Climate Since AD 1500 Database: Readme file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Climate Since AD 1500 Database CONTRIBUTOR: R. Bradley, University of Massachusetts IGBP PAGES/WDCA Data Contribution Series #: 92-015 ORIGINAL REFERENCE: CLIMATE SINCE A.D. 1500, Edited by Raymond S. Bradley and Philip D. Jones, Routledge, London, 1992 (679pp). I.S.B.N. 0-415-07593-9. SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Bradley, R., 1992, Climate Since AD 1500 Database. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 92-015. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. LAST UPDATE: 3/2002 (Addition of ch32.txt containing Quinn and Neal historical El Nino record) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Global PERIOD OF RECORD: 100 B.C. - 1990 A.D. LIST OF FILES: 13 files, see description below. DESCRIPTION: File 1: ch1.txt: Tables 2.1 and 2.2, Annual indices of summer ice severity in eastern and western Hudson Bay, plus data from Hudson Strait, and thermal indices for the southeast coast of Hudson Bay. File 2: ch6.txt: From C. Pfister. Monthly temperature and Precipitation indices (Figure 6.4). File 3: ch11.txt: Data from W.C. Wang et al. Number of rain days, daytime rain hours, and night-time rain hours from the Qing-Yu- Lu for May, June and July, 1724-1903. File 4: ch13.txt: Data from Jones and Bradley. Monthly temperature and precipitation data from some of the long-term stations shown in Figures 13.1 and 13.2. Also seasonal and annual temperature anomalies (from 1951-70) averages for northern and southern hemisphere land areas ( Figures 13.3 and 13.4) and for COADS SST data for the northern and southern hemispheres (Figure 13.5). File 5: ch15.txt (north_namerica.dat): data from D'Arrigo and Jacoby. Reconstructed mean annual temperatures for northern North America, from Figure 15.4. (Note: captions for Figs. 15.3 and 15.4 are reversed in the book). File 6: ch16.txt (usa_regions.dat): from Meko. Standardized regional tree- ring series for regions 0 to 9 (Figure 16.1) and scores of the first three eigenvectors from PCA on regional tree-ring series, 1750-1964 (Figure 16.3). File 7: ch17.txt (east_usa_pdsi.dat): data from Cook et al. Obliquely rotated drought factor scores based on 23 PDSI reconstructions for the eastern United States (shown in Figure 17.3). File 8: ch19.txt (north_sweden.dat): data from Briffa and Schweingruber. Ring width chronologies for several sites around Lake Inari (northern Finland) and the Tornetrask region of northern Sweden (shown in Figure 19.2). Also contains data from Figures 19.4 and 19.7. File 9: ch20.txt (nw_russia.dat): data from Graybill and Shiyatov. Reconstructed June-July average temperatures at 65N, 70E (N.W. Russia) expressed as departures from the 1951-70 average ( Figure 20.4). File 10: ch23.txt (chile.dat): data from Boninsegna. Data on reconstructed: winter precipitation at Santiago de Chile; summer and winter anticyclone positions and summer precipitation at Chiloe ( Figure 23.2); summer temperatures in northern and central Patagonia (Rio Alerce) and indices of summer temperature at Ushuaia (shown in Figure 23.3); streamflows of Rivers Atuel, Neuquen and Limay (Figure 23.4). File 11: ch24.txt (newzealand.dat): data from Norton and Palmer. R reconstructed climate and riverflow data for New Zealand (shown in Figures 24.4 and 24.5). File 12: ch25.txt: data from Holdsworth et al. Mount Logan oxygen isotope (delta O-18) and net accumulation data (meters of water equivalent, per year) ( Figures 25.3 and 25.4). Note: The title of this chapter should read: "Ice core climate signals from Mount Logan, Yukon, A.D. 1700-1987" (not 1897). File 13: ch26.txt: data from Tarussov. Net accumulation data from Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard and Milcent, Greenland (shown in Figure 26.4). Annual Melt percentage (AMP) data for Austfonna, Svalbard (shown in Figures 26.6 and 26.7). File 14: ch32.txt: data Quinn and Neal, historical El Nino record from Table 32.1.