.32 23350 -3.64 23926 -3.31 24403 -3.12 24964 -3.27 25429 -3.47 25909 -3.19 26569 -3.16 27513 -3.11 27982 -3.17 28551 -3.08 29021 -3.11 29570 -3.62 30044 -3.55 30617 -3.31 31561 -3.24 32135 -2.96 32514 -2.89 33183 -2.6 33724 -3.38 34215 -2.76 34779 -2.8 35151 -2.95 35820 -2.67 36200 -2.57 36847 -2.96 37316 -3.04 37775 -3.43 38721 -3.31 39367 -3.73 39846 -3.5 40881 -3.53 41336 -4.06 41980 -4.55 42359 -4.5 43017 -4.53 43394 -4.55 43961 -4.5 44426 -4.68 44988 -4.81 64493 -4.83 64597 -4.52 64707 -4.03 65088 -3.89 65383 -3.5 65388 -3.35 65570 -3.56 65709 -5.13 65728 -4.52 65819 -4.62 65896 -5.17 66386 -4.58 66391 -4.42 66476 -4.71 66565 -4.89 66749 -5.02 66931 -5.24 67029 -5.12 67238 -4.44 67327 -4.63 67329 -4.55 67602 -4.86 67859 -5.7 67863 -5.57 68062 -5.24 68443 -5.09 68909 -5.25 69789 -4.24 70261 -4.22 70727 -4.38 70987 -5.11 71456 -5.19 71934 -4.97 72229 -4.58 72704 -4.46 73078 -4.53 73450 -4.7 73928 -4.47 74391 -4.73 74773 -4.6 75430 -4.66 75995 -4.68 76451 -5.18 76747 -4.74 77028 -4.8 77502 -4.7 77870 -4.99 78159 -4.8 78634 -4.67 79093 -5.06 79373 -5.12 79660 -5.02 80421 -4.79 80866 -5.59 81084 -4.65 81560 -4.51 81716 -5.54 81910 -5.38 82187 -5.54 82779 -4.69 83033 -5.61 83237 -5.12 83701 -5.37 83972 -5.74 84301 -4.25 84643 -5.35 85017 -5.48 85306 -5.25 85574 -5.73 85760 -5.8 85864 -5.5 86238 -5.6 86797 -5.8 87186 -5.41 87749 -5.48 88218 -5.56 88610 -5.09 88965 -5.76 89525 -5.93 89723 -5.64 90096 -5.77 90292 -5.52 90756 -5.75 91233 -5.57 91323 -5.71 91611 -5.55 91885 -5.83 91973 -6 92543 -5.87 93010 -5.99 93112 -5.76 93466 -6.49 93582 -5.79 94048 -5.95 94235 -6 94525 -5.78 94891 -6.13 95087 -5.88 95461 -5.96 95751 -5.75 96040 -5.53 96304 -6.13 96797 -5.45 96963 -6.14 97249 -6.06 97440 -5.97 97816 -5.99 98111 -5.6 98285 -6.07 98595 -5.2 98969 -5.29 99433 -5.54 99618 -5.63 99810 -5.51 100003 -5.36 100197 -5.19 100476 -5.31 100777 -4.74 101044 -5.24 101251 -4.65 101519 -5.12 101718 -4.77 102000 -4.8 102104 -4.5 102761 -4.58 102934 -5.05 103409 -4.96 103768 -5.51 104325 -5.79 104413 -6 104501 -6.17 104937 -7.31 105070 -6.08 105268 -5.75 105377 -5.3 105577 -4.92 105852 -5.16 106218 -5.51 106528 -4.66 106717 -4.64 107185 -4.72 107562 -4.75 107811 -5.81 108191 -5.72 108473 -5.74 108934 -6.04 109970 -6.08 110467 -5.25 110935 -5.34 111776 -5.57 112238 -5.88 112810 -5.66 113538 -6.5 113904 -6.85 114395 -6.2 115139 -6.53 115699 -6.69 116240 -7.48 116814 -7.19 117556 -7.58 118158 -6.39 118794 -7.17 119249 -7.68 119916 -7.43 120488 -7.21 120939 -7.87 121317 -7.85 121904 -7.15 122538 -7.96 123220 -7.26 123804 -6.66 124453 -7.01 125073 -8.25 125749 -7.75 126050 -7.16 126585 -8.13 127334 -8.29 128009 -7.78 128765 -7.72 129435 -7.39 130359 -7.99 130856 -7.15 131662 -8.5 131878 -7.61 131962 -7.96 132062 -7.76 132342 -7.84 132420 -8.38 132429 -8.08 132509 -8.52 132896 -8.23 133063 -8.92 133167 -8.58 133362 -8.38 133726 -8.79 134026 -8.23 134230 -7.75 134330 -7.57 134336 -7.38 134817 -7.06 135216 -6.36 135599 -6.16 136073 -6.06 136746 -5.65 137214 -5.74 137412 -5.45 137691 -5.57 138168 -5.39 138547 -5.31 139111 -5.35 139662 -5.82 140947 -3.91 143312 -3.62 145756 -3.81 148401 -3.62 150845 -3.8 153293 -3.88 156008 -4.45 158501 -3.09 161117 -3.8 163750 -3.98 166294 -3.98 168762 -3.4