Lake Punta Laguna Isotopic Data: Readme file ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOAA Paleoclimatology Program and World Data Center A- Paleoclimatology ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! CONTRIBUTOR: J.H. Curtis, D.A. Hodell and M. Brenner, University of Florida IGBP PAGES/WDCA Data Contribution Series #: 96-021 NAME OF DATA SET: Lake Punta Laguna ostracod and gastropod stable isotopic data LAST UPDATE: 9/96 (Original receipt date by NOAA/ WDC-A Paleo) GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Lake Punta Laguna, Yucatan, Mexico, 20.63°N, 87.5°W PERIOD OF RECORD: 1600 B.C.-Present LIST OF FILES: PuntaLaguna.readme, PuntaLaguna.txt (tab-delimited ASCII data file). DESCRIPTION: Stable isotopic data (d18O and d13C) with radiocarbon ages, from ostracod and gastropod samples taken in Lake Punta Laguna, Yucatan, Mexico. These data were used to reconstruct precipitation/evaporation ratios as a paleo-drought indicator, and are correlated to the cultural evolution of the Maya. The data in PuntaLaguna.csv and PuntaLaguna.txt are unsmoothed. Data was smoothed in Curtis et al 1996. Water depth at coring site 6.3m. Species sampled are Cytheridella ilosvayi and Pyrgophorus coronatus. Precision for d18O is +- 0.09% and for d13C is +- 0.08%. Radiocarbon dates: Sample Type Depth(cm) Accession# 14C Age(Yr BP) Calibrated Age(AD/BC) Terrestrial Wood 81 OS-6550 610 +-50 1368 AD Terrestrial Wood 145 OS-10009 965 +-25 1030 AD Terrestrial Wood 197 OS-10010 1530 +-50 569 AD Terrestrial Wood 380 OS-6553 2440 +-45 455 BC Terrestrial Wood 494 OS-6554 2840 +-30 976 BC ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Curtis, J.H., D.A. Hodell, and M. Brenner, 1996, Climate Variability on the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico) during the last 3500 years, and implications for Maya cultural evolution, Quaternary Research 46: 37-47. SUGGESTED DATA CITATION: Curtis, J.H., 1996, Stable Isotope Data, Yucatan, Mexico. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center-A for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 96-021. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.