# Madagascar Speleothem Stable Isotope Data from 13200-11280 year BP #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/39599 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-cave-39599.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Speleothems # # Dataset_DOI: # # Science_Keywords: abrupt climate change,Younger Dryas #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/speleothem/africa/duan2024/duan2024-anjohibe.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Anjohibe d18O, d13C Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2024-06-21 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2024-06-21 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Madagascar Speleothem Stable Isotope Data from 13200-11280 year BP #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Duan, Pengzhen; Li, Hanying; Kathayat, Gayatri; Zhang, Haiwei; Ning, Youfeng; Zhu, Guangyou; Cheng, Hai #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Provided Keywords: speleothem, the Younger Dryas event, precipitation, Northwest Madagascar #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Duan, Pengzhen, Hanying Li, Gayatri Kathayat, Haiwei Zhang, Youfeng Ning, Guangyou Zhu and Hai Cheng # Published_Date_or_Year: 2024 # Published_Title: Opposite Hydrological Conditions between the Younger Dryas and the 8.2 ka Event Revealed by Stalagmite from Northwest Madagascar in East Africa # Journal_Name: Minerals # Volume: 14 # Edition: # Issue: 4 # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.3390/min14040348 # Online_Resource: www.mdpi.com/2075-163X/14/4/348 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: As prominent abrupt climatic events during the last deglaciation and the early Holocene, the Younger Dryas (YD) and the 8.2 ka events have been intensely discussed to reveal the relationship between their phases and intensities, and their underlying mechanisms based on massive marine and terrestrial archives. However, the related paleoclimate records with sufficient resolution and/or precise age constraints from the Southern Hemisphere, especially East Africa, are relatively sparse, hindering our comprehensive understanding about the phases of these two events. Here, we provide a precisely dated record of an aragonite-calcite stalagmite covering 11.3–13.5 ka BP from northwest Madagascar to unravel the arid conditions during the YD, in contrast to the pluvial conditions in the 8.2 ka event that has been evidenced before. Changes in austral summer precipitation related to the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) have always been interpreted to be the primary means of controlling regional rainfall amounts and thus the d18O variations in stalagmite. However, ITCZ’s meridional migration alone is not enough to interpret the opposite hydroclimatic conditions during the YD and the 8.2 ka events in northwest Madagascar. The variation in convection intensity within the ITCZ combined with the rainfall dipole mode in East Africa, and the redistribution of the duration of the ITCZ’s presence at different latitudes might be responsible for this phenomenon. In addition, sea surface temperature could play a nonnegligible role. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 42230812, 42150710534 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Anjohibe # Location: Madagascar # Northernmost_Latitude: -15.54 # Southernmost_Latitude: -15.54 # Easternmost_Longitude: 46.89 # Westernmost_Longitude: 46.89 # Elevation_m: #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Anjohibe d18O, d13C Duan2024 # First_Year: 13200 # Last_Year: 11280 # Time_Unit: calendar year before present # Core_Length_m: # Parameter_Keywords: oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes, age control # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # U-Th dating # Sample ID Depth from top (mm) Age(year BP) Error (year BP) # AB1-1 264 11368 ±38 # AB1-2 304 11489 ±74 # AB1-3 322 11620 ±82 # AB1-4 343 11717 ±36 # AB1-5 366 11809 ±29 # AB1-6 368 11783 ±29 # AB1-7 371 12098 ±135 # AB1-8 374 12294 ±72 # AB1-9 380 12711 ±155 # AB1-10 426 12919 ±88 # AB1-11 442 13039 ±56 # AB1-12 473 13115 ±73 # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_mm depth at sample end,,,millimeter,,speleothems,,,N,sample depth from top ## age_median age,,,calendar year before present,,speleothems,,,N,age of subsample ## d18O_uncorr delta 18O,,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,,,N,delta 18O before aragonite correction ## d18O_arag_corr delta 18O,,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,,,N,delta 18O after aragonite correction ## d13C_uncorr delta 13C,,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,,,N,delta 13C before aragonite correction ## d13C_arag_corr delta 13C,,,per mil VPDB,,speleothems,,,N,delta 13C after aragonite correction ## lithology notes,,,,,speleothems,,,C,calcite or aragonite in specific depth #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NA depth_mm age_median d18O_uncorr d18O_arag_corr d13C_uncorr d13C_arag_corr lithology 239 11280.6 -3.99 -6.30 -4.79 -8.00 aragonite aragnite 240 11283.1 -2.79 -3.27 -3.59 -4.97 aragonite 241 11285.9 -3.61 -6.00 -4.41 -7.70 aragonite 242 11288.5 -4.32 -5.87 -5.12 -7.57 aragonite 243 11291.1 -3.77 -5.72 -4.57 -7.42 aragonite 244 11293.9 -4.16 -6.01 -4.96 -7.71 aragonite 245 11296.4 -5.23 -6.46 -6.03 -8.16 aragonite 246 11299.7 -4.17 -4.74 -4.97 -6.44 aragonite 247 11302.9 -3.74 -5.52 -4.54 -7.22 aragonite 248 11305.3 -4.01 -4.67 -4.81 -6.37 aragonite 249 11308.4 -4.63 -6.85 -5.43 -8.55 aragonite 250 11311.4 -3.76 -6.94 -4.56 -8.64 aragonite 251 11313.9 -3.28 -6.64 -4.08 -8.34 aragonite 252 11317.1 -3.55 -6.92 -4.35 -8.62 aragonite 253 11320.4 -4.22 -8.19 -5.02 -9.89 aragonite 254 11323.6 -4.40 -7.46 -5.20 -9.16 aragonite 255 11327.0 -5.28 -6.43 -6.08 -8.13 aragonite 256 11329.8 -3.90 -7.02 -4.70 -8.72 aragonite 257 11332.1 -2.40 -6.22 -3.20 -7.92 aragonite 258 11334.8 -4.26 -7.40 -5.06 -9.10 aragonite 259 11337.7 -5.19 -7.30 -5.99 -9.00 aragonite 260 11340.8 -3.48 -5.80 -4.28 -7.50 aragonite 261 11343.6 -3.88 -7.48 -4.68 -9.18 aragonite 262 11346.8 -5.56 -7.82 -6.36 -9.52 aragonite 263 11349.8 -4.37 -6.04 -5.17 -7.74 aragonite 264 11353.1 -4.11 -7.33 -4.91 -9.03 aragonite 265 11356.3 -3.61 -7.49 -4.41 -9.19 aragonite 266 11360.0 -3.41 -6.37 -4.21 -8.07 aragonite 267 11362.8 -4.77 -7.81 -5.57 -9.51 aragonite 268 11366.6 -3.12 -6.70 -3.92 -8.40 aragonite 269 11369.9 -3.87 -7.60 -4.67 -9.30 aragonite 270 11372.7 -3.60 -7.15 -4.40 -8.85 aragonite 271 11375.7 -3.94 -7.00 -4.74 -8.70 aragonite 272 11378.3 -4.18 -6.49 -4.98 -8.19 aragonite 273 11381.8 -4.08 -6.26 -4.88 -7.96 aragonite 274 11385.5 -5.20 -7.05 -6.00 -8.75 aragonite 275 11388.8 -3.18 -5.18 -3.98 -6.88 aragonite 276 11391.4 -3.51 -6.27 -4.31 -7.97 aragonite 277 11394.7 -5.30 -8.14 -6.10 -9.84 aragonite 278 11397.6 -5.04 -7.53 -5.84 -9.23 aragonite 279 11401.0 -5.81 -7.85 -6.61 -9.55 aragonite 280 11404.3 -5.84 -6.57 -6.64 -8.27 aragonite 281 11407.6 -5.23 -9.49 -6.03 -11.19 aragonite 282 11410.8 -5.50 -7.41 -6.30 -9.11 aragonite 283 11413.7 -5.36 -7.20 -6.16 -8.90 aragonite 284 11416.7 -4.87 -9.35 -5.67 -11.05 aragonite 285 11419.9 -3.44 -6.57 -4.24 -8.27 aragonite 286 11423.1 -4.20 -6.09 -5.00 -7.79 aragonite 287 11426.1 -4.31 -5.69 -5.11 -7.39 aragonite 288 11428.9 -5.36 -7.63 -6.16 -9.33 aragonite 289 11432.4 -4.45 -5.21 -5.25 -6.91 aragonite 290 11433.9 -4.54 -6.76 -5.34 -8.46 aragonite 291 11436.9 -3.77 -5.73 -4.57 -7.43 aragonite 292 11438.8 -3.83 -6.86 -4.63 -8.56 aragonite 293 11440.7 -5.19 -7.04 -5.99 -8.74 aragonite 294 11442.3 -3.90 -6.99 -4.70 -8.69 aragonite 295 11444.4 -3.69 -7.70 -4.49 -9.40 aragonite 296 11446.8 -4.44 -6.36 -5.24 -8.06 aragonite 297 11451.6 -5.08 -6.21 -5.88 -7.91 aragonite 298 11457.0 -3.97 -5.94 -4.77 -7.64 aragonite 299 11462.2 -3.91 -7.42 -4.71 -9.12 aragonite 300 11468.9 -3.66 -7.34 -4.46 -9.04 aragonite 301 11474.3 -3.78 -7.50 -4.58 -9.20 aragonite 302 11480.5 -3.76 -7.69 -4.56 -9.39 aragonite 303 11487.3 -4.11 -7.47 -4.91 -9.17 aragonite 304 11493.1 -4.54 -9.66 -5.34 -11.36 aragonite 305 11500.2 -4.94 -9.10 -5.74 -10.80 aragonite 306 11506.7 -5.02 -6.85 -5.82 -8.55 aragonite 307 11513.3 -4.27 -6.87 -5.07 -8.57 aragonite 308 11519.6 -3.67 -4.60 -4.47 -6.30 aragonite 309 11526.7 -4.78 -5.61 -5.58 -7.31 aragonite 310 11533.0 -4.60 -5.78 -5.40 -7.48 aragonite 311 11538.6 -4.90 -6.57 -5.70 -8.27 aragonite 312 11544.8 -3.82 -6.56 -4.62 -8.26 aragonite 313 11552.5 -3.76 -5.43 -4.56 -7.13 aragonite 314 11559.7 -3.65 -5.46 -4.45 -7.16 aragonite 315 11566.5 -3.73 -5.91 -4.53 -7.61 aragonite 316 11573.1 -4.04 -4.38 -4.84 -6.08 aragonite 317 11580.4 -4.33 -5.25 -5.13 -6.95 aragonite 318 11587.9 -6.01 -5.70 -6.81 -7.40 aragonite 319 11594.6 -5.16 -6.13 -5.96 -7.83 aragonite 320 11601.2 NA NA -0.80 -1.70 aragonite 321 11609.3 -4.34 -4.64 -5.14 -6.34 aragonite 322 11617.3 -4.64 -5.59 -5.44 -7.29 aragonite 323 11623.7 -4.07 -5.37 -4.87 -7.07 aragonite 324 11629.1 -5.46 -9.07 -6.26 -10.77 aragonite 325 11633.4 -6.33 -5.95 -7.13 -7.65 aragonite 326 11637.7 -4.19 -7.78 -4.99 -9.48 aragonite 327 11643.2 -4.03 -7.49 -4.83 -9.19 aragonite 328 11648.7 -2.74 -5.78 -3.54 -7.48 aragonite 329 11652.8 -2.51 -4.20 -3.31 -5.90 aragonite 330 11656.9 -3.87 -6.31 -4.67 -8.01 aragonite 331 11662.3 -4.50 -7.10 -5.30 -8.80 aragonite 332 11666.7 -4.93 -6.37 -5.73 -8.07 aragonite 333 11671.7 -3.68 -4.15 -4.48 -5.85 aragonite 334 11676.8 -3.51 -4.06 -4.31 -5.76 aragonite 335 11682.7 -2.85 -3.99 -3.65 -5.69 aragonite 336 11687.8 -2.86 -4.95 -3.66 -6.65 aragonite 337 11692.7 -4.40 -5.62 -5.20 -7.32 aragonite 338 11697.7 -5.41 -5.94 -6.21 -7.64 aragonite 339 11702.7 -3.61 -5.73 -4.41 -7.43 aragonite 340 11707.9 -3.70 -5.57 -4.50 -7.27 aragonite 341 11712.6 -4.47 -6.33 -5.27 -8.03 aragonite 342 11717.4 -3.32 -5.38 -4.12 -7.08 aragonite 343 11721.6 -2.95 -6.18 -3.75 -7.88 aragonite 344 11725.1 -2.02 -5.55 -2.82 -7.25 aragonite 345 11728.2 -3.48 -5.52 -4.28 -7.22 aragonite 346 11731.4 -3.68 -5.70 -4.48 -7.40 aragonite 347 11734.6 -3.40 -5.31 -4.20 -7.01 aragonite 348 11737.7 -3.69 -6.02 -4.49 -7.72 aragonite 349 11741.4 -3.15 -4.40 -3.95 -6.10 aragonite 350 11744.6 -3.48 -5.60 -4.28 -7.30 aragonite 351 11747.6 -4.03 -8.51 -4.83 -10.21 aragonite 352 11750.7 -3.55 -5.99 -4.35 -7.69 aragonite 353 11754.1 -3.56 -6.83 -4.36 -8.53 aragonite 354 11757.4 -3.15 -4.96 -3.95 -6.66 aragonite 355 11760.2 -3.41 -6.28 -4.21 -7.98 aragonite 356 11762.9 -3.15 -4.91 -3.95 -6.61 aragonite 357 11766.4 -2.79 -6.43 -3.59 -8.13 aragonite 358 11769.9 -3.37 -6.28 -4.17 -7.98 aragonite 359 11772.8 -3.51 -5.58 -4.31 -7.28 aragonite 360 11775.9 -2.62 -4.14 -3.42 -5.84 aragonite 361 11778.9 -3.49 -5.88 -4.29 -7.58 aragonite 362 11782.2 -3.54 -5.92 -4.34 -7.62 aragonite 363 11785.5 -3.91 -6.16 -4.71 -7.86 aragonite 364 11789.0 -3.87 -4.61 -4.67 -6.31 aragonite 365 11792.4 -3.76 -5.85 -4.56 -7.55 aragonite 366 11798.9 -4.28 -6.03 -5.08 -7.73 aragonite 367 11806.5 -2.64 -4.27 -3.44 -5.97 aragonite 368 11812.1 -3.12 -4.71 -3.92 -6.41 aragonite 369 11817.8 -2.94 -3.91 -3.74 -5.61 aragonite 370 11824.4 -3.29 -3.56 -4.09 -5.26 aragonite 371 11830.6 -3.98 -5.93 -3.98 -5.93 calcite 372 12111.7 -4.00 -7.29 -4.00 -7.29 calcite calcite 373 12153.3 -4.19 -7.51 -4.19 -7.51 calcite 374 12216.0 -4.12 -8.03 -4.12 -8.03 calcite 375 12305.2 -5.32 -9.48 -5.32 -9.48 calcite 376 12387.5 -3.89 -6.97 -4.69 -8.67 aragonite 377 12464.3 -4.92 -8.23 -5.72 -9.93 aragonite 378 12521.5 -5.00 -7.69 -5.00 -7.69 calcite 379 12556.3 -6.39 -8.81 -6.39 -8.81 calcite 380 12566.4 -3.50 -8.23 -3.50 -8.23 calcite 381 12582.9 -4.25 -8.43 -4.25 -8.43 calcite 382 12608.5 -4.55 -8.90 -4.55 -8.90 calcite 383 12637.0 -5.13 -9.21 -5.13 -9.21 calcite 384 12663.7 -4.63 -8.59 -4.63 -8.59 calcite 385 12689.4 -5.56 -9.35 -5.56 -9.35 calcite 386 12718.9 -5.06 -9.01 -5.06 -9.01 calcite 387 12740.4 -5.37 -10.18 -5.37 -10.18 calcite 388 12755.4 -4.62 -10.32 -4.62 -10.32 calcite 389 12764.5 -6.06 -10.44 -6.06 -10.44 calcite 390 12768.2 -4.32 -9.68 -4.32 -9.68 calcite 391 12772.1 -4.14 -9.68 -4.14 -9.68 calcite 392 12773.9 -4.64 -9.90 -4.64 -9.90 calcite 393 12775.2 -4.64 -9.34 -4.64 -9.34 calcite 394 12776.5 -4.58 -10.18 -4.58 -10.18 calcite 395 12777.5 -4.11 -9.07 -4.11 -9.07 calcite 396 12778.5 -5.99 -10.47 -5.99 -10.47 calcite 397 12780.5 -4.46 -9.12 -4.46 -9.12 calcite 398 12782.5 -4.94 -8.88 -4.94 -8.88 calcite 399 12783.5 -5.17 -8.85 -5.17 -8.85 calcite 400 12784.6 -5.42 -9.04 -5.42 -9.04 calcite 401 12786.6 -5.31 -8.46 -5.31 -8.46 calcite 402 12789.0 -4.31 -8.50 -4.31 -8.50 calcite 403 12792.4 -3.93 -9.34 -3.93 -9.34 calcite 404 12796.1 -3.38 -9.32 -3.38 -9.32 calcite 405 12801.0 -4.50 -9.13 -4.50 -9.13 calcite 406 12805.7 -4.90 -9.62 -4.90 -9.62 calcite 407 12810.2 -5.97 -10.28 -5.97 -10.28 calcite 408 12814.9 -5.43 -10.22 -5.43 -10.22 calcite 409 12819.6 -5.09 -10.00 -5.09 -10.00 calcite 410 12825.6 -4.67 -10.11 -4.67 -10.11 calcite 411 12831.6 -5.19 -9.99 -5.19 -9.99 calcite 412 12837.9 -4.65 -9.66 -4.65 -9.66 calcite 413 12842.6 -5.17 -10.00 -5.17 -10.00 calcite 414 12847.8 -4.95 -9.86 -4.95 -9.86 calcite 415 12853.1 -4.57 -9.67 -4.57 -9.67 calcite 416 12859.4 -4.29 -9.95 -4.29 -9.95 calcite 417 12864.5 -4.65 -9.26 -4.65 -9.26 calcite 418 12869.7 -5.11 -9.47 -5.11 -9.47 calcite 419 12875.9 -5.46 -9.77 -5.46 -9.77 calcite 420 12882.7 -5.68 -9.77 -5.68 -9.77 calcite 421 12888.9 -5.17 -10.01 -5.17 -10.01 calcite 422 12895.3 -5.42 -9.51 -5.42 -9.51 calcite 423 12900.2 -4.21 -9.66 -4.21 -9.66 calcite 424 12906.4 -4.36 -9.59 -4.36 -9.59 calcite 425 12912.9 -4.61 -9.56 -4.61 -9.56 calcite 426 12922.7 -4.59 -9.88 -4.59 -9.88 calcite 427 12929.0 -5.52 -9.24 -5.52 -9.24 calcite 428 12936.2 -5.75 -10.58 -5.75 -10.58 calcite 429 12941.6 -5.56 -10.80 -5.56 -10.80 calcite 430 12949.4 -3.71 -7.68 -3.71 -7.68 calcite 431 12955.9 -4.97 -10.04 -4.97 -10.04 calcite 432 12963.6 -5.36 -10.73 -5.36 -10.73 calcite 433 12971.5 -4.64 -10.36 -4.64 -10.36 calcite 434 12979.2 -5.45 -9.88 -5.45 -9.88 calcite 435 12986.8 -4.50 -8.27 -4.50 -8.27 calcite 436 12994.0 -4.04 -7.78 -4.04 -7.78 calcite 437 13000.4 -4.74 -9.11 -4.74 -9.11 calcite 438 13007.2 -6.13 -10.14 -6.13 -10.14 calcite 439 13014.2 -5.86 -10.58 -5.86 -10.58 calcite 440 13020.7 -5.82 -10.14 -5.82 -10.14 calcite 441 13026.7 -5.84 -10.46 -5.84 -10.46 calcite 442 13032.5 -5.77 -10.78 -5.77 -10.78 calcite 443 13038.2 -5.55 -10.94 -5.55 -10.94 calcite 444 13043.9 -5.54 -10.83 -5.54 -10.83 calcite 445 13049.1 -5.33 -11.00 -5.33 -11.00 calcite 446 13052.8 -5.81 -10.56 -5.81 -10.56 calcite 447 13056.2 -6.35 -10.95 -6.35 -10.95 calcite 448 13059.3 -6.35 -10.89 -6.35 -10.89 calcite 449 13061.6 -6.28 -10.50 -6.28 -10.50 calcite 450 13064.3 -6.49 -11.00 -6.49 -11.00 calcite 451 13067.4 -6.67 -10.61 -6.67 -10.61 calcite 452 13070.1 -7.21 -11.07 -7.21 -11.07 calcite 453 13074.1 -7.18 -11.15 -7.18 -11.15 calcite 454 13077.6 -6.78 -10.83 -6.78 -10.83 calcite 455 13081.3 -6.24 -10.86 -6.24 -10.86 calcite 456 13084.9 -6.88 -10.62 -6.88 -10.62 calcite 457 13087.8 -7.17 -10.92 -7.17 -10.92 calcite 458 13090.9 -6.70 -11.07 -6.70 -11.07 calcite 459 13093.7 -6.75 -10.89 -6.75 -10.89 calcite 460 13096.4 -6.55 -9.77 -6.55 -9.77 calcite 461 13099.8 -6.13 -9.33 -6.13 -9.33 calcite 462 13103.4 -5.98 -10.75 -5.98 -10.75 calcite 463 13107.2 -5.42 -9.96 -5.42 -9.96 calcite 464 13109.7 -5.85 -10.48 -5.85 -10.48 calcite 465 13113.1 -5.10 -8.90 -5.10 -8.90 calcite 466 13116.2 -5.50 -9.32 -5.50 -9.32 calcite 467 13119.5 -5.25 -9.11 -5.25 -9.11 calcite 468 13122.7 -5.68 -10.07 -5.68 -10.07 calcite 469 13126.4 -5.76 -9.89 -5.76 -9.89 calcite 470 13129.4 -5.85 -9.83 -5.85 -9.83 calcite 471 13132.5 -5.99 -10.34 -5.99 -10.34 calcite 472 13135.7 -5.05 -9.14 -5.05 -9.14 calcite 473 13138.8 -5.84 -10.54 -5.84 -10.54 calcite 474 13142.0 -6.36 -10.05 -6.36 -10.05 calcite 475 13145.0 -6.90 -10.51 -6.90 -10.51 calcite 476 13148.3 -7.31 -9.98 -7.31 -9.98 calcite 477 13151.7 -7.30 -9.47 -7.30 -9.47 calcite 478 13154.5 -7.28 -10.45 -7.28 -10.45 calcite 479 13157.5 -6.37 -9.77 -6.37 -9.77 calcite 480 13161.0 -6.68 -9.79 -6.68 -9.79 calcite 481 13164.1 -6.44 -10.66 -6.44 -10.66 calcite 482 13167.6 -6.71 -10.16 -6.71 -10.16 calcite 483 13170.5 -6.32 -10.46 -6.32 -10.46 calcite 484 13172.8 -6.16 -9.59 -6.16 -9.59 calcite 485 13176.3 -5.71 -9.28 -5.71 -9.28 calcite 486 13179.7 -5.87 -10.58 -5.87 -10.58 calcite 487 13183.1 -6.17 -10.29 -6.17 -10.29 calcite 488 13186.1 -6.75 -10.42 -6.75 -10.42 calcite 489 13188.8 -6.19 -10.46 -6.19 -10.46 calcite 490 13191.1 -5.59 -9.64 -5.59 -9.64 calcite 491 13194.8 -6.23 -10.60 -6.23 -10.60 calcite 492 13198.2 -5.62 -9.68 -5.62 -9.68 calcite 493 13201.5 -6.53 -10.37 -6.53 -10.37 calcite