# Lake Towuti, Indonesia 60KYr Multiproxy Sediment Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:16236 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/pacific/towuti2014tio.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleolimnology #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-03-29 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Lake Towuti, Indonesia 60KYr Multiproxy Sediment Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Russell, J.M.; Vogel, H.; Konecky, B.L.; Bijaksana, S.; Huang, Y.; Melles, M.; Wattrus, N.; Costa, K.; King, J.W. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: High-resolution sedimentary Ti concentrations measured by core-scanning X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and flux-fusion ICP-AES, # and carbon isotopic compositions of terrestrial leaf wax (C-28 alkanoic acid). Analyses conducted on core IDLE-TOW10-9B-1K #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: James M. Russell, Hendrik Vogel, Bronwen L. Konecky, Satria Bijaksana, Yongsong Huang, Martin Melles, Nigel Wattrus, Kassandra Costa, and John W. King # Published_Date_or_Year: 2014-03-24 # Published_Title: Glacial forcing of central Indonesian hydroclimate since 60,000 y B.P. # Journal_Name: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America # Volume: # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1402373111 # Online_Resource: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/03/20/1402373111.abstract # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The Indo-Pacific warm pool houses the largest zone of deep atmospheric convection on Earth and plays a critical role in global climate variations. Despite the region's importance, changes in Indo-Pacific hydroclimate on orbital timescales remain poorly constrained. Here we present high-resolution geochemical records of surface runoff and vegetation from sediment cores from Lake Towuti, on the island of Sulawesi in central Indonesia, that continuously span the past 60,000 y. We show that wet conditions and rainforest ecosystems on Sulawesi present during marine isotope stage 3 (MIS3) and the Holocene were interrupted by severe drying between ~33,000 and 16,000 y B.P. when Northern Hemisphere ice sheets expanded and global temperatures cooled. Our record reveals little direct influence of precessional orbital forcing on regional climate, and the similarity between MIS3 and Holocene climates observed in Lake Towuti suggests that exposure of the Sunda Shelf has a weaker influence on regional hydroclimate and terrestrial ecosystems than suggested previously. We infer that hydrological variability in this part of Indonesia varies strongly in response to high-latitude climate forcing, likely through reorganizations of the monsoons and the position of the intertropical convergence zone. These findings suggest an important role for the tropical western Pacific in amplifying glacial-interglacial climate variability. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: P2C2 program #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Lake Towuti # Location: Ocean>Indian Ocean>Indonesia # Country: Indonesia # Northernmost_Latitude: -2.73283645213 # Southernmost_Latitude: -2.73283645213 # Easternmost_Longitude: 121.515955597 # Westernmost_Longitude: 121.515955597 # Elevation: m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Towuti2014TiO # Earliest_Year: 60325 # Most_Recent_Year: 669 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # Accession number Depth (cm) 14C age Error Reservoir Correction (14C years) Reservoir corrected 14C age Calibrated Age 1-sigma error Material # OS-86810 17.7 1500 25 570 930 852 57 Org C # OS-86811 41.5 2820 25 670 2150 2204 92 Org C # OS-86812 79.5 4210 30 750 3460 3756 68 Org C # OS-86854 114.5 6520 35 790 5730 6512 51 Org C # OS-82282 161.65 7530 35 830 6700 7553 39 Org C # OS-86858 204.5 8840 40 860 7980 8879 103 Org C # OS-82279 231 10000 50 na 9180 10294 53 Macrofossil # OS-86853 253 12350 45 890 11460 13327 54 Org C # OS-86834 301 14400 65 910 13490 16683 122 Org C # OS-89970 341 14500 70 na 14500 17689 169 Macrofossil # OS-86833 381 17700 90 940 16760 19980 142 Org C # OS-86832 413 18550 70 950 17600 21093 183 Org C # OS-86856 453 20400 80 960 19440 23224 236 Org C # OS-86835 481 21700 150 960 20740 24722 202 Org C # OS-86861 523 23700 220 970 22730 27415 399 Org C # OS-86855 569 25900 240 980 24920 29842 318 Org C # OS-86836 639 29300 230 1000 28300 32583 414 Org C # OS-89973 675 28400 180 1000 27400 31487 151 Org C # OS-92843 713 30400 140 na 30400 34887 129 Macrofossil # OS-86949 745 36600 360 1020 35580 40821 397 Org C # OS-86950 785 37600 420 1020 36580 41594 319 Org C # OS-86951 865 39400 340 1030 38370 42753 280 Org C # OS-86972 895 42100 620 1040 41060 44755 450 Org C # # Accession Number Material Depth (cm) 14C age 14C age error Reservoir (14C years) Reservoir error (pooled) #  --- 210Pb age 10 165 11 na na # OS-62262 Organic carbon 10 675 30 510 32 # OS-82279 Plant/Wood 231 9180 45 na na # OS-82283 Organic carbon 231 10000 50 820 67 # OS-89970 Plant/Wood 341 14500 70 na na # OS-89971 Organic carbon 341 15500 65 1000 95 # OS-92843 Plant/Wood 713 30400 140 na na # OS-86836 Organic carbon 713 31300 230 900 270 # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow (have no #) # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_cm depth, , , cm, , , , ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , , ,N ## TiO2%-s Titanium oxide, , , %, , , , ICP,N #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: depth_cm age_calBP TiO2%-s 2.5 669 0.365 5.5 796 0.332 13.5 997 0.315 20.5 1223 0.349 26.5 1434 0.332 32.5 1651 0.399 39.5 1894 0.416 46.5 2149 0.382 52.9 2421 0.399 61.5 2774 0.399 73.5 3191 0.349 81.5 3541 0.349 86.5 3824 0.281 94.5 4112 0.265 99.5 4372 0.265 104.5 4636 0.265 112.5 4951 0.265 118.5 5271 0.265 125.5 5572 0.265 130.5 5864 0.265 137.5 6173 0.281 143.5 6511 0.248 151.5 6865 0.298 157.5 7224 0.298 165.5 7626 0.231 174.5 8046 0.349 180.5 8471 0.332 191.5 8940 0.315 198.5 9428 0.265 209.5 9947 0.365 218.5 10402 0.349 222.5 10811 0.416 235 11608 0.399 263 12802 0.416 279 14014 0.298 304 15130 0.181 316 15904 0.214 321 16378 0.248 332 16937 0.214 344 17644 0.248 358.4 18365 0.265 368 19055 0.281 383 19816 0.281 397 20704 0.315 417 21613 0.248 428 22418 0.315 444 23148 0.214 454 23723 0.265 460 24102 0.265 466 24454 0.265 474 25018 0.281 494 25791 0.214 504 26582 0.231 524 27441 0.349 540 28303 0.315 555 29128 0.214 574 30017 0.281 592 30931 0.332 611 31797 0.349 626 32556 0.399 640 33272 0.416 657 33959 0.315 667 34511 0.332 677 34967 0.265 686 35410 0.248 696 35863 0.332 706 36315 0.382 715 36882 0.365 736 37575 0.382 745 38384 0.315 776 39381 0.449 791 40330 0.483 807 41182 0.433 822 42034 0.349 838 42873 0.332 852 43684 0.382 867 44496 0.433 882 45307 0.382 896 46091 0.349 910 46888 0.365 926 47727 0.416 941 48566 0.433 956 49377 0.332 970 50174 0.382 985 50986 0.416 1000 51811 0.449 1015 52636 0.399 1030 53447 0.416 1044 54231 0.449 1058 55028 0.483 1074 55895 0.466 1091 56774 0.382 1105 57613 0.365 1121 58424 0.214 1134 59167 0.214 1146 59797 0.197 1154.8 60325 0.248