# Eifel Laminated Sediment Archive (ELSA) 2009 Dust Stack #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 2.0 # NOTE: Please cite Publication, and Online_Resource and date accessed when using these data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigators, Title, and Online_Resource and date accessed. # # Online_Resource: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/21431 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/europe/germany/elsa2009dust.txt # # Original_Source_URL: http://www.klimaundsedimente.geowissenschaften.uni-mainz.de/ # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Archive: Paleolimnology # # Parameter_Keywords: geochemistry #-------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2016-12-09 #-------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Eifel Laminated Sediment Archive (ELSA) 2009 Dust Stack #-------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Seelos, K.; Sirocko, F.; Dietrich, S. #-------------------- # Description_and_Notes # Description: Pleistocene laminated lake sediments from maar structures of the Eifel present a new and unique record to construct for the first time # a continuous time series with annual resolution for volcanic activity, climate, paleoweather and environment of the last 70000 years in central Europe. # The time series can be compared directly with the long and continuous records from the ice and the ocean to understand the rates of change and thresholds # in the response of the continental ecosystems to abrupt forcing events. # Provided Keywords: Eifel, Flood events, Ice core tuning, Laminated lake sediments, Maar lakes, MIS 3, Paleoclimate, Plant macroremains, Pleistocene, Pollen, Sedimentary archives, Tephrochronology, Total carbon, Vegetation #-------------------- # Publication # Authors: Klemens Seelos, Frank Sirocko and Stephan Dietrich # Published_Date_or_Year: 2009-10-31 # Published_Title: A continuous high-resolution dust record or the reconstruction of wind systems in central Europe (Eifel, Western Germany) over the past 133 ka # Journal_Name: Geophysical Research Letters # Volume: 36 # Edition: L20712 # Issue: 20 # Pages: # Report_Number: # DOI: 10.1029/2009GL039716 # Online_Resource: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009GL039716/full # Full_Citation: # Abstract: The last glacial cycle in Central Europe is dominated by processes of aeolian dust transport and accumulation. These dust deposits are preserved in soils and lake sediments and provide detailed information about the climate variability during cold and dry periods. Especially the transitions from warm into cold periods are characterized by turbulent climate conditions. The main problems of terrestrial paleoclimate reconstructions are the completeness of the core material and a sampling resolution. To detect single dust storms we use a particle detection method, which allows high resolution, sub-annual analyses of sediment structures in undisturbed samples. The ELSA (Eifel Laminated Sediment Archive) stack is a compilation of four different lake sediment cores of the Eifel region (Western Germany) and comprise the period of the last 133 ka. The results of our analyses show high frequencies of dust storm events during the first cold events C24 and C23 after the last warm stage. In opposition, the coldest periods of the last glacial cycle OIS-4 (70-60 ka BP) and OIS-2 (35-14 ka BP) are characterized by stable climate conditions that provide the accumulation of homogenous dust sediments. #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: German Research Foundation (DFG) # Grant: #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (DEKLIM) # Grant: Climate Research program #------------------ # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz for Innovation # Grant: #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Schalkenmehrener Maar # Location: Europe>Western Europe>Germany # Country: Germany # Northernmost_Latitude: 50.1694 # Southernmost_Latitude: 50.1694 # Easternmost_Longitude: 6.85806 # Westernmost_Longitude: 6.85806 # Elevation: 420 m #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Holzmaar # Location: Europe>Western Europe>Germany # Country: Germany # Northernmost_Latitude: 50.1203 # Southernmost_Latitude: 50.1203 # Easternmost_Longitude: 6.87963 # Westernmost_Longitude: 6.87963 # Elevation: 425 m #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Dehner Maar # Location: Europe>Western Europe>Germany # Country: Germany # Northernmost_Latitude: 50.2944 # Southernmost_Latitude: 50.2944 # Easternmost_Longitude: 6.50699 # Westernmost_Longitude: 6.50699 # Elevation: 565 m #------------------ # Site_Information # Site_Name: Oberwinkler Maar # Location: Europe>Western Europe>Germany # Country: Germany # Northernmost_Latitude: 50.15 # Southernmost_Latitude: 50.15 # Easternmost_Longitude: 6.95 # Westernmost_Longitude: 6.95 # Elevation: 385 m #------------------ # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: ELSA2009dust # Earliest_Year: 131750 # Most_Recent_Year: 450 # Time_Unit: Cal. Year BP # Core_Length: m # Notes: Dust-stack 2009_HL2 + OW1 + DE3 + SM3 #------------------ # Chronology_Information # Chronology: # #---------------- # Variables # # Data variables follow are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Data line variables format: Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , age before 2k, ,N ## dustprob dust probability, , , percent, , paleolimnology, Dust-stack 2009_HL2 + OW1 + DE3 + SM3, ,N # #---------------- # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Values: # age_calBP dustprob 450 2.07 550 2.06 650 1.99 750 1.93 850 1.39 950 1.42 1050 1.32 1150 1.51 1250 1.51 1350 1.18 1450 1.15 1550 1.15 1650 1.05 1750 1.05 1850 0.88 1950 1.31 2050 1.91 2150 2.32 2250 2.82 2350 3.02 2450 3.03 2550 3.09 2650 3.16 2750 3.34 2850 3.34 2950 3.22 3050 3.22 3150 2.82 3250 2.32 3350 2.15 3450 2.14 3550 1.98 3650 2.01 3750 1.64 3850 1.64 3950 1.14 4050 0.54 4150 0.37 4250 0.39 4350 0.46 4450 0.50 4550 0.41 4650 0.31 4750 0.29 4850 0.36 4950 0.42 5050 0.42 5150 0.44 5250 0.42 5350 0.43 5450 0.29 5550 0.29 5650 0.34 5750 0.38 5850 0.41 5950 0.42 6050 0.51 6150 0.46 6250 0.46 6350 0.36 6450 0.38 6550 0.38 6650 0.32 6750 0.58 6850 0.55 6950 0.67 7050 0.66 7150 0.66 7250 1.18 7350 1.32 7450 1.31 7550 1.53 7650 1.78 7750 1.48 7850 1.52 7950 2.01 8050 1.92 8150 2.05 8250 1.54 8350 1.67 8450 1.73 8550 1.60 8650 1.83 8750 2.29 8850 2.25 8950 1.67 9050 1.72 9150 1.64 9250 1.64 9350 1.36 9450 1.30 9550 1.20 9650 0.73 9750 0.32 9850 0.38 9950 0.78 10050 0.81 10150 0.78 10250 1.08 10350 1.19 10450 1.29 10550 1.41 10650 1.41 10750 1.51 10850 1.36 10950 0.88 11050 0.80 11150 0.78 11250 0.81 11350 0.81 11450 0.89 11550 1.00 11650 1.30 11750 1.26 11850 1.52 11950 1.66 12050 1.79 12150 2.01 12250 1.98 12350 2.03 12450 2.53 12550 2.59 12650 3.11 12750 3.07 12850 2.81 12950 3.16 13050 4.01 13150 4.04 13250 4.51 13350 4.54 13450 4.76 13550 5.48 13650 5.83 13750 6.77 13850 7.94 13950 8.73 14050 9.06 14150 9.70 14250 9.76 14350 10.63 14450 10.89 14550 10.90 14650 10.26 14750 10.16 14850 8.99 14950 8.71 15050 8.63 15150 8.49 15250 8.39 15350 8.33 15450 7.95 15550 7.84 15650 8.48 15750 7.81 15850 8.41 15950 8.33 16050 8.34 16150 8.36 16250 8.79 16350 8.39 16450 8.67 16550 8.94 16650 8.78 16750 9.57 16850 10.27 16950 10.46 17050 9.64 17150 10.26 17250 10.16 17350 10.22 17450 10.14 17550 10.47 17650 10.85 17750 10.91 17850 10.55 17950 10.54 18050 11.31 18150 11.23 18250 11.16 18350 11.26 18450 11.29 18550 10.89 18650 10.39 18750 10.59 18850 10.55 18950 10.08 19050 10.32 19150 9.18 19250 9.56 19350 8.83 19450 7.94 19550 7.24 19650 7.39 19750 7.50 19850 7.50 19950 7.98 20050 7.95 20150 8.85 20250 8.73 20350 9.90 20450 11.29 20550 12.03 20650 12.25 20750 12.10 20850 12.19 20950 12.31 21050 11.91 21150 12.05 21250 11.91 21350 11.94 21450 11.30 21550 11.33 21650 10.97 21750 11.11 21850 11.22 21950 11.10 22050 11.10 22150 10.89 22250 11.16 22350 10.24 22450 10.38 22550 10.02 22650 9.54 22750 9.38 22850 9.52 22950 9.28 23050 9.48 23150 9.12 23250 8.61 23350 9.17 23450 9.01 23550 9.01 23650 9.34 23750 8.80 23850 8.07 23950 8.12 24050 8.02 24150 8.31 24250 8.21 24350 8.00 24450 7.67 24550 7.18 24650 6.63 24750 6.57 24850 6.97 24950 6.95 25050 6.65 25150 6.91 25250 7.02 25350 7.58 25450 7.68 25550 8.24 25650 9.14 25750 9.70 25850 9.80 25950 9.87 26050 10.17 26150 10.23 26250 10.50 26350 10.40 26450 10.70 26550 10.70 26650 10.80 26750 10.87 26850 10.77 26950 10.71 27050 10.76 27150 10.39 27250 10.45 27350 10.35 27450 10.55 27550 10.15 27650 10.20 27750 10.25 27850 10.45 27950 10.48 28050 10.23 28150 10.53 28250 10.39 28350 10.62 28450 10.72 28550 11.56 28650 11.50 28750 11.28 28850 11.41 28950 11.48 29050 12.08 29150 12.38 29250 12.50 29350 12.30 29450 12.23 29550 11.94 29650 11.72 29750 11.52 29850 11.18 29950 10.88 30050 10.45 30150 9.85 30250 9.62 30350 9.92 30450 9.69 30550 10.00 30650 10.33 30750 10.93 30850 10.60 30950 10.23 31050 10.26 31150 10.26 31250 10.57 31350 10.33 31450 10.53 31550 10.57 31650 10.17 31750 10.07 31850 10.30 31950 10.92 32050 10.29 32150 10.29 32250 10.37 32350 10.11 32450 10.03 32550 10.07 32650 10.26 32750 9.96 32850 9.48 32950 9.61 33050 9.97 33150 10.27 33250 9.43 33350 9.89 33450 10.14 33550 9.61 33650 9.49 33750 9.71 33850 10.53 33950 10.75 34050 11.12 34150 10.79 34250 10.89 34350 10.50 34450 10.50 34550 9.81 34650 10.04 34750 10.01 34850 9.83 34950 8.63 35050 8.61 35150 8.99 35250 9.29 35350 9.14 35450 8.89 35550 9.69 35650 9.48 35750 8.78 35850 8.58 35950 9.48 36050 9.30 36150 8.87 36250 8.37 36350 8.51 36450 7.71 36550 7.69 36650 7.20 36750 7.70 36850 8.08 36950 8.18 37050 8.48 37150 8.60 37250 9.20 37350 9.26 37450 9.72 37550 9.52 37650 9.75 37750 9.25 37850 8.87 37950 8.37 38050 7.44 38150 6.81 38250 6.41 38350 6.04 38450 5.95 38550 5.75 38650 5.71 38750 5.66 38850 5.51 38950 5.64 39050 6.03 39150 6.42 39250 6.42 39350 6.53 39450 6.47 39550 6.57 39650 6.47 39750 6.25 39850 6.15 39950 6.02 40050 5.66 40150 5.37 40250 5.27 40350 5.36 40450 5.83 40550 5.96 40650 6.16 40750 6.82 40850 7.32 40950 7.42 41050 8.12 41150 7.92 41250 7.62 41350 7.72 41450 7.65 41550 7.84 41650 7.96 41750 7.95 41850 7.60 41950 7.02 42050 6.62 42150 7.22 42250 7.62 42350 6.86 42450 5.98 42550 4.97 42650 4.04 42750 3.12 42850 2.49 42950 2.66 43050 1.96 43150 1.16 43250 1.26 43350 2.02 43450 2.96 43550 3.93 43650 5.02 43750 5.10 43850 6.22 43950 6.73 44050 7.38 44150 8.28 44250 8.68 44350 8.68 44450 8.56 44550 8.37 44650 8.07 44750 8.31 44850 7.37 44950 6.66 45050 6.01 45150 5.25 45250 4.25 45350 3.72 45450 3.33 45550 3.18 45650 2.48 45750 2.20 45850 2.07 45950 2.18 46050 2.31 46150 2.16 46250 2.15 46350 1.78 46450 1.39 46550 1.00 46650 1.18 46750 1.80 46850 2.64 46950 3.14 47050 4.22 47150 5.12 47250 6.24 47350 7.34 47450 8.34 47550 9.11 47650 9.83 47750 10.31 47850 10.50 47950 10.80 48050 10.90 48150 11.20 48250 11.20 48350 11.30 48450 11.60 48550 11.70 48650 11.80 48750 11.00 48850 10.90 48950 10.40 49050 10.30 49150 9.70 49250 9.10 49350 8.92 49450 8.22 49550 8.12 49650 7.02 49750 6.62 49850 6.52 49950 6.19 50050 5.43 50150 4.85 50250 4.49 50350 3.65 50450 3.65 50550 2.99 50650 3.40 50750 3.41 50850 2.58 50950 2.52 51050 2.26 51150 2.46 51250 2.49 51350 2.65 51450 2.64 51550 2.84 51650 3.44 51750 4.37 51850 5.28 51950 5.16 52050 5.11 52150 4.94 52250 5.09 52350 5.03 52450 4.97 52550 4.96 52650 4.28 52750 3.48 52850 2.67 52950 2.75 53050 3.10 53150 3.24 53250 3.02 53350 2.76 53450 2.51 53550 2.02 53650 1.83 53750 1.94 53850 2.16 53950 2.08 54050 1.83 54150 2.47 54250 2.34 54350 3.24 54450 2.88 54550 3.12 54650 3.03 54750 2.84 54850 2.94 54950 3.14 55050 3.08 55150 2.54 55250 2.81 55350 2.76 55450 3.43 55550 3.34 55650 3.64 55750 3.57 55850 3.58 55950 3.88 56050 4.22 56150 4.06 56250 4.71 56350 3.87 56450 3.80 56550 4.80 56650 5.77 56750 5.77 56850 6.33 56950 6.93 57050 7.67 57150 8.77 57250 8.67 57350 9.97 57450 10.53 57550 10.23 57650 9.93 57750 10.31 57850 9.71 57950 9.11 58050 8.57 58150 7.34 58250 6.98 58350 5.68 58450 4.98 58550 4.98 58650 4.96 58750 4.64 58850 4.60 58950 5.20 59050 5.31 59150 6.01 59250 6.47 59350 7.87 59450 8.67 59550 8.77 59650 8.98 59750 10.03 59850 10.70 59950 10.90 60050 11.30 60150 11.40 60250 11.70 60350 10.30 60450 9.90 60550 9.60 60650 9.70 60750 9.50 60850 8.95 60950 8.45 61050 8.15 61150 7.35 61250 7.05 61350 7.85 61450 7.85 61550 8.05 61650 7.75 61750 7.95 61850 7.70 61950 7.90 62050 8.00 62150 9.30 62250 9.80 62350 10.20 62450 9.36 62550 8.59 62650 7.79 62750 6.95 62850 6.98 62950 6.37 63050 5.84 63150 5.07 63250 4.17 63350 3.63 63450 4.30 63550 4.98 63650 5.40 63750 5.14 63850 5.01 63950 5.32 64050 5.78 64150 6.23 64250 5.97 64350 5.88 64450 6.31 64550 7.05 64650 7.52 64750 8.57 64850 9.08 64950 9.77 65050 9.95 65150 10.26 65250 10.43 65350 9.85 65450 9.59 65550 8.95 65650 9.12 65750 9.07 65850 9.64 65950 8.64 66050 8.44 66150 8.62 66250 9.56 66350 10.53 66450 10.93 66550 11.20 66650 11.23 66750 11.60 66850 11.53 66950 12.44 67050 12.68 67150 11.81 67250 11.87 67350 11.81 67450 11.73 67550 11.98 67650 11.53 67750 11.46 67850 11.54 67950 11.40 68050 11.77 68150 12.46 68250 12.34 68350 12.04 68450 12.19 68550 11.62 68650 11.98 68750 12.08 68850 11.82 68950 12.11 69050 12.05 69150 11.96 69250 11.78 69350 12.52 69450 11.95 69550 12.53 69650 11.95 69750 11.52 69850 11.54 69950 11.34 70050 11.10 70150 11.27 70250 11.39 70350 11.44 70450 11.07 70550 10.11 70650 10.69 70750 10.58 70850 10.81 70950 10.53 71050 10.63 71150 10.54 71250 9.92 71350 9.52 71450 10.30 71550 11.13 71650 10.12 71750 10.77 71850 9.78 71950 10.30 72050 9.80 72150 9.60 72250 9.60 72350 9.60 72450 9.60 72550 9.80 72650 11.00 72750 10.62 72850 11.62 72950 10.43 73050 10.81 73150 10.76 73250 11.31 73350 11.12 73450 10.75 73550 10.39 73650 10.16 73750 9.89 73850 8.84 73950 9.56 74050 8.81 74150 8.82 74250 8.48 74350 8.80 74450 8.97 74550 9.22 74650 9.22 74750 8.98 74850 9.39 74950 9.63 75050 10.41 75150 9.96 75250 10.02 75350 9.86 75450 9.77 75550 9.37 75650 9.20 75750 9.57 75850 9.88 75950 9.57 76050 9.31 76150 9.63 76250 9.59 76350 9.54 76450 9.54 76550 9.27 76650 9.18 76750 9.10 76850 9.60 76950 9.07 77050 8.82 77150 8.55 77250 8.29 77350 8.03 77450 7.78 77550 7.71 77650 7.46 77750 7.20 77850 6.38 77950 6.59 78050 6.52 78150 6.48 78250 6.45 78350 6.41 78450 6.37 78550 6.33 78650 6.30 78750 6.26 78850 6.22 78950 6.18 79050 6.15 79150 6.12 79250 6.09 79350 6.06 79450 6.04 79550 6.03 79650 6.02 79750 6.01 79850 6.00 79950 6.00 80050 6.00 80150 6.00 80250 6.00 80350 6.00 80450 6.00 80550 6.00 80650 6.00 80750 6.00 80850 6.00 80950 6.00 81050 6.01 81150 6.03 81250 6.05 81350 6.07 81450 6.11 81550 6.14 81650 6.18 81750 6.23 81850 6.28 81950 6.33 82050 6.39 82150 6.44 82250 6.49 82350 6.55 82450 6.60 82550 6.65 82650 6.71 82750 6.76 82850 6.78 82950 6.77 83050 6.73 83150 6.66 83250 6.55 83350 6.42 83450 6.25 83550 6.05 83650 5.82 83750 5.55 83850 5.29 83950 5.02 84050 4.76 84150 4.49 84250 4.23 84350 3.96 84450 3.70 84550 3.43 84650 3.17 84750 2.98 84850 2.86 84950 2.81 85050 2.83 85150 2.92 85250 3.07 85350 3.30 85450 3.59 85550 3.95 85650 4.38 85750 4.80 85850 5.23 85950 5.65 86050 6.07 86150 6.50 86250 6.92 86350 7.35 86450 7.77 86550 8.18 86650 8.53 86750 8.83 86850 9.06 86950 9.24 87050 9.36 87150 9.42 87250 9.42 87350 9.36 87450 9.24 87550 9.08 87650 8.93 87750 8.77 87850 8.61 87950 8.45 88050 8.29 88150 8.13 88250 7.97 88350 7.81 88450 7.65 88550 7.46 88650 7.27 88750 7.05 88850 6.82 88950 6.58 89050 6.32 89150 6.04 89250 5.75 89350 5.44 89450 5.12 89550 4.80 89650 4.49 89750 4.17 89850 3.85 89950 3.53 90050 3.21 90150 2.89 90250 2.58 90350 2.27 90450 2.01 90550 1.77 90650 1.56 90750 1.39 90850 1.25 90950 1.14 91050 1.06 91150 1.01 91250 1.00 91350 1.00 91450 1.00 91550 1.00 91650 1.00 91750 1.00 91850 1.00 91950 1.00 92050 1.00 92150 1.00 92250 1.03 92350 1.10 92450 1.22 92550 1.37 92650 1.57 92750 1.81 92850 2.10 92950 2.43 93050 2.80 93150 3.21 93250 3.63 93350 4.06 93450 4.48 93550 4.90 93650 5.33 93750 5.75 93850 6.18 93950 6.60 94050 7.03 94150 7.44 94250 7.83 94350 8.21 94450 8.57 94550 8.92 94650 9.25 94750 9.57 94850 9.87 94950 10.15 95050 10.42 95150 10.68 95250 10.95 95350 11.21 95450 11.48 95550 11.75 95650 12.01 95750 12.28 95850 12.54 95950 12.81 96050 12.67 96150 12.32 96250 12.54 96350 12.10 96450 12.33 96550 11.68 96650 11.56 96750 11.29 96850 11.09 96950 10.69 97050 10.62 97150 10.80 97250 10.60 97350 11.10 97450 10.48 97550 11.00 97650 10.74 97750 10.93 97850 10.17 97950 9.96 98050 9.44 98150 8.81 98250 8.57 98350 7.27 98450 7.38 98550 7.25 98650 7.00 98750 5.87 98850 5.66 98950 5.96 99050 6.00 99150 6.80 99250 6.61 99350 7.13 99450 6.94 99550 6.74 99650 6.74 99750 7.21 99850 7.71 99950 7.42 100050 7.37 100150 6.57 100250 6.47 100350 6.76 100450 6.76 100550 6.21 100650 5.93 100750 5.76 100850 5.47 100950 5.44 101050 5.81 101150 6.31 101250 6.73 101350 7.02 101450 6.85 101550 6.96 101650 7.54 101750 8.08 101850 8.57 101950 8.84 102050 8.45 102150 7.55 102250 6.70 102350 5.67 102450 5.94 102550 6.20 102650 5.45 102750 4.85 102850 5.18 102950 4.97 103050 5.83 103150 6.98 103250 7.82 103350 8.92 103450 8.39 103550 8.46 103650 8.71 103750 8.33 103850 7.34 103950 6.63 104050 5.37 104150 5.26 104250 5.17 104350 4.29 104450 4.98 104550 5.29 104650 5.28 104750 5.73 104850 6.08 104950 6.95 105050 7.38 105150 7.24 105250 7.07 105350 7.05 105450 6.48 105550 5.70 105650 5.40 105750 4.95 105850 5.00 105950 4.17 106050 3.82 106150 3.30 106250 3.00 106350 3.30 106450 2.82 106550 2.87 106650 3.38 106750 4.01 106850 3.37 106950 3.21 107050 3.57 107150 3.31 107250 3.04 107350 2.86 107450 3.44 107550 3.49 107650 3.10 107750 2.61 107850 3.22 107950 3.57 108050 4.00 108150 5.03 108250 5.32 108350 5.61 108450 6.22 108550 7.02 108650 8.05 108750 8.43 108850 8.01 108950 7.86 109050 7.83 109150 7.85 109250 8.05 109350 8.52 109450 7.99 109550 7.61 109650 7.10 109750 7.57 109850 7.77 109950 8.06 110050 7.88 110150 7.20 110250 6.45 110350 5.56 110450 5.14 110550 4.65 110650 4.11 110750 3.40 110850 3.20 110950 2.74 111050 2.10 111150 1.70 111250 2.86 111350 3.67 111450 4.23 111550 4.44 111650 4.15 111750 4.66 111850 4.61 111950 4.64 112050 4.88 112150 4.93 112250 3.82 112350 2.80 112450 2.06 112550 1.65 112650 1.65 112750 0.95 112850 1.00 112950 0.94 113050 0.76 113150 0.81 113250 0.76 113350 0.91 113450 1.01 113550 1.02 113650 1.11 113750 1.21 113850 1.02 113950 1.14 114050 1.09 114150 1.19 114250 1.19 114350 1.18 114450 1.02 114550 0.92 114650 0.85 114750 0.70 114850 0.88 114950 0.76 115050 0.76 115150 0.46 115250 0.46 115350 0.28 115450 0.31 115550 0.35 115650 0.33 115750 0.61 115850 0.43 115950 0.50 116050 0.57 116150 0.87 116250 0.87 116350 1.00 116450 0.97 116550 0.93 116650 1.13 116750 1.04 116850 1.12 116950 1.08 117050 1.00 117150 0.94 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