# Ngamring Co Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Long-Chain Fatty Acids and brGDGTs based Mean Annual Temperature over the last 18ka #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Template Version 4.0 # Encoding: UTF-8 # NOTE: Please cite original publication, NOAA Landing Page URL, dataset and publication DOIs (where available), and date accessed when using downloaded data. # If there is no publication information, please cite investigator, study title, NOAA Landing Page URL, and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with '#' followed by a space # Data lines have no '#' # # NOAA_Landing_Page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/study/38499 # Landing_Page_Description: NOAA Landing Page of this file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Study_Level_JSON_Metadata: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/metadata/published/paleo/json/noaa-lake-38499.json # Study_Level_JSON_Description: JSON metadata of this data file's parent study, which includes all study metadata. # # Data_Type: Paleolimnology # # Dataset_DOI: 10.25921/e3rg-vc84 # # Science_Keywords: Other Hydroclimate Reconstruction, Monsoon, westerlies, Air Temperature Reconstruction #--------------------------------------- # Resource_Links # # Data_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/asia/china/sun2022/sun2022-ngamring-co.txt # Data_Download_Description: NOAA Template File; Ngamring Co d2H and brGDGT-based Mean Annual Air Temperature Data # #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2023-09-12 #--------------------------------------- # File_Last_Modified_Date # Date: 2023-09-20 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Ngamring Co Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Long-Chain Fatty Acids and brGDGTs based Mean Annual Temperature over the last 18ka #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Sun, Zhe; Hou, Xiaohuan; Ji, Kejia; Yuan, Kan; Li, Can-Ge; Wang, Mingda; Hou, Juzhi #--------------------------------------- # Description_Notes_and_Keywords # Description: #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Sun, Zhe, Kejia Ji, Xiaohuan Hou, Kan Yuan, Can-Ge Li, Juzhi Hou # Published_Date_or_Year: 2022 # Published_Title: Changes in atmospheric circulation and glacier melting since the last deglaciation revealed by a lacustrine dD record at Ngamring Co, the upper-middle Yarlung Tsangpo watershed # Journal_Name: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology # Volume: 598 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: 111027 # DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111027 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018222001973 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Both the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and glacier meltwater are suggested to significantly influence the modern discharge of the Yarlung Tsangpo River, which is the longest river of Tibet and is an important freshwater source for the local population as well as for the large populations in India and Bangladesh in the lower reaches. Understanding past hydroclimatic variations of the region is therefore important for predicting future changes under global warming scenarios. Here we present a continuous compound-specific hydrogen isotope record of sedimentary leaf waxes covering the past 18 ka (ka = 1000 yr) from Ngamring Co, located in the upper-middle Yarlung Tsangpo range, a typical monsoonal region, with the aim of documenting hydroclimatic changes since the last deglaciation. Compared with measurements of continuous scanning XRF and magnetic susceptibility, the dD at Ngamring Co is believed to reflect atmospheric circulation and glacial meltwater input rather than direct local humidity. In detail, the record indicates relatively enriched dD values during the Late Pleistocene, suggesting the predominance of the Westerlies and limited moisture delivery by the ISM, which was associated with cooling at high northern latitudes. The fast dD depletion indicates that ISM penetrated into TP since ~10.5 ka BP (before present, the present is 1950 CE), then the gradually increased dD values suggested the ISM attenuated in phase with summer insolation during early to middle Holocene. The negative deviation of dD (>80‰, abrupt depleted at 3 ka BP) since ~6 ka BP suggested glacier melting in the catchment and ended at ~0.2 ka BP, which emphasizes the glacial contribution to the hydroclimatic change in Yarlung Tsangpo watershed. Such depletion was also observed at Aweng Co in the western TP, which suggests that a glacier meltwater contribution to lakes and rivers may be a large-scale phenomenon on the TP. Comparison of the dD record from Ngamring Co with independent paleotemperature records indicates the control of summer temperature/insolation on glacier melting may not be the most important factor during the late Holocene, and instead we propose that the mean annual air temperature and glacier volume were more crucial to the melting process. If our inference is correct, the disappearance of a glacier from the Ngamring Co basin at ~0.2 ka BP is likely to be indicative of the fate of other glaciers on the TP under ongoing global warming. However, independent reconstructions of temperature and direct glacier dynamics from the same site are needed to validate our hypothesis. #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Sun, Zhe, Xiaohuan Hou, Kejia Ji, Kan Yuan, Can-Ge Li, Mingda Wang, Juzhi Hou # Published_Date_or_Year: 2022 # Published_Title: Potential winter-season bias of annual temperature variations in monsoonal Tibetan Plateau since the last deglaciation # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 292 # Edition: # Issue: # Pages: # Report_Number: 107690 # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107690 # Online_Resource: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379122003213 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Knowledge of paleotemperature variation in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) can provide potential insights to evaluate the future climate change under ongoing global warming and to improve our understanding of the controversial Holocene temperature changes between stacked proxy and model simulation. Here, we present a 115-yr-resolution record of bGDGTs (branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers) based mean annual air temperature (MAAT) from Ngamring Co in the southern TP, spanning the past 18 ka. Our record reveals the MAAT generally responds to annual insolation and greenhouse gases changes, showing slight cooling during the deglaciation and remaining at low temperature until 6 ka BP, and then warming up to present. Combination with other records reveals the regional annual temperature shows a warming trend in the Holocene, which is in agreement with the model simulation rather than the stacked proxies. Importantly, the distinct cold interval during 10–6 ka BP is not present either in the simulation or in most of records for the adjacent region. We suggest such cold interval was a response to the positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) conditions during the early Holocene, which led to a decrease in winter temperature and increased snowfall in the southern TP. Considering the consistent pattern of local annual and winter insolation over past 18 ka, and the high correlation between annual and winter temperature over the past 40 yr, we cautiously indicate that winter season may be crucial for the annual temperature in the TP. Additional quantitative records with clear seasonal signals, especially in winter, are needed to confirm our hypothesis. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: National Natural Science Foundation of China # Grant: 42025103, 91747207 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Basic Science Center for Tibetan Plateau Earth System # Grant: 41988101 #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research # Grant: 2019QZKK0601 #--------------------------------------- # Site_Information # Site_Name: Ngamring Co # Location: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 29.339558 # Southernmost_Latitude: 29.283079 # Easternmost_Longitude: 87.223252 # Westernmost_Longitude: 87.152384 # Elevation_m: 4303 #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Ngamring Co d2H, MAAT Sun2022 # First_Year: 18056 # Last_Year: -62 # Time_Unit: calendar year before present # Core_Length_m: 7.86 # Parameter_Keywords: hydrogen isotopes, reconstruction, age control # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology_Information # Chronology: Radiocarbon # Chronology_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/templates/noaa-wds-paleo-14c-terms.csv # Chronology_Download_Description: Radiocarbon terms and definitions. # Chronology_Notes: Chronological control for the core is based on 210Pb/137Cs dating for the top 40 cm and on AMS 14C dates for the lower part (Sun et al., 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2022.111027). # Rejection_Rationale: 14C reversals between 150-350cm is associated with increased lithogenic input # Reservoir_Method: Reservoir age of 2736 yr used for top 150 cm based on linear regression intercept at core top. Reservoir age of 60 yr applied to pollen concentrates based on comparison with charcoal dates. No reservoir age applied to TOC between 350-500 cm. Reservoir age of 1850 yr used for depths greater than 500 cm based on difference between charcoal and TOC ages at 543 cm. # Calibration_Method: Calib 8.1 # Age_Model_Method: Bacon # Missing_Values: # Chronology_Table: # lab_code depth_end_cm depth_start_cm material_dated age_14C_BP1950 age_14C_1s_yr date_type res_age_yr age_calib_BP1950 age_calib_neg1s_BP1950 age_calib_pos1s_BP1950 age_calib_neg2s_BP1950 age_calib_pos2s_BP1950 prob_area_1s prob_area_2s date_used calib_curve # Beta-534888 49 50 bulk organic 3620 30 14C AMS 2736 762.5 732 793 0.94 yes IntCal # Beta-534889 99 100 bulk organic 3930 30 14C AMS 2736 1116 1055 1177 0.93 yes IntCal # Beta-534890 141 142 bulk organic 5020 30 14C AMS 2736 2327 2308 2346 0.73 yes IntCal # Beta-534891 191 192 bulk organic 4600 30 14C AMS no # Beta-544791 231 232 pollen concentration 9650 30 14C AMS no # Beta-534892 241 242 bulk organic 4130 30 14C AMS no # Beta-534893 289 290 bulk organic 3590 30 14C AMS no # Beta-534894 339 340 bulk organic 3740 30 14C AMS no # Beta-536356 339 340 aquatic plant 6500 30 14C AMS no # Beta-534895 389 390 bulk organic 2770 30 14C AMS 0 2863 2781 2945 1 yes IntCal # Beta-544792 389 390 pollen concentration 2810 30 14C AMS 60 2827 2767 2887 0.92 yes IntCal # Beta-534896 448 449 bulk organic 3680 30 14C AMS 0 4024 3956 4092 0.85 yes IntCal # Beta-544793 489 490 pollen concentration 5000 30 14C AMS 60 5660.5 5596 5725 1 yes IntCal # Beta-534897 498 499 bulk organic 5200 30 14C AMS 0 5952.5 5906 5999 0.98 yes IntCal # Beta-538790 542 543 bulk organic 8050 30 14C AMS 1850 7068 6994 7142 0.86 yes IntCal # Beta-534898 542 543 Charcoal 6200 40 14C AMS 0 7070 7014 7126 0.93 yes IntCal # Beta-544794 559 560 pollen concentration 6680 30 14C AMS 60 7496.5 7478 7515 0.5 yes IntCal # Beta-534899 562 563 bulk organic 8940 30 14C AMS 1850 7908 7843 7973 1 yes IntCal # Beta-534900 602 603 bulk organic 10820 30 14C AMS 1850 10182 10151 10213 0.82 yes IntCal # Beta-534901 641 642 bulk organic 12730 40 14C AMS 1850 12792 12741 12843 0.95 yes IntCal # Beta-534902 691 692 bulk organic 17430 50 14C AMS 1850 18856.5 18818 18895 1 no # Beta-536357 691 692 aquatic plant 14550 40 14C AMS 1850 15149.5 15078 15221 1 yes IntCal # Beta-534903 741 742 bulk organic 18480 50 14C AMS 1850 20097.5 20001 20194 1 no # Beta-534904 786 787 bulk organic 16750 50 14C AMS 1850 18221.5 18191 18252 1 yes IntCal #--------------------------------------- # Variables # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Resource: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/paleo-search/skos/past-thesaurus.rdf # PaST_Thesaurus_Download_Description: Paleoenvironmental Standard Terms (PaST) Thesaurus terms, definitions, and relationships in SKOS format. # # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-var components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, data type, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_cm depth,,,centimeter,,paleolimnology; climate reconstructions,,,N, ## age_BP age,,,calendar year before present,,paleolimnology; climate reconstructions,,,N, ## C26_con C26 n-alkanoic acid,,,nanogram per microliter,,paleolimnology,,gas chromatography,N,concentration ## C28_con C28 n-alkanoic acid,,,nanogram per microliter,,paleolimnology,,gas chromatography,N,concentration ## d2H_C26 delta 2H,C26 n-alkanoic acid,,per mil VSMOW,,paleolimnology,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## d2H_C28 delta 2H,C28 n-alkanoic acid,,per mil VSMOW,,paleolimnology,,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N, ## d2H_C26_corr delta 2H,C26 n-alkanoic acid,,per mil VSMOW,,paleolimnology,corrected,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,corrected by ice volume ## d2H_C28_corr delta 2H,C28 n-alkanoic acid,,per mil VSMOW,,paleolimnology,corrected,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,corrected by ice volume ## deltaD delta 2H,n-alkanoic acid,,per mil VSMOW,,paleolimnology,averaged,isotope ratio mass spectrometry,N,weighted average delta 2H; C26 and C28 n-alkanoic acid ## MAAT air temperature,glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether,,degree Celsius,,paleolimnology; climate reconstructions,,high-performance liquid chromatography; mass spectrometry,N,mean annual air temperature; based on brGDGTs #------------------------ # Data: # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing_Values: NaN depth_cm age_BP C26_con C28_con d2H_C26 d2H_C28 d2H_C26_corr d2H_C28_corr deltaD MAAT 2 -62 10.2953 8.995173 -246.588 -243.09091 -246.58824 -243.0909091 -244.957 6.17 6 -53 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.23 11 -42 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.76 16 -33 17.72082 9.545381 -190.471 -217.78182 -190.47059 -217.7818182 -200.032 3.51 21 -23 18.82394 12.0214 -195.765 -213.56364 -195.76471 -213.5636364 -202.702 5.08 26 -10 21.34331 11.97975 -201.059 -225.16364 -201.05882 -225.1636364 -209.725 3.77 31 25 28.30409 16.25505 -200 -224.10909 -200.0843 -224.190855 -208.878 4.73 36 172 21.70372 13.53493 -204.235 -234.65455 -204.32286 -234.738767 -216.005 5.51 41 353 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.14 46 532 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.03 51 701 11.5753 11.47219 -260.353 -257.85455 -260.44439 -257.9462989 -259.201 4.07 56 747 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.33 61 791 8.609277 7.880435 -264.588 -268.4 -264.68162 -268.4929014 -266.503 3.22 66 834 6.299506 5.72533 -259.418 -265.96927 -259.51337 -266.0638037 -262.632 4.51 71 878 5.821064 4.993885 -248.377 -265.48524 -248.47492 -265.5813277 -256.374 3.79 76 921 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.01 81 966 5.623623 4.46 -241.294 -262.07273 -241.39653 -262.172334 -250.582 3.01 86 1009 4.58234 4.13 -259.294 -267.13455 -259.39555 -267.234905 -263.111 3.17 91 1052 5.224153 4.58 -264.271 -274.51636 -264.37268 -274.6170352 -269.157 3.46 96 1098 4.625141 4.16 -265.647 -276.83636 -265.75037 -276.9381013 -271.046 3.14 102 1154 6.039812 5.92 -262.471 -264.18182 -262.57746 -264.2884434 -263.424 3.43 106 1197 5.924144 5.40 -257.582 -261.35458 -257.6916 -261.4636252 -259.491 3.75 111 1248 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.57 116 1300 5.664955 4.983079 -263.796 -271.88 -263.91195 -271.9944425 -267.694 NaN 121 1354 5.801126 5.122498 -268.077 -273.42491 -268.19576 -273.5427463 -270.703 2.69 126 1408 5.604335 4.927621 -266.236 -273.49662 -266.35834 -273.6179821 -269.755 3.05 131 1463 6.006516 5.307472 -265.001 -268.69211 -265.1283 -268.8185976 -266.859 3.19 136 1517 6.053835 5.097621 -270.412 -273.64953 -270.54271 -273.7798867 -272.023 2.69 141 1568 5.482407 4.721536 -272.391 -275.34945 -272.52573 -275.4839247 -273.895 3.16 146 1605 6.893105 6.050552 -272.625 -273.50927 -272.76132 -273.6457227 -273.175 3.04 151 1638 6.94357 6.319357 -263.318 -267.34545 -263.45739 -267.4844333 -265.376 3.22 156 1671 5.483621 4.757204 -271.788 -283.79636 -271.92766 -283.9334932 -277.505 2.97 161 1705 5.487826 4.636999 -264.376 -276.83636 -264.51888 -276.9763641 -270.224 3.60 166 1739 6.901996 5.073525 -253.545 -279.26182 -253.69127 -279.4033318 -264.584 2.43 171 1772 6.748796 5.088167 -257.188 -276.52 -257.33631 -276.6643315 -265.645 2.86 176 1805 5.90105 4.573394 -266.481 -289.49091 -266.62947 -289.6343234 -276.674 2.82 181 1836 7.479684 5.751114 -274.266 -280.84364 -274.41406 -280.9904754 -277.273 2.90 186 1869 5.182398 4.388116 -274.965 -283.15942 -275.11486 -283.3078709 -278.871 3.85 191 1902 4.594379 3.850766 -266.373 -283.00335 -266.52698 -283.1534359 -274.108 3.04 196 1936 4.033269 3.444612 -283.608 -294.36607 -283.75924 -294.5151614 -288.714 3.12 201 1969 4.813302 4.777614 -270.802 -268.33356 -270.95832 -268.4899429 -269.729 3.19 206 2001 4.497258 3.933866 -294.765 -295.81818 -294.9177 -295.9709505 -295.409 3.50 211 2032 7.180831 5.591584 -293.909 -303.34658 -294.06495 -303.5002742 -298.196 3.61 216 2065 5.753496 4.715941 -292.965 -309.21091 -293.12285 -309.3654234 -300.439 3.14 221 2097 4.877872 4.199934 -300.471 -316.308 -300.62902 -316.4627255 -307.955 3.29 226 2130 6.064844 5.018283 -289.446 -308.19538 -289.60927 -308.3541173 -298.097 3.75 231 2163 5.878823 4.789402 -280.576 -291.28364 -280.74367 -291.4483434 -285.549 3.68 236 2197 6.304496 5.244031 -288.652 -296.72298 -288.81984 -296.8888036 -292.484 3.86 241 2230 5.100848 4.456061 -299.366 -320.81091 -299.53402 -320.9734463 -309.53 3.44 246 2263 5.848651 4.897703 -282.048 -289.91273 -282.2228 -290.0853785 -285.806 1.98 251 2295 6.903476 6.620785 -278.353 -278.94545 -278.53108 -279.1234476 -278.821 2.84 256 2326 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 261 2360 5.323965 4.833352 -285.889 -290.30818 -286.0698 -290.4882729 -288.172 3.00 266 2393 13.03853 10.63591 -287.882 -284.21818 -288.06542 -284.4021878 -286.42 2.56 271 2426 10.05441 8.215311 -292.118 -298.98182 -292.30278 -299.1651566 -295.389 2.21 276 2458 15.79046 12.71539 -250.824 -300.03636 -251.02237 -300.2221463 -272.969 2.77 281 2491 9.682767 7.606774 -277.294 -281.05455 -277.48873 -281.2481485 -279.143 3.58 286 2524 14.16997 11.20376 -277.294 -294.76364 -277.49128 -294.9560344 -285.203 3.05 291 2557 20.94365 14.56966 -286.824 -286.32727 -287.02031 -286.5241921 -286.817 3.22 296 2588 42.52676 39.40437 -265.647 -264.18182 -265.8525 -264.3876719 -265.148 3.03 301 2621 33.44987 43.6279 -229.647 -226.21818 -229.86489 -226.4369826 -227.925 5.05 306 2655 47.73094 29.96494 -238.118 -252.58182 -238.33571 -252.7957457 -243.913 3.10 311 2688 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.42 316 2721 67.57671 45.19334 -251.882 -270.50909 -252.1021 -270.7233641 -259.565 4.10 321 2754 26.92319 23.46328 -279.412 -291.6 -279.62602 -291.8106269 -285.3 2.69 326 2787 15.28372 13.53518 -278.353 -295.81818 -278.57064 -296.0306116 -286.771 3.52 331 2820 34.91728 32.15093 -262.471 -274.72727 -262.69644 -274.9493702 -268.57 4.37 336 2854 59.41414 38.55953 -239.176 -249.41818 -239.41233 -249.6508621 -243.442 2.20 341 2887 124.4191 45.081 -236 -229.38182 -236.24003 -229.6239258 -234.48 2.20 346 2922 71.06006 38.42215 -237.059 -252.58182 -237.30231 -252.8203478 -242.748 3.36 351 2954 113.8236 39.01327 -228.588 -229.38182 -228.83767 -229.6309987 -229.04 2.76 356 2985 64.19036 41.34533 -243.412 -255.74545 -243.6596 -255.989252 -248.49 2.70 361 3017 56.2242 40.01753 -246.588 -268.4 -246.83828 -268.6428106 -255.905 2.89 366 3049 81.33724 35.69624 -232.824 -239.92727 -233.0822 -240.1835436 -235.248 5.24 371 3082 39.39325 25.64317 -238.118 -252.58182 -238.3777 -252.8369295 -244.079 3.62 376 3115 46.77005 28.77505 -247.647 -255.74545 -247.90734 -256.002937 -250.991 3.11 381 3147 79.89766 35.15325 -234.941 -234.65455 -235.20995 -234.923424 -235.122 3.86 386 3179 60.69493 26.56925 -234.941 -247.30909 -235.21449 -247.5779825 -238.979 3.64 391 3222 60.37849 26.71791 -232.824 -269.45455 -233.10218 -269.7198942 -244.335 1.85 396 3302 111.3743 37.11634 -232.824 -251.52727 -233.10739 -251.8042129 -237.781 3.18 401 3382 170.0802 81.11219 -226.471 -227.27273 -226.76353 -227.5653626 -227.022 1.80 406 3462 316.4432 82.33414 -240.235 -252.58182 -240.53061 -252.8723313 -243.079 3.81 411 3553 91.32952 27.16888 -233.882 -258.90909 -234.18598 -259.2028022 -239.922 2.57 416 3634 69.18851 23.75816 -229.647 -258.90909 -229.95838 -259.208584 -237.435 2.58 421 3719 54.62651 22.33867 -234.941 -252.58182 -235.25661 -252.8899742 -240.375 2.39 426 3804 40.35099 15.96218 -232.824 -246.25455 -233.15036 -246.5756549 -236.956 3.54 431 3889 45.87409 18.07454 -226.471 -238.87273 -226.80776 -239.204495 -230.312 1.72 436 3974 32.75172 13.86546 -232.824 -247.30909 -233.16721 -247.6462838 -237.474 2.30 441 4060 25.55347 12.39349 -231.765 -245.2 -232.11724 -245.5463727 -236.503 3.96 446 4149 32.52367 14.8536 -229.647 -263.12727 -230.01111 -263.4755015 -240.503 0.16 451 4260 43.87962 20.31213 -230.706 -235.70909 -231.07878 -236.0795618 -232.661 3.74 456 4436 45.97615 18.04182 -225.412 -231.49091 -225.79604 -231.8721709 -227.508 3.33 461 4612 34.02127 15.37632 -241.294 -236.76364 -241.67908 -237.1509013 -240.27 -0.29 466 4785 39.11143 17.99085 -241.294 -296.87273 -241.68992 -297.2395345 -259.192 1.25 471 4956 63.56526 25.95183 -202.118 -284.21818 -202.54455 -284.6011549 -226.334 0.55 476 5144 42.43212 19.96032 -216.941 -253.63636 -217.36979 -254.0448964 -229.103 0.42 481 5363 47.58081 24.26329 -239.176 -257.85455 -239.60314 -258.2707446 -245.908 -0.20 486 5559 52.20676 24.80243 -229.647 -257.85455 -230.0891 -258.2803993 -239.169 -0.78 491 5709 32.69303 14.49927 -212.706 -230.43636 -213.16696 -230.8870577 -218.611 -1.91 496 5848 27.08503 12.916 -216.941 -243.09091 -217.40881 -243.5429255 -225.847 -1.68 501 5997 44.77483 25.05159 -227.529 -227.27273 -228.00101 -227.7444827 -227.909 -1.79 506 6129 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1.49 511 6260 22.94999 10.55577 -236 -245.2 -236.48839 -245.6825097 -239.385 -2.03 516 6390 21.48865 9.361769 -238.118 -248.36364 -238.61458 -248.8538884 -241.722 -1.67 521 6515 18.86083 8.227095 -234.941 -240.98182 -235.44972 -241.4863451 -237.283 -1.62 526 6645 21.33256 9.698775 -245.529 -247.30909 -246.04295 -247.8214148 -246.599 -1.79 531 6771 20.77422 10.00151 -247.647 -240.98182 -248.1692 -241.5085874 -246.005 -1.76 536 6905 19.56505 9.152703 -255.059 -240.98182 -255.58576 -241.5187137 -251.102 -1.13 541 7037 21.59492 9.481573 -244.471 -246.25455 -245.01704 -246.7997118 -245.561 -1.39 546 7169 22.16974 9.987542 -247.647 -248.36364 -248.20786 -248.9239031 -248.43 -1.25 551 7293 35.4501 19.42254 -245.529 -248.36364 -246.11499 -248.9470123 -247.117 -1.26 556 7412 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1.31 561 7649 21.14061 10.19905 -243.412 -245.2 -244.06022 -245.8469185 -244.642 -1.14 566 8137 20.17265 9.311182 -242.353 -243.09091 -243.03463 -243.7719378 -243.267 -1.29 571 8383 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1.28 576 8646 20.87667 10.7331 -252.941 -248.36364 -253.72652 -249.1537909 -252.174 -1.00 581 8893 13.13951 7.676092 -255.059 -258.90909 -255.92175 -259.7675533 -257.34 -1.00 586 9166 16.60316 8.842117 -251.882 -239.92727 -252.83251 -240.8926144 -248.683 -1.59 591 9434 17.60059 9.132703 -241.294 -231.49091 -242.35112 -232.5615655 -239.007 -1.90 596 9676 10.1715 5.983629 -258.114 -230.61142 -259.25274 -231.7928593 -249.082 -1.85 601 9950 25.46135 13.38749 -212.706 -210.4 -214.04369 -211.7417291 -213.25 -2.46 606 10260 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1.05 611 10598 21.24525 6.866277 -196.824 -228.22182 -198.46805 -229.8020487 -206.121 -0.69 616 10964 14.02621 5.037463 -181.259 -249.84 -183.18757 -251.6071889 -201.267 -1.81 621 11330 25.37453 7.630892 -200.275 -201.41105 -202.37672 -203.5094948 -202.639 -0.06 626 11728 17.56384 6.645942 -188.035 -212.40364 -190.44771 -214.74365 -197.117 0.28 631 12080 23.40517 6.221077 -195.447 -207.89967 -198.23112 -210.6406442 -200.837 -2.98 636 12420 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.97 641 12748 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1.31 646 13031 5.672493 3.155792 -164.168 -185.73102 -167.88031 -189.3472106 -175.554 -2.09 651 13261 26.94648 12.09637 -170.353 -170.32727 -174.25323 -174.227686 -174.245 -0.50 656 13492 4.087243 2.978288 -249.408 -166.61844 -253.11456 -170.7339577 -218.389 -0.77 661 13719 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.94 666 13950 6.084344 3.282151 -156.165 -179.08 -160.73117 -183.5224543 -168.718 1.06 671 14177 6.016814 3.17986 -149.6 -125.19273 -154.38534 -130.1154111 -145.994 1.72 676 14397 5.861624 3.164818 -196.437 -129.39193 -201.14568 -134.4934101 -177.776 1.53 681 14620 7.14994 3.417535 -133.506 -128.67273 -138.7845 -133.9807877 -137.231 1.06 686 14847 15.21077 4.840188 -151.506 -196.69091 -156.86161 -201.7614291 -167.7 -0.50 691 15067 5.031466 2.818835 -209.212 -155.98545 -214.35605 -161.475989 -195.368 -1.23 696 15259 3.460529 2.641331 -165.906 -135.84364 -171.46229 -141.6003119 -158.536 -0.60 701 15436 55.86782 13.97786 -146 -141.85455 -151.80572 -147.6884476 -150.982 1.04 706 15616 17.98556 5.329203 -151.188 -155.77455 -157.07872 -161.6332069 -158.12 -0.24 711 15796 12.63298 4.331562 -139.647 -205.54909 -145.7244 -211.1609174 -162.432 -0.49 716 15975 9.078442 3.613091 -163.259 -208.39636 -169.27418 -214.0872272 -182.032 -2.07 721 16156 6.598697 3.378424 -154.894 -229.38182 -161.07098 -235.0142491 -186.109 0.60 726 16327 7.099161 3.309228 -174.482 -221.57818 -180.60672 -227.3531545 -195.469 -0.65 731 16494 6.740317 3.342322 -174.588 -223.58182 -180.80784 -229.432246 -196.926 0.37 736 16666 11.16027 4.200843 -149.176 -151.97818 -155.66022 -158.4405772 -156.421 0.03 741 16840 6.041377 3.417535 -156.588 -252.79273 -163.08584 -258.5491735 -197.577 2.38 746 16983 2.834862 2.454801 -206.247 -168.21818 -212.42109 -174.6880072 -194.91 1.36 751 17120 63.6246 13.54261 -167.176 -170.32727 -173.70228 -176.8283923 -174.251 -1.17 756 17255 4.035374 2.764681 -187.082 -216.41091 -193.50087 -222.5978609 -205.331 0.97 761 17389 2.8442 2.469844 -170.565 -158.62182 -177.15948 -165.3115457 -171.653 0.22 766 17524 5.339594 2.978288 -167.706 -182.66545 -174.35936 -189.1993403 -179.673 -1.99 771 17656 17.19124 5.829058 -165.676 -165.27495 -172.38166 -171.9837123 -172.281 1.38 776 17789 4.635615 2.921126 -195.806 -242.8104 -202.29969 -248.9245388 -220.323 2.10 781 17924 2.791283 2.463827 -170.671 -158.62182 -177.3997 -165.4486883 -171.797 1.86 786 18056 20.7415 5.779508 -163.894 -234.65455 -170.70058 -240.8849729 -185.995 -0.14