# Lake Qinghai, China 32,000 Year Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope Data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # World Data Service for Paleoclimatology, Boulder # and # NOAA Paleoclimatology Program # National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NOTE: Please cite original publication, online resource and date accessed when using this data. # If there is no publication information, please cite Investigator, title, online resource and date accessed. # # Description/Documentation lines begin with # # Data lines have no # # # Online_Resource: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/19421 # Online_Resource: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/paleo/paleolimnology/asia/china/qinghai2016d2h.txt # # Archive: Paleolimnology # # Parameter_Keywords: geochemistry, hydrogen isotopes #--------------------------------------- # Contribution_Date # Date: 2015-11-16 #--------------------------------------- # Title # Study_Name: Lake Qinghai, China 32,000 Year Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope Data #--------------------------------------- # Investigators # Investigators: Thomas, E.K.; Huang, Y.; Clemens, S.C.; Colman, S.M.; Morrill, C.; Wegener, P.; Zhao, J. #--------------------------------------- # Description and Notes # Description: Hydrogen isotope (d2H) data of terrestrial leaf waxes from sediments collected in Lake Qinghai, China. # Data are C28 n-alkanoic acid delta 2H, with the delta2H of the added methyl hydrogens removed, for the past 32,000 years. # Provided Keywords: leaf wax hydrogen isotopes, Tibetan Plateau, monsoon, westerlies, Younger Dryas, Holocene #--------------------------------------- # Publication # Authors: Elizabeth K. Thomas, Yongsong Huang, Steven C. Clemens, Steven M. Colman, Carrie Morrill, Pamela Wegener, Jiangtao Zhao # Published_Date_or_Year: 2016-01-01 # Published_Title: Changes in dominant moisture sources and the consequences for hydroclimate on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the past 32 kyr # Journal_Name: Quaternary Science Reviews # Volume: 131 # Issue: A # Pages: 157-167 # Report Number: # DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.11.003 # Online_Resource: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379115301694 # Full_Citation: # Abstract: Lake Qinghai, located on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau north of the modern maximum summer monsoon extent, is well situated to record northward advances of the summer monsoon. Existing paleoclimate records contain conflicting evidence for the timing of summer monsoon advance into this region: an early arrival pre-Younger Dryas or a late arrival at the beginning of the Holocene. A 30-kyr-long leaf wax hydrogen isotope (n-alkanoic acid, d2Hwax) record from Lake Qinghai helps to address this discrepancy by elucidating changes in the three main moisture sources in this region: southerly (summer monsoon), northwesterly, and local precipitation. Lake Qinghai d2Hwax indicates that the arid glacial period was dominated by northwesterly moisture. Extremely arid conditions prevailed from 15 to 14 ka, likely because westerly winds were weakening and the summer monsoon had not yet reached this region. This arid period ended by 13.6 ka when small amounts of summer monsoon precipitation reached Lake Qinghai. Summer monsoon moisture subsequently retreated off of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the Younger Dryas and re-advanced in the early Holocene. Summer monsoon precipitation decreased progressively throughout the Holocene in response to decreasing summer insolation, and the modern northwesterly- and local-dominated moisture regime was attained ca. 2.6 ka. Lake Qinghai d2Hwax demonstrates that the summer monsoon extent was dynamic during the past 30 kyr, responding dramatically to insolation and North Atlantic circulation changes. Moreover, Lake Qinghai d2Hwax demonstrates that local and northwesterly air masses are important moisture sources to the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, and should be considered when reconstructing past hydroclimate in this region. #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: US National Science Foundation # Grant: EAR-0602412, ATM-0902805, Graduate Research Fellowship, support for the Lake Qinghai Drilling Project #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: ICDP # Grant: support for the Lake Qinghai Drilling Project #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: China National Science Foundation # Grant: support for the Lake Qinghai Drilling Project #--------------------------------------- # Funding_Agency # Funding_Agency_Name: China Ministry of Science # Grant: support for the Lake Qinghai Drilling Project #--------------------------------------- # Site Information # Site_Name: Lake Qinghai # Location: Asia>Eastern Asia>China # Country: China # Northernmost_Latitude: 37.0579 # Southernmost_Latitude: 37.0579 # Easternmost_Longitude: 100.3029 # Westernmost_Longitude: 100.3029 # Elevation: 3194 m #--------------------------------------- # Data_Collection # Collection_Name: Qinghai2016d2H # First_Year: 31602 # Last_Year: 24 # Time_Unit: cal yr BP # Core_Length: 1.842 # Notes: #--------------------------------------- # Chronology: # Age model from An et al. Sci Rep. 2012 DOI:10.1038/srep00619 for details. # MUST subtract the 'old carbon' effect for each interval to obtain the actual ages. # (only composite depth available for core 1A) # # Xi'an composite depth (cm) age (cal yrB.P.) # 1.0 24 # 19.7 460 # 38.4 897 # 57.1 1333 # 75.8 1769 # 94.4 2205 # 113.1 2642 # 132.8 3102 # 139.1 3248 # 151.5 3538 # 188.9 4411 # 207.5 4847 # 226.2 5283 # 244.9 5720 # 269.8 6301 # 299.1 6984 # 318.3 7433 # 337.4 7881 # 356.6 8329 # 375.8 8777 # 399.3 9325 # 405.7 9474 # 406.2 9485 # 415.8 9710 # 425.4 9934 # 435.0 10158 # 444.6 10383 # 453.1 10582 # 461.1 10769 # 463.8 10832 # 469.1 10956 # 477.1 11143 # 485.2 11330 # 500.6 11687 # 508.6 11847 # 517.2 12018 # 524.7 12167 # 525.0 12174 # 534.2 12358 # 545.3 12580 # 556.8 12809 # 567.7 13026 # 575.8 13189 # 585.9 13391 # 596.2 13596 # 604.2 13756 # 612.3 13918 # 624.5 14161 # 639.7 14466 # 645.8 14587 # 656.0 14790 # 658.0 14831 # 668.2 15033 # 676.3 15196 # 686.4 15398 # 692.5 15520 # 698.6 15642 # 704.7 15763 # 710.8 15885 # 716.9 16007 # 723.0 16128 # 729.1 16250 # 735.2 16372 # 741.3 16493 # 747.4 16615 # 753.5 16737 # 759.5 16858 # 765.6 16980 # 771.7 17102 # 777.8 17223 # 785.9 17386 # 796.0 17587 # 814.0 17946 # 826.0 18186 # 832.0 18306 # 838.0 18425 # 844.0 18545 # 850.0 18665 # 898.0 19624 # 908.7 19781 # 919.5 19917 # 930.2 20053 # 941.0 20190 # 962.5 20462 # 973.2 20598 # 984.0 20734 # 994.7 20870 # 1005.5 21006 # 1023.4 21233 # 1045.0 21507 # 1066.6 21781 # 1088.2 22054 # 1109.8 22328 # 1131.4 22601 # 1153.0 22875 # 1171.0 23103 # 1189.0 23331 # 1207.0 23559 # 1229.0 23838 # 1247.0 24066 # 1265.0 24293 # 1283.0 24521 # 1301.0 24749 # 1322.0 25015 # 1340.0 25243 # 1394.0 25927 # 1412.0 26155 # 1430.0 26383 # 1448.0 26611 # 1466.2 26842 # 1484.6 27075 # 1503.0 27308 # 1521.3 27540 # 1539.7 27773 # 1561.2 28045 # 1579.6 28279 # 1598.1 28513 # 1616.6 28747 # 1635.1 28981 # 1653.6 29215 # 1672.0 29449 # 1690.5 29683 # 1710.0 29930 # 1728.0 30158 # 1746.0 30386 # 1764.0 30614 # 1782.0 30842 # 1800.0 31070 # 1818.0 31298 # 1836.0 31526 # 1854.0 31754 # # #--------------------------------------- # Variables # Data variables follow that are preceded by "##" in columns one and two. # Variables list, one per line, shortname-tab-longname components (9 components: what, material, error, units, seasonality, archive, detail, method, C or N for Character or Numeric data) # ## depth_cm depth, , , cm, , , Sediment depth in Xi'an composite core (only composite depth available for core 1A), ,N ## age_calBP age, , , calendar years before present, , , , ,N ## project Project ID,,,,,Paleolimnology, Drilling project ID,,C ## site Site/Hole,,,,,Paleolimnology,,,C ## drive Drive type,,,,,Paleolimnology, type of drill used to collect this core section,,C ## section Section,,,,,Paleolimnology, Section of the drive,,N ## sampnum Sample Number,,,,,Paleolimnology,Sample Number in section does not necessarily correspond to depth. This information given to us by Xi'an colleagues,,N ## depth_top Depth top,,,cm,,Paleolimnology, Depth top in section,,N ## depth_bot Depth bottom,,,cm,,Paleolimnology, bottom depth in section,,N ## drymass mass of dry sediment,,,g,,Paleolimnology, mass of dry sediment from which leaf waxes were extracted,,N ## dD_C28corr C28 n-alkanoic acid delta 2H corrected,,,per mil,growing season (Apr-Sep),Paleolimnology,with the delta2H of the added methyl hydrogens removed,Agilent 6890 Gas Chromatograph-Thermo Delta V isotope ratio mass spectrometer,N ## dD_C28StD C28 n-alkanoic acid delta 2H standard deviation,,one standard deviation,per mil,,Paleolimnology, standard deviation of multiple measurements of the same sample,,N ## numrepl number of replicate measurements from the same sample,,,,,Paleolimnology,,,N # #------------------------ # Data # Data lines follow (have no #) # Data line format - tab-delimited text, variable short name as header # Missing Value: # depth_cm age_calBP project site drive section sampnum depth_top depth_bot drymass dD_C28corr dD_C28StD numrepl 1.0 24 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 1 0 2 1.355 -158.22 0.94 3 7.3 170 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 2 6 8 1.692 -156.15 1.22 3 13.5 315 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 3 12 14 1.082 -147.72 0.26 3 19.7 460 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 4 18 20 1.632 -155.85 1.14 3 25.9 606 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 5 24 26 1.421 -162.02 0.83 3 32.2 751 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 6 30 32 1.623 -159.43 0.25 3 38.4 897 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 7 36 38 1.495 -151.38 0.79 3 44.6 1042 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 8 42 44 1.350 -149.41 1.40 3 50.8 1188 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 9 48 50 1.887 -164.92 0.43 3 57.1 1333 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 10 54 56 1.559 -158.34 1.21 3 63.3 1478 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 11 60 62 1.212 -152.71 0.73 3 69.5 1624 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 12 66 68 1.909 -153.99 1.76 3 75.8 1769 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 13 72 74 1.919 -158.15 0.83 3 82.0 1915 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 14 78 80 1.598 -159.16 1.14 3 88.2 2060 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 15 84 86 2.058 -156.34 1.37 3 94.4 2205 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 16 90 92 1.958 -153.87 1.97 3 100.7 2351 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 17 96 98 1.969 -146.54 1.40 3 106.9 2496 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 18 102 104 2.246 -153.67 2.34 3 113.1 2642 LQDP05 1F 1H 1 19 108 110 1.625 -150.70 0.71 3 120.4 2811 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 1 0 2 2.235 -169.98 3.07 3 126.6 2957 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 2 6 8 1.735 -170.27 3.53 3 132.8 3102 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 3 12 14 2.606 -179.61 5.03 3 139.1 3248 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 4 18 20 2.073 -164.73 2.33 3 145.3 3393 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 5 24 26 2.118 -167.58 2.65 3 151.5 3538 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 6 30 32 2.570 -167.77 4.51 3 157.7 3684 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 7 36 38 2.499 -171.17 1.26 3 164.0 3829 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 8 42 44 1.829 -166.00 1.45 3 170.2 3975 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 9 48 50 1.931 -170.55 0.41 3 176.4 4120 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 10 54 56 2.214 -167.56 1.92 3 182.6 4265 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 11 60 62 2.384 -170.78 0.88 3 188.9 4411 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 12 66 68 2.095 -167.67 1.34 3 195.1 4556 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 13 72 74 1.789 -164.71 1.65 3 201.3 4702 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 14 78 80 1.799 -162.46 2.17 3 207.5 4847 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 15 84 86 2.370 -162.62 1.44 3 213.8 4992 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 16 90 92 2.238 -153.27 0.73 3 220.0 5138 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 17 96 98 2.061 -159.54 0.51 3 226.2 5283 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 18 102 104 2.567 -155.06 0.99 3 232.5 5429 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 19 108 110 1.902 -173.04 0.72 3 238.7 5574 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 20 114 116 1.759 -173.79 0.47 3 244.9 5720 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 21 120 122 2.531 -168.00 1.64 3 251.1 5865 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 22 126 128 2.458 -157.20 1.81 3 257.4 6010 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 23 132 134 1.612 -176.55 1.08 3 258.4 6035 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 24 128 140 2.431 -168.74 1.23 3 269.8 6301 LQDP05 1F 1H 2 25 144 146 1.972 -178.14 0.69 3 276.0 6446 LQDP05 1F 2H 1 1 0 2 1.829 -168.68 0.11 3 288.0 6726 LQDP05 1F 2H 1 2 6 8 2.155 -158.38 0.96 3 299.1 6984 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 1 0 2 1.586 -170.64 1.24 3 305.5 7134 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 2 6 8 1.987 -174.76 0.94 3 311.9 7283 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 3 12 14 1.660 -178.14 1.77 3 318.3 7433 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 4 18 20 1.791 -181.92 0.66 3 324.7 7582 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 5 24 26 1.926 -169.42 1.59 3 331.0 7731 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 6 30 32 1.657 -182.36 0.84 3 337.4 7881 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 7 36 38 1.658 -183.06 0.70 3 350.2 8179 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 9 48 50 1.394 -189.42 0.86 3 356.6 8329 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 10 54 56 2.053 -181.04 0.69 3 363.0 8478 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 11 60 62 1.971 -182.48 1.68 3 369.4 8627 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 12 66 68 2.095 -183.98 2.03 3 375.8 8777 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 13 72 74 1.922 -172.37 4.03 3 382.2 8926 LQDP05 1F 3H 1 14 78 80 1.980 -171.97 1.38 3 386.5 9026 LQDP05 1F 3H 2 1 0 2 1.944 -162.25 4.06 3 392.9 9175 LQDP05 1F 3H 2 2 6 8 2.825 -176.88 3.03 3 399.3 9325 LQDP05 1F 3H 2 3 12 14 2.343 -170.10 0.80 3 405.7 9474 LQDP05 1F 3H 2 4 18 20 2.072 -190.27 2.37 3 406.2 9485 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 91 1.368 -183.02 0.86 3 409.4 9560 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 94 1.174 -187.30 2.03 4 415.8 9710 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 100 1.176 -164.73 2.12 3 419.0 9784 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 103 1.258 -180.37 0.09 2 422.2 9859 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 106 1.165 -173.77 0.91 2 425.4 9934 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 109 1.218 -177.31 1.68 3 428.6 10009 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 112 1.004 -175.95 1.46 2 431.8 10084 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 115 1.131 -175.26 3.43 2 435.0 10158 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 118 0.910 -177.23 0.46 2 438.2 10233 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 121 1.039 -183.60 2.24 2 441.4 10308 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 124 1.297 -186.53 2.01 2 447.8 10458 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 130 1.288 -183.80 2.34 2 450.5 10520 LQDP05 1A 2H 1 132 0.920 -186.37 0.19 2 453.1 10582 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 6 0.717 -180.98 0.54 3 455.8 10645 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 11 0.293 -179.58 1.47 3 456.8 10668 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 12 0.710 -186.92 1.25 3 458.5 10707 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 16 1.066 -177.89 0.86 2 463.8 10832 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 26 1.188 -172.04 2.89 3 466.5 10894 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 32 0.865 -178.23 0.45 3 469.1 10956 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 37 1.164 -178.51 2.31 3 477.1 11143 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 52 1.158 -172.47 0.98 3 485.2 11330 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 66 1.020 -165.89 1.89 3 493.2 11517 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 82 1.139 -143.35 2.60 2 505.4 11783 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 104 1.026 -161.66 1.32 3 510.8 11890 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 114 1.322 -144.63 1.07 2 511.8 11911 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 116 1.090 -149.28 6.54 2 516.1 11996 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 124 1.288 -157.26 0.72 2 517.2 12018 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 126 1.223 -152.10 0.64 3 519.3 12060 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 130 1.406 -151.90 6.29 2 522.5 12124 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 136 1.249 -144.88 8.28 3 525.0 12174 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 1 0 2 1.663 -179.89 1.08 3 525.9 12192 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 142 1.311 -142.86 12.02 3 528.3 12239 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 146 1.506 -141.61 0.08 2 529.1 12255 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 2 4 6 3.366 -159.16 1.57 3 530.6 12287 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 150 1.187 -143.24 0.72 2 533.0 12334 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 154 1.209 -148.05 3.17 3 533.1 12336 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 3 8 10 2.656 -153.05 3.57 3 536.6 12405 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 160 1.019 -149.58 1.86 3 537.2 12417 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 4 12 14 3.470 -153.66 1.40 3 537.8 12429 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 162 0.912 -150.88 0.90 3 539.0 12453 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 164 1.215 -146.87 2.43 3 540.2 12477 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 166 1.070 -152.36 1.41 3 541.3 12499 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 5 16 18 2.993 -156.28 3.49 6 543.7 12548 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 171 0.914 -149.50 2.71 2 544.9 12571 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 173 0.910 -146.45 2.43 3 545.3 12580 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 6 20 22 3.235 -154.19 0.69 3 546.1 12595 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 176 1.263 -156.29 1.89 3 547.3 12619 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 178 1.214 -152.29 1.68 3 548.5 12643 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 180 1.147 -144.88 2.30 3 549.4 12661 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 7 24 26 3.043 -152.47 1.47 3 549.7 12666 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 182 1.204 -152.49 1.53 3 550.9 12690 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 184 1.103 -142.94 1.20 3 552.0 12714 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 186 0.939 -146.31 3.91 3 553.2 12738 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 188 1.344 -152.59 0.34 3 553.4 12742 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 8 28 30 2.577 -153.43 0.66 3 554.4 12761 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 190 1.269 -152.47 1.22 2 556.8 12809 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 194 1.211 -155.07 2.53 3 559.2 12856 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 198 0.988 -147.88 1.57 3 559.5 12864 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 9 34 36 2.686 -153.69 2.04 3 560.4 12880 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 200 1.074 -147.49 3.02 3 563.3 12939 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 205 1.081 -147.04 1.82 3 563.6 12945 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 10 38 40 2.468 -158.45 0.90 3 566.3 12999 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 210 1.246 -152.03 1.17 3 567.7 13026 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 11 42 44 3.028 -153.88 1.07 3 569.9 13070 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 216 1.450 -154.51 0.91 3 572.8 13129 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 221 1.079 -163.86 6.43 2 573.7 13148 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 12 48 50 2.760 -160.03 1.23 4 575.8 13189 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 225 1.209 -156.26 0.52 3 578.2 13236 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 231 1.181 -156.51 1.56 3 579.8 13269 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 13 54 56 3.018 -157.59 4.82 4 581.0 13292 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 238 1.095 -155.26 0.45 3 584.2 13356 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 246 1.249 -162.32 0.61 3 585.9 13391 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 14 60 62 3.058 -167.90 0.39 3 587.0 13412 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 253 1.195 -162.47 0.55 3 590.2 13476 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 261 1.324 -158.07 1.59 3 592.0 13513 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 15 66 68 2.623 -167.83 1.07 3 593.0 13532 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 268 1.319 -162.11 1.52 3 596.2 13596 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 276 1.188 -163.87 0.27 3 598.1 13634 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 16 72 74 2.557 -163.85 1.79 3 599.0 13652 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 283 0.983 -160.41 0.58 3 602.2 13716 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 291 0.985 -157.59 0.93 3 604.2 13756 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 17 78 80 2.763 -168.83 1.22 3 604.6 13764 LQDP05 1A 2H 2 297 1.201 -166.07 1.49 3 610.3 13878 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 18 84 86 2.948 -136.89 1.61 3 612.3 13918 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 na 86 88 3.0466 -110.51 1.74 4 616.4 13999 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 19 90 92 2.953 -150.57 1.43 3 618.4 14040 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 na 92 94 2.7124 -107.41 7.98 5 622.5 14121 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 20 96 98 2.875 -110.56 1.32 3 624.5 14161 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 na 98 100 3.6948 -103.71 1.66 3 628.6 14243 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 21 102 104 2.912 -105.46 1.39 3 630.6 14283 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 na 104 106 2.9345 -88.77 1.24 3 635.2 14374 LQDP05 1F 5H 1 22 108 110.5 3.441 -90.37 1.50 3 639.7 14466 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 na 2 4 3.2828 -90.20 4.35 6 643.8 14547 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 2 6 8 2.867 -80.07 2.46 3 649.9 14668 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 3 12 14 2.375 -94.22 1.53 3 651.9 14709 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 na 14 16 3.0455 -93.15 1.19 3 658.0 14831 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 na 20 22 3.2173 -126.42 1.16 5 662.1 14912 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 5 24 26 4.371 -140.48 1.08 3 664.1 14952 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 na 26 28 2.8609 -137.08 0.20 3 668.2 15033 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 6 30 32 4.036 -137.18 2.08 5 670.2 15074 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 na 32 34 4.5171 -137.97 1.09 3 674.3 15155 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 7 36 38 4.515 -154.83 0.37 2 676.3 15196 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 na 38 40 4.3175 -137.22 0.84 3 680.4 15277 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 8 42 44 3.703 -168.22 0.46 2 686.4 15398 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 9 48 50 4.427 -154.60 1.66 5 692.5 15520 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 10 54 56 4.030 -186.71 1.01 3 698.6 15642 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 11 60 62 3.674 -188.71 1.64 3 704.7 15763 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 12 66 68 3.105 -185.68 5.40 2 716.9 16007 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 14 78 80 3.578 -191.39 0.52 3 723.0 16128 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 15 84 86 3.574 -195.09 1.31 3 729.1 16250 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 16 90 92 3.540 -193.44 0.54 3 735.2 16372 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 17 96 98 3.055 -191.73 4.94 4 741.3 16493 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 18 102 104 3.158 -185.56 2.08 3 747.4 16615 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 19 108 110 3.378 -186.50 2.07 3 753.5 16737 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 20 114 116 1.960 -170.27 7.34 5 759.5 16858 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 21 120 122 3.675 -188.64 2.74 3 765.6 16980 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 22 126 128 3.931 -151.62 0.15 3 771.7 17102 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 23 132 134 3.391 -169.93 0.29 3 777.8 17223 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 24 138 140 1.677 -189.79 2.17 3 785.9 17386 LQDP05 1F 5H 2 25 146 148 1.534 -181.59 1.41 3 796.0 17587 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 2 6 8 3.822 -211.33 1.28 5 802.0 17706 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 3 12 14 3.255 -192.92 1.34 3 808.0 17826 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 4 18 20 3.574 -197.22 0.76 3 814.0 17946 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 5 24 26 3.535 -208.14 1.12 3 820.0 18066 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 6 30 32 2.751 -188.02 1.44 3 826.0 18186 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 7 36 38 4.208 -164.19 1.79 3 832.0 18306 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 8 42 44 5.134 -163.55 0.92 3 838.0 18425 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 9 48 50 2.319 -163.26 1.27 3 844.0 18545 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 10 54 56 3.451 -157.15 0.30 3 850.0 18665 LQDP05 1F 6H 1 11 60 62 5.012 -177.64 1.36 3 898.0 19624 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 1 0 2 2.573 -171.58 1.60 4 903.4 19713 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 2 6 8 2.614 -169.29 0.85 3 908.7 19781 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 3 12 14 4.370 -167.25 1.16 3 914.1 19849 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 4 18 20 3.755 -168.26 1.63 3 919.5 19917 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 5 24 26 3.745 -166.27 1.56 3 924.9 19985 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 6 30 32 3.392 -168.79 1.62 3 930.2 20053 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 7 36 38 3.736 -171.73 2.07 3 935.6 20121 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 8 42 44 3.104 -176.03 0.89 3 941.0 20190 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 9 48 50 4.467 -171.59 0.98 3 946.4 20258 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 10 54 56 3.535 -168.54 1.72 3 951.7 20326 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 11 60 62 3.624 -169.31 2.25 3 957.1 20394 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 12 66 68 3.934 -169.61 1.13 3 962.5 20462 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 13 72 74 3.132 -171.90 7.23 3 967.9 20530 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 14 78 80 4.434 -176.70 1.85 3 973.2 20598 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 15 84 86 4.397 -176.54 2.25 3 978.6 20666 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 16 90 92 3.693 -174.98 1.87 3 984.0 20734 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 17 96 98 4.660 -172.04 3.24 3 989.3 20802 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 18 102 104 3.713 -167.03 1.82 3 994.7 20870 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 19 108 110 3.244 -176.90 1.19 3 1000.1 20938 LQDP05 1F 7X 2 20 114 116 4.910 -162.02 1.07 3 1039.6 21439 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 5 24 26 4.331 -163.75 1.35 3 1055.8 21644 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 8 42 44 5.351 -169.39 2.42 3 1072.0 21849 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 11 60 62 4.906 -166.04 4.63 3 1082.8 21986 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 13 72 74 5.100 -171.39 1.79 3 1093.6 22123 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 15 84 86 4.759 -178.04 1.80 3 1099.0 22191 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 16 90 92 4.455 -183.01 2.92 3 1104.4 22259 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 17 96 98 3.594 -177.97 0.55 3 1109.8 22328 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 18 102 104 4.021 -177.35 0.11 3 1115.2 22396 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 19 108 110 3.933 -176.45 2.87 3 1120.6 22465 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 20 114 116 4.602 -177.20 1.74 3 1126.0 22533 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 21 120 122 4.019 -176.72 0.60 3 1131.4 22601 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 22 126 128 3.872 -175.79 1.42 3 1136.8 22670 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 23 132 134 5.010 -173.95 0.78 3 1147.6 22807 LQDP05 1F 7X 3 25 144 146 3.677 -171.74 6.43 2 1153.0 22875 LQDP05 1F 8E 1 1 0 2 4.440 -175.72 4.48 3 1159.0 22951 LQDP05 1F 8E 1 2 6 8 4.944 -183.65 3.10 2 1165.0 23027 LQDP05 1F 8E 1 3 12 14 4.370 -174.71 2.16 3 1183.0 23255 LQDP05 1F 8E 1 6 30 32 3.233 -166.04 4.16 3 1189.0 23331 LQDP05 1F 8E 1 7 36 38 3.416 -173.40 0.24 3 1195.0 23407 LQDP05 1F 8E 1 8 42 44 3.755 -162.84 3.58 2 1201.0 23483 LQDP05 1F 8E 1 9 48 50 3.233 -160.85 0.64 2 1207.0 23559 LQDP05 1F 8E 1 10 54 56 3.859 -161.68 4.08 2 1310.0 24863 LQDP05 1F 8E 2 2 6 8 4.306 -164.68 1 1328.0 25091 LQDP05 1F 8E 2 5 24 26 3.901 -173.14 0.86 3 1442.0 26535 LQDP05 1F 8E 2 24 138 140 4.318 -169.37 1.92 2 1539.7 27773 LQDP05 1F 9X 1 15 84 86 4.155 -164.57 2.53 2 1842.0 31602 LQDP05 1F 10E 1 23 132 134 4.793 -174.76 4.13 2