# WDC PALEO DATA SUBMISSION for PAGES 2k database # # Created 01 Mrz 2013 by Raphi Neukom based on WDC template from 21 Dec 2012 using make_NOAA_files.r #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite original reference when using these data, # plus the Online Resource and date accessed. # # Original_Source_URL: # # Archive: Tree Rings #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 01-03-2013 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Stewart Island Tree ring width #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: D'Arrigo, R. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Uploaded by R. Neukom, data obtained from original authors # These are not raw data but processed and truncated chronologies, representing a composite of two or more individual sites. Details see (Neukom and Gergis 2011, The Holocene, DOI: 10.1177/0959683611427335). For the raws contact the authors or/and check ITRDB. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: DArrigo, R. D.; Buckley, B. M.; Cook, E. R.; Wagner, W. S. # Published_Date_or_Year: 1995 # Published_Title: Temperature-sensitive tree-ring width chronologies of pink pine (Halocarpus biformis) from Stewart Island, New Zealand # Journal_Name: Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology # Volume: 119 # Issue: 03. Apr # Pages: 293-300 #-------------------- # Funding_Agency #-------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Stewart Island # Location: Australia/New Zealand>New Zealand # Region: PAGES Australasia 2k # Country: New Zealand # Northernmost_Latitude: -47 # Southernmost_Latitude: -47 # Easternmost_Longitude: 168 # Westernmost_Longitude: 168 # Elevation: 450 #-------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Tree ring width for PAGES Australasia 2k regional reconstructions # Earliest_Year: 1758 # Most_Recent_Year: 1993 # Time_Unit: AD # Notes: These are processed data. Years with less than 5 samples and EPS<0.85 are removed. Raw data can be obtained from original authors #-------------------- # Species # Species Name: Halocarpus biformis (HABI) #-------------------- # Chronology: #-------------------- # Variables # Short_name What,Material,Error,Units, Anomaly_period,Archive,Details,Method,Data_type ## age_AD age, , ,AD, ,tree rings, ,counting,N ## Stewart_Island_HABI_composite tree ring width,wood,,unitless,,tree ring,composite chronology,signal free,N #-------------------- # Data # Missing values: NA age_AD Stewart_Island_HABI_composite 1758 0.664 1759 0.342 1760 0.31 1761 0.664 1762 -0.297 1763 -0.052 1764 -1.4 1765 -0.574 1766 -0.82 1767 -0.09 1768 -0.962 1769 -1.368 1770 -0.794 1771 -0.31 1772 -0.136 1773 0.51 1774 0.503 1775 -0.581 1776 -0.174 1777 -0.252 1778 -0.516 1779 -0.426 1780 0.071 1781 -0.019 1782 -0.639 1783 -2.613 1784 -0.936 1785 -1.452 1786 -0.942 1787 -1.252 1788 -0.329 1789 -1.116 1790 -1.168 1791 -1.155 1792 -1.207 1793 -1.187 1794 -0.561 1795 -0.742 1796 0.374 1797 1.471 1798 0.464 1799 -0.755 1800 0.755 1801 0.903 1802 1.729 1803 1.419 1804 0.761 1805 1.006 1806 1.355 1807 -1.033 1808 0.039 1809 -0.097 1810 0.652 1811 0.064 1812 0.71 1813 0.11 1814 -0.729 1815 0.135 1816 -1.639 1817 -1.194 1818 -0.891 1819 -0.658 1820 -1.71 1821 -1.174 1822 -0.916 1823 -0.136 1824 -0.032 1825 0.213 1826 -0.51 1827 -0.232 1828 -0.826 1829 -0.865 1830 -0.626 1831 -0.716 1832 -1.091 1833 -2.575 1834 -1.362 1835 -0.923 1836 -0.91 1837 -0.587 1838 -0.323 1839 -0.445 1840 0.297 1841 0.168 1842 0.135 1843 -0.549 1844 -0.29 1845 -0.239 1846 -0.355 1847 -0.284 1848 -0.897 1849 -0.232 1850 -0.116 1851 0.11 1852 -0.065 1853 -1.581 1854 -0.916 1855 -0.839 1856 -0.742 1857 -0.871 1858 -1.387 1859 -1.084 1860 -0.774 1861 -0.929 1862 -0.103 1863 -0.065 1864 -0.626 1865 -0.432 1866 0.271 1867 0.11 1868 -0.381 1869 -0.536 1870 0.051 1871 0.29 1872 -0.407 1873 0.684 1874 -0.129 1875 0.639 1876 0.335 1877 0.116 1878 -1.594 1879 -0.594 1880 -0.155 1881 0.071 1882 0.219 1883 -0.207 1884 -0.574 1885 0.335 1886 0.806 1887 0.258 1888 -0.491 1889 -0.336 1890 -0.019 1891 -0.194 1892 -0.168 1893 -0.29 1894 -0.439 1895 -0.381 1896 -0.407 1897 -0.71 1898 -1.929 1899 -1.116 1900 -0.484 1901 -0.032 1902 -0.807 1903 -0.097 1904 0.748 1905 0.045 1906 -0.658 1907 0.084 1908 1.097 1909 1.258 1910 0.555 1911 0.632 1912 -0.762 1913 0.6 1914 -0.303 1915 0.213 1916 0.258 1917 1.097 1918 0.252 1919 0.039 1920 0.684 1921 1.439 1922 1.594 1923 2.142 1924 1.716 1925 0.864 1926 0.445 1927 1.161 1928 0.652 1929 0.587 1930 -0.4 1931 -0.22 1932 0.245 1933 -0.149 1934 -0.052 1935 0.303 1936 0.381 1937 -0.574 1938 0.232 1939 -0.155 1940 1.058 1941 1.142 1942 0.355 1943 -0.297 1944 0 1945 0.103 1946 0.297 1947 0.961 1948 1.477 1949 1.136 1950 0.923 1951 0.387 1952 -0.155 1953 0.264 1954 0.322 1955 1.084 1956 2.155 1957 1.845 1958 1.516 1959 2.555 1960 2.497 1961 2.426 1962 3.045 1963 2.678 1964 1.826 1965 2.168 1966 1.4 1967 1.084 1968 0.71 1969 0.31 1970 1.794 1971 1.807 1972 2.161 1973 2.407 1974 2.019 1975 1.4 1976 -0.097 1977 0.297 1978 1.077 1979 1.374 1980 1.678 1981 2.013 1982 1.477 1983 0.064 1984 1.058 1985 1.419 1986 1.361 1987 1.277 1988 0.981 1989 2.149 1990 2.271 1991 1.206 1992 2 1993 2.432