# Lake DV09, Devon Island 7,500 Year Physical Properties Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/18575 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/northamerica/canada/devon/dv09t2013gs.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleolimnology #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-03-20 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Lake DV09, Devon Island 7,500 Year Physical Properties Data #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Courtney Mustaphi, C.J.; Gajewski, K. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Multiproxy data from 2 sediment cores collected in Lake DV09, Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada, as presented # in Courtney Mustaphi and Gajewski (2013) Figures 2, 4, 5, and 6. Measured parameters include varve thickness, magnetic # susceptibility, clay/sand/silt, loss-on-ignition, and sediment greyscale. Lake DV09 has a surface area of 3ha, # 16m maximum depth, pH of 8.4, and is located 1.3 km from the coast. Bedrock is Middle Ordovician Bay Fiord Formation, # soils are Cryic regosols, and vegetation is Northern Arctic tundra. # # Additional References: # Courtney Mustaphi, C.J. 2008. Analysis of laminated sediments from Lake DV09, Northern Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada. # MSc thesis, Department of Geography, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 122p. # # Gajewski, K., P. Hamilton and R. McNeely. 1997. A high-resolution proxy-climate record from an arctic lake with # annually-laminated sediments on Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada. Journal of paleolimnology 17:215-225. # # Turner, L.J. 1995. 210Pb dating of lacustrine sediments from a Devon Island lake (Core 069, Station DV09), NWT. # National Water Research Institute, Burlington, Ontario. NWRI Contribution 95-103, January, 1995. 23p. # #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Colin J. Courtney Mustaphi and Konrad Gajewski # Published_Date_or_Year: 2013-05-01 # Published_Title: Holocene sediments from a coastal lake on northern Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada # Journal_Name: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences # Volume: 50 # Edition: # Issue: 5 # Pages: 564-575 # DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2012-0143 # Online_Resource: http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjes-2012-0143#.VRCR32NTcsc # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Sediment cores from Lake DV09, northern Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada (75 34'34"N, 89 18'55"W), were studied to reconstruct the lake ontogeny through analysis and interpretation of the sediment stratigraphy. The lake was uplifted from marine inundation ~7600 cal BP. After a millennium of rapid sediment accumulation, which coincided with the Holocene Thermal Maximum in the region, accumulation rates decreased over the past 6000 years as the Arctic became colder. This resulted in the deposition of very fine laminae that were interpreted as varves. The uppermost laminated sediments provided a ~1600 year history of annual sediment transport and deposition into the lake. During periods of warmer temperatures, such as between 6000 and 7500 cal BP and during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (~950-1300 CE; CE, Christian Era), hydroclimatic and permafrost slope processes increased sedimentation rates into the basin. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS) # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Lake DV09 # Location: North America>Canada>Nunavut # Country: Canada # Northernmost_Latitude: 75.5761 # Southernmost_Latitude: 75.5761 # Easternmost_Longitude: -89.3153 # Westernmost_Longitude: -89.3153 # Elevation: 35 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: DV09T2013GS # Earliest_Year: 7500 # Most_Recent_Year: 50 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # Table 1. Radiocarbon dates. # # Source Material Depth minimum (cm) Depth maximum (cm) Sample code 14C age (BP) 13C/12C (permil) 2 sigma Calibrated age (cal BP) # Core T, B Organic detritus 89 90 Beta-242790 4600±40 -23.9 5070-5470*a # Core T Organic detritus 303 306 Beta-240752 5870±40 -25.2 6570-6790 # Core T Organic detritus 329 332.5 Beta-236401 5860±40 -29.8 6560-6780*a # Core T Organic detritus 353 355 Beta-235291 5910±40 -28.5 6640-6850 # Core T Organic detritus 394 398 Beta-236402 6180±50 -26.2 6950-7240 # Core T Organic detritus 478 481 Beta-235292 6500±40 -25.4 7320-7480 # Lakeshore Mya truncate valve - - TO-7929 7160±80 NA 7480-7800*b # # Note: Dates, presented in calibrated years before present (cal BP), calibrated using IntCal09 calibration curves. NA, not available. # *a Samples not used in discussion because they were too old or represented age reversals. # *b Date calibrated using Marine09 (Reimer et al. 2009). # # # Figure 4B (inset) Varve Discrepant Years/100 Years # # Year (Varve Year CE) Year (Varve Year BP) Cumulative Varve Depth (cm) Avg Negative discrepant years Avg Positive discrepant years Cumulative Negative Discrepant Years Cumulative Positive Discrepant Years # 1900 50 9.6311 -8.5 5 8.5 5 # 1800 150 16.1675 -7.5 5.5 16 10.5 # 1700 250 22.8022 -0.5 4 16.5 14.5 # 1600 350 26.9119 -0.5 12 17 26.5 # 1500 450 39.0797 -4 6.5 21 33 # 1400 550 45.6672 -6 6 27 39 # 1300 650 52.4073 -11 4.5 38 43.5 # 1200 750 73.0242 -3 0.5 41 44 # 1100 850 87.9634 0 0 41 44 # 1000 950 103.0078 -0.666666667 0.333333333 41.66666667 44.33333333 # 900 1050 108.0554 -3 5.333333333 44.66666667 49.66666667 # 800 1150 110.9123 -6 3 50.66666667 52.66666667 # 700 1250 114.6923 -2.666666667 2.333333333 53.33333333 55 # 600 1350 120.679 -4 0.666666667 57.33333333 55.66666667 # 500 1450 127.0203 -8.333333333 2.666666667 65.66666667 58.33333333 # 400 1550 132.714 -11.66666667 15.33333333 77.33333333 73.66666667 # 370 1580 136.4619 -1.666666667 3.666666667 79 77.33333333 # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_cm depth, , , cm, , , , ,N ## sand% Sand Content, , , %, , paleolimnology, , ,N ## silt% Silt Content, , , %, , paleolimnology, , ,N ## clay% Clay Content, , , %, , paleolimnology, , ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # depth_cm sand% silt% clay% 11 31.54902871 68.45097129 6.03961E-14 19 29.24502715 70.61438582 0.14058703 29 1.907005948 97.26989508 0.823098976 38 12.30552444 87.48955747 0.204918088 66 0.171002327 99.58071098 0.248286689 75 5.152007241 94.65403713 0.193955631 85 0.038000517 99.71419402 0.24780546 94 27.66050763 72.08120568 0.258286689 104 39.37252004 60.62747996 1.20792E-13 119 9.873532713 90.12646729 -5.86198E-14 121 7.53001293 91.62448195 0.845505119 133 41.48352237 58.46118412 0.055293515 157 32.45452728 67.54547272 6.39488E-14 158 33.12652935 66.87347065 0 161 5.888510732 93.92849609 0.182993174 165 4.623017326 95.37698267 -6.57252E-14 169 15.22701629 84.60095299 0.172030716 181 10.34653194 89.65346806 1.06581E-13 186 8.157531679 91.84246832 0 188 2.145006465 96.9075635 0.947430034 190 28.64052573 71.2932183 0.066255973 212.5 10.34752651 89.42611172 0.226361774 217 27.61255366 72.38744634 0 218 11.61153323 88.22643605 0.162030716 227 22.63955444 77.36044556 -7.10543E-14 228 11.80304319 88.19695681 -5.86198E-14 231 17.83802121 81.95706071 0.204918088 233 17.69704215 82.30295785 -7.81597E-14 234 6.774519525 93.22548048 -6.83897E-14 237 20.85754461 79.14245539 0 243 3.979510473 95.05642809 0.964061433 247 15.77553737 83.31184488 0.912617747 249 6.825024567 93.0343884 0.14058703 251 29.64456607 70.30062164 0.054812287 253 5.051509956 94.72212827 0.226361774 256 16.58802896 83.41197104 0 265 8.513027671 90.69531704 0.79165529 266 7.604524697 92.3954753 -1.86517E-14 271 9.851028188 89.99742232 0.151549488 280 20.2315384 79.61787457 0.15058703 284 10.18502457 89.6210198 0.193955631 288 10.47203569 89.26967762 0.258286689 290 6.609518232 93.23893228 0.151549488 297 0 100 0 300 11.75700595 87.31085753 0.932136518 302 19.17554771 80.82445229 9.59233E-14 303.5 56.02753944 43.97246056 0 306 28.82053866 71.04983677 0.129624573 307 4.34001293 95.43314407 0.226843003 310 29.7055322 70.2944678 -1.03029E-13 317 6.389518232 91.66267631 1.94780546 324 12.97353013 86.82155178 0.204918088 335 18.09203052 81.90796948 0 344 21.57353789 78.42646211 0 346 46.1440119 53.7058823 0.150105802 352 44.10904939 55.89095061 9.23706E-14 358 51.83902871 48.16097129 0 363 0 99.263157 0.736843003 381 3.351517714 96.0201956 0.628286689 385 7.569018361 92.25798847 0.172993174 394 35.28003879 64.71996121 0 408 8.019520818 91.79748601 0.182993174 418 0.500502457 95.7883815 3.71111604 420 1.675003879 98.18440909 0.14058703 427 19.69203827 80.30796173 0 428 11.06002586 88.76746219 0.172511945 442 4.646021723 95.18194756 0.172030716 445 0.68600362 96.91453563 2.39946075 452 21.23805482 78.58991446 0.172030716 473 25.55154099 74.44845901 3.90799E-14 474 12.55301991 87.22109954 0.225880546 476 35.50004655 64.49995345 5.68434E-14 493 13.79453763 85.37476954 0.830692832 510 10.51853401 89.22366053 0.25780546 517 0 97.74909556 2.250904436 527 0 98.85583277 1.144167235 544 28.00903388 71.99096612 0 546 0 98.67064505 1.329354948 554 0 99.32123208 0.678767918 575 0 98.13765188 1.862348122 581 0 98.90920137 1.090798634 595 3.413509439 95.53579773 1.050692832 609 0.387500647 98.57132529 1.041174061 619 0 98.78353242 1.216467576 627 0 99.32026962 0.679730375 634 0.47300181 98.42341799 1.103580204 644 0 99.35411945 0.645880546