# Hinterburgsee, Switzerland 13,000 Year Chironomid-inferred July Temperature #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # # Online_Resource: http://hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/pls/paleox/f?p=519:1:::::P1_STUDY_ID:15854 # # Original_Source_URL: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/europe/switzerland/hinterburgsee2003temp-smoothed.txt # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Climate Reconstruction #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2014-01-02 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Hinterburgsee, Switzerland 13,000 Year Chironomid-inferred July Temperature #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Heiri, O.; Lotter, A.F.; Hausmann, S.; Kienast, F. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Chironomid-inferred July temperature estimates for Hinterburgsee, Switzerland for the past ~13,000 years. # A quantitative chironomid-July air temperature inference model based on surface sediments from 81 Swiss lakes # was applied to the subfossil chironomid record of Hinterburgsee, a small subalpine lake in the northern Swiss Alps. # The chironomid inferred July air temperature estimated standard error of prediction (Root mean square) is 1.51°C. #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Oliver Heiri, André F. Lotter, Sonja Hausmann, and Felix Kienast # Published_Date_or_Year: 2003-05-01 # Published_Title: A chironomid-based Holocene summer air temperature reconstruction from the Swiss Alps # Journal_Name: The Holocene # Volume: 13 # Edition: # Issue: 4 # Pages: 477-484 # DOI: 10.1191/0959683603hl640ft # Online_Resource: http://hol.sagepub.com/content/13/4/477.abstract # Full_Citation: # Abstract: We developed a quantitative chironomid-July air temperature inference model based on surface sediments from 81 Swiss lakes and applied it to the Holocene subfossil chironomid record of Hinterburgsee, a small subalpine lake in the northern Swiss Alps (present-day mean July air temperature of 11.3°C). After smoothing to reduce the high between-sample variability of inferred temperatures, the reconstruction indicates July air temperatures of 10.4- 10.9°C at the end of the Younger Dryas, of 11.9-12.8°C during the early and mid-Holocene (11500-4000 cal. BP), and slightly lower temperatures of 11.5-12.0°C during the late Holocene (3500-1000 cal. BP). A warming trend inferred for the past millennium is most likely an artifact of human impact on Hinterburgsee's chironomid fauna, rather than a genuine temperature signal. The most prominent climatological events during the Holocene were two periods of lower temperatures at c. 10700-10500 cal. BP and 8200-7700 cal. BP and an abrupt shift to a cooler late-Holocene climate around 4000-3700 cal. BP. Although the chironomid-inferred climate signals were within the prediction error of the model (1.51°C), major inferred temperature changes agree well with other northern and central European climate reconstructions and underline the potential of subfossil chironomid analysis to reconstruct even the moderate climatic changes within the Holocene. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swiss Federal Office of Education and Science # Grant: 97.0117 #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Swiss National Science Foundation # Grant: 5001-044600 #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Hinterburgsee # Location: Europe>Western Europe>Switzerland # Country: Switzerland # Northernmost_Latitude: 46.7186 # Southernmost_Latitude: 46.7186 # Easternmost_Longitude: 8.0686 # Westernmost_Longitude: 8.0686 # Elevation: 1515 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Hinterburgsee2003temp-smoothed # Earliest_Year: 12901 # Most_Recent_Year: -40.9 # Time_Unit: Cal Year BP # Core_Length: 10.83 m # Notes: #------------------ # Chronology: # # Ages >11500 cal yr BP extrapolated. Reconstruction <2000 cal yr BP affected by human impact and considered unreliable. # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow (have no #) # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # # ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , , ,N ## julT_chir_sm July air temperature, , , degrees C, July, lake sediment, smoothed, transfer function based reconstruction and loess smoothing (span=0.1),N #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: age_calBP julT_chir_sm -40.9 12.27 89.83 12.33 220.55 12.37 351.28 12.39 482.01 12.38 612.73 12.25 743.46 12.14 874.18 11.98 1004.91 11.82 1135.64 11.73 1266.36 11.72 1397.09 11.69 1527.82 11.66 1658.54 11.62 1789.27 11.6 1919.99 11.6 2050.72 11.57 2181.45 11.57 2312.17 11.63 2442.9 11.69 2573.63 11.72 2704.35 11.75 2835.08 11.81 2965.8 11.87 3096.53 11.81 3227.26 11.68 3357.98 11.55 3488.71 11.45 3619.44 11.49 3750.16 11.62 3880.89 11.8 4011.61 11.98 4142.34 12.07 4273.07 12.11 4403.79 12.15 4534.52 12.25 4665.25 12.37 4795.97 12.43 4926.7 12.46 5057.42 12.41 5188.15 12.31 5318.88 12.25 5449.6 12.23 5580.33 12.18 5711.06 12.06 5841.78 11.98 5972.51 12.16 6103.23 12.3 6233.96 12.33 6364.69 12.44 6495.41 12.53 6626.14 12.36 6756.87 12.13 6887.59 12.01 7018.32 11.96 7149.04 11.88 7279.77 11.78 7410.5 12.03 7541.22 11.98 7671.95 11.6 7802.68 11.33 7933.4 11.09 8064.13 11.2 8194.85 11.49 8325.58 11.79 8456.31 12.01 8587.03 12.24 8717.76 12.35 8848.49 12.22 8979.21 12 9109.94 11.92 9240.66 11.91 9371.39 11.96 9502.12 12.05 9632.84 12.23 9763.57 12.24 9894.3 12.06 10025.02 12.01 10155.75 11.83 10286.47 11.69 10417.2 11.46 10547.93 11.28 10678.65 11.32 10809.38 11.57 10940.11 11.83 11070.83 11.91 11201.56 11.83 11332.28 11.59 11463.01 11.35 11593.74 11.12 11724.46 10.86 11855.19 10.68 11985.92 10.61 12116.64 10.58 12247.37 10.59 12378.09 10.64 12508.82 10.7 12639.55 10.77 12770.27 10.85 12901 10.92