Paleo Slide Set: Low Latitude Ice Cores: High Resolution Records of Climatic Change and Variability in the Tropics and Subtropics High on the slopes of Huascaran. While Quelccaya and Dunde have made significant contributions to our knowledge of tropical and subtropical paleoclimatology, much remains to be learned. High on the slope's of Huascaran, the world's highest tropical mountain, scientists transport equipment to the 6048 m mountain summit, where two 166 m cores have been drilled to expand the record of tropical climate change both temporally (well into the last glacial) and spatially (over 750 km northwest of Quelccaya). Across the globe, ice core research promises to teach us more about our planet's past and, by extension, its future. Photo Credits: Lonnie Thompson Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University