# Laguna del Maule, Chile 13,000 Year Multiproxy Sediment Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 3.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/29692 # Description: NOAA Landing Page # Online_Resource: https://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/southamerica/chile/maule2020geochem.txt # Description: NOAA location of the template # # Original_Source_URL: # Description: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Data_Type: Paleolimnology # # Dataset_DOI: # # Parameter_Keywords: carbon isotopes, nitrogen isotopes, geochemistry, population abundance #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2020-05-05 #-------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2020-05-05 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Laguna del Maule, Chile 13,000 Year Multiproxy Sediment Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Frugone-Álvarez, M.; Valero-Garcés, B. #-------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: Geochemical, stable isotope, and pollen data from sediments collected in Laguna del Maule, Chile for the past 13,000 years for the HOLOCHILL project. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Matías Frugone-Álvarez, Claudio Latorre, Fernando Barreiro-Lostres, Santiago Giralt, Ana Moreno, Josué Polanco-Martínez, Antonio Maldonado, María Laura Carrevedo, Patricia Bernárdez, Ricardo Prego, Antonio Delgado Huertas, Magdalena Fuentealba, and Blas Valero-Garcés # Published_Date_or_Year: 2020-05-08 # Published_Title: Volcanism and climate change as drivers in Holocene depositional dynamic of Laguna del Maule (Andes of central Chile - 36 S) # Journal_Name: Climate of the Past # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.5194/cp-2019-147 # Online_Resource: https://www.clim-past-discuss.net/cp-2019-147/ # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Late Quaternary volcanic basins are active landscapes from which detailed archives of past climate, seismic and volcanic activity can be obtained. A multidisciplinary study performed on a transect of sediment cores was used to reconstruct the depositional evolution of the high-elevation Laguna del Maule (LdM) (36 S, 2180 m asl, Chilean Andes). The recovered 5 m composite sediment sequence includes two thick turbidite units (LT1 and LT2) and numerous tephra layers (23 ash and 6 lapilli). We produced an age model is based on nine new 14C AMS date, existing 210Pb and 137Cs data and the Quizapú ash horizon (CE 1932). According to this age model, early Holocene were followed by a phase of increased productivity during the mid Holocene and higher lake levels after 4.0 ka BP. Major hydroclimate transitions occurred at ca. 0.5, 4.0, 8.0 and 11 ka BP. Decreased summer insolation and winter precipitation due to a southward shift in the Southern Westerly Winds and a strengthened Pacific Subtropical High could explain early Holocene lower lake levels. Increased biological productivity during the mid-Holocene (~ 8.0 to 6.0 ka) is coeval with a warm-dry phase described for much of southern South America. Periods of higher lake productivity are synchronous to higher frequency of volcanic events. During the late Holocene, the tephra layers shows compositional changes suggesting a transition from silica-rich to silica-poor magmas at around 4.0 cal ka BP. This transition was synchronous with increased variability of sedimentary facies and geochemical proxies, indicating higher lake levels and increased moisture at LdM after 4.0 cal ka BP, most likely caused by the inception of current ENSO/PDO-like dynamics in central Chile. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: FONDECYT; CSIC Spain # Grant: HOLOCHILL project (CGL2012-32501);IEB (grant AFB170008); FONDECYT 3180368 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Laguna del Maule # Location: South America>Chile # Country: Chile # Northernmost_Latitude: -36.04 # Southernmost_Latitude: -36.04 # Easternmost_Longitude: -70.5 # Westernmost_Longitude: -70.5 # Elevation: 2180 #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: LdM2020geochem # Earliest_Year: 13201 # Most_Recent_Year: -62 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: 2.68 # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # Radiocarbon dating of LdM sequence. # We used only the macrophytes samples for the construction of age-depth model with # a reservoir correction of 4700 years. The table shows the median age with reservoir # effect corrected from the Bayesian age-depth model and uncertainties (lower and upper error). # (*) Indicates the AMS radiocarbon dates without 14C reservoir effect. # (**) Dating excluded from the age model. # # Lab Code ID Section Depth(m) 14C a BP 1 sigma MedianW/R (cal a BP) lower a upper a Material # Poz-59915 LEM11-3D 0.13 85 * 25 48 86 23 Wood # Poz-57545 LEM13-3A 0.14 4,820 60& 36 60 22 Macrophytes # UCIAMS133686 LEM11-1A 0.30 4,760 ** 15 -- -- -- Bulk sediment # UCIAMS133687 LEM11-1A 0.38 680 * 35 536 633 400 Plant macros # D-AMS001135 LEM11-1A 0.47 4,367 ** 25 -- -- -- Bulk sediment # Poz-59917 LEM13-3A-2U 1.57 8,230 50 4,040 4,395 3,741 Macrophytes # Poz-59918 LEM13-3A-2U 1.58 8,500 50 4,066 4,410 3,790 Macrophytes # Poz-59919 LEM13-3A-3U 2.00 11,440 60 7,466 7,800 6,890 Macrophytes # Poz-59921 LEM13-3A-3U 2.13 12,550 70 8,517 8,940 8,157 Macrophytes # Poz-59922 LEM13-3A-3U 2.34 14,000 70 10,290 10,707 9,850 Macrophytes # Poz-59923 LEM13-3A-3U 2.59 15,630 130 12,467 12,997 11,465 Macrophytes # Poz-57281 LEM13-20m -- 2,370 (***) 30 -- -- -- DIC # Poz-60705 LEM135D -- 2,380 (***) 30 -- -- -- Modern macrophytes # # R code # labID age error depth cc dR dSTD t.a t.b # Pb-210 -61.1 2.32 0 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 -52.5 2.23 2 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 -37 2.64 4 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 -26 3.27 5 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 -14.9 4.07 6 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 -5.4 4.96 7 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 2.3 6.04 8 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 13.9 7.94 9.5 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 24.7 10.86 10.5 0 0 0 3 4 # Pb-210 45.6 20.35 11.5 0 0 0 3 4 # th1 19.5 1 12 0 0 0 3 4 # Poz-57545 85 25 13 3 0 0 3 4 # Poz-59915 4820 60 14 3 4700 60 3 4 # 133687 680 35 38 3 0 0 3 4 # Poz-59917 8230 50 157 3 4700 60 3 4 # Poz-59918 8500 50 158 3 4700 60 3 4 # Poz-59919 11440 60 200 3 4700 60 3 4 # Poz-59921 12550 70 213 3 4700 60 3 4 # Poz-59922 14000 70 234 3 4700 60 3 4 # Poz-59923 15630 130 259 3 4700 60 3 4 # # source('Bacon.R') # Bacon("LEM", acc.mean=80, res=20, acc.shape=1.5, mem.strength=4, mem.mean=0.7, thick=4,d.by=1, ssize=8000, d.max=268, rotate.axes=TRUE) # dev.off() # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: one per line, shortname-tab-variable components (what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type,detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data, free text) # ## Unit notes,,,,,paleolimnology,,,C,sedimentary unit ## Facies notes,,,,,paleolimnology,,,C,sedimentary facies ## depth depth,,,centimeter,,paleolimnology,,,N, ## age_BP age,,,calendar year before present,,paleolimnology,,,N,age median ## MS mass magnetic susceptibility,sediment,,cubic meter per kilogram,,paleolimnology,corrected, magnetic susceptibility measurement,N,units are 10^[-8] m3/kg;GEOTEK Single Track Core Imaging System ## TS sulfur,sediment,,percent,,paleolimnology,corrected,elemental analysis,N,LECO elemental analyzer total sulfur ## TC carbon,sediment,,percent,,paleolimnology,corrected,elemental analysis,N,LECO elemental analyzer total carbon ## TIC inorganic carbon,sediment,,percent,,paleolimnology,,elemental analysis,N,LECO elemental analyzer total inorganic carbon ## TOC organic carbon,sediment,,percent,,paleolimnology,,elemental analysis,N,LECO elemental analyzer total organic carbon ## BioSi biogenic silica,sediment,,percent,,paleolimnology,corrected,elemental analysis,N,continuous flow analyzer AutoAnalyser Technicon II ## TN nitrogen,sediment,,percent,,paleolimnology,corrected,elemental analysis,N,VARIO MAX CN elemental analyzer ## d15N delta 15N,organic matter,,per mil AIR,,paleolimnology,corrected,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, Thermo Delta V Advantage IRMS coupled with a Flash2000 Elemental Analyzer ## d13C delta 13C,organic matter,,per mil VPDB,,paleolimnology,corrected,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, Thermo Delta V Advantage IRMS coupled with a Flash2000 Elemental Analyzer # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: # Unit Facies depth age_BP MS TS TC TIC TOC BioSi TN d15N d13C U1 D1 0 -62.6 44.826 0.1749 2.4230 0.00 2.4230 19.5910 0.2415 1.4289 -25.6322 U1 D1 1 -56.5 55.861 0.2295 1.8964 0.00 1.8964 18.7777 U1 D1 2 -50.4 0.2292 2.0317 0.00 2.0317 19.2227 U1 D1 3 -44.2 67.436 0.2667 2.1059 0.19598 1.9099 20.1906 U1 D1 4 -37.9 0.2549 2.0686 0.00 2.0686 19.3207 U1 D1 5 -27.2 79.958 0.2856 1.9684 0.02767 1.9407 19.2111 0.1775 3.1663 -26.1781 U1 D1 6 -16.3 0.2269 1.3810 0.26218 1.1188 19.3664 U1 D1 7 -5.5 97.936 0.2864 1.8752 0.11262 1.7626 20.4221 U1 D2 8 5.2 0.2607 1.8916 0.00 1.8916 18.6576 U1 D2 9 8.4 113.605 0.2118 1.7273 0.01317 1.7141 19.4888 U1 D2 10 11.6 0.1762 1.4648 0.00 1.4648 17.7184 0.1750 1.5257 -26.0969 U1 D2 11 14.8 127.883 0.1824 1.2566 0.00 1.2566 18.4317 U1 D2 12 18 0.2800 1.8354 0.00 1.8354 19.8123 U2 D3 13 33.2 0.3674 2.0315 0.05365 1.9778 19.2962 U2 D3 14 47.9 130.534 0.5442 3.1184 0.03919 3.0792 21.3536 0.4671 1.2085 -24.4418 U2 D3 15 62.5 0.5992 3.4015 0.08259 3.3189 21.3132 U2 D3 16 77.2 106.954 0.5271 3.4973 0.08574 3.4116 20.9187 U2 D3 17 103.4 0.4529 3.5597 0.04788 3.5118 21.6757 U2 D3 18 127.1 78.793 0.5274 3.8687 0.00 3.8687 21.2853 U2 D3 19 148 0.6830 4.2604 0.00578 4.2546 20.5872 0.5381 0.6273 -24.9606 U2 D3 20 167.4 63.398 0.5715 4.2372 0.01504 4.2222 18.7196 U2 D5 21 192.9 0.7170 4.3850 0.00620 4.3788 20.3005 U2 D5 22 218.9 57.501 0.7735 4.4646 0.04312 4.4215 20.4135 0.5720 U2 D3 23 244 0.6686 4.0467 0.28327 3.7634 20.5064 U2 D3 24 267 54.867 0.7479 4.2912 0.00 4.2912 20.7514 1.3039 -24.4901 U2 D3 25 291.7 0.7578 3.9338 0.00 3.9338 20.3845 U2 D3 26 317.3 56.829 0.6069 3.5146 0.17316 3.3414 19.7559 U2 D3 27 342.5 0.6812 3.8176 0.03189 3.7857 19.9224 U2 D3 28 366.1 59.731 0.6825 3.3763 0.05755 3.3188 20.5730 0.4200 U2 D3 29 389.5 0.5645 3.2507 0.00 3.2507 20.8625 0.3606 1.0061 -24.7852 U2 D3 30 415.1 62.383 0.6067 3.4353 0.81365 2.6217 20.5925 U2 D3 31 440.6 0.7209 3.6131 0.00 3.6131 21.0846 U2 D3 32 464.4 68.930 0.6522 3.6269 0.19447 3.4324 20.7472 0.4920 U2 D3 33 486 0.7046 3.4938 0.04259 3.4512 20.9892 U2 D3 34 509.2 77.487 0.8026 3.9000 0.00 3.9000 20.2478 0.7479 -24.1060 U2 D5 35 533.2 0.9800 4.1921 0.04214 4.1500 20.7153 U2 D5 36 557 100.695 0.9381 4.1696 0.00 4.1696 20.7650 U2 D3 37 578 0.9356 3.9074 0.10333 3.8041 20.4689 0.5070 U2 D3 38 601.6 141.013 0.6466 3.4499 0.09768 3.3522 20.2337 U2 D3 39 627 0.5632 2.6776 0.12693 2.5507 19.5776 0.3404 1.1571 -24.1350 U2 D3 40 651.4 189.941 0.5027 2.3848 0.00 2.3848 19.5262 U3 D4 41 679 196.086 0.3084 3.9165 0.00 3.9165 21.8698 0.5308 U3 D4 42 704.5 0.3704 3.7941 0.00 3.7941 0.5026 1.9108 -23.6338 U3 D4 43 727.1 131.670 0.2954 3.8299 0.13832 3.6916 21.9969 U3 D4 44 748.3 0.2759 3.8100 0.25068 3.5593 21.7998 U3 D3 45 777.5 86.949 0.3181 4.0615 0.00 4.0615 22.9552 U3 D3 46 806.2 0.3710 4.3748 0.00 4.3748 23.3770 0.6331 U3 D3 47 833.5 65.802 0.4342 4.3797 0.00 4.3797 23.1999 0.4846 1.5483 -25.0980 U3 D3 48 858.4 0.6334 4.5534 0.00 4.5534 23.9030 U3 D5 49 888.6 55.389 0.7191 4.6222 0.00 4.6222 U3 D4 50 917.9 0.6534 3.8381 0.00 3.8381 U3 D4 51 946.4 52.707 0.3439 3.4685 0.02068 3.4478 23.5083 0.5742 U3 D4 52 973.7 0.3205 2.5311 0.00 2.5311 20.7266 0.3728 1.3616 -25.6630 U3 D4 53 1003.3 46.272 0.4484 3.2969 0.07293 3.2240 22.4388 U3 D3 54 1032.8 0.5525 4.0577 0.17602 3.8817 22.6689 0.4622 U3 D4 55 1061.5 48.880 0.3963 3.8573 0.26539 3.5919 22.0971 U3 D4 56 1089.6 0.4996 3.9789 0.00 3.9789 22.9415 U3 D3 57 1119.5 42.220 0.4801 4.3525 0.00 4.3525 0.4601 1.5751 -25.3615 U3 D3 58 1149.9 0.6655 4.5551 0.00 4.5551 U3 D5 59 1179.4 41.044 0.4874 4.9130 0.00 4.9130 U3 D3 60 1207.6 0.2726 4.4771 0.00 4.4771 23.1563 U3 D3 61 1237.6 38.768 0.3217 4.3086 0.14524 4.1634 23.1842 0.6308 U3 D3 62 1266 0.4035 4.0765 0.00984 4.0667 23.0812 0.4652 1.1675 -25.0459 U3 D3 63 1295.5 38.229 0.5019 4.0491 0.00 4.0491 21.9492 U3 D4 64 1324.4 0.4287 3.4282 0.00 3.4282 22.6539 U3 D4 65 1353.9 36.908 0.5564 3.5096 0.05903 3.4506 22.1051 0.5971 U3 D4 66 1384.6 0.5599 3.6635 0.03147 3.6320 22.4878 U3 D3 67 1414.4 36.772 0.5352 4.5983 0.00 4.5983 0.5196 1.3988 -26.0106 U3 D5 68 1442.2 0.6873 4.7504 0.00 4.7504 23.8491 0.7689 U3 D3 69 1471.2 34.326 0.5259 4.6193 0.00 4.6193 23.7810 U3 D3 70 1501.2 0.9952 4.5715 0.00 4.5715 U3 D3 71 1531 35.109 0.5482 4.3332 0.00 4.3332 U3 D3 72 1560.4 0.3598 4.2464 0.00 4.2464 22.9237 0.5297 1.6290 -24.7269 U3 D3 73 1590.7 33.504 0.3822 4.1398 0.00993 4.1299 23.2365 U3 D4 74 1620.9 0.5014 3.9808 0.00058 3.9802 23.1381 0.4305 U3 D4 75 1649.6 33.584 0.5596 3.7830 0.05005 3.7330 22.7647 U3 D3 76 1680.2 0.6656 4.2309 0.07922 4.1517 23.0367 U3 D5 77 1710.8 34.375 0.5570 4.4364 0.00 4.4364 22.6568 0.5091 1.2849 -25.8276 U3 D3 78 1740.2 0.6635 4.4102 0.00 4.4102 23.7031 U3 D3 79 1770.4 36.663 0.7610 4.1970 0.00 4.1970 22.9289 0.5987 U3 D3 80 1800.1 0.7936 4.0994 0.00 4.0994 23.7053 U3 D4 81 1829.8 39.068 0.7188 3.9192 0.00 3.9192 23.9343 U3 D4 82 1859.7 0.5791 3.5738 0.29139 3.2824 22.6365 0.4210 1.7552 -26.0963 U3 D4 83 1889.5 41.210 0.7007 3.6142 0.13687 3.4773 23.5044 U3 D3 84 1917.3 0.8073 4.2728 0.18481 4.0880 23.5384 U3 D5 85 1946.1 47.739 0.7738 4.5219 0.00 4.5219 23.3688 0.5866 U3 D3 86 1975.1 0.6714 4.2660 0.00 4.2660 23.6979 U3 D3 87 2005.1 57.635 0.7497 4.0143 0.00 4.0143 22.3361 U3 D4 88 2033.7 0.7175 3.9017 0.15074 3.7510 21.8424 U3 D4 89 2063.7 75.797 0.6312 3.2016 0.00 3.2016 21.1067 U3 D5 90 2094.1 0.8830 4.7393 0.00 4.7393 23.8754 0.5360 2.3650 -26.2565 U3 D3 91 2124.4 100.919 0.7596 4.2319 0.34574 3.8862 20.1548 U3 D3 92 2154.4 0.6539 4.5249 0.16983 4.3551 23.2764 U3 D3 93 2183.7 115.582 0.7803 4.4216 0.01581 4.4058 23.7901 U3 D3 94 2214.1 0.8935 4.6355 0.02840 4.6071 23.8635 0.7293 U3 D4 95 2243.2 139.081 0.8253 3.8727 0.00 3.8727 23.4745 0.4633 2.0358 -27.5556 U3 D4 96 2270.8 0.8352 3.3741 0.00 3.3741 23.0322 U3 D4 97 2300.5 0.3476 2.2573 0.00 2.2573 21.2314 U3 D4 98 2330.1 271.435 0.7562 3.0989 0.02085 3.0780 17.1853 0.5289 2.0106 -27.5122 U3 D4 99 2359.3 0.8265 3.6953 0.00 3.6953 25.0465 0.7304 U3 D4 100 2387.1 207.602 0.9490 3.4977 0.00 3.4977 26.5289 U3 D4 101 2416.4 1.1339 3.9783 0.00 3.9783 23.6140 U3 D4 102 2444.9 146.801 1.3213 3.1445 0.00 3.1445 25.4443 U3 D4 103 2474.4 2.9299 2.7926 0.00 2.7926 0.3725 1.7886 -29.5277 U3 D3 104 2502.4 0.6272 4.0290 0.17630 3.8527 26.6168 U3 D4 105 2530.7 82.741 1.2054 3.7134 0.01393 3.6995 25.5633 U3 D4 106 2559.7 1.0813 3.8721 0.00 3.8721 U3 D5 107 2589.1 61.738 0.5905 4.5750 0.00 4.5750 23.1878 0.4307 2.3945 -25.7572 U3 D5 108 2618.7 0.3434 4.4986 0.00 4.4986 23.4536 U3 D3 109 2647.7 49.305 0.3043 4.1000 0.92235 3.1777 22.2281 U3 D3 110 2678.1 0.8081 4.0238 0.00 4.0238 22.5496 0.4644 U3 D4 111 2707 41.278 0.6283 3.5370 0.00 3.5370 U3 D3 112 2735.8 0.7238 3.9137 0.00 3.9137 24.0053 0.4217 1.6599 -27.2083 U3 D5 113 2765.2 36.403 1.0422 4.4538 0.01140 4.4424 22.8691 U3 D3 114 2794.9 1.1020 3.9618 0.08873 3.8731 23.8180 U3 D4 115 2823.9 34.714 0.8186 3.2742 0.22016 3.0540 22.8287 U3 D5 116 2853.3 1.1642 4.4597 0.00 4.4597 23.9136 0.4400 U3 D5 117 2881.5 32.801 1.2038 4.0375 0.12947 3.9080 23.6455 0.5047 2.0897 -28.5560 U3 D4 118 2910.2 1.4187 3.4890 0.14361 3.3454 23.4677 U3 D4 119 2939.3 30.627 1.2391 3.5871 0.71128 2.8758 23.6788 U3 D5 120 2968.5 1.3101 3.9430 0.06389 3.8791 23.4434 0.4520 U3 D5 121 2997.1 28.891 0.9153 3.9291 0.06646 3.8626 22.6635 U3 D4 122 3026.8 0.4642 3.4979 0.08182 3.4161 21.7243 0.3245 2.3900 -26.2966 U3 D4 123 3056.9 27.403 0.4792 3.6077 0.06807 3.5396 22.7418 U3 D4 124 3086.7 0.4008 3.4990 0.04845 3.4505 22.2993 0.4110 U3 D4 125 3114.5 26.080 0.8455 3.6740 0.10597 3.5680 24.2471 U3 D4 126 3143.3 0.8495 3.6065 0.03498 3.5715 22.7101 U3 D4 127 3171.3 25.174 0.7625 3.3042 0.13181 3.1724 23.4511 0.3476 2.0411 -25.4731 U3 D4 128 3200.2 0.8072 3.3872 0.05984 3.3274 23.1336 U3 D4 129 3229.3 24.434 0.4828 3.0354 0.02338 3.0120 23.0339 0.4060 U3 D4 130 3258.5 0.7703 3.1814 0.00 3.1814 21.3345 U3 D4 131 3288.7 25.059 0.9924 3.5163 0.02281 3.4935 20.8076 U3 D3 132 3317.3 0.7781 3.8955 0.00 3.8955 21.0275 0.3681 2.0076 -26.0176 U3 D4 133 3345.7 24.521 0.4997 3.0113 0.03481 2.9765 20.8995 0.3920 U3 D5 134 3374.4 0.9759 4.5932 0.04150 4.5517 20.6738 U3 D4 135 3404.1 25.458 0.4552 3.7644 0.11255 3.6519 17.7099 U3 D4 136 3433.2 0.3882 3.2576 0.04149 3.2161 19.8876 U3 D4 137 3460.8 26.553 0.3262 3.3834 0.10801 3.2754 20.7243 0.3050 1.8669 -23.1979 U3 D4 138 3489.2 0.2993 3.1091 0.00 3.1091 21.3712 0.2730 U3 D4 139 3518.8 29.267 0.3664 3.3008 0.07724 3.2236 21.5193 U3 D5 140 3548.6 1.7318 4.2214 0.03122 4.1902 21.2973 U3 D5 141 3576.1 34.237 0.9208 3.5607 0.03092 3.5298 21.1539 U3 D4 142 3605 0.3224 3.1648 0.11951 3.0453 20.1618 0.3081 1.7129 -22.5301 U3 D4 143 3634.1 42.988 0.5924 3.0332 0.05804 2.9752 17.3432 0.4998 U3 D3 144 3663.2 196.150 1.1365 3.8885 0.00 3.8885 21.0920 0.4239 1.9960 -27.9308 U3 D5 145 3691 1.2268 4.2167 0.45610 3.7606 20.6635 0.5120 U3 D3 146 3719.7 137.848 0.9074 3.7506 0.06345 3.6872 21.3879 0.3911 1.8011 -28.1561 U3 D4 147 3748.8 1.3583 3.5766 0.33283 3.2438 20.9060 U3 D4 148 3778.2 92.861 1.6271 3.7777 0.38739 3.3903 20.8581 U3 D4 149 3805.8 1.5671 3.5655 0.00 3.5655 21.1170 U3 D4 150 3834.5 68.236 1.1286 3.2313 0.00145 3.2299 20.6807 0.3730 U3 D4 151 3863.5 0.9200 2.7132 0.03364 2.6796 21.2104 0.3242 1.4286 -27.3633 U3 D4 152 3893.6 60.319 1.0392 2.4440 0.00 2.4440 20.6164 U3 D4 153 3919.2 0.8283 2.5994 0.06671 2.5327 21.6876 U3 D4 154 3946.5 64.201 0.9949 2.9435 0.00 2.9435 20.2951 0.6370 U3 D4 155 3975.4 0.8711 3.1502 0.04050 3.1097 20.6989 U3 D4 156 4004 62.983 1.0264 2.4932 0.20606 2.2871 19.5556 0.3042 1.2957 -27.0872 U3 D4 157 4033.1 1.1902 2.1425 0.00 2.1425 20.8960 0.2600 U5 D6_a 158 4064.2 98.609 0.3045 2.1750 0.08661 2.0884 18.0181 0.1739 U5 D6_a 159 4096.9 0.2637 3.1116 0.06205 3.0496 21.0212 0.2783 2.3804 -23.5395 U5 D6_a 160 4131.7 98.786 0.5847 2.7819 0.01716 2.7647 20.8071 U5 D6_a 161 4209.3 0.3055 2.4547 0.01412 2.4406 21.3738 U5 D6_a 162 4287.4 99.421 0.2765 2.1491 0.00 2.1491 20.0381 0.5005 U5 D6_a 163 4360.3 0.2825 2.0186 0.00 2.0186 19.5727 0.2630 U5 D6_a 164 4430 116.960 0.3020 2.4257 0.03336 2.3923 20.8915 0.2478 2.0516 -25.2860 U5 D6_a 165 4512.5 0.6594 2.1904 0.00 2.1904 20.1209 U5 D6_a 166 4595.1 0.5870 1.9956 0.07423 1.9214 17.5882 0.2409 2.1240 -25.2915 U5 D6_a 167 4671.9 130.506 0.3457 1.6311 0.00 1.6311 17.2786 0.3647 U5 D6_a 168 4742.4 130.377 0.5715 2.3518 0.00 2.3518 17.6042 U5 D6_a 169 4829.5 123.741 0.4206 2.8022 0.29200 2.5102 19.8637 U5 D6_a 170 4919.1 114.466 0.4920 3.0809 0.19305 2.8879 20.2122 U5 D6_a 171 5003 104.941 0.7915 2.9997 0.00 2.9997 19.5545 0.3691 2.1768 -25.7095 U5 D6_a 172 5081.7 93.748 0.6444 3.1978 0.00 3.1978 19.9303 U5 D6_a 173 5169.4 89.369 0.3939 3.2878 0.03411 3.2537 19.8811 U5 D6_a 174 5256.3 85.093 0.7174 3.1136 0.00 3.1136 20.5402 U5 D6_a 175 5342.7 81.135 0.6959 2.7181 0.06779 2.6503 19.8267 0.4898 U5 D6_a 176 5422 78.681 0.5931 3.0280 0.00 3.0280 19.6860 0.2883 1.9716 -24.7102 U5 D6_a 177 5508.5 77.398 0.7124 2.6772 0.00 2.6772 18.6372 U5 D6_a 178 5596.7 79.563 0.6610 2.8471 0.00 2.8471 19.4162 U5 D6_a 179 5686.9 80.867 0.7272 2.7803 0.58306 2.1972 19.3230 0.3737 U5 D6_a 180 5769 102.773 0.7855 2.9767 0.00 2.9767 21.0641 0.4895 U5 D6_b 181 5855.7 0.8252 3.6716 0.09581 3.5758 20.4497 0.4388 2.5849 -25.1590 U5 D6_b 182 5944.7 110.828 1.1123 3.7592 0.00 3.7592 19.6646 U5 D6_b 183 6032.3 1.1104 4.0564 0.00 4.0564 19.7712 U5 D6_b 184 6117 122.657 1.6621 3.5845 0.00 3.5845 20.3943 0.5119 U5 D6_b 185 6201.6 1.2870 3.4523 0.44492 3.0074 19.1691 U5 D6_b 186 6288.9 136.495 1.1458 4.0768 0.00 4.0768 20.7893 0.4179 1.1992 -23.0921 U5 D6_a 187 6378.2 1.1904 3.0449 0.00 3.0449 20.2792 U5 D6_a 188 6462.9 146.039 1.0690 2.7909 0.00 2.7909 19.3988 0.4662 U5 D6_a 189 6547.2 1.1434 3.1963 0.00 3.1963 20.3177 U5 D6_a 190 6633.8 160.374 1.2726 3.1057 0.16168 2.9440 19.6710 U5 D6_a 191 6721.1 1.1644 3.3902 0.18356 3.2066 20.0540 0.3503 2.2541 -26.6408 U5 D6_a 192 6807.8 189.118 1.6297 3.8018 0.17323 3.6286 21.5482 0.5247 U5 D6_a 193 6890.6 1.6142 3.2383 0.00 3.2383 20.9426 U5 D6_a 194 6975.2 224.685 1.2698 2.8897 0.02627 2.8634 21.1458 U5 D6_a 195 7060.5 1.2451 3.3994 0.32996 3.0694 20.8448 U5 D6_a 196 7142.6 220.227 0.8600 2.6990 0.00536 2.6936 19.9249 0.3486 2.6945 -26.2790 U5 D6_a 197 7215.3 0.7728 3.1556 0.00 3.1556 20.5540 U5 D6_b 198 7295 246.413 1.6570 4.5037 0.06504 4.4387 20.5155 0.3041 U5 D6_b 199 7378.1 2.1203 3.7895 0.00 3.7895 21.2142 0.4122 2.2197 -27.0751 U5 D6_a 200 7464.1 226.188 2.2823 3.4756 0.07295 3.4027 20.5754 U5 D6_b 201 7531.4 1.8338 3.2749 0.00 3.2749 19.1931 0.4712 U5 D6_b 202 7602.5 203.820 1.4629 4.2771 0.00 4.2771 21.3999 U5 D6_c 203 7684.4 1.9075 5.3582 0.01730 5.3409 20.5801 U5 D6_c 204 7767.4 187.983 1.2102 5.4869 0.50933 4.9776 19.4766 0.2548 2.2718 -17.9332 U5 D6_a 205 7849.5 2.1436 4.2415 0.27980 3.9617 19.8245 U5 D6_a 206 7929.8 157.385 1.1668 3.0740 0.06348 3.0105 20.7618 U5 D6_a 207 8004.1 1.7110 2.7261 0.10862 2.6175 20.7236 0.3400 U5 D6_a 208 8075.5 155.857 1.6808 2.8470 0.11307 2.7339 20.0165 U5 D6_a 209 8161.5 1.4941 2.8675 0.13406 2.7334 20.4105 0.1925 1.8481 -24.1498 U5 D6_a 210 8253.4 127.233 0.5961 1.9965 0.03301 1.9635 13.4588 U5 D6_a 211 8344.4 113.898 1.8029 2.0776 0.09807 1.9795 18.9103 U5 D6_a 212 8428.7 0.8644 2.2744 0.36642 1.9080 18.8238 U5 D6_a 213 8498.1 1.7159 2.3174 0.27033 2.0471 19.5988 U5 D6_c 214 8571.6 86.427 0.6178 2.5024 0.09212 2.4103 12.7711 U5 D6_a 215 8647.7 2.0772 3.2471 0.10512 3.1420 15.3584 0.1883 2.1625 -27.6424 U5 D6_c 216 8724.8 1.1038 4.1688 0.17106 3.9977 17.6418 0.3807 0.9606 -25.3930 U5 D6_a 217 8818.3 101.868 0.4672 3.5094 0.03411 3.4753 18.7694 0.2250 U5 D6_a 218 8907.4 0.9587 2.9179 0.07853 2.8394 21.5562 U5 D6_a 219 8990.3 126.288 1.5182 2.7934 0.09108 2.7023 21.3078 U5 D6_a 220 9068.6 2.0775 2.8252 0.12204 2.7032 21.2398 0.3239 2.8070 -24.0295 U5 D6_b 221 9160.3 143.658 1.5338 4.6842 0.67417 4.0100 18.9355 U5 D6_b 222 9254.5 1.0906 2.7291 0.10635 2.6228 21.2748 U5 D6_b 223 9343.6 165.445 1.1134 3.3224 0.08038 3.2420 20.3717 0.4020 U5 D6_b 224 9428.6 1.3893 4.4074 0.02597 4.3814 20.9958 U5 D6_a 225 9516.2 186.089 2.7262 3.9224 0.06619 3.8562 21.3417 0.4138 2.4283 -27.1763 U5 D6_a 226 9607.2 1.2372 3.9332 0.09641 3.8368 19.7496 U5 D6_a 227 9698.1 197.474 4.1765 3.4087 0.00 3.4087 20.6656 0.4100 U5 D6_b 228 9784.2 1.4089 3.7485 0.07337 3.6751 20.7266 U5 D6_b 229 9869.6 201.729 1.3104 3.5032 0.16443 3.3388 20.1439 U5 D6_a 230 9961.5 1.3493 2.9026 0.20944 2.6932 20.2137 0.3013 2.1381 -26.6119 U5 D6_a 231 10055.6 189.312 1.2855 3.1336 0.19899 2.9346 20.0001 U5 D6_c 232 10147 1.4558 3.9073 0.08364 3.8237 17.5994 0.2900 U5 D6_c 233 10221.7 178.714 1.7594 4.0983 0.07252 4.0258 16.6452 U5 D6_c 234 10300.6 1.4234 4.1573 0.10420 4.0531 16.4419 U5 D6_c 235 10382.9 172.016 1.5762 4.8246 0.18570 4.6389 15.3802 0.2246 0.6901 -23.5946 U5 D6_c 236 10470.2 1.9699 4.9991 0.12930 4.8698 18.3783 U5 D6_c 237 10556.5 185.990 1.8355 5.1911 0.18158 5.0095 19.8688 U5 D6_a 238 10649.4 1.3799 3.9816 0.06597 3.9156 15.9763 0.3170 U5 D6_a 239 10738.1 200.761 2.2647 4.5372 0.00 4.5372 20.7157 U5 D6_a 240 10818.5 221.082 1.7484 4.2367 0.02568 4.2110 19.0605 U5 D6_a 241 10916.6 1.5269 4.7562 0.05605 4.7001 21.4632 U5 D6_b 242 11011.2 236.655 1.9892 4.0825 0.01039 4.0721 20.7906 U5 D6_b 243 11098.9 1.8744 3.2083 0.03601 3.1723 20.6174 0.4090 U5 D6_b 244 11179.2 0.9820 4.5191 0.23324 4.2859 20.4783 U5 D6_b 245 11275.2 234.429 1.1377 4.7110 0.09727 4.6137 U5 D6_b 246 11374.2 218.769 1.0449 4.0732 0.00 4.0732 19.6777 U5 D6_c 247 11470.6 1.8209 4.0611 0.10262 3.9585 18.3123 0.3188 0.7752 -23.2895 U5 D6_c 248 11559.3 198.468 2.4882 5.2535 0.97574 4.2778 18.0430 0.2970 U5 D6_b 249 11654.3 0.9265 4.3477 0.14708 4.2006 21.2965 0.3720 U5 D6_c 250 11754.6 193.988 2.5287 5.0705 0.08898 4.9815 17.9382 U5 D6_c 251 11852 6.8222 5.5943 0.93773 4.6566 19.1729 0.3400 U5 D6_b 252 11944.7 173.486 0.5002 4.2837 1.06930 3.2144 17.3746 0.2587 2.4329 -26.3451 U5 D6_b 253 12038.2 147.037 1.1107 3.1734 0.09069 3.0827 19.0956 U5 D6_b 254 12136.9 1.8243 3.3821 0.45334 2.9288 18.3167 0.1673 1.5519 -21.8242 U5 D6_b 255 12235.7 132.417 1.6254 3.3474 0.00 3.3474 17.8551 0.4712 U5 D6_b 256 12332.8 144.835 0.9053 2.8664 0.22123 2.6452 17.7870 0.3029 2.2806 -26.8103 U5 D6_a 257 12421.4 144.914 1.0132 2.4075 0.13272 2.2748 16.3928 U5 D6_a 258 12513.6 146.566 0.5881 1.5116 0.00 1.5116 14.0509 U5 D6_a 259 12612.5 145.671 1.0947 1.9480 0.18549 1.7625 12.6183 0.1766 U5 D6_a 260 12708.8 141.455 1.1317 1.8748 0.00 1.8748 11.9504 U5 D6_a 261 12791.1 131.560 0.5954 1.3747 0.00 1.3747 12.4874 U5 D6_a 262 12877.8 114.011 0.6487 0.7880 0.00 0.7880 13.4818 0.1387 U5 D6_a 263 12966.5 101.878 0.9543 1.2044 0.10711 1.0973 17.2643 U5 D6_a 264 13051.5 89.065 1.0090 1.2747 0.26293 1.0118 16.9494 U5 D6_a 265 13130.1 82.585 1.0610 1.5528 0.00 1.5528 0.1571 0.0908 -22.7594 U6 LT2 266 13201.7 76.494 1.1590 2.6386 0.00 2.6386 16.6664