Paleo Slide Set: Heinrich Events: Marine Record of Abrupt Climate Changes in the Late Pleistocene Core 87033-009 X-radiograph The color of sediments within a core is important because it can tell scientists a great deal about the source of these sediments. Cores are X-radiographed in a similar manner to how X-rays are taken of a broken leg or rib. These X-rays allow scientists to literally look into the sediment and determine the type of processes that were involved in its deposition. Two aspects of this slide should be noted. First, observe the abruptness of the transition between darker and lighter segments towards the bottom of the image; this section of core is from the base of H-1, about 14,500 yr. BP. Secondly, notice the large masses in the top third, lighter part of the image. These are ice rafted detritus clasts, coarse-grained sediments deposited on the ocean floor by melting icebergs. Photo Credits: Bedford Institute of Oceanography and Dalhousie University