Climate Since AD 1500: Quinn and Neal Historical record of El Niņo events ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Climate Since AD 1500 Database CONTRIBUTOR: R. Bradley, University of Massachusetts IGBP PAGES/WDCA Data Contribution Series #: 92-015 ORIGINAL REFERENCE: CLIMATE SINCE A.D. 1500, Edited by Raymond S. Bradley and Philip D. Jones, Routledge, London, 1992 (679pp). I.S.B.N. 0-415-07593-9. SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Bradley, R., 1992, Climate Since AD 1500 Database. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 92-015. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Global PERIOD OF RECORD: 1525 - 1990 A.D. DATA: W. H. Quinn, V. T. Neal. 1992. The Historical record of El Niņo events. in Climate since AD 1500, R. S. Bradley, P. D. Jones, Eds. (Routledge, London, 1992), pp. 623-648. Table 32-1. El Niņo events of moderate, strong and very strong intensities, their confidence ratings and information sources. Intensity ratings: VS: Very Strong S+: Strong S: Strong M+: Moderate M: Moderate VS rating represents coastal SST anomalies 6-12C along the coasts of Peru and Ecuador, comparable to 1877-78, 1891, 1925-26, and 1982-83 events. S+ rating represents events significantly stronger than S events with regard to hydrologic effects, degreee of destruction, and/or effects on sea life, but without sufficient evidence to raise to VS rating. S rating implies coastal SST anomalies 3-5C along the coasts of Peru and Ecuador, comparable to 1932, 1940-41, and 1957-58, and 1972-73 events. M+ rating represents events exhibiting increased hydrological activity, but shorter in duration and more localized, comparable to 1939, 1943, and 1953, and 1965 events. M rating implies coastal SST anomalies 2-3.5C along the coasts of Peru and Ecuador, comparable to 1918-19, 1923, 1930-31, 1976, and 1987 events. M/S and M+/M- ratings are probable dual events, but sufficient evidence to differentiate is not available. For complete description, please consult Quinn and Neal (1992). El Niņo Events Event Strength Confidence Rating Information sources 1525-26 S 3 Xeres (1534). 1531-32 S 4 Xeres (1534) Prescott (1892) Murphy (1926). 1535 M+ 2 Mackenna (1877) Taulis (1934). 1539-41 M/S 3 Montesinos (1642) Cobo (1653) Raimondi (1876). 1544 M+ 4 Albenino (1549) Montesinos (1642) Mackenna (1877) Gormaz (190l) Taulis (1934). 1546-47 S 4 Albenino (1549) Benzoni (1565) Raimondi (1876). 1552 S 4 Humboldt (1804) Moreno (1804) Palma (1894). 1558-61 M/S 3 Montesinos (1642) Martinez y Vela (1702) Garcia Rosell (1903). 1565 M+ 2 Montesinos (1642). 1567-68 S+ 5 Oliva (1631) Cobo (1639) Montesinos (1642) Gormaz (1901) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926). 1574 S 4 Garcia Rosell (1903) Taulis (1934) 1578 VS 5 Cabello Balboa (1586) Acosta (1590) Cobo (1639, 1653) Garcia Rosell (1903) Labarthe (1914) Brunning (1922-23) Portocarrero (1926) Huertas (1984). 1582 M 3 Montesinos (1642) Taulis (1934). 1585 M+ 2 Montesinos (1642). 1589-91 M/S 3 Montesinos (1642) Martinez y Vela (1702) Barriga (1951). 1596 M+ 3 Montesinos (1642). 1600 S 3 Gormaz (1901) Barriga (1951). 1604 M+ 3 Montesinos (1642) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1607-08 S 5 Cobo (1639) Martinez y Vela (1702) Alcedo y Herrera (1740) Palma (1894) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934) Brooks (1971). 1614 S 5 Cobo (1653) Haenke (1799) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1618-19 S 4 Vasquez de Espinosa (1629) Cobo (1653) Mackenna (1877) Taulis (1934), 1624 S+ 5 Montesinos (1642) Cobo, (1653) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926). 1634-35 S 3 Montesinos (1642) Puente (1885) Palma (1894). 1640-41 S 2 Martinez y Vela (1702) Mackenna (1877) Taulis (1934) 1647 M+ 3 Mackenna (1877) Gormaz (1901) Taulis (1934). 1652 S+ 4 Cobo (1653) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926). 1655 M 3 Alcedo y Herrera (1740) Taulis (1934). 1660 S 3 Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926). 1671 S 3 Martinez y Vela (1702) Labarthe (1914). Portocarrero (1926). 1681 S 3 Rocha (1681). 1684 M+ 2 Martinez y Vela (1702) Taulis (1934) 1687-88 S+ 4 Unanue (1806) Melo (1913) Remy (1931) Taulis (1934). 1692-93 S 3 Martinez y Vela (1702) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1696-97 M+ 3 Mackenna (1877) Palma (1894) Taulis, (1934). 1701 S+ 5 De Sosa (1763) Bueno (1763) Haenke (1799) Humboldt (1804) Unanue (1806) Paz Soldan (1862) Palma (1894) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Nials et al. (1979). 1707-09 M/S 3 Cooke (1712) Alcedo y Herrera (1740). 1715-16 S 3 Gentil (1728) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926). 1718 M+ 3 Bueno (1763) Barriga (1951). 1720 VS 5 Shelvocke (1726) De Sosa (1763) Bueno (1763) Alcedo (1786-89) Haenke (1799) Humboldt (1804) Moreno (1804) Unanue (1806) Paz Soldan (1862) Raimondi (1876) Palma (1894) Adams (1905) Labarthe (1914) Bachmann (1921) Portocarrero (1926) Nials et al. (1979) Huertas (1984). 1723 M+ 3 Mackenna (1877) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1728 VS 5 Anson (1748) De Sosa (1763) Bueno (1763) Alcedo (1786-89) Humboldt (1804) Unanue (1806) Paz Soldan (1862) Spruce (1864) Palma (1894) Eguiguren (1894) Garcia Rosell (1903) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Nials et al. (1979). 1736 S 2 Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1740 M 3 Juan and Ulloa (1748) Gormaz (1901). 1744 M+ 3 Mackenna (1877) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1747 S+ 5 Llano Zapata (1748) De Sosa (1763) Humboldt (1804) Moreno (1804) Palma (1894) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934) Nials et al. (1979). 1750 M+ 4 Puente (1885) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934). 1755-56 M 3 Garcia Rodriguez (1779) Garcia Rosell (1903) Andrade (1948). 1761 S 5 Buena (1763) Garcia Rodriguez (1779) Alcedo (1786-89) Haenke (1799) Ruschenberger (1834) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Andrade (1948). 1764 M 2 Mackenna (1877) Taulis (1934). 1768 M 2 Garcia Rodriguez (1779) Mackenna (1877) Taulis (1934). 1775 S 3 Puente (1885) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926). 1778-79 M+ 4 Garcia Rodriguez (1779) Mackenna (1877) Puente (1885) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1783 S 3 Mackenna (1877) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1786 M+ 3 Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Estrada (1977). 1791 VS 5 Unanue (1806) Ruschenberger (1834) Paz Soldan (1862) Spruce (1864) Hutchinson (1873) Eguiguren (1894) Garcia Rosell (1903) Adams (1905) Labarthe (1914) Leguia y Martinez (1914) Bachmann (1921) Portocarrero (1926) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1803-04 S+ 5 Humboldt (1804) Moreno (1804) Unanue (1806) Stevenson (1829) Paz Soldan (1862) Spruce (1864) Eguiguren (1894) Palma (1894) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Petersen (1935) Lastres (1937) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1806-07 M 3 Unanue (1815) Stevenson (1829) Remy (1931). 1812 M+ 3 Palma (1894) Gonzales (1913). 1814 S 4 Spruce (1864) Eguiguren (1894). 1817 M+ 5 Eguiguren (1894) Labarthe, (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948). 1819 M+ 5 Eguiguren (1894) Gormaz (1901) Taulis (1934). 1821 M 5 Eguiguren (1894) Fuchs (1925) Remy (1931) Taulis (1934). 1824 M+ 5 Spruce (1864) Basadre (1884) Eguiguren (1894) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1828 VS 5 Ruschenberger (1834) Paz Soldan (1862) Spruce (1864) Hutchinson (1873) Eguiguren (1894) Middendorf (1894) Adams (1905) Sievers (1914) Labarthe (1914) Bachmann (1921) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934) Brooks (1971). 1832 M+ 5 Spruce (1864) Mackenna (1877) Basadre (1884) Eguiguren (1894) Bachmann (1921) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1837 M+ 5 Mackenna (1877) Eguiguren (1894) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934). 1844-46 M/S+ 4 Spruce (1864) Mackenna (1877) Basadre (1884) Eguiguren (1894) Adams (1905) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1850 M 4 Mackenna (1877) Eguiguren (1894) Gormaz (1901) Fuchs (1925) Taulis (1934). 1852 M 4 Spruce (1864) Eguiguren (1894). 1854 M 4 Spruce (1864) Eguiguren (1894). 1857-58 M 5 Mackenna (1877) Eguiguren (1894) Gormaz (1901) Labarthe (1914) Gaudron (1925) Portocarrero (1926) Zegarra (1926) Taulis (1934). 1860 M 4 El Comercio (01/07/1860;02/04/1860) Gormaz (1901) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934). 1862 M- 4 Spruce (1864) Eguiguren (1894). 1864 S 5 Spruce (1864) Mackenna (1877) Eguiguren (1894) Taulis (1934). 1866 M+ 5 Eguiguren (1894) Adams (1905) Labarthe (1914) Bachmann (1921) Portocarrero (1926). 1867-68 M+ 4 El Comercio (01/10/1872) Mackenna (1877) Eguiguren (1894) Raimondi (1897) Gormaz (1901) Bachmann (1921) Taulis (1934). 1871 S+ 5 Hutchinson (1873) Middendorf (1894) Eguiguren (1894) Adams (1905) Tizon y Bueno (1907) Leguia y Martinez (1914) Sievers (1914) Labarthe (1914) Bachmann (1921) Anonymous (1925) Gaudron (1925) Portocarrero (1926). 1874 M 4 LaPatria (02/09/1874) Gormaz (1901) Adams (1905) Bachmann (1921). 1877-78 VS 5 Mackenna (1877) Basadre (1884) Eguiguren (1894) Palma (1894) Adams (1905) Melo (1913) Sievers (1914) Labarthe (1914) Leguia y Martinez (1914) Bachmann (1921) Anonymous (1925) Portocarrero (1926) Murphy (1926) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971) Kiladis and Diaz (1986). 1880 M 4 Puls (1885) Eguiguren (1894) Taulis (1934). 1884 S+ 5 Eguiguren (1894) Gormaz (1901) Sievers (1914) Labarthe (1914) Bachmann (1921) Murphy (1925) Anonymous (1925) Portocarrero (1926). 1887-89 M-/M+ 4 Eguiguren (1894) Gormaz (1901) Bravo (1903) Labarthe (1914) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1891 VS 5 Carranza (1891) Eguiguren (1894) Gormaz (1901) Adams (1905) Fuchs (1907) Labarthe (1914) Leguia y Martinez (1914) Sievers (1914) Bachmann (1921) Anonymous (1925) Zegarra (1926) Murphy (1926) Portocarrero (1926) Taulis (1934) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971) Nials et al. (1979). 1897 M+ 4 El Comercio (02/03/1897, 02/22/1897) Gormaz (1901) Bravo (1903) Bachmann (1921) Jones (1933) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1899-1900 S 5 El Comercio (2/10/1899) Gormaz (1901) Labarthe (1914) Bachmann (1921) Murphy (1923) Portocarrero (1926) Jones (1933) Taulis (1934) Schott (1938) Andrade (1948) Hutchinson (1950) Brooks (1971). 1902 M+ 4 El Comercio (02/17/1902) Bachmann (1921) Jones (1933) Taulis (1934) Schott (1938) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1904-05 M- 4 Bachmann (1921) Jones (1933) Taulis (1934) Schott (1938) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1907 M 3 Paz Soldan (1908) Remy (1931) Jones (1933) Andrade (1948) Brooks (1971). 1910 M+ 3 El Comercio (02/10/1910) Labarthe (1914) Bachmann (1921) Portocarrero (1926) Jones (1933). 1911-12 S 5 Forbes (1913, 1914) Bowman (1916, 1924) Barclay (1917) Lavalle y Garcia (1917) Garcia (1921) Ballen (1925) Jones (1933) Schott (1938) Vogt (1940) Hutchinson (1950) Schweigger (1961). 1914-15 M+ 5 Labarthe (1914) Garcia (1921) Bowman (1924) Zegarra (1926) Portocarrero (1926) Jones (1933) Taulis (1934) Petersen (1935) Schott (1938) Andrade (1948) Schweigger (1961) Brooks (1971) Markham (1972). 1917 S 5 Lavalle y Garcia (1917) Garcia (1921) Murphy (1923) Ballen (1925) Portocarrero (1926) Zegarra (1926) Jones (1933) Petersen (1935) Maisch (1936) Hutchinson (1950) Schweigger (1961). 1918-19 M 5 Fuchs (1918, 1937) Garcia (1921) Murphy (1923) Portocarrero (1926) Jones (1933) Taulis (1934) Maisch (1936) Schott (1938) Vogt (1940) Andrade (1948) Hutchinson (1950) Brooks (1971) Markham (1972). 1923 M 5 Lavalle y Garcia (1924) Ballen (1925) Zegarra (1926) Jones (1933) Gunther (1936) Hutchinson (1950) Schweigger (1961). 1925-26 VS 5 Fuchs (1925, 1937) Murphy (1926) Zegarra (1926) Berry (1927) Sheppard (1930) Jones (1933) Petersen (1935) Maisch (1936) Vogt (1940) Mews (1944) Hutchinson (1950) Rudolph (1953) Nials et at. (1979) Mugica (1983). 1930-31 M 5 Jones (1933) Petersen (1935) Andrade (1948) Hutchinson (1950) Schweigger (1961) Brooks (1971) Miller and Laurs, (1975) Woodman (1984). 1932 S 5 Sheppard (1933) Jones (1933) Petersen (1935) Schott (1938) Vogt (1940) Mears (1944) Andrade (1948) Hutchinson (1950) Rudolph (1953) Brooks (1971) Mugica (1983) Woodman (1984). 1939 M+ 5 Schweigger (1940) Vogt (1940) Mears (1944) Hutchinson (1950) Sears (1954) Mugica (1983) Woodman (1984). 1940-41 S 5 Lobell (1942) Mears (1944) Hutchinson (1950) Sears (1954) Wooster (1960) Schweigger (1961) Brooks (1971) Mugica (1983) Woodman (1984) Quinn and Zopf (1984). 1943 M+ 5 Schweigger (1961) Miller and Laurs (1975) Caviedes (1975) Mugica (1983) Woodman (1984). 1951 M- 5 Garcia Mendez (1953) Schweigger (1961) Brooks (1971) Wooster and Guillen (1974) Miller and Laurs (1975). 1953 M+ 5 Rudolph (1953) Avilla (1953) Sears (1954) Wooster and Jennings (1955) Merriman (1955) Schweigger (1961) Mugica (1983) Woodman (1984). 1957-58 S 5 Wooster (1960) Schweigger (1961) Bjerknes (1961) Brooks (1971) Idyll (1973) Miller and Laurs (1975) Caviedes (1975) Mugica (1983). Hastenrath et al. (1984). 1965 M+ 5 Guillen (1967, 1971) Wooster and Guillen (1974) Miller and Laurs (1975) Caviedes (1975) Mugica (1983) Woodman (1984). 1969 M- 5 Wooster and Guillen (1974) Miller and Laurs (1975) Quinn et al. (1978) Rasmusson and Hall (1983). 1972-73 S 5 Idyll (1973) (Wooster and Guillen (1974) Miller and Laurs (1975) Ramage (1975) Caviedes (1975) Nials et al. (1979) Mugica (1983) Woodman (1984). 1976 M 5 Quinn (1977, 1980) Ceres (1981) Smith (1983) Mugica (1983) Rasmusson and Hall (1983) Quinn and Neal (1983) Woodman (1984). 1982-83 VS 5 Mugica (1983) Rasmusson and Hall (1983) Rasmusson and Wallace (1983) Quiroz (1983) Smith (1983) Le Comte (1984) Quinn and Zopf (1984) Woodman (1984) Caviedes (1984) Canby (1984) Quinn and Neal (1984). 1987 M 5 Quinn et al. (1987) Le Comte (1988) reports of anomalous storm activity and heavy rainfall over subtropical and northern Chile (from V. T. Neal, during his 1987 assignment in Chile).