# Martin Lake, Indiana 2100 Year Stable Isotope and Lithics Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 2.0 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/21061 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/northamerica/usa/indiana/martin2017iso.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleolimnology # # Parameter_Keywords: carbon isotopes, oxygen isotopes, geochemistry #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2013-01-31 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Martin Lake, Indiana 2100 Year Stable Isotope and Lithics Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Bird, B.W.; Wilson, J.J.; Gilhooly, W.P. III; Steinman, B.A.; Stamps, L. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: 2100 year record of calcite oxygen and carbon isotopes and %lithics from laminated lake sediments collected in # Martin Lake, Lagrange County, Indiana, USA. # Provided Keywords: North American paleoclimate, Little Ice Age, Medieval Climate Anomaly, Pacific North American mode, Mississippians #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Broxton W. Bird, Jeremy J. Wilson, William P. Gilhooly III, Byron A. Steinman, and Lucas Stamps # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013-01-31 # Published_Title: Midcontinental Native American population dynamics and late Holocene hydroclimate extremes # Journal_Name: Scientific Reports # Volume: 7 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: 41628 # DOI: 10.1038/srep41628 # Online_Resource: # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Climate's influence on late Pre-Columbian (pre-1492 CE), maize-dependent Native American populations in the midcontinental United States (US) is poorly understood as regional paleoclimate records are sparse and/or provide conflicting perspectives. Here, we reconstruct regional changes in precipitation source and seasonality and local changes in warm-season duration and rainstorm events related to the Pacific North American pattern (PNA) using a 2100-year-long multi-proxy lake-sediment record from the midcontinental US. Wet midcontinental climate reflecting negative PNA-like conditions occurred during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (950-1250 CE) as Native American populations adopted intensive maize agriculture, facilitating population aggregation and the development of urban centers between 1000-1200 CE. Intensifying midcontinental socio-political instability and warfare between 1250-1350 CE corresponded with drier positive PNA-like conditions, culminating in the staggered abandonment of many major Native American river valley settlements and large urban centers between 1350-1450 CE during an especially severe warm-season drought. We hypothesize that this sustained drought interval rendered it difficult to support dense populations and large urban centers in the midcontinental US by destabilizing regional agricultural systems, thereby contributing to the host of socio-political factors that led to population reorganization and migration in the midcontinent and neighboring regions shortly before European contact. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis # Grant: IUCRG 2471521 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Martin Lake # Location: North America>United States Of America>Indiana # Country: United States Of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 41.564 # Southernmost_Latitude: 41.564 # Easternmost_Longitude: -85.383 # Westernmost_Longitude: -85.383 # Elevation: 274 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Martin2017iso # Earliest_Year: 2103 # Most_Recent_Year: -63 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # 14C data # # Labcode UCI # vcore Core sampled # drive Drive samples # depth_top Depth top of sample interval (cm) # depth_bottom Depth bottom of sample interval (cm) # comp_depth Composite depth (cm) # mat.dated Material dated # 14C.raw conventional radiocarbon age, years before 1950AD # 14C.raw_err radiocarbon age, standard error # datemeth Dating method # fxn_mod Fraction modern # fxn_mod_err Fraction error +/- # D14C D14C per mil # D14C_err D14C per mil error # mg_C Sample size for small samples (mg C) # calib.14C Calibrated 14C age # calib.14C_2sig_lo Calibrated age, 2-sigma lower confidence bound # calib.14C_2sig_up Calibrated age, 2-sigma upper confidence bound # calib_method Calibration method # rejected Rejected sample (yes/no) # used_in_age_model Used in age model or not # # Labcode core drive depth_top depth_bottom comp_depth mat.dated 14C.raw 14C.raw_err datemeth fxn_mod fxn_mod_err D14C D14C_err mg_C calib.14C calib.14C_2sig_lo calib.14C_2sig_up calib_method rejected used_in_age_model # 132273 D-13 1 16.4 16.6 16.5 Leaf -1675 15 AMS 14C 1.2324 0.0020 232.4 2.0 -33 -34.17 -32.19 NHZ1 no yes # 132275 D-13 1 62.5 63 62.75 Leaf 120 15 AMS 14C 0.9853 0.0017 -14.7 1.7 110 59 144 intcal13.14c no yes # 142163 D-13 3 30 31.5 150.75 Charcoal 840 100 AMS 14C 0.9002 0.0108 -99.8 10.8 0.021 780 680 801 intcal13.14c no yes # 142162 D-13 4 44 45.5 233.95 Charcoal 1800 90 AMS 14C 0.7996 0.0085 -200.4 8.5 0.027 1730 1614 1824 intcal13.14c no yes # 132277 D-13 5 64.3 64.3 321.8 Stick 2910 15 AMS 14C 0.6961 0.0012 -303.9 1.2 3040 2970 3079 intcal13.14c no yes # 142161 D-13 13 35 36.5 437.75 Charcoal 3860 100 AMS 14C 0.6187 0.0075 -381.3 7.5 0.035 4270 4149 4418 intcal13.14c no yes # 132276 D-13 14 21.5 21.7 515.6 Leaf 5160 20 AMS 14C 0.5262 0.0012 -473.8 1.2 0.140 5920 5899 5943 intcal13.14c no yes # 132274 D-13 14 79 80 573.5 Charcoal 5800 180 AMS 14C 0.4858 0.0108 -514.2 10.8 0.015 6620 6218 6235 intcal13.14c no yes # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_cm depth, , , cm, , , Composite depth, ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , Calibrated Years Before 1950 CE, ,N ## d13CcarbVPDB delta13C, calcite, , per mil VPDB, Annual, Paleolimnology, , ,N ## d18OcarbVPDB delta18O, calcite, , per mil VPDB, Annual, Paleolimnology, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_cm age_calBP d13CcarbVPDB d18OcarbVPDB 0.25 -63 -7.1 -9.0 1.25 -61 -6.9 -9.2 2.25 -59 -7.1 -9.0 3.25 -57 -7.0 -8.9 4.25 -55 -7.0 -9.1 5.25 -53 -7.1 -8.9 6.25 -51 -7.1 -9.0 7.25 -49 -6.9 -9.4 8.25 -47 -7.0 -9.4 9.25 -45 -7.2 -9.3 10.25 -43 -6.8 -9.3 11.25 -41 -6.7 -8.9 12.25 -39 -6.8 -9.5 13.25 -37 -6.7 -9.3 14.25 -35 -6.8 -9.4 15.25 -33 -6.7 -9.0 16.25 -31 -7.0 -9.3 17.25 -29 -6.5 -9.3 18.25 -28 -7.1 -9.7 19.25 -27 -6.9 -9.6 20.25 -26 -7.0 -9.3 21.25 -25 -6.8 -9.9 22.25 -23 -7.4 -9.3 23.25 -22 -7.2 -9.3 24.25 -20 -7.2 -9.0 25.25 -18 -7.3 -9.0 26.25 -16 -7.2 -9.9 27.25 -15 -7.4 -9.0 28.25 -13 -7.0 -9.3 29.25 -10 -7.5 -9.9 30.25 -8 -7.7 -9.2 31.25 -6 -8.0 -9.2 32.25 -4 -7.7 -8.9 33.25 -1 -7.5 -9.3 34.25 1 -8.3 -9.5 35.25 4 -7.7 -9.3 36.25 7 -7.9 -9.5 37.25 10 -7.9 -9.6 38.25 13 -8.0 -8.9 39.25 16 -8.0 -9.0 40.25 19 -8.0 -9.2 41.25 22 -7.7 -9.2 42.25 25 -7.7 -8.9 43.25 29 -7.8 -8.9 44.25 32 -2.3 -8.6 45.25 36 -7.8 -8.9 46.25 39 -7.9 -9.1 47.25 43 -7.7 -9.3 48.25 47 -7.7 -9.4 49.25 51 -8.0 -9.9 50.25 55 -7.5 -9.7 51.25 59 -7.7 -9.7 52.25 63 -7.8 -9.8 53.25 67 -7.5 -9.5 54.25 72 -7.8 -10.0 55.25 76 -7.3 -10.1 56.25 81 -7.8 -10.0 57.25 85 -7.5 -9.8 58.25 90 -7.9 -10.3 59.25 94 -7.6 -8.8 60.25 99 -2.0 -8.8 61.25 104 -5.3 -10.2 62.25 109 -6.0 -8.8 63.25 114 -4.9 -9.3 64.25 119 -9.0 -11.9 65.25 124 -10.8 -13.3 66.25 130 -13.2 -16.4 67.25 135 -12.8 -12.6 68.25 140 -19.2 -16.3 69.25 146 -22.6 -17.6 70.25 151 -23.9 -18.5 73.95 173 -9.5 -10.7 74.45 176 -9.3 -8.0 74.95 179 -8.6 -9.5 75.45 182 -10.3 -10.0 75.95 185 -8.1 -9.5 76.45 188 -9.8 -13.5 77.45 194 -9.3 -9.7 77.95 197 -9.6 -11.7 79.45 206 -9.2 -9.5 79.95 209 -8.7 -9.8 80.45 212 -9.0 -8.5 80.95 215 -8.8 -10.3 81.95 222 -8.0 -9.1 82.45 225 -10.2 -9.6 82.95 228 -8.4 -9.1 83.45 232 -10.2 -11.4 83.95 235 -9.2 -9.8 85.45 245 -9.1 -9.1 85.95 248 -10.2 -9.6 86.45 251 -12.4 -10.4 86.95 255 -12.1 -10.3 87.45 258 -13.5 -13.1 87.95 262 -12.2 -10.8 88.45 265 -10.9 -12.8 88.95 268 -14.2 -12.3 89.45 272 -12.5 -10.5 89.95 275 -9.2 -10.5 90.45 279 -13.5 -11.6 90.95 282 -9.4 -9.5 91.45 286 -13.9 -13.3 91.95 289 -15.4 -13.3 92.45 293 -12.3 -12.1 92.95 297 -13.8 -11.6 93.45 300 -10.4 -13.8 93.95 304 -12.0 -11.8 94.45 307 -9.5 -11.6 94.95 311 -12.5 -12.4 95.45 315 -10.2 -12.3 95.95 318 -10.1 -11.2 96.45 322 -10.3 -12.3 96.95 326 -12.8 -11.0 97.95 333 -13.5 -11.7 98.45 337 -12.4 -14.7 99.45 344 -12.2 -12.1 99.95 348 -13.3 -11.4 100.45 352 -11.9 -13.3 100.95 356 -11.5 -11.0 101.45 360 -12.8 -13.0 101.95 363 -13.4 -12.2 102.45 367 -12.9 -12.0 102.95 371 -10.8 -11.5 103.45 375 -11.1 -13.6 103.95 379 -10.0 -11.1 104.95 387 -10.4 -11.1 105.45 391 -11.3 -14.0 106.95 403 -13.4 -12.5 107.45 407 -10.0 -9.3 108.45 415 -7.6 -9.5 110.45 431 -10.2 -12.0 110.95 435 -10.8 -11.2 111.45 439 -9.4 -11.7 113.45 456 -11.4 -11.5 113.95 460 -12.8 -12.3 114.45 464 -15.7 -14.1 115.45 473 -9.4 -11.2 116.45 481 -11.7 -12.2 116.95 485 -13.7 -12.3 117.45 490 -18.1 -14.8 117.95 494 -18.7 -16.4 118.45 498 -14.9 -13.4 118.95 503 -22.5 -14.2 119.45 507 -15.0 -15.3 119.95 511 -22.4 -19.4 120.45 516 -13.9 -15.2 120.95 520 -18.3 -18.2 121.45 524 -17.2 -15.5 122.45 533 -15.0 -15.3 122.95 538 -16.7 -16.2 123.45 542 -12.3 -14.1 123.95 546 -15.7 -15.8 124.45 551 -12.2 -13.7 124.95 555 -11.6 -14.9 125.45 560 -9.5 -11.6 125.95 564 -10.8 -12.6 126.45 569 -10.8 -9.4 127.45 578 -15.4 -16.0 127.95 582 -11.6 -13.5 128.45 587 -9.0 -12.3 129.45 596 -12.2 -14.2 130.45 605 -8.7 -10.3 131.45 615 -8.9 -10.2 132.45 624 -9.2 -10.2 133.45 633 -10.9 -12.4 134.45 643 -10.0 -10.7 135.45 652 -15.2 -13.2 135.75 655 -10.3 -11.2 136.75 664 -10.4 -11.9 137.25 669 -11.5 -10.4 137.75 674 -10.3 -10.9 138.25 679 -14.4 -11.6 138.75 683 -11.8 -14.0 139.25 688 -10.3 -10.5 139.75 693 -8.6 -10.9 140.25 698 -11.8 -13.0 140.75 703 -11.6 -12.8 141.25 708 -15.8 -12.5 141.75 713 -11.5 -12.8 142.25 717 -18.1 -15.8 142.75 722 -11.4 -13.7 143.25 727 -15.7 -12.7 143.75 732 -12.9 -12.7 144.25 737 -18.8 -15.0 144.75 742 -11.8 -13.2 145.25 747 -13.5 -12.2 145.75 752 -10.6 -13.0 146.25 757 -7.5 -12.1 147.25 767 -6.0 -9.3 148.25 777 -9.2 -10.3 149.25 787 -3.6 -8.6 149.75 792 -9.4 -11.8 150.25 797 -11.0 -10.9 150.75 802 -9.9 -10.1 151.25 807 -3.8 -8.4 151.75 812 -6.2 -9.8 152.25 817 -5.6 -9.9 153.25 827 -9.7 -11.4 154.25 838 -6.8 -11.0 154.75 843 -9.7 -10.6 155.25 848 -5.8 -8.9 155.75 853 -11.1 -11.6 156.25 858 -4.9 -7.9 156.75 863 -6.8 -9.5 157.25 868 -9.8 -10.8 157.75 874 -9.9 -10.9 158.25 879 -9.3 -10.0 159.25 889 -8.5 -9.5 159.75 895 -8.7 -10.5 160.25 900 -7.7 -9.0 161.25 910 -7.8 -8.7 162.25 921 -5.3 -7.7 163.25 931 -5.5 -9.9 164.25 942 -5.1 -7.6 165.25 953 -5.9 -8.5 166.25 963 -5.2 -10.7 167.25 974 -5.8 -8.7 168.25 985 -8.3 -10.5 169.25 996 -8.9 -11.2 170.25 1006 -11.3 -13.8 170.75 1012 -12.6 -11.6 171.25 1017 -9.0 -10.5 171.75 1023 -10.8 -11.7 172.25 1028 -16.3 -14.8 172.75 1034 -14.4 -13.7 173.25 1039 -14.2 -14.6 173.75 1045 -16.1 -14.0 174.25 1050 -14.5 -12.9 175.25 1061 -9.7 -11.0 175.75 1067 -10.8 -12.6 176.25 1072 -9.9 -10.5 176.75 1078 -15.3 -15.1 177.25 1083 -11.2 -11.0 177.75 1089 -10.5 -12.0 178.25 1094 -9.8 -11.0 179.25 1105 -8.5 -10.2 180.25 1117 -8.1 -10.6 181.25 1128 -7.3 -9.5 182.25 1139 -5.5 -8.1 183.25 1150 -7.4 -9.3 184.25 1161 -8.4 -9.6 184.75 1167 -9.4 -12.2 185.25 1173 -5.8 -9.4 185.75 1178 -5.3 -11.5 186.25 1184 -4.1 -10.4 187.25 1195 -3.9 -8.6 188.25 1207 -3.3 -8.0 188.75 1213 -8.1 -13.8 189.25 1218 -4.0 -8.6 189.75 1224 -8.4 -12.8 190.25 1230 -6.1 -9.6 190.75 1236 -6.9 -11.8 191.25 1241 -10.0 -10.7 191.75 1247 -8.8 -12.4 192.25 1253 -6.0 -9.7 192.75 1259 -8.5 -12.7 193.25 1264 -4.6 -9.2 193.75 1270 -9.9 -12.2 194.25 1276 -4.7 -9.2 195.25 1287 -3.9 -10.3 195.75 1293 -11.1 -11.9 196.25 1299 -9.6 -12.4 196.75 1305 -8.7 -10.4 197.25 1311 -5.6 -9.6 198.25 1322 -7.6 -9.4 199.25 1334 -7.4 -9.4 200.25 1346 -6.9 -10.4 201.25 1358 -4.7 -9.9 202.25 1369 -6.1 -8.9 203.25 1381 -6.2 -9.0 204.25 1393 -8.9 -11.3 205.25 1405 -7.7 -9.7 206.25 1417 -8.9 -11.7 207.25 1429 -6.2 -9.2 207.95 1437 -7.6 -9.9 208.25 1441 -9.9 -12.4 208.45 1443 -6.9 -9.4 208.95 1449 -5.4 -8.7 209.45 1455 -10.0 -11.6 209.95 1461 -6.8 -9.6 210.45 1467 -8.4 -10.6 210.95 1473 -5.0 -8.2 211.45 1479 -6.3 -10.6 212.45 1491 -11.1 -10.7 212.95 1497 -6.3 -8.3 213.45 1503 -5.4 -7.9 213.95 1509 -9.4 -8.9 214.45 1515 -10.3 -12.0 214.95 1521 -6.4 -8.4 215.45 1527 -9.3 -10.2 215.95 1533 -6.4 -8.3 216.45 1539 -5.0 -8.6 217.45 1551 -8.2 -11.4 218.45 1563 -8.5 -10.3 219.45 1576 -6.8 -10.0 220.45 1588 -7.3 -11.1 221.45 1600 -12.1 -13.8 222.45 1612 -11.4 -10.7 223.45 1625 -9.2 -10.4 224.45 1637 -9.8 -11.1 225.45 1649 -8.2 -11.0 226.45 1661 -7.2 -9.6 227.45 1674 -13.2 -14.1 228.45 1686 -14.6 -12.8 229.45 1698 -9.6 -10.7 230.45 1711 -8.1 -12.0 231.45 1723 -6.8 -10.7 232.45 1736 -10.4 -11.2 233.45 1748 -6.8 -11.0 234.45 1761 -9.1 -14.5 236.45 1786 -12.3 -9.5 237.45 1798 -14.1 -12.4 238.45 1811 -11.6 -12.0 239.45 1823 -12.5 -15.0 240.45 1836 -11.2 -10.8 241.45 1848 -9.7 -14.5 242.45 1861 -11.9 -12.5 243.45 1874 -11.6 -12.9 244.45 1886 -15.8 -14.9 245.45 1899 -14.2 -11.6 246.45 1912 -9.3 -9.8 247.45 1924 -10.3 -11.5 248.45 1937 -8.3 -11.5 249.45 1950 -6.6 -10.1 250.45 1962 -10.4 -9.3 251.45 1975 -8.0 -10.1 252.45 1988 -7.3 -9.1 253.45 2001 -7.4 -8.8 254.45 2014 -7.9 -9.1 256.45 2039 -10.5 -10.4 257.45 2052 -8.9 -10.4 258.45 2065 -10.4 -10.4 259.45 2078 -12.0 -11.4 260.45 2091 -10.2 -10.0 261.45 2103 -12.5 -11.8