The .exe files in this directory are all self-extracting archive files. Download as binary files. Type the filename at the MS-DOS prompt to extract their contents. chkdb300.exe - Pollen Database CHECK_DB script. dbsu9509.exe - Pollen Database Structure Update script and system tables. newforms.exe - Tilia Form (.FRM) files and FRM2FRM.EXE conversion program. pd2t303.exe - Pollen Database to Tilia (PD2TIL) script. pdm13w70.exe - Pollen Database Manual in Word 7.0 format. t2pd309.exe - Tilia to Pollen Database (TIL2PD) script. updv300.exe - Update views (UPDVIEW) script. - Paradox 4.5 script that updates the SITELOC LatDD/LonDD and LatDMS/LonDMS fields. The programs in the above archives were designed to work in accordance with the Pollen Database Structure following the update of September 1995. John Keltner 25 March 1999