PR-Challenge Pseudo-Proxy and Pseudo-Instrumental Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: PR-Challenge Pseudo-Proxy and Pseudo-Instrumental Data LAST UPDATE: 1/2014 (Addition of Theme 3 Mann experiments) 9/2012 (update documentation) 6/2011 (Addition of Esper 1/2 experiments) 3/2011 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: N. Graham, K. Anchukaitis IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: N/A WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Graham, N., et al. 2011. Paleoclimate Reconstruction (PR) Challenge. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # N/A. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Global PERIOD OF RECORD: 800 - 2005 AD FUNDING SOURCES: NOAA/OAR/Climate Program Office, PAGES DESCRIPTION: Special Note: As of August 16, 2011 - Please note that a coding error was discovered for the monthly surface air temperature (sites_sat) files in the following PR Challenge themes. These have been corrected and updated as of this date. THEME1/ESPER1 -- ERIK2 THEME1/ESPER2 -- ERIK2, MPI (all five simulations), NCAR THEME2 -- ERIK2, MPI (all five simulations), NCAR Design of the PR Challenge Pseudo Proxy Data The organization of the Challenge pseudo proxy data is around three primary themes. In each theme, a set of long (1000+ years) radiatively forced global climate model (GCM) simulations is used as the basis for formation of simulated proxy data ("pseudo-proxies") and to provide the simulated "instrumental" target data for both calibration and examination of reconstruction fidelity. A number of GCM runs (from different ensemble members and different models) are used for each theme, providing a range of simulated climate evolutions that present different "reconstruction challenges" (cf. Smerdon et al., 2010a, where differences between GCMs used in reconstruction simulations are shown to have some impact on experimental results). Description of the GCMs and development of pseudo-proxies follows the description of the themes below. Theme 1 - Reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere temperature index with strongly limited proxy data set. The proxy data set is designed to mimic that used by Esper et al. (2002), updated by Cook et al. (2004), with 14 extratropical sites in the Northern Hemisphere. In this theme, the simulated hemispheric-level temperature (defined for the target data as 20-90° N) is provided as a reconstruction target. Specific details for Theme 1 are as follows (GCM models are described below): ESPER 1 – June 22, 2011 – This is the original suite of pseudo proxy data as announced in April, 2011. It has been augmented to include another GCM simulation, "ERIK2", and also to provide annual growth of each simulated "tree" in the pseudo-proxy data and the mean monthly temperature time series at the "instrumental" grid cell nearest to each pseudo-proxy site. MPI-M ensemble runs 1-4: proxy and instrumental data coverage 800-2005 MPI-M ensemble run 5: proxy data coverage 800-2005, instrumental data coverage 1850-2005 NCAR run: proxy and instrumental data coverage 850-1999 ERIK2 run: proxy and instrumental data coverage 1000-1990 The annual growth outputs for the individual simulated "trees" that make up the pseudo-proxy data at each site (described below) are also available for the above runs, along with the mean monthly temperature time series at the nearest "instrumental" grid cell (both covering the period 1850-end of record). These data are provided in case participants wish to examine individual simulated "trees" for their relative fidelity to local subannual temperatures. ESPER 2 – June 22, 2011 – This is a new set of data following the same structure as ESPER 1, but with two minor changes in the preparation of the pseudo-proxy data. 1) The "VSLite" tree growth model used to formulate the pseudo-proxies (described below) has been updated to correct an error reported in an exponential term in the portion of the moisture sub-model that computes evapotranspiration. Note that the differences between the updated and original VSLite outputs were found to be minimal for a sample of cases checked. 2) Locations for three of the 14 pseudo-proxy sites were adjusted with each GCM's own land mask, so that the surrounding grid cells used to provide input for the VSLite model are all terrestrial sites (details below). The three changed locations are listed here (lon/lat pairs, <0 longitudes are West): Site 4: -117.46/35.15 changed to -117.46/35.5 Site 5: -75.6/57.26 changed to -75.0/57.26 Site 8: 18.66/56.73 changed to 22.5/56.73 Note that users who would like to evaluate the Esper 1 proxy locations with pseudo-proxies generated by the updated VSLite model can contact Dr. Nicholas Graham at to receive these data. Theme 2 - Reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere temperature index and spatial patterns with a richer, but still somewhat limited proxy data set. The proxy data set is designed to mimic that used by D'Arrigo et al (2006), with 62 sites in the Northern Hemisphere at > 40° N (four sites were not implemented because they were very close to other sites and would have required location adjustments, similar to those described above for the Esper 2). In this theme, the simulated hemispheric-level temperature (defined for the target data as 20-90° N) is provided as a reconstruction target. Spatial target data can be defined from the MPI-M, NCAR, and ERIK2 simulation data sets, available in the "Model Data" component of the "Paleoclimate Network" developed by NOAA-Paleoclimatology/WDC for Paleoclimatology, Specific details for Theme 2 are as follows: The Theme 2 data go by the name D'ARRIGO, to conform with the nomenclature used for Theme 1 (first author's last name). The structure of the data for this theme is the same as that described for the Theme 1 Esper 1 data above. For the D'Arrigo data a common land-sea mask was used across the three GCMs employed (see below), and the corrected version of the VSLite tree growth model (see above) was employed. As with the Esper 1 and 2 sets of data, the annual growth outputs for the individual simulated "trees" that make up the pseudo-proxy data at each site are available, along with the mean monthly temperature time series at the nearest "instrumental" grid cell (both covering the period 1850-end of record). Theme 3 - Reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere temperature index and global spatial patterns using the richest and most spatially diverse set proxy data set in the Challenge. The proxy data set is designed to mimic that used by Mann et al (1998/1999) and in numerous reconstruction simulation experiments, with 104 sites spread across the globe (e.g., Mann et al., 2007; Smerdon et al., 2010b). 77 individual sites are used in Theme 3 to represent this data set. In this theme, the simulated hemispheric-level temperature (defined for the target data as 0-90° N) is provided as a reconstruction target. Spatial target data can be defined from the MPI-M, NCAR, and ERIK2 simulation data sets, available in the "Model Data" component of the "Paleoclimate Network" developed by NOAA-Paleoclimatology/WDC for Paleoclimatology, Specific details for Theme 3 are as follows: The Theme 3 data go by the name MANN, to conform with the nomenclature used for Themes 1 and 2 (first author's last name). The structure of the data for this theme is similar to that described for the Theme 1 Esper 1 data above, with the addition that simulated coral d18O proxies are also included for the ERIK2 and MPI-M Ensemble 1 runs. These are accompanied by simulated ensemble coral time series for the individual sites and corresponding "instrumental" grid cell monthly sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity data over 1850-end of record (paralleling the detailed information provided in the simulated tree growth ensemble data, see the "Characteristics of pseudo-proxy data" section below). The pseudo-tree ring data were calculated exactly as was done for the other networks (e.g. Esper2 and D'Arrigo). There are 71 pseudo-chronologies in the Mann network. This network is more widely distributed in space than the D'Arrigo network (62 sites), including a few Southern Hemisphere chronology sites. For the New Zealand sites, the information to drive interpolation for pseudo tree production was handled differently (2-meter air temperature over the ocean was employed) to obviate model grid land-sea definition problems. As with the Esper 1 and 2 and D'Arrigo sets of data, the annual growth outputs for the individual simulated "trees" that make up the pseudo-proxy data at each site are available, along with the mean monthly temperature time series at the nearest "instrumental" grid cell (both covering the period 1850-end of record). For the Mann data a common land-sea mask was used across the three GCMs employed (see below), and the corrected version of the VSLite tree growth model (see above) was employed. [Gridding specifically related to construction of the coral pseudo proxies is discussed below.] GCM Simulations: Results from millennium simulations with three climate models have been used to produce pseudo-proxy and simulated instrumental data. These include an ensemble of five simulations from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) Earth System Model (ESM; Jungclaus et al. 2010), composed of the ECHAM5 atmospheric model, the MPIOM ocean model, and a full carbon cycle model composed of ocean and land-surface components. These simulations include volcanic and solar forcing (reduced amplitude compared with most earlier millennium simulations), prescribed land use changes, orbital forcing, greenhouse gas changes (with interactive calculation of CO2 concentrations), and aerosol forcing. The simulations cover 800-2005 AD. The model atmosphere uses triangular-31 spectral truncation (T31, approximately 3.75° resolution). Other results come from a single 1150-year simulation (850-1999 AD) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate System Model (CCSM) version 1.4 (Ammann et al. 2007). For this simulation, the atmospheric component of CCSM was configured with the same ~3.75° resolution as the MPI-M ESM. This simulation was forced with estimated changes in solar irradiance (more than 2.5 times larger than those used in the MPI-M runs), greenhouse gas concentrations, and volcanic aerosols. This run does not include orbital forcing, land use changes, or a carbon cycle model. The simulation covers 850-1999AD and had noticeable drift (cooling) through the first few centuries. The effects of this drift were removed using splines (see Ammann et al. 2007) for the pseudo-proxy results produced to date, though results from the original (un-splined) data may be used in the future. Results also come from a single 991-year simulation (1000-1990 AD) from HZG (formerly (GKSS) in Germany, using the ECHO-G coupled model. This run is called ERIK2, and uses the ECHAM4 atmospheric model at T30 (~4.0°) resolution, coupled with the HOPE ocean model (Gonzalez-Rouco et al. 2006). The simulation was forced with estimated changes in volcanic aerosols, solar irradiance, and greenhouse gas concentrations; it does not include orbital forcing, land use changes, or a carbon cycle model. ERIK2 uses the same forcing as ERIK1 (Gonzales-Rouco et al. 2003), but with cooler initial conditions to avoid drift during the early centuries noted in the ERIK1 simulation. Characteristics of pseudo-proxy data: Tree growth model The pseudo-proxy data mimic annual tree growth increments ("trw"), using the simplified Vaganov-Shashkin tree growth model (called "VSLite") developed by Suz Tolwinski-Ward of the University of Arizona (now at AIR Worldwide; Tolwinski-Ward et al., 2010). In the Challenge data, this model, which incorporates a soil moisture content sub-component, was applied using monthly temperature and precipitation from the GCM output interpolated linearly to each proxy location. [Generally, these inputs come from the surrounding 4 grid points, but with a restriction to 3 grid points for the pseudo-proxy locations listed above in the Esper 2 and D'Arrigo data sets to ensure that all inputs come from terrestrial sites. Harmonic interpolation was used for Esper 1 and inverse distance (great circle) interpolation for Esper 2 and D'Arrigo.] A suite of ten simulated "trees" were grown at each site, each using the same meteorological forcing but different (semi-randomized) values of the parameters controlling the response to the temperature and precipitation. As with real-world tree growth "chronologies", the growth outputs for each of the individually simulated trees were combined to form one pseudo-proxy chronology for each site. Added non-climatic noise A simulated chronology represents a "perfect" biotic pseudo-proxy for each site, in the sense that its relationship with the underlying climate is mediated only by the growth characteristics embedded in the VSLite model. A set of increasing levels of white noise (noise without frequency bias) are added to this baseline "perfect" pseudo-proxy to mimic non-climatic factors that are also embedded in tree growth characteristics. These levels are designed to make the overall signal-to-noise (SN) ratios of the noise-added pseudo-proxies be 1.0 and 0.25, by ratio of the variance of the original simulated chronology to the variance of the added noise. A final set of pseudo-proxies included additive "red noise" as a first-year autoregressive process (AR1 = 0.32), again with an overall SN ratio at 0.25 by variance ratio. These four kinds of pseudo proxies are coded by the variable names of the pseudo-proxy files, as listed below using the example of the Esper 1 proxy set from Theme 1: esper_trw_niter10_ens1 esper_trw_niter10_ens1.sn1.0 esper_trw_niter10_ens1.sn0.25 esper_trw_niter10_ens1.sn0.25rho0.32 . The term "ens1" means the first of the five integrations of the MPI-M paleoclimate model used to formulate Challenge data. MPI-M integrations 2-5 are similarly coded "ens2", etc. Outputs from the NCAR and ERIK2 models are also available for the same sequence of noise levels. The NCAR model run's designation is "b056dtr" (b056 is the run family designator, "dtr" indicates the spline detrending noted above). The ERIK2 model run's designation is "erik2". For the Esper 1 data, the pseudo-proxy data are contained in folder paths entitled "Esper1/Esper_MPI/Esper_MPI_ensemble1(2-5)", "Esper1/Esper_NCAR", and "Esper1/Esper_ERIK2". For the Esper 2 data, the individual pseudo-proxy file names are similar, but they all start with the designator "esper2". The folder path structure is identical, except that first component of the path structure is "Esper2". Note that the pseudo-proxy data have been processed to have zero mean and unit variance over the full record. The Esper 1(2) growth output data for the individual simulated "trees" are similarly contained in folders entitled "Esper1(2)/Esper_MPI/Esper_MPI_trwz", "Esper1(2)/Esper_NCAR/Esper_NCAR_trwz", and "Esper1(2)/Esper_ERIK2/Esper_ERIK2_trwz". These files have the following naming format, using the MPI-M model case as an example: esper(2)_mpiE1_trwz_ens01_01.1850. The term "ens01_01" indicates the first of the five MPI-M integrations, coupled with the first sequence number of the semi-randomized parameter set used to drive the VSLite model (sequence ranges from 1-10). Thus, there are 10 individual simulated "tree" files for each of the five MPI-M integrations. The data cover 1850-2005. A file containing metadata and format information is included in the "Esper1/Esper_MPI/Esper_MPI_trwz" folder, and is named: The NCAR and ERIK2 runs each have ten individual simulated "tree" files in the same format; the data cover 1850-1999 for the NCAR case and 1850-1990 for the ERIK2 case. The Esper1(2) mean monthly temperature time series at the nearest "instrumental" grid cell to a pseudo-proxy location are contained in folders entitled "Esper1(2)/Esper_MPI/Esper_MPI_sites_sat", "Esper1(2)/Esper_NCAR/Esper_NCAR_sites_sat", and "Esper1(2)/Esper_ERIK2/Esper_ERIK2_sites_sat". These files have the following naming format, using the MPI-M model case as an example: esper(2)_mpiE1_sites_sat_01.1850. The term "01" indicates the first of the five MPI-M integrations. The data cover 1850-2005. A file containing metadata and format information is included in the "Esper1/Esper_MPI/Esper_MPI_sites_sat" folder, and is named: The NCAR and ERIK2 runs each have one file in the same format; the data cover 1850-1999 for the NCAR case and 1850-1990 for the ERIK2 case. Data files for the Theme 2 D'Arrigo et al. network use the tag "dwj2" in place of "esper", and folder paths for Theme 2 use the tag "DArrigo". Data files and folder paths for the Theme 3 Mann et al. network use the tag "manntree" or "manncoral". The data files and path structures for Themes 2 and 3 follow the formats described above for the Theme 1 data. Coral model The coral network provided in Theme 3 consists of 6 sites corresponding to the following actual coral data sites, with their specific periods of record, listed below. The sites are provided in this order in the coral ensemble data files. Malindi - Kenya (1697-1994) Houtman Abrolhos Islands - western Australia (1795-1994) Amedee Island - Noumea (1657-1992) Palmyra Atoll – United States (928-1998, in sections) Urvina Bay - Galapagos Islands, Ecuador (1657-1903) Secas Island - Panama (1707-1984) The two xls files provided (one in the MANN_ERIK2 folder and one in the MANN_MPI_ensemble1 folder) give the locations of the pseudo-proxy corals from the two climate model runs and the actual proxy locations. Note that in the actual Mann network there are coral d18O records from Noumea, Vanuatu, Galapagos and Panama. This set has been altered and augmented for the purpose of producing the pseudo proxies in the MANN data set for the PR Challenge. The simulated coral data cover the entire millennium unlike the more limited periods of record noted above. For the MPI-M simulation, the salinity data were taken from a 1x1 degree data set and the surface temperature data from a T31 spectral resolution data set (~3.75 degree resolution). Because of differences in grid resolution and land/sea masking, the grid points for the salinity and surface temperature data were selected manually to ensure that the locations' data were as close as possible to the actual proxy locations and, for surface temperature, not over land. For the ERIK2 simulation, the salinity and SST data were supplied on a T42 spectral grid. These data were interpolated (inverse distance, no land points) to the prescribed locations. The coral pseudo-proxy d18O data were constructed as in Thompson et al. (2010) using the relation -d18O' = a SST' + b SSS', where the primes indicate anomalies from the long term averages (over the full simulation) in degrees C for SST, psu for SSS, and per mil for d18O. The parameter "a" was set to -0.22 with a standard deviation of 0.02. The parameter "b" was set to 0.27 (+/- 0.006) for the tropical Pacific, 0.45 (+/- 0.28) for the South Pacific, and 0.16 (+/- 0.044) for the Indian Ocean. [Graham and co-authors (in preparation) Pseudo-proxy and actual coral d18O data for the past several centuries from two past millennium simulations: comparisons and implications.] The coral data sets are structured like the trw data sets; below is the listing for the MPI-M Ensemble 1 coral data. 1) The following files parallel the individual trw series that make up the "chronology" (i.e. each uses a different set of parameters). The parameters were randomized using a normal distribution with the means and standard deviations given above. manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_01.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_02.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_03.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_04.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_05.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_06.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_07.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_08.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_09.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_ens01_10.1850.txt 2) The following files parallel tree ring chronologies with various amounts/types of added noise. manncoral_mpiE1_d18_niter10_ens1.sn0.25rho0.32.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_niter10_ens1.sn0.25.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_niter10_ens1.sn1.0.txt manncoral_mpiE1_d18_niter10_ens1.txt 3) The following files provide the SST and SSS data. In this case, these are the actual data used to calculate the pseudo-d18O. manncoral_mpiE1_sites_sss_01.1850.txt manncoral_mpiE1_sites_sst_01.1850.txt Simulated instrumental data: The file names for the Northern hemispheric target data always include the string "nhtemp", an example is given below using the Esper 1 MPI-M data: mpimil_nhtemp_ens1. For the Esper 1 data, the simulated instrumental data are contained in folder paths entitled "Esper1/Esper_MPI/Esper_MPI_ensemble1(2-5)", "Esper1/Esper_NCAR", and "Esper1/Esper_ERIK2". For the Esper 2 data, the individual simulated instrumental data file names are similar to those in Esper 1, and the data values they contain are identical across the Esper 1(2) datasets. The folder path structure is identical, except that first component of the path structure is "Esper2". The data files and path structures for Theme 2 (DArrigo) follow the formats described above for the Theme 1 data, and the values contained in the simulated instrumental data files are identical to those in the Esper 1(2) data sets. The data files and path structures for Theme 3 (Mann) follow the formats described above for the Theme 1 data. Note that the target data are provided in degrees Kelvin. For more information, please see the PR Challenge Home Page at: Accessing Data Sets for the Challenge Experiments: The pseudo-proxy and simulated instrumental data sets for the Challenge themes are available for downloading in an ftp structure from NOAA Paleoclimatology/World Data Center of Paleoclimatology, at the following URLs: Theme 1 Esper 1: Theme 1 Esper 2: Theme 2 DArrigo: Theme 3 Mann: REFERENCES: Ammann, C.M., F. Joos, D. Schimel, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, R. Tomas. 2007. Solar influence on climate during the Last Millennium. 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