# Burial Lake, Alaska 37,000 Year Geochemical Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/19240 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/northamerica/usa/alaska/burial2015bsi.txt # # Original_Source_URL: # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleolimnology # # Parameter_Keywords: Geochemistry #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-09-25 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Burial Lake, Alaska 37,000 Year Geochemical Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Finkenbinder, M.S.; Abbott, M.B.; Finney, B.P.; Stoner, J.S.; Dorfman, J.M. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Geochemical data from Burial Lake, Alaska for the last 37,000 cal yr BP. Data include dry bulk density, # percent organic matter, percent biogenic silica, magnetic susceptibility, carbon to nitrogen (C/N) mass ratios, # bulk sediment organic matter carbon (d13C) and nitrogen (d15N) isotopes, and elemental abundances from scanning XRF analysis. # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: M.S. Finkenbinder, M.B. Abbott, B.P. Finney, J.S. Stoner, J.M. Dorfman # Published_Date_or_Year: 2015-10-15 # Published_Title: A multi-proxy reconstruction of environmental change spanning the last 37,000 years from Burial Lake, Arctic Alaska # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 126 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: 227-241 # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.08.031 # Online_Resource: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379115300974 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Sediment cores from Burial Lake located in the western Brooks Range in Arctic Alaska record paleoenvironmental changes that span the last 37,000 calendar years before present (cal yr BP). We identified four distinct lithologic subunits based on physical properties (dry bulk density, magnetic susceptibility), sediment composition, and geochemical proxies (organic matter, biogenic silica, C/N, organic matter d13C and d15N, and elemental data from scanning X-ray fluorescence). The multi-proxy approach and relatively high temporal resolution (at multi-decadal to centennial time scales) of our proxy analysis, compared with previous studies of intermediate water depth cores from Burial Lake, provide new insights into the paleoenvironmental history of the region spanning the period prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. Relatively high lake-levels and gradually decreasing in-lake and terrestrial productivity occur during the mid-Wisconsin interstadial from 37,200 to 29,600 cal yr BP. The subsequent period is defined by falling and lower lake-levels with decreasing effective-moisture, windier conditions, and sustained low aquatic productivity throughout the LGM between 29,600 and 19,600 cal yr BP. The last deglaciation that commenced by 19,600 cal yr BP is characterized by gradual changes in several sediment physical and geochemical proxies, including increasing C/N ratios and terrestrial productivity, decreasing magnetic susceptibility and clastic sediment flux, along with rising and relatively higher lake-levels. A decrease in aeolian activity after 16,500 cal yr BP is inferred from the appearance of fine (very fine sandy silt) sediment, compared to coarse sediments through the LGM and last deglaciation. The highest levels of terrestrial inputs along with increasing and variable aquatic productivity occur during the Lateglacial to early Holocene interval between 16,500 and 8800 cal yr BP. The absence of multi-proxy evidence for a strong climatic reversal during the Younger Dryas from Burial Lake sediments contrasts with some paleorecords showing cooler temperatures and/or dry conditions in northern Alaska at this time. Peak levels of sediment organic content and terrestrial productivity at Burial Lake between 10,500 and 9900 cal yr BP coincide with the early Holocene summer insolation maxima, which likely represents summertime warming and an enhanced flux of watershed derived organic matter from permafrost degradation. The remainder of the Holocene (since 8800 cal yr BP) at Burial Lake is characterized by relatively high and stable lake levels, landscape stabilization, and relatively high and variable levels of aquatic productivity. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Science Foundation # Grant: NSF-ARC 0909545 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Burial Lake # Location: North America>United States Of America>Alaska # Country: United States Of America # Northernmost_Latitude: 68.43 # Southernmost_Latitude: 68.43 # Easternmost_Longitude: -159.17 # Westernmost_Longitude: -159.17 # Elevation: 460 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Burial2015BSi # Earliest_Year: 37163 # Most_Recent_Year: -30 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # # Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Radiocarbon ages for Burial Lake, Alaska # # Sample ID Core-Drive Drive Depth Total Depth Material 14C Age Error Calib 6.0 Age (2Sigma) notes # (UCIAMS #) (cm) (cm) (yr BP) (yr) (yr BP) # # 89197 A10-D1 45.0 45.0 plant material 2535 30 2493 - 2745 # 109361 A10-D1 66.5 66.5 wood 3635 25 3872 4074 # 116878 A10-D1 87.5 87.5 plant material 4910 90 5470 - 5896 # 89198 A10-D1 111.0 111.0 plant material 6345 25 7174 - 7410 # 109362 A10-D1 141.5 141.5 wood 8850 110 9564 - 10205 # 89199 A10-D2 84.0 166.0 plant material 9760 40 11134 - 11244 # 89200 A10-D3 54.0 173.5 seed 10085 45 11398 - 11959 # 109363 A10-D5 35.5 359.5 plant material 14590 550 16570 - 18903 * rejected from age model. # 89201 A10-D7 29.0 553.0 seed 25300 510 29173 31074 # 89121 A10-D8 35.5 636.5 wood 32150 240 35699 - 37342 # 89122 C10-D3 45.0 219.0 wood 13670 30 16657 - 16978 # 89123 C10-D7 64.0 598.0 plant material 31290 300 35085 - 36475 * rejected from age model. # # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_cm depth, , , cm, , , , ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , , ,N ## %bio-si Biogenic Silica, , , percent, , paleolimnology, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # Burial Lake A-10/C-10 composite core Biogenic Silica # depth_cm age_calBP %bio-si 0.5 -30 12.36 2.5 89 10.59 4.5 209 11.88 6.5 329 12.55 8.5 448 11.99 10.5 568 10.64 12.5 687 11.55 14.5 807 11.34 16.5 926 13.06 18.5 1046 13.23 20.5 1166 10.92 22.5 1285 10.63 24.5 1405 7.53 26.5 1524 9.14 28.5 1644 12.13 30.5 1763 13.05 32.5 1883 12.63 34.5 2002 15.13 36.5 2122 13.98 38.5 2242 12.56 40.5 2361 11.92 42.5 2481 10.14 44.5 2600 11.27 46.5 2722 13.54 48.5 2846 13.70 50.5 2969 15.77 52.5 3092 16.27 54.5 3215 14.53 56.5 3338 15.78 58.5 3461 12.90 60.5 3584 8.85 62.5 3707 8.77 64.5 3830 7.67 66.5 3953 9.11 68.5 4116 11.69 70.5 4279 12.24 72.5 4442 14.59 74.5 4605 17.02 76.5 4767 16.38 78.5 4930 13.45 80.5 5093 13.47 82.5 5256 9.95 84.5 5419 10.18 86.5 5582 9.58 88.5 5732 11.37 90.5 5869 11.37 92.5 6006 12.16 94.5 6144 13.37 96.5 6281 13.36 98.5 6418 11.83 100.5 6555 8.80 102.5 6693 9.54 104.5 6830 10.02 106.5 6967 10.88 108.5 7105 13.02 110.5 7242 12.68 112.5 7406 9.15 114.5 7580 8.68 116.5 7753 8.05 118.5 7927 10.17 120.5 8100 10.36 122.5 8274 9.37 124.5 8447 9.00 126.5 8621 9.22 128.5 8794 8.85 130.5 8968 7.38 132.5 9141 6.87 134.5 9315 8.43 136.5 9488 8.83 138.5 9661 7.76 140.5 9835 7.67 142.5 9974 6.01 144.5 10078 6.79 146.5 10181 6.41 148.5 10285 6.59 150.5 10389 6.34 152.5 10493 4.44 154.5 10597 4.13 156.5 10701 3.98 158.5 10805 4.91 160.5 10909 7.27 162.5 11013 8.65 164.5 11117 4.98 166.5 11225 4.95 168.5 11348 3.16 170.5 11470 7.03 172.5 11592 9.86 174.5 11767 9.33 176.5 11994 7.85 178.5 12221 8.86 180.5 12448 5.34 182.5 12675 5.35 184.5 12902 7.95 186.5 13129 12.53 188.5 13356 10.52 190.5 13583 7.50 192.5 13810 7.15 194.5 14037 4.00 196.5 14264 3.43 198.5 14491 2.58 200.5 14718 2.89 202.5 14944 2.89 204.5 15171 2.85 206.5 15398 3.74 208.5 15625 2.71 210.5 15852 2.39 212.5 16079 2.13 214.5 16306 1.12 216.5 16533 0.87 218.5 16760 0.88 221.5 16916 2.43 223.5 16996 0.96 225.5 17076 1.41 227.5 17155 0.95 229.5 17235 0.88 231.5 17314 1.18 233.5 17394 1.05 235.5 17474 1.69 237.5 17553 2.30 239.5 17633 1.98 241.5 17712 2.07 243.5 17792 2.02 245.5 17871 1.74 247.5 17951 1.87 249.5 18031 1.67 251.5 18110 1.73 253.5 18190 1.96 255.5 18269 1.99 257.5 18349 1.71 259.5 18429 1.33 261.5 18508 1.23 263.5 18588 1.28 265.5 18667 1.73 267.5 18747 1.32 269.5 18827 1.35 271.5 18906 1.29 273.5 18986 1.18 275.5 19065 1.15 277.5 19145 1.52 279.5 19224 1.54 281.5 19304 1.71 283.5 19384 1.69 285.5 19463 1.80 287.5 19543 1.90 289.5 19622 1.93 291.5 19702 1.56 293.5 19782 1.24 295.5 19861 1.09 297.5 19941 1.20 299.5 20020 1.04 301.5 20100 1.37 303.5 20180 1.59 305.5 20259 1.99 307.5 20339 1.89 309.5 20418 1.74 311.5 20498 1.70 313.5 20577 1.60 315.5 20657 1.74 317.5 20737 1.72 319.5 20816 1.70 321.5 20896 1.59 323.5 20975 1.70 324.5 21015 1.92 326.5 21095 2.20 328.5 21174 2.48 330.5 21254 2.16 332.5 21334 2.06 334.5 21413 1.87 336.5 21493 2.03 338.5 21572 2.05 340.5 21652 1.93 342.5 21732 1.67 344.5 21811 1.64 346.5 21891 1.49 348.5 21970 1.80 350.5 22050 1.53 352.5 22129 1.62 354.5 22209 1.56 356.5 22289 1.35 358.5 22368 1.50 360.5 22448 1.24 364.5 22607 1.21 368.5 22766 2.09 372.5 22925 1.73 376.5 23085 1.51 380.5 23244 1.70 384.5 23403 1.60 388.5 23562 1.35 392.5 23721 1.11 396.5 23880 1.28 400.5 24040 1.35 404.5 24199 1.44 408.5 24358 1.18 412.5 24517 1.14 416.5 24676 1.07 420.5 24836 1.91 422.5 24915 1.59 424.5 24995 0.92 428.5 25154 0.76 432.5 25313 0.87 436.5 25472 0.72 440.5 25631 0.98 444.5 25791 1.07 448.5 25950 1.06 452.5 26109 1.15 456.5 26268 1.11 460.5 26427 1.06 464.5 26586 1.72 468.5 26746 1.31 472.5 26905 1.14 476.5 27064 1.20 480.5 27223 1.17 484.5 27382 1.20 488.5 27542 1.09 492.5 27701 0.99 496.5 27860 1.33 500.5 28019 1.15 504.5 28178 1.23 508.5 28337 1.24 512.5 28497 1.10 516.5 28656 0.83 520.5 28815 0.84 522.5 28895 1.01 524.5 28974 1.30 528.5 29133 1.19 532.5 29292 1.05 536.5 29452 1.11 540.5 29611 2.13 544.5 29770 2.36 548.5 29929 2.82 552.5 30088 1.47 556.5 30474 1.10 560.5 30892 1.05 564.5 31310 0.96 568.5 31728 0.86 572.5 32146 1.17 576.5 32564 1.45 580.5 32982 1.37 584.5 33400 1.31 588.5 33818 1.39 592.5 34236 1.45 596.5 34655 2.13 598.5 34864 1.96 601.5 35177 1.70 605.5 35595 1.34 609.5 35769 1.92 613.5 35909 1.26 617.5 36048 1.06 621.5 36187 0.96 625.5 36327 1.24 629.5 36466 0.99 633.5 36605 0.99 637.5 36745 1.54 641.5 36884 1.83 645.5 37023 3.07 649.5 37163 1.86