# Central Andes composite 6 Tree ring width #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, # plus the Online Resource and date accessed. # # Original_Source_URL: # # Archive: Tree Ring #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-01-29 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Central Andes composite 6 Tree ring width #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Neukom, R. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Uploaded by R. Neukom, data obtained from original authors. # These are no raw data but processed and truncated chronologies, representing a composite of two or more individual sites. Details see (Neukom and Gergis 2011, The Holocene, DOI: 10.1177/0959683611427335). For the raws contact the authors or/and check ITRDB. # The following sites were grouped into this composite: # Rahue;La Marche et al. (1979a), Mundo et al. (2012) # Pino Hachado;Mundo et al. (2012) # Chenque Pehuen;La Marche et al. (1979a) # Primeros Pinos de Alumine;La Marche et al. (1979a) # Paso Tromen;Villalba (1990a) # Caviahue;Mundo et al. (2012) # Estancia Nahuel Mapi;Mundo et al. (2012) # Volcan Lanin;Mundo et al. (2012) #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Neukom, R.; Gergis, J. # Published_Date_or_Year: 2012 # Published_Title: Southern Hemisphere high-resolution palaeoclimate records of the last 2000 years # Journal_Name: The Holocene # Volume: 22 # Issue: 5 # Pages: 501-524 # DOI: 10.1177/0959683611427335 #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: LaMarche, V. C.; Holmes, R. L.; Dunwiddie, P. W.; Drew, L. G. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1979 # Published_Title: Tree-ring chronologies of the southern hemisphere: Vol. 1: Argentina. Chronology Series V # Publication_Place: Tuczon, AZ # Publisher: Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Mundo, Ignacio; Roig Juñent, Fidel; Villalba, Ricardo; Kitzberger, Thomas; Barrera, Marcelo # Published_Date_or_Year: 2012 # Published_Title: Araucaria araucana tree-ring chronologies in Argentina: spatial growth variations and climate influences # Journal_Name: Trees - Structure and Function # Volume: 26 # Issue: 2 # Pages: 443-458 # Abstract: Seventeen tree-ring chronologies from the conifer Araucaria araucana (Molina) K. Koch have been analyzed across its range of distribution in Argentina. We studied the growth patterns and determined the main climatic factors influencing A. araucana radial growth. All the chronologies show a strong common signal observed by the high amount of variance explained by the first principal component (PC1) and the high mean correlation ( r = 0.597) between the chronologies over the 1676–1974 interval. On this basis, we developed a regional chronology that is 866 years long (A.D. 1140–2006) and includes 621 tree-ring series. Based on the PC2 scores, chronologies were clearly separated by elevation in high- and low-elevation records. Regional tree growth is strongly negatively related to temperatures during summer and fall in the previous-growing season and spring in the current-growing season, respectively. A positive association of tree growth with precipitation is recorded during spring in the current growing season. These results suggest a close relationship between A. araucana tree growth and water availability on a regional scale. This observation is also consistent with a positive and significant correlation between our A. araucana regional record and a reconstruction of November–December rainfall for northern Patagonia inferred from the xeric Austrocedrus chilensis during the past 400 years. Negative correlations between A. araucana regional growth and the sea surface temperature in the Niño 3.4 region reflect the occurrence of above-mean summer temperatures in the region during positive tropical Pacific SST anomalies. The negative relationship with the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) results from reduced precipitation in our study region during the positive phase of the AAO. The effect of elevation on water availability is consistent with significant correlations between ring-width variations at lower elevations and the Palmer Drought Severity Index during spring and summer in the current growing season. Our study emphasizes the high dendroclimatological potential of A. araucana chronologies for reconstructing past climate variations in northern Patagonia during the past millennium. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Villalba, R. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1990 # Published_Title: Climatic Fluctuations in Northern Patagonia During the Last 1000 Years as Inferred from Tree-Ring Records # Journal_Name: Quaternary Research # Volume: 34 # Issue: 3 # Pages: 346-360 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Central Andes composite 6 # Location: South America>Argentina # Region: PAGES LOTRED SA # Country: Argentina # Northernmost_Latitude: -38.5 # Southernmost_Latitude: -38.5 # Easternmost_Longitude: -71.5 # Westernmost_Longitude: -71.5 # Elevation: 1400 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Tree ring width for PAGES LOTRED SA regional reconstructions # Earliest_Year: 1435 # Most_Recent_Year: 2006 # Time_Unit: AD # Notes: These are processed data. Years with less than 5 samples and EPS<0.85 are removed. Raw data can be obtained from original authors #-------------------- # Species # Species_Name: Araucaria araucana # Species_Code: ARAR #-------------------- # Chronology: #------------------ # Variables # Short_name What,Material,Error,Units, Anomaly_period,Archive,Details,Method,Data_type ## year age, , ,AD, ,tree rings, ,counting,N ## C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_20a_spline tree ring width,wood,,unitless,,tree ring,composite chronology,20 year spline,N ## C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_200a_spline tree ring width,wood,,unitless,,tree ring,composite chronology,200 year spline,N ## C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_NegExp tree ring width,wood,,unitless,,tree ring,composite chronology,negative exponential,N ## C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_RCS.10 tree ring width,wood,,unitless,,tree ring,composite chronology,RCS,N ## C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_Signalfree_2 tree ring width,wood,,unitless,,tree ring,composite chronology,signal free,N #-------------------- # Data # Missing values: NA year C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_20a_spline C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_200a_spline C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_NegExp C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_RCS.10 C.Andes_Cluster_6_Data_Signalfree_2 1435 0.033 -0.221 -0.301 -0.369 -0.317 1436 0.016 -0.319 -0.379 -0.444 -0.454 1437 0.228 -0.319 -0.396 -0.479 -0.466 1438 -0.051 -0.622 -0.687 -0.623 -0.783 1439 -1.287 -1.465 -1.433 -1.366 -1.531 1440 0.474 -0.579 -0.508 -0.509 -0.55 1441 -0.271 -0.944 -0.99 -0.967 -1.047 1442 0.584 -0.349 -0.346 -0.703 -0.413 1443 -0.009 -0.543 -0.559 -0.872 -0.64 1444 0.372 -0.513 -0.525 -0.967 -0.7 1445 0.457 -0.349 -0.374 -0.887 -0.52 1446 -0.271 -1.12 -0.889 -1.281 -1.047 1447 -1.693 -1.957 -1.791 -1.764 -1.884 1448 0.541 -0.549 -0.615 -0.633 -0.831 1449 -0.339 -0.865 -0.833 -0.972 -0.945 1450 0.482 -0.391 -0.491 -0.813 -0.831 1451 0.897 -0.167 -0.161 -0.434 -0.628 1452 -0.703 -0.925 -0.984 -1.251 -1.154 1453 1.675 0.604 0.338 0.114 0.233 1454 1.201 0.373 0.254 -0.334 0.108 1455 -0.288 -0.707 -0.738 -1.012 -1.226 1456 -1.617 -1.429 -1.337 -1.57 -1.621 1457 -2.023 -1.89 -1.864 -1.814 -2.135 1458 -0.441 -0.628 -0.525 -0.882 -0.879 1459 -0.212 -0.252 -0.351 -0.628 -0.628 1460 1.294 0.695 0.657 0.398 0.425 1461 -0.737 -0.507 -0.48 -0.578 -0.562 1462 1.396 1.253 1.055 0.777 1.011 1463 -0.153 -0.136 0.058 -0.04 -0.173 1464 -0.364 0.216 0.114 -0.06 -0.102 1465 0.829 1.211 1.162 0.617 1.023 1466 -0.026 0.665 0.629 0.159 0.484 1467 -0.779 0.191 0.187 -0.22 0.066 1468 -1.625 -0.549 -0.525 -0.703 -0.646 1469 -0.119 0.689 0.517 0.418 0.347 1470 0.287 1.265 1.134 0.936 1.041 1471 0.11 1.278 1.078 0.911 0.957 1472 1.057 2.461 2.154 1.579 2.081 1473 0.423 2.03 1.778 1.18 1.728 1474 0.609 2.133 1.829 1.32 1.776 1475 0.076 1.551 1.369 0.941 1.358 1476 0.084 1.496 1.313 0.762 1.31 1477 -0.457 0.853 0.882 0.463 0.885 1478 -0.288 0.877 0.798 0.398 0.76 1479 0.804 1.818 1.745 1.23 1.77 1480 -1.101 0.319 0.26 0.039 0.269 1481 -0.204 0.865 0.831 0.463 0.49 1482 0.347 1.308 1.083 0.642 1.059 1483 -1.033 0.118 -0.015 -0.295 -0.149 1484 0.338 1.12 0.954 0.582 0.921 1485 1.142 1.769 1.448 0.811 1.429 1486 -0.737 0.1 0.035 -0.3 -0.012 1487 -0.305 0.319 0.198 -0.265 0.126 1488 -0.127 0.392 0.226 -0.215 0.191 1489 0.854 1.004 0.792 0.293 0.706 1490 0.973 0.816 0.607 0.248 0.478 1491 -0.508 -0.319 -0.385 -0.569 -0.508 1492 0.253 0.064 0.007 -0.309 -0.078 1493 -0.094 -0.282 -0.362 -0.628 -0.46 1494 -1.507 -1.277 -1.225 -1.326 -1.399 1495 1.1 0.355 0.243 -0.26 0.162 1496 0.406 -0.051 -0.127 -0.444 -0.185 1497 -0.085 -0.567 -0.587 -0.818 -0.7 1498 -0.551 -0.956 -0.928 -1.027 -1.064 1499 -0.754 -1.035 -1.018 -1.072 -1.166 1500 -0.534 -1.065 -1.113 -1.191 -1.369 1501 0.6 -0.258 -0.346 -0.419 -0.55 1502 -0.127 -0.598 -0.626 -0.818 -0.783 1503 -0.661 -0.956 -0.984 -1.072 -1.16 1504 0.66 -0.088 -0.172 -0.479 -0.335 1505 1.261 0.349 0.226 -0.03 0.09 1506 0.279 -0.428 -0.497 -0.578 -0.682 1507 0.592 -0.076 -0.278 -0.304 -0.496 1508 -0.297 -0.798 -0.805 -0.593 -1.035 1509 1.396 0.216 0.119 0.144 -0.096 1510 -0.339 -0.883 -0.872 -0.638 -1.088 1511 -2.192 -2.084 -1.943 -1.65 -2.159 1512 -0.508 -1.107 -1.119 -1.027 -1.357 1513 -0.364 -1.01 -1.057 -0.967 -1.256 1514 0.008 -0.931 -0.996 -0.803 -1.154 1515 0.727 -0.391 -0.531 -0.439 -0.67 1516 -0.576 -1.308 -1.27 -1.196 -1.423 1517 1.066 -0.203 -0.323 -0.454 -0.466 1518 -0.449 -1.174 -1.164 -1.067 -1.369 1519 -0.711 -1.32 -1.265 -1.141 -1.447 1520 -0.686 -1.223 -1.209 -1.186 -1.429 1521 -0.906 -1.296 -1.231 -1.161 -1.501 1522 1.125 0.064 -0.071 -0.344 -0.257 1523 0.33 -0.294 -0.379 -0.648 -0.562 1524 1.235 0.264 0.086 -0.245 -0.048 1525 1.261 0.349 0.159 -0.08 0.054 1526 0.414 -0.118 -0.211 -0.519 -0.353 1527 -0.635 -0.755 -0.76 -1.037 -0.981 1528 -0.432 -0.634 -0.654 -0.847 -0.831 1529 -0.136 -0.434 -0.379 -0.593 -0.526 1530 -0.737 -0.889 -0.833 -0.952 -0.969 1531 -0.5 -0.549 -0.536 -0.703 -0.694 1532 -0.009 -0.185 -0.144 -0.384 -0.275 1533 -0.593 -0.403 -0.379 -0.394 -0.502 1534 0.474 0.47 0.411 0.239 0.323 1535 0.355 0.483 0.416 0.119 0.395 1536 0.22 0.385 0.332 0.194 0.251 1537 -0.542 -0.27 -0.34 -0.08 -0.478 1538 0.482 0.81 0.775 0.831 0.419 1539 -0.898 -0.221 -0.161 -0.055 -0.275 1540 -0.474 0.155 0.103 0.014 -0.054 1541 0.914 1.29 1.167 0.876 0.927 1542 1.32 1.526 1.363 1.07 1.232 1543 0.804 1.193 1.111 0.682 1.017 1544 -0.153 0.483 0.439 0.224 0.329 1545 -0.711 -0.209 -0.149 -0.28 -0.299 1546 -0.889 -0.379 -0.323 -0.329 -0.454 1547 0.22 0.398 0.383 0.303 0.287 1548 -1.024 -0.41 -0.346 -0.354 -0.508 1549 -0.339 -0.136 -0.099 -0.08 -0.191 1550 2.132 1.642 1.532 1.14 1.483 1551 0.617 0.47 0.461 0.333 0.359 1552 -0.644 -0.385 -0.351 -0.449 -0.425 1553 -0.068 -0.045 -0.009 -0.05 -0.042 1554 -0.331 -0.161 -0.099 -0.16 -0.126 1555 -1.16 -0.786 -0.687 -0.713 -0.765 1556 -0.441 -0.258 -0.194 -0.354 -0.239 1557 -0.102 0.033 0.136 -0.016 0.102 1558 1.354 1.162 1.223 0.777 1.214 1559 0.186 0.307 0.416 0.154 0.401 1560 -0.144 0.07 0.17 -0.03 0.114 1561 1.235 1.029 1.134 0.702 1.142 1562 0.897 0.646 0.68 0.293 0.598 1563 0.541 0.234 0.265 0.124 0.179 1564 -1.135 -0.889 -0.721 -0.838 -0.849 1565 -1.448 -1.144 -0.94 -1.037 -1.041 1566 -0.635 -0.634 -0.463 -0.668 -0.55 1567 0.372 0.04 0.237 -0.07 0.162 1568 0.253 -0.033 0.153 -0.24 0.12 1569 1.743 0.853 0.898 0.513 0.849 1570 0.533 -0.009 0.08 -0.135 -0.006 1571 -0.373 -0.701 -0.486 -0.628 -0.616 1572 -0.61 -0.846 -0.654 -0.748 -0.73 1573 -0.618 -0.798 -0.536 -0.718 -0.598 1574 0.38 -0.082 0.136 -0.11 0.114 1575 0.101 -0.27 -0.026 -0.175 -0.084 1576 -1.541 -1.253 -0.979 -1.141 -1.076 1577 0.736 0.398 0.59 0.239 0.604 1578 -0.898 -0.616 -0.418 -0.588 -0.454 1579 0.076 0.216 0.344 0.069 0.353 1580 -0.542 -0.058 0.136 -0.1 0.12 1581 1.134 1.229 1.313 0.926 1.268 1582 0.237 0.677 0.798 0.478 0.76 1583 -0.779 0.015 0.187 0.104 0.15 1584 0.702 1.271 1.341 1.15 1.387 1585 0.524 1.229 1.307 1.056 1.322 1586 0.033 0.731 0.971 0.866 0.969 1587 0.821 1.332 1.543 1.285 1.543 1588 0.296 1.011 1.089 0.742 1.029 1589 -0.618 0.307 0.416 0.059 0.419 1590 0.203 0.816 0.904 0.483 0.915 1591 0.643 1.065 1.078 0.826 1.1 1592 -0.204 0.367 0.444 0.234 0.395 1593 -1.202 -0.452 -0.306 -0.389 -0.305 1594 0.101 0.404 0.551 0.398 0.604 1595 -0.085 0.228 0.355 0.094 0.341 1596 1.455 1.387 1.403 0.936 1.495 1597 -0.525 -0.179 -0.032 -0.26 -0.054 1598 -0.381 -0.088 -0.037 -0.26 -0.102 1599 -1.236 -0.683 -0.497 -0.633 -0.538 1600 0.524 0.483 0.517 0.194 0.502 1601 0.973 0.719 0.758 0.473 0.783 1602 0.127 0.009 0.063 -0.075 0.06 1603 0.127 -0.106 0.075 0.024 0.096 1604 -0.754 -0.537 -0.34 -0.469 -0.329 1605 -0.457 -0.403 -0.217 -0.439 -0.191 1606 -0.212 -0.227 -0.065 -0.25 -0.054 1607 -0.906 -0.658 -0.474 -0.703 -0.472 1608 -0.923 -0.622 -0.458 -0.723 -0.448 1609 1.201 0.913 0.971 0.453 1.112 1610 2.225 1.654 1.722 1.15 1.914 1611 -0.153 -0.106 0.086 -0.165 0.126 1612 -1.143 -0.743 -0.559 -0.713 -0.532 1613 -0.432 -0.24 -0.071 -0.285 -0.012 1614 0.093 0.173 0.304 -0.04 0.383 1615 0.245 0.191 0.321 -0.035 0.425 1616 0.194 0.197 0.31 -0.17 0.425 1617 0.152 0.137 0.26 -0.205 0.347 1618 -0.584 -0.367 -0.2 -0.559 -0.155 1619 0.414 0.294 0.383 -0.185 0.443 1620 -0.11 -0.058 0.052 -0.27 0.144 1621 0.33 0.258 0.327 -0.065 0.437 1622 0.44 0.185 0.282 -0.03 0.395 1623 1.057 0.47 0.529 0.214 0.646 1624 -0.517 -0.604 -0.469 -0.668 -0.419 1625 -0.559 -0.707 -0.547 -0.862 -0.526 1626 0.059 -0.276 -0.149 -0.598 -0.108 1627 -1.566 -1.381 -1.192 -1.271 -1.214 1628 0.457 -0.064 -0.004 -0.354 0.03 1629 -0.703 -0.804 -0.626 -0.818 -0.646 1630 0.093 -0.124 -0.054 -0.334 -0.012 1631 0.524 0.24 0.288 -0.11 0.329 1632 -0.957 -0.786 -0.609 -0.902 -0.61 1633 0.05 0.1 0.198 -0.245 0.239 1634 0.118 0.203 0.243 -0.13 0.269 1635 0.922 0.859 0.938 0.408 1.047 1636 1.658 1.399 1.42 0.896 1.519 1637 0.49 0.446 0.54 0.229 0.592 1638 0.956 0.774 0.837 0.403 0.939 1639 -0.576 -0.397 -0.194 -0.549 -0.233 1640 -1.295 -0.98 -0.783 -0.967 -0.849 1641 -0.508 -0.403 -0.267 -0.554 -0.245 1642 0.059 0.052 0.164 -0.125 0.185 1643 0.6 0.24 0.405 0.059 0.395 1644 -0.483 -0.579 -0.29 -0.539 -0.371 1645 -0.11 -0.294 -0.06 -0.3 -0.102 1646 -0.576 -0.598 -0.396 -0.484 -0.323 1647 -0.601 -0.579 -0.362 -0.509 -0.347 1648 1.074 0.537 0.736 0.453 0.777 1649 0.668 0.282 0.439 0.253 0.484 1650 0.973 0.513 0.68 0.463 0.724 1651 -1.871 -1.429 -1.153 -1.107 -1.196 1652 0.355 0.137 0.332 0.074 0.347 1653 0 -0.027 0.209 0.004 0.185 1654 0.71 0.361 0.534 0.318 0.484 1655 -0.593 -0.573 -0.441 -0.404 -0.46 1656 -0.584 -0.519 -0.385 -0.394 -0.335 1657 -0.542 -0.592 -0.43 -0.349 -0.401 1658 1.261 0.677 0.736 0.657 0.837 1659 0.49 0.112 0.164 0.139 0.227 1660 0.575 0.222 0.316 0.219 0.449 1661 -0.347 -0.446 -0.318 -0.329 -0.245 1662 -1.363 -1.156 -0.951 -0.843 -0.921 1663 1.311 0.725 0.758 0.727 0.861 1664 -0.009 -0.167 -0.071 0.034 0.006 1665 -0.593 -0.549 -0.463 -0.27 -0.442 1666 -0.711 -0.67 -0.525 -0.444 -0.55 1667 -0.474 -0.464 -0.385 -0.384 -0.359 1668 0.347 0.228 0.276 0.134 0.371 1669 -0.263 -0.112 -0.032 -0.016 0.066 1670 0.77 0.774 0.82 0.617 0.981 1671 0.77 0.81 0.848 0.727 1.029 1672 0.397 0.507 0.517 0.463 0.61 1673 -0.407 -0.051 0.041 0.024 0.09 1674 0.854 0.744 0.786 0.692 0.897 1675 -1.363 -0.804 -0.654 -0.588 -0.622 1676 -0.017 0.167 0.299 0.239 0.353 1677 0.27 0.452 0.59 0.448 0.682 1678 1.303 1.132 1.207 0.896 1.34 1679 0.38 0.349 0.473 0.413 0.514 1680 -0.728 -0.47 -0.318 -0.15 -0.299 1681 -0.322 -0.197 -0.043 0.029 0.006 1682 -1.549 -1.12 -0.906 -0.753 -0.885 1683 -0.237 -0.185 -0.032 -0.011 -0.006 1684 1.066 0.719 0.865 0.796 0.945 1685 1.007 0.592 0.781 0.682 0.777 1686 -0.432 -0.331 -0.121 -0.085 -0.102 1687 -0.195 -0.155 -0.015 0.079 0.066 1688 0.253 0.125 0.237 0.383 0.275 1689 0.059 -0.033 0.108 0.303 0.078 1690 0.093 -0.003 0.148 0.199 0.072 1691 0.05 -0.039 0.17 0.209 0.191 1692 0.279 0.125 0.299 0.388 0.359 1693 -0.635 -0.476 -0.256 -0.17 -0.227 1694 1.464 0.932 1.078 1.07 1.202 1695 0.194 0.082 0.248 0.393 0.287 1696 -1.397 -1.022 -0.822 -0.559 -0.813 1697 -0.83 -0.677 -0.491 -0.2 -0.508 1698 -0.407 -0.361 -0.217 0.049 -0.185 1699 -0.804 -0.416 -0.273 -0.14 -0.287 1700 0.253 0.428 0.467 0.622 0.461 1701 0.634 0.713 0.657 0.871 0.724 1702 0.736 0.822 0.887 1.09 0.951 1703 1.049 1.156 1.184 1.26 1.34 1704 0.702 0.944 1.083 1.016 1.208 1705 -1.126 -0.373 -0.189 -0.04 -0.215 1706 -0.432 -0.003 0.181 0.244 0.215 1707 -0.178 0.191 0.366 0.527 0.449 1708 0.609 0.786 0.938 1.056 1.035 1709 1.227 1.114 1.257 1.354 1.381 1710 -0.686 -0.319 -0.133 0.044 -0.09 1711 -0.06 -0.015 0.108 0.263 0.144 1712 0.008 0.04 0.159 0.333 0.108 1713 -0.153 -0.112 0.097 0.303 0.102 1714 -0.466 -0.373 -0.149 0.059 -0.072 1715 0.837 0.489 0.652 0.762 0.789 1716 -0.889 -0.695 -0.503 -0.319 -0.466 1717 -0.381 -0.294 -0.121 0.019 -0.066 1718 -0.669 -0.501 -0.362 -0.2 -0.311 1719 -2.116 -1.478 -1.281 -0.997 -1.316 1720 1.641 1.314 1.324 1.354 1.358 1721 1.498 1.156 1.218 1.474 1.304 1722 -0.347 -0.082 0.047 0.433 0.054 1723 0.237 0.373 0.473 0.707 0.568 1724 0.482 0.561 0.624 0.816 0.706 1725 1.151 1.077 1.19 1.315 1.304 1726 0.321 0.41 0.523 0.742 0.592 1727 -0.923 -0.579 -0.407 -0.185 -0.359 1728 -0.466 -0.24 -0.116 0.069 -0.048 1729 -1.295 -0.883 -0.721 -0.409 -0.724 1730 -0.161 -0.027 0.03 0.288 0.114 1731 0.152 0.155 0.282 0.438 0.371 1732 0.668 0.476 0.557 0.592 0.688 1733 -0.144 -0.118 0.047 0.124 0.102 1734 -0.271 -0.161 -0.037 0.318 -0.06 1735 0.127 0.106 0.248 0.493 0.239 1736 1.455 1.041 1.072 1.095 1.154 1737 -1.092 -0.834 -0.609 -0.334 -0.622 1738 0.05 0.076 0.248 0.458 0.269 1739 0.042 0.082 0.215 0.443 0.239 1740 0.66 0.452 0.596 0.826 0.64 1741 0.228 0.07 0.176 0.508 0.209 1742 1.151 0.671 0.702 0.921 0.795 1743 -1.329 -1.041 -0.872 -0.554 -0.867 1744 -0.948 -0.798 -0.626 -0.349 -0.61 1745 -0.254 -0.282 -0.144 0.079 -0.149 1746 0.533 0.276 0.344 0.632 0.377 1747 -0.593 -0.458 -0.34 0.099 -0.341 1748 -1.041 -0.792 -0.615 -0.15 -0.646 1749 2.302 1.648 1.649 1.937 1.77 1750 0.998 0.744 0.775 1.115 0.849 1751 -0.694 -0.434 -0.284 0.124 -0.269 1752 -1.236 -0.762 -0.587 -0.1 -0.598 1753 -0.965 -0.482 -0.362 0.089 -0.329 1754 -0.204 0.088 0.181 0.552 0.239 1755 -0.728 -0.215 -0.11 0.293 -0.072 1756 0.093 0.543 0.568 0.936 0.592 1757 0.863 1.205 1.162 1.504 1.268 1758 1.506 1.696 1.621 1.972 1.752 1759 0.829 1.12 1.128 1.474 1.214 1760 0.507 0.798 0.887 1.235 0.939 1761 0.567 0.762 0.82 1.105 0.873 1762 -0.788 -0.325 -0.222 0.119 -0.227 1763 0.228 0.288 0.394 0.547 0.407 1764 -0.466 -0.221 -0.11 0.204 -0.155 1765 -0.508 -0.397 -0.301 -0.001 -0.335 1766 -0.576 -0.507 -0.346 -0.001 -0.347 1767 -1.118 -0.931 -0.766 -0.374 -0.771 1768 -0.838 -0.743 -0.564 -0.09 -0.61 1769 1.506 0.78 0.848 1.21 0.891 1770 0.643 0.258 0.36 0.846 0.371 1771 0.744 0.27 0.338 0.871 0.359 1772 -1.135 -1.077 -0.9 -0.28 -0.951 1773 0.169 -0.1 -0.009 0.443 -0.036 1774 0.406 0.088 0.181 0.637 0.185 1775 -0.11 -0.337 -0.211 0.268 -0.227 1776 0.304 0.021 0.024 0.468 0.024 1777 -0.271 -0.373 -0.312 0.169 -0.323 1778 0.821 0.361 0.349 0.806 0.365 1779 -1.067 -0.919 -0.816 -0.285 -0.891 1780 -1.041 -0.919 -0.794 -0.324 -0.837 1781 1.193 0.64 0.629 0.966 0.676 1782 1.024 0.604 0.568 1.09 0.598 1783 -0.948 -0.768 -0.721 -0.175 -0.759 1784 0.99 0.622 0.613 1.041 0.604 1785 -0.237 -0.227 -0.127 0.303 -0.137 1786 -0.771 -0.586 -0.503 -0.085 -0.574 1787 -0.661 -0.482 -0.39 0.104 -0.448 1788 0.634 0.513 0.512 1.021 0.508 1789 -1.168 -0.683 -0.626 -0.105 -0.67 1790 0.761 0.78 0.758 1.15 0.712 1791 0.321 0.543 0.517 0.951 0.526 1792 -0.441 0.058 0.114 0.587 0.084 1793 -0.525 0.052 0.114 0.657 0.09 1794 0.871 1.132 1.072 1.524 1.088 1795 -0.246 0.319 0.344 0.876 0.275 1796 0.744 1.011 0.904 1.285 0.879 1797 1.083 1.265 1.167 1.613 1.172 1798 0.33 0.713 0.635 1.08 0.61 1799 -0.542 -0.027 -0.071 0.408 -0.108 1800 0.651 0.719 0.613 1.026 0.568 1801 -1.219 -0.731 -0.682 -0.185 -0.789 1802 -0.457 -0.191 -0.222 0.253 -0.275 1803 -0.161 -0.051 -0.071 0.288 -0.132 1804 0.541 0.379 0.344 0.747 0.311 1805 0.076 -0.015 -0.026 0.403 -0.066 1806 0.05 -0.058 -0.127 0.303 -0.173 1807 -1.261 -0.998 -0.968 -0.539 -1.076 1808 0.033 -0.173 -0.178 0.214 -0.263 1809 1.887 0.998 0.893 1.18 0.849 1810 0.643 0.185 0.136 0.508 0.084 1811 -0.991 -0.998 -0.906 -0.564 -1.005 1812 0.474 -0.106 -0.088 0.248 -0.167 1813 -1.82 -1.684 -1.506 -0.992 -1.639 1814 0.22 -0.276 -0.25 0.104 -0.329 1815 0.423 -0.136 -0.133 0.313 -0.197 1816 0.71 0.003 -0.015 0.478 -0.066 1817 1.134 0.246 0.209 0.722 0.167 1818 -0.043 -0.519 -0.458 0.049 -0.562 1819 -1.219 -1.265 -1.186 -0.593 -1.31 1820 -0.204 -0.604 -0.531 0.049 -0.682 1821 -0.271 -0.586 -0.547 -0.021 -0.67 1822 0.287 -0.1 -0.121 0.398 -0.215 1823 -0.39 -0.494 -0.469 0.049 -0.562 1824 -0.17 -0.27 -0.273 0.129 -0.365 1825 -0.754 -0.561 -0.458 -0.075 -0.604 1826 0.423 0.434 0.422 0.801 0.329 1827 -0.618 -0.203 -0.217 0.288 -0.317 1828 0.169 0.513 0.428 0.961 0.347 1829 0.33 0.707 0.652 1.31 0.55 1830 0.135 0.701 0.641 1.095 0.58 1831 0.694 1.174 1.078 1.569 1.035 1832 1.024 1.405 1.313 1.773 1.298 1833 0.397 0.883 0.87 1.325 0.801 1834 -0.068 0.561 0.534 0.951 0.502 1835 0.042 0.574 0.529 1.031 0.455 1836 -1.126 -0.373 -0.379 -0.001 -0.442 1837 0.643 0.895 0.775 1.135 0.766 1838 1.091 1.138 1.038 1.459 1.023 1839 -1.448 -0.816 -0.766 -0.225 -0.861 1840 -0.288 -0.07 -0.11 0.448 -0.161 1841 -1.524 -0.98 -0.94 -0.3 -1.029 1842 -0.237 -0.094 -0.149 0.373 -0.221 1843 0.313 0.307 0.226 0.667 0.144 1844 1.125 0.871 0.792 1.195 0.706 1845 -0.009 0.1 0.047 0.503 -0.018 1846 0.279 0.27 0.181 0.717 0.132 1847 -0.305 -0.124 -0.166 0.368 -0.233 1848 -0.178 -0.015 -0.054 0.478 -0.12 1849 1.142 0.889 0.775 1.265 0.754 1850 0.753 0.513 0.422 0.916 0.371 1851 -0.728 -0.549 -0.542 -0.006 -0.646 1852 0.6 0.373 0.316 0.767 0.275 1853 -0.703 -0.592 -0.525 -0.045 -0.586 1854 -0.567 -0.47 -0.452 -0.011 -0.532 1855 -0.305 -0.306 -0.318 0.139 -0.401 1856 0.067 -0.07 -0.093 0.403 -0.173 1857 0.617 0.325 0.26 0.861 0.203 1858 0.38 0.191 0.148 0.697 0.102 1859 -0.931 -0.737 -0.671 -0.04 -0.753 1860 -0.178 -0.106 -0.093 0.498 -0.155 1861 -0.864 -0.586 -0.531 0.024 -0.628 1862 0.033 0.118 0.142 0.662 0.096 1863 1.582 1.271 1.134 1.608 1.1 1864 1.32 1.102 0.966 1.404 0.879 1865 -0.559 -0.288 -0.323 0.094 -0.425 1866 -0.017 0.082 0.019 0.478 -0.066 1867 -1.566 -1.022 -0.968 -0.329 -1.088 1868 1.506 1.114 1.022 1.539 0.969 1869 0.067 0.112 0.075 0.662 0.012 1870 -0.22 -0.161 -0.183 0.418 -0.293 1871 -0.508 -0.367 -0.379 0.214 -0.466 1872 1.057 0.683 0.607 1.24 0.544 1873 0.33 0.143 0.119 0.806 0.054 1874 -0.373 -0.367 -0.374 0.149 -0.484 1875 -2.108 -1.575 -1.427 -0.892 -1.591 1876 1.227 0.707 0.624 1.215 0.562 1877 -1.075 -0.828 -0.766 -0.115 -0.867 1878 -0.339 -0.264 -0.256 0.303 -0.341 1879 -1.008 -0.707 -0.676 -0.026 -0.777 1880 1.379 0.883 0.758 1.27 0.682 1881 0.812 0.58 0.512 1.041 0.461 1882 0.507 0.307 0.243 0.941 0.156 1883 0.465 0.252 0.215 0.866 0.126 1884 1.057 0.598 0.501 1.2 0.425 1885 -0.754 -0.774 -0.704 0.009 -0.843 1886 1.184 0.331 0.288 0.991 0.209 1887 1.362 0.337 0.248 0.926 0.162 1888 -0.593 -1.053 -0.962 -0.339 -1.1 1889 -1.515 -1.751 -1.601 -0.932 -1.752 1890 -1.168 -1.629 -1.483 -0.763 -1.621 1891 -0.288 -1.186 -1.057 -0.309 -1.166 1892 0.084 -0.98 -0.906 -0.12 -1.011 1893 -1.236 -1.69 -1.522 -0.698 -1.651 1894 -0.127 -0.986 -0.861 -0.03 -0.957 1895 0.372 -0.494 -0.407 0.403 -0.484 1896 -0.542 -0.938 -0.816 0.009 -0.921 1897 -2.15 -1.848 -1.651 -0.957 -1.782 1898 0.702 0.24 0.282 0.956 0.251 1899 0.871 0.592 0.601 1.33 0.592 1900 0.575 0.495 0.512 1.285 0.52 1901 0.406 0.476 0.506 1.305 0.455 1902 0.22 0.495 0.59 1.354 0.532 1903 1.887 1.739 1.711 2.47 1.686 1904 1.768 1.599 1.537 2.296 1.537 1905 -0.305 0.052 0.125 0.906 0.096 1906 -1.507 -0.907 -0.766 -0.05 -0.843 1907 -0.237 -0.106 -0.06 0.582 -0.084 1908 -0.593 -0.464 -0.362 0.244 -0.419 1909 -1.998 -1.514 -1.304 -0.653 -1.447 1910 1.354 0.768 0.77 1.305 0.789 1911 0.406 0.076 0.103 0.777 0.048 1912 0.626 0.191 0.276 0.916 0.227 1913 -0.551 -0.622 -0.469 0.159 -0.544 1914 -0.144 -0.319 -0.172 0.428 -0.209 1915 -0.373 -0.446 -0.267 0.333 -0.329 1916 0.304 0.04 0.131 0.831 0.126 1917 -0.711 -0.549 -0.379 0.268 -0.454 1918 0.152 0.149 0.265 0.796 0.275 1919 -1.033 -0.628 -0.452 0.184 -0.496 1920 -1.211 -0.616 -0.435 0.129 -0.46 1921 0.744 0.974 1.033 1.773 1.088 1922 0.88 1.265 1.274 1.982 1.411 1923 1.404 1.708 1.705 2.525 1.878 1924 -0.441 0.398 0.501 1.295 0.544 1925 0.423 1.089 1.134 1.937 1.226 1926 0.922 1.496 1.476 2.346 1.657 1927 -0.677 0.294 0.394 1.205 0.496 1928 -0.314 0.47 0.568 1.339 0.67 1929 0.922 1.369 1.38 2.147 1.507 1930 -0.965 -0.167 0.002 0.597 0.03 1931 0.118 0.634 0.747 1.384 0.843 1932 -0.771 -0.112 0.035 0.677 0.072 1933 1.201 1.271 1.285 2.002 1.411 1934 0.609 0.762 0.854 1.524 0.933 1935 0.27 0.507 0.613 1.24 0.712 1936 -1.355 -0.743 -0.542 0.119 -0.514 1937 -1.837 -1.107 -0.906 -0.369 -0.945 1938 0.922 0.865 0.96 1.638 1.1 1939 0.347 0.41 0.512 1.26 0.688 1940 0.795 0.75 0.865 1.569 1.047 1941 -0.085 0.167 0.265 1.011 0.437 1942 -0.102 0.185 0.282 0.836 0.461 1943 -0.161 0.155 0.288 0.871 0.467 1944 0.253 0.476 0.601 1.275 0.813 1945 -0.83 -0.319 -0.105 0.667 0.036 1946 0.744 0.841 0.943 1.763 1.178 1947 -0.424 -0.009 0.097 0.901 0.245 1948 0.863 0.95 0.994 1.838 1.268 1949 -0.28 0.052 0.148 0.956 0.371 1950 -0.034 0.197 0.321 1.07 0.508 1951 1.091 0.986 1.072 1.907 1.316 1952 -1.219 -0.707 -0.497 0.318 -0.371 1953 0.067 0.143 0.254 1.12 0.461 1954 0.727 0.58 0.674 1.444 0.873 1955 -0.136 -0.215 -0.032 0.777 0.191 1956 1.472 0.865 0.932 1.768 1.19 1957 -0.356 -0.446 -0.245 0.557 -0.06 1958 -1.126 -1.047 -0.794 -0.016 -0.61 1959 -0.246 -0.494 -0.329 0.612 -0.155 1960 -1.168 -1.18 -0.923 -0.085 -0.783 1961 0.888 0.137 0.304 1.095 0.538 1962 -1.355 -1.32 -1.085 -0.28 -1.041 1963 0.38 -0.191 -0.009 0.777 0.233 1964 1.768 0.701 0.82 1.594 1.166 1965 0.863 0.131 0.293 1.036 0.58 1966 0.067 -0.452 -0.306 0.557 -0.143 1967 -0.762 -1.01 -0.805 -0.1 -0.706 1968 0.016 -0.513 -0.39 0.433 -0.126 1969 0.186 -0.446 -0.245 0.488 0.012 1970 -1.702 -1.635 -1.388 -0.544 -1.238 1971 1.565 0.416 0.512 1.414 0.766 1972 -0.661 -0.913 -0.732 0.094 -0.538 1973 -1.27 -1.326 -1.136 -0.334 -0.969 1974 1.176 0.307 0.411 1.275 0.736 1975 1.007 0.495 0.467 1.519 0.813 1976 0.262 0.082 0.075 1.095 0.431 1977 0.245 0.185 0.131 1.14 0.437 1978 -0.364 -0.215 -0.217 0.762 0.096 1979 -0.534 -0.234 -0.234 0.767 0.06 1980 -1.329 -0.701 -0.659 0.353 -0.413 1981 -0.737 -0.167 -0.172 0.816 0.162 1982 0.203 0.598 0.557 1.439 0.921 1983 0.135 0.659 0.512 1.519 0.927 1984 1.616 1.945 1.711 2.839 2.279 1985 2.259 2.461 2.305 3.611 2.895 1986 0.533 1.187 1.089 2.256 1.609 1987 -1.422 -0.337 -0.278 0.468 0.09 1988 -0.948 0.021 0.052 0.816 0.472 1989 -0.508 0.355 0.265 1.11 0.67 1990 -0.635 0.222 0.159 1.011 0.616 1991 0.237 0.865 0.702 1.554 1.244 1992 0.702 1.053 0.91 1.813 1.501 1993 -0.026 0.483 0.484 1.384 0.987 1994 -0.094 0.331 0.316 1.12 0.795 1995 0.524 0.713 0.585 1.444 1.017 1996 0.541 0.646 0.568 1.434 1.065 1997 -0.051 0.076 0.052 0.901 0.472 1998 -0.898 -0.592 -0.575 0.333 -0.197 1999 -1.498 -1.15 -1.153 -0.334 -0.897 2000 0.347 0.009 -0.071 0.632 0.341 2001 0.702 0.149 0.209 0.742 0.682 2002 0.44 -0.13 -0.099 0.557 0.353 2003 0.668 -0.149 -0.105 0.617 0.347 2004 -0.567 -0.968 -0.85 0.089 -0.544 2005 -0.136 -0.786 -0.71 0.204 -0.317 2006 -0.043 -0.913 -0.861 -0.021 -0.538