# NAPMD ASCII Format # 07 Aug 01 # # **************************************************************** # ** Please acknowledge the contributors and the North American ** # ** Plant Macrofossil Database when using these data. ** # **************************************************************** # # Site name: St. Eugene # Place: CAN:Québec # Latitude: 47.04.20N ( 47.072222) # Longitude: 70.19.40W ( -70.327778) # Elevation(m): 144 # Sigle: STEUGENE # Entity name: # Contact person: Anderson, T.W. # # Radiocarbon dates: # Depth Thk Age SDup SDlo Lab no. Basis Material # 0.0 15 11050 130 130 QU-448 U bulk plant material # # Chron name: NAPMD1 # Age model: snapshot # Age bounds: 11040 - 11060 # # Age basis: # Depth Thk Age AgeUp AgeLo RCode # 0.0 0 11050 11310 10790 C14 # # Publications: Mott, R.J., T.W. Anderson, and J.V. Matthews, Jr. 1981. # Late-glacial paleoenvironments of sites bordering the # Champlain Sea based on pollen and macrofossil evidence. # Pages 129-171 in W.C. Mahaney, editor. Quaternary # Paleoclimate. Geo Abstracts, Norwich, England. # 40 1 1 salixbsn A Salix bud scale counts 2 salixcan A Salix capsule counts 3 salhecan A Salix herbacea capsule counts 4 salhelen A Salix herbacea leaf counts 5 armmscln B Armeria maritima s. sibirica calyx counts 6 cecalsen B Cerastium cf. alpinum seed counts 7 cfcarsen B cf. Armeria maritima seed counts 8 cfcsasen B cf. Saxifraga seed counts 9 dryinlen B Dryas integrifolia leaf counts 10 frcvisen B Fragaria cf. virginiana seed counts 11 fragasen B Fragaria seed counts 12 fravesen B Fragaria vesca seed counts 13 oxydisen B Oxyria digyna seed counts 14 potensen B Potentilla seed counts 15 sibprsen B Sibbaldia procumbens seed counts 16 silaesen B Silene acaulis var. exscapa seed counts 17 tacphsen B Taraxacum cf. phymatocarpum seed counts 18 aulpasgn M Aulacomnium palustre stem fragment counts 19 aultusgn M Aulacomnium turgidum stem fragment counts 20 brypssgn M Bryum pseudotriquetrum stem fragment counts 21 calsasgn M Calliergon sarmentosum stem fragment counts 22 dreresgn M Drepanocladus revolvens stem fragment counts 23 drepasgn M Drepanocladus stem fragment counts 24 encalsgn M Encalypta stem fragment counts 25 scoscsgn M Scorpidium scorpioides stem fragment counts 26 tomnisgn M Tomenthypnum nitens stem fragment counts 27 cacbisen Q Carex cf. bigelowii seed counts 28 cacmasen Q Carex cf. maritima seed counts 29 cacnasen Q Carex cf. nardina seed counts 30 carflsen Q Carex flava seed counts 31 carmasen Q Carex maritima seed counts 32 carexsen Q Carex seed counts 33 cinclsgn Q Cinclidium stem fragment counts 34 compasen Q Comarum palustre seed counts 35 juncusen Q Juncus seed counts 36 najflsen Q Najas flexilis seed counts 37 pocfisen Q Potamogeton cf. filiformis seed counts 38 potamsen Q Potamogeton seed counts 39 ractesen Q Ranunculus cf. trichophyllus v. eradicatus seed counts 40 spcersen Q Sparganium cf. erectum seed counts 0, , 11050 44.0 7.0 10.0 141.0 28.0 36.0 11.0 1.0 42.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 66.0 189.0 2.0 41.0 6.0 30.0 39.0 16.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 47.0 42.0 81.0 3.0 115.0 267.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 1.0