This folder contains images and descriptive text from the NOAA Paleoclimatology Educational Slide Sets. The images are presented in .jpg format, and also as .tiff scanner files of the original 35mm slides. The .tiff format files have been compressed using pkzip, and the resulting compressed files are also available here, and have the file name extension .zip. The accompanying text files describe each image, and collectively provide a description of some of the major proxy data types utilized in paleoclimatology, how the data are collected and analyzed, and summarize paleoclimate information which can be deduced from these proxy data. Heinrich Events: Marine Record of Abrupt Climate Changes in the Late Pleistocene Scientific Authorship: John T. Andrews, Thomas G. Andrews, and Lisa M. Lixey Set Abstract: By understanding past climate variability, scientists hope to understand the course of future changes in the earth's climate system. This slide set outlines past climate variability by reconstructing abrupt climate changes in the Late Pleistocene, specifically sudden cold events known as Heinrich Events which have occurred six times in the past 75,000 years involving the large scale discharge of icebergs into the North Atlantic Ocean. The set contains a comprehensive text and accompanying color photos of icebergs, iceberg-rafted debris in marine sediment cores, and laboratory techniques with sediment cores. Detailed graphics and discussion of Heinrich events, their causes, and their climatic significance are also included. This set would be appropriate for a college level audience and could be used as a comprehensive educational tool for studying current issues in oceanography and the implications of natural climate variability from the past to the future.