Paleo Slide Set: Polar Ice Cores GISP2 Drilling Site This is the GISP2 drilling site, located deep in the interior of Greenland at 72.6N and 38.5W at an elevation of 3207 m. The icescape is entirely flat and glistens brilliantly in the summer sun. The camp consists of the drill dome (easily identifiable in the center of the picture), a subterranean network of processing and storage trenches, the big house (not readily identifiable in this slide) where researchers eat and socialize, and accommodations for scientists. The site is accessed by LC-130 transport planes of the 109th TAG of the New York Air National Guard specially equipped with skis and wheels for landing both on the ice sheet of Greenland and the tarmac of home base. Photo Credits: Michael Morrison , GISP2 SMO, University of New Hampshire.