Lough-na-Shade, Ireland 1000Yr Ostracode Stable Isotope Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder and NOAA Paleoclimatology Program ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: PLEASE CITE ORIGINAL REFERENCE WHEN USING THIS DATA!!!!! NAME OF DATA SET: Lough-na-Shade, Ireland 1000Yr Ostracode Stable Isotope Data LAST UPDATE: 10/2010 (Original receipt by WDC Paleo) CONTRIBUTORS: Holmes, J., C. Arrowsmith, W. Austin, J. Boyle, E. Fisher, R. Holme, J. Marshall, F. Oldfield, and K. van der Post IGBP PAGES/WDCA CONTRIBUTION SERIES NUMBER: 2010-119 WDC PALEO CONTRIBUTION SERIES CITATION: Holmes, J., et al. 2010. Lough-na-Shade, Ireland 1000Yr Ostracode Stable Isotope Data. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series # 2010-119. NOAA/NCDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Holmes, J., C. Arrowsmith, W. Austin, J. Boyle, E. Fisher, R. Holme, J. Marshall, F. Oldfield, and K. van der Post. 2010. Climate and atmospheric circulation changes over the past 1000 years reconstructed from oxygen isotopes in lake-sediment carbonate from Ireland. The Holocene, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 1105-1111. DOI: 10.1177/0959683610369504 ABSTRACT: A 1000 year long subdecadal-resolution record of carbonate oxygen isotopes (d18Oc) from Lough-na-Shade, Ireland, provides evidence for changing atmospheric circulation over northwest Europe. The total range of d18Oc values (>5‰) is too large to be explained by changes in water temperature. Moreover, good correlation between the lake record and a previously published d18O time series from an Irish speleothem indicates that the changes in oxygen isotopes are best explained by variations in the isotopic composition of precipitation. The amplitude of change during this period is too large to be explained by shifts in condensation temperature. Instead we suggest that there have been changes in vapour source and transport paths connected with shifts in atmospheric circulation. Changes from a source area from further south within the North Atlantic to one further to the north could explain the prominent positive shift in oxygen-isotope values between the early eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, for example. Our results also demonstrate the value of a 'multiple-archive' approach to deconvolving lake-based carbonate isotope profiles, which are often complex. GEOGRAPHIC REGION: Northern Ireland PERIOD OF RECORD: 1000 yearsBP - present FUNDING SOURCE: United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council TIGGER programme, grant GST/02/701. DESCRIPTION: High-resolution stable isotope data on ostracod shells from Lough-na-Shade, N. Ireland. Samples are mainly Candona candida, but a few are C. neglecta. Lough-na-Shade is a small (0.3 ha surface area), shallow (maximum depth ~3.5 m) lake in Co. Armagh, N Ireland. Lough-na-Shade, Ireland: 54°21'1.53"N, 6°41'24.47"W DATA: Lough-na-Shade, Ireland Ostracode stable isotope data Measured variables: d18O and d13C on shells of the ostracod Candona sp. Depth Age(AD) d18O VPDB d13C VPDB Candona Candona 13.5 1940.3 -2.92 -9.02 18.5 1921.1 -2.85 -12.46 20.5 1913.4 -3.57 -12.01 21.5 1909.6 -3.35 -10.6 22.5 1905.8 -2.99 -11.07 23.5 1901.9 -3.05 -11.13 25.5 1897.8 -2.87 -10.88 26.5 1896.3 -2.53 -10.16 27.5 1894.8 -3.24 -11.03 28.5 1893.3 -3.43 -10.71 29.5 1891.8 -4.63 -12.32 31.5 1888.8 -3.23 -11.83 33.5 1885.8 -2 -10.28 34.5 1884.3 -3.55 -12.48 35.5 1882.8 -3.04 -11.18 36.5 1881.3 -3.08 -12.38 37.5 1879.8 -2.33 -10.92 38.5 1878.3 -2.85 -9.3 39.5 1876.8 -2.15 -9.6 40.5 1875.3 -1.7 -9.01 41.5 1873.8 -3.96 -11.73 42.5 1872.3 -3.02 -10.5 43.5 1870.8 -2.26 -9.57 44.5 1869.3 -2.01 -8.55 45.5 1867.8 -2.9 -9.83 46.5 1866.3 -1.81 -8.55 47.5 1864.8 -2.18 -7.69 48.5 1863.3 -2.49 -9.45 49.5 1861.8 -1.81 -8.52 50.5 1860.3 -2.32 -10.11 51.5 1858.8 -1.48 -8.39 52.5 1857.3 -1.76 -8.16 53.5 1855.8 -2.06 -10.36 54.5 1854.3 -1.7 -8.52 55.5 1852.8 -1.54 -8.53 56.5 1851.3 -1.15 -6.8 57.5 1849.8 -2.29 -8.75 58.5 1848.3 -1.85 -8.57 59.5 1846.8 -1.44 -8.27 60.5 1845.3 -1.96 -9.33 61.5 1843.8 -1.43 -8.93 62.5 1842.3 -2.06 -9.51 63.5 1840.8 -1.55 -8.16 64.5 1839.3 -0.8 -7.55 65.5 1836 -1.1 -7.8 66.5 1833.3 -1.84 -8.32 67.5 1830.7 -2.05 -9 68.5 1828 -1.29 -7.73 69.5 1825.3 -0.46 -7.89 70.75 1822 -0.33 -7.61 71.25 1820.7 -1.42 -8.39 71.75 1819.3 -1.09 -8.63 72.25 1818 -0.88 -7.59 72.75 1816.7 -1.16 -8.01 73.25 1815.3 -1.9 -8.35 73.75 1814 -1.12 -7.98 74.25 1812.7 -1.4 -8.8 74.75 1811.3 -1.2 -8.81 75.75 1808.7 -1.69 -7.59 76.75 1806 -1.45 -9.09 77.75 1803.3 -0.71 -7.26 78.25 1802 -1.03 -8.12 78.75 1800.7 -1.81 -7.9 79.75 1798 -1.02 -8.27 80.25 1792.9 -1.44 -9.02 80.75 1790 -1.99 -9.85 81.75 1784.3 -1.44 -9.88 82.75 1778.6 -1.77 -8.26 83.25 1775.7 -2.33 -8.49 83.75 1772.9 -2.38 -6.59 84.25 1770 -1.39 -9.29 84.75 1767.1 -1.85 -9.04 85.25 1764.3 -1.81 -10.35 87 1754.3 -1.5 -9.87 88 1748.6 -1.71 -10.25 89 1742.9 -1.84 -8.43 90 1737.1 -1.78 -9.61 91 1731.4 -1.62 -9.56 91.75 1727.1 -2.27 -8.83 92.75 1721.4 -2.27 -10.69 93.75 1715.7 -2.19 -7.28 94.75 1711.3 -1.42 -7.8 95.75 1706.3 -1.58 -9.24 97.25 1698.8 -3 -10.26 98.25 1693.8 -2.54 -8.24 99.25 1688.8 -2.8 -9.38 100.25 1683.8 -2.34 -9.07 103.25 1665.5 -2.9 -9.17 106.25 1642.8 -2.66 -8.83 107.25 1635.2 -1.99 -8.5 108.25 1627.6 -1.4 -8.99 109.25 1620 -2.04 -9.36 110.25 1612.4 -1.8 -8.5 112.25 1597.3 -1.31 -8.07 113.25 1589.7 -2 -8.52 114.25 1582.1 -1.59 -7.75 117.5 1557.4 -2.06 -7.73 118.25 1551.8 -2.33 -8.87 118.5 1549.9 -1.46 -8.05 119.25 1544.2 -1.72 -7.92 119.5 1542.3 -2.04 -7.43 120.5 1534.7 -2.22 -7.84 121.5 1527.1 -2.18 -7.73 122.5 1519.5 -2.24 -8 123.5 1511.9 -2.65 -7.67 124.5 1504.4 -2.2 -8.67 125.5 1496.8 -2.55 -8.42 126.5 1489.2 -2.41 -8.19 127.5 1481.6 -2.3 -8.43 128.5 1474 -2.73 -8.18 129.5 1466.4 -2.3 -7.82 130.5 1458.8 -2.2 -8.32 131.5 1451.3 -2.05 -7.89 132.5 1443.7 -2.61 -8.46 133.5 1436.1 -2.37 -8.33 134.5 1428.5 -2.43 -8.48 135.5 1420.9 -3 -9.06 136.5 1413.3 -2.87 -8.85 137.5 1405.8 -2.33 -8.14 138.5 1398.2 -2.67 -8.91 139.5 1390.6 -2.27 -8.87 140.5 1383 -2.86 -9.29 141.5 1375.4 -2.18 -8.32 142.5 1367.8 -2.51 -8.94 143.5 1360.3 -2.34 -10.29 144.5 1352.7 -2.67 -8.92 145.5 1345.1 -2.41 -8.89 147.75 1328 -0.87 -7.98 148.75 1320.4 0.57 -7.7 149.75 1312.9 -1.87 -8.49 150.75 1305.3 -2.52 -9.67 151.75 1297.7 -2.58 -8.51 152.75 1290.1 -2.34 -8.88 153.75 1282.5 -2.46 -9.14 154.75 1274.9 -2.7 -8.48 155.25 1271.1 -0.64 -7.28 157.75 1252.2 -2.38 -8.85 159.25 1240.8 -2.31 -9 160.25 1233.2 -1.86 -7.99 161.75 1221.8 -2.49 -7.68 162.75 1214.3 -1.67 -8.74 163.75 1206.7 -1.39 -8.14 164.75 1199.1 0.67 -7.74 165.75 1191.5 -2.38 -8.24 168.25 1172.5 -1.63 -7.6 170.25 1157.4 -2.52 -8.79 172.75 1138.4 -1.92 -9.09 174.25 1127 -2.46 -9.15 175.25 1119.5 -1.86 -9.11 176.25 1111.9 -2.29 -7.04 177.25 1104.3 -2.21 -7.73 178.25 1096.7 -1.97 -8.54 179.25 1089.1 -2.47 -7.5 180.25 1081.5 -3.03 -8.76 181.5 1072.1 -1.94 -7.68 182.75 1062.6 -1.45 -9.23 183.75 1055 -2.64 -8.31 184.75 1047.4 -2.98 -9.58 185.75 1039.8 -3.15 -8.74 187.25 1028.4 -2.12 -8.64 189.25 1013.3 -2.16 -7.75 190.25 1005.7 -2.13 -7.21 191.75 994.3 -1.59 -7.55 192.75 986.7 -1.46 -6.97 194.25 975.4 -1.58 -7.48 196.5 958.3 -1.8 -8.89