# PARCS Data File # Site Name: Louise Pond # Location: CAN - British Columbia # Elevation: 650 # Latitude: 53.4199981689453 # Longitude: -131.75 # Site Code: LOUISEPD # Entity Name: # Entity Type: Core # Age Model: # Depth Thickness Age Method # 0 -999 0+\-0 TOP # 85 10 2100+\-200 C14 # 177.5 5 4030+\-200 C14 # 282.5 5 5790+\-260 C14 # 352.5 5 8700+\-300 C14 # 382.5 5 9870+\-240 C14 # # Suggested Data Citation: # # NAPD contribution 176 Louise Pond; LOUISEPD # M.G. Pellat, 9/26/1902. Palynogoical Analysis submitted to the Global Pollen Data Archive. # # # References: # Pellatt, M.G., and R.W. Mathewes. 1994. Paleoecology of postglacial tree line fluctuations on the Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada. Écoscience 1:71-81. Pellatt, M.G., and R.W. Mathewes. 1997. Holocene tree line and climate change on the Queen Charlotte Islands, Canada. Quaternary Research 48:88-99. Depth | Age 2 | 49 Alnus viridis-type: 45 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 35 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 4 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 1 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 151 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 3 Pinus: 8 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 84 Tsuga heterophylla: 297 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 21 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 3 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 2 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 56 Other: 3 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 4 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 4 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 15 | 371 Alnus viridis-type: 31 Botrychium: 1 Cupressaceae: 32 Cyperaceae: 2 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 10 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 1 Huperzia selago: 2 Picea: 243 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 12 Poaceae: 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 88 Tsuga heterophylla: 415 Selaginella selaginoides: 2 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 11 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 10 Ericales: 5 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 2 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 34 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 2 Aquatics: 10 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 1 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 25 | 618 Alnus viridis-type: 54 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 36 Cyperaceae: 6 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 8 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 1 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 220 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 16 Poaceae: 4 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 4 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 76 Tsuga heterophylla: 351 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 18 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 2 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 25 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 2 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 46 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 6 Aquatics: 8 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 35 | 865 Alnus viridis-type: 45 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 33 Cyperaceae: 3 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 7 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 174 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 13 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 2 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 63 Tsuga heterophylla: 337 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 14 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 5 Polypodium: 5 Ericales: 7 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 2 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 52 Other: 5 Caltha leptosepala: 2 Aquatics: 7 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 3 45 | 1112 Alnus viridis-type: 25 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 11 Cyperaceae: 7 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 6 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 143 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 9 Poaceae: 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 2 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 48 Tsuga heterophylla: 261 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 6 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 4 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 2 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 55 Other: 6 Caltha leptosepala: 6 Aquatics: 6 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 55 | 1359 Alnus viridis-type: 57 Botrychium: 2 Cupressaceae: 8 Cyperaceae: 9 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 3 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 2 Huperzia selago: 3 Picea: 163 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 17 Poaceae: 4 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 71 Tsuga heterophylla: 294 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 20 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 2 Polypodium: 3 Ericales: 19 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 2 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 75 Other: 4 Caltha leptosepala: 4 Aquatics: 3 Coptis aspleniifolia: 2 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 65 | 1606 Alnus viridis-type: 66 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 15 Cyperaceae: 7 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 12 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 141 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 3 Pinus: 21 Poaceae: 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 51 Tsuga heterophylla: 252 Selaginella selaginoides: 4 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 19 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 5 Ericales: 9 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 2 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 60 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 8 Aquatics: 12 Coptis aspleniifolia: 2 Gentiana douglasiana: 1 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 75 | 1853 Alnus viridis-type: 38 Botrychium: 1 Cupressaceae: 15 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 180 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 3 Pinus: 4 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 79 Tsuga heterophylla: 326 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 18 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 12 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 2 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 51 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 5 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 3 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 85 | 2100 Alnus viridis-type: 47 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 21 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 2 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 164 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 3 Pinus: 5 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 41 Tsuga heterophylla: 290 Selaginella selaginoides: 2 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 15 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 4 Ericales: 6 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 75 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 2 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 95 | 2308 Alnus viridis-type: 39 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 16 Cyperaceae: 4 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 2 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 155 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 3 Pinus: 12 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 2 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 58 Tsuga heterophylla: 324 Selaginella selaginoides: 4 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 14 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 6 Polypodium: 5 Ericales: 5 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 63 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 4 Aquatics: 2 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 1 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 105 | 2515 Alnus viridis-type: 20 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 8 Cyperaceae: 3 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 3 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 131 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 4 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 37 Tsuga heterophylla: 313 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 7 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 8 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 53 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 3 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 115 | 2723 Alnus viridis-type: 48 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 14 Cyperaceae: 3 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 4 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 1 Huperzia selago: 3 Picea: 159 Alnus rubra-type: 5 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 4 Poaceae: 6 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 45 Tsuga heterophylla: 297 Selaginella selaginoides: 2 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 18 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 4 Ericales: 12 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 160 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 4 Aquatics: 4 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 125 | 2930 Alnus viridis-type: 77 Botrychium: 1 Cupressaceae: 24 Cyperaceae: 3 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 3 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 2 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 140 Alnus rubra-type: 5 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 6 Pinus: 9 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 53 Tsuga heterophylla: 301 Selaginella selaginoides: 3 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 18 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 5 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 14 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 83 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 3 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 4 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 135 | 3138 Alnus viridis-type: 96 Botrychium: 1 Cupressaceae: 41 Cyperaceae: 3 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 5 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 1 Huperzia selago: 2 Picea: 164 Alnus rubra-type: 6 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 12 Pinus: 7 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 47 Tsuga heterophylla: 290 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 58 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 5 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 22 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 77 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 2 Aquatics: 5 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 145 | 3345 Alnus viridis-type: 44 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 14 Cyperaceae: 2 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 10 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 135 Alnus rubra-type: 6 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 6 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 35 Tsuga heterophylla: 252 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 29 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 2 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 7 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 87 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 3 Aquatics: 10 Coptis aspleniifolia: 2 Gentiana douglasiana: 1 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 158 | 3615 Alnus viridis-type: 17 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 18 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 1 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 1 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 153 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 42 Tsuga heterophylla: 278 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 10 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 7 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 52 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 6 Aquatics: 1 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 168 | 3822 Alnus viridis-type: 38 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 18 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 3 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 143 Alnus rubra-type: 6 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 60 Tsuga heterophylla: 301 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 11 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 9 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 68 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 3 Aquatics: 3 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 4 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 2 178 | 4030 Alnus viridis-type: 35 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 21 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 2 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 2 Picea: 193 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 7 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 54 Tsuga heterophylla: 319 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 7 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 4 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 60 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 5 Aquatics: 2 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 1 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 188 | 4199 Alnus viridis-type: 33 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 30 Cyperaceae: 5 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 8 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 2 Picea: 127 Alnus rubra-type: 3 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 4 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 24 Tsuga heterophylla: 267 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 17 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 8 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 135 Other: 5 Caltha leptosepala: 4 Aquatics: 8 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 1 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 198 | 4368 Alnus viridis-type: 35 Botrychium: 30 Cupressaceae: 21 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 8 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 170 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 6 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 66 Tsuga heterophylla: 266 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 18 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 5 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 111 Other: 13 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 8 Coptis aspleniifolia: 2 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 2 208 | 4538 Alnus viridis-type: 36 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 16 Cyperaceae: 2 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 5 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 150 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 2 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 30 Tsuga heterophylla: 308 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 11 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 4 Polypodium: 4 Ericales: 10 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 128 Other: 4 Caltha leptosepala: 3 Aquatics: 5 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 3 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 218 | 4707 Alnus viridis-type: 27 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 13 Cyperaceae: 5 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 2 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 131 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 46 Tsuga heterophylla: 280 Selaginella selaginoides: 4 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 14 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 4 Ericales: 3 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 87 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 2 Aquatics: 2 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 3 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 228 | 4876 Alnus viridis-type: 42 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 12 Cyperaceae: 6 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 1 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 109 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 3 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 43 Tsuga heterophylla: 255 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 20 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 2 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 67 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 1 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 238 | 5045 Alnus viridis-type: 48 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 24 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 155 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 36 Tsuga heterophylla: 280 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 24 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 5 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 9 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 80 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 3 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 248 | 5215 Alnus viridis-type: 68 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 15 Cyperaceae: 6 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 137 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 3 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 45 Tsuga heterophylla: 300 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 20 Pteridium: 1 Ranunculus-type: 6 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 2 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 79 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 3 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 258 | 5384 Alnus viridis-type: 51 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 17 Cyperaceae: 2 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 161 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 2 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 74 Tsuga heterophylla: 283 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 18 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 13 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 78 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 2 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 268 | 5553 Alnus viridis-type: 39 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 12 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 152 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 1 Tsuga mertensiana: 50 Tsuga heterophylla: 247 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 12 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 6 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 41 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 1 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 278 | 5722 Alnus viridis-type: 42 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 10 Cyperaceae: 1 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 156 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 2 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 2 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 51 Tsuga heterophylla: 204 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 12 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 2 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 4 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 70 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 2 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 282 | 5790 Alnus viridis-type: 51 Botrychium: 1 Cupressaceae: 13 Cyperaceae: 1 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 189 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 4 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 65 Tsuga heterophylla: 225 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 16 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 5 Ericales: 3 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 65 Other: 3 Caltha leptosepala: 3 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 288 | 6039 Alnus viridis-type: 47 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 2 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 225 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 78 Tsuga heterophylla: 250 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 20 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 4 Polypodium: 4 Ericales: 9 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 82 Other: 16 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 292 | 6206 Alnus viridis-type: 49 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 3 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 196 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 61 Tsuga heterophylla: 219 Selaginella selaginoides: 2 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 13 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 10 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 62 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 298 | 6455 Alnus viridis-type: 42 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 186 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 3 Poaceae: 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 68 Tsuga heterophylla: 206 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 17 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 5 Ericales: 4 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 68 Other: 3 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 302 | 6621 Alnus viridis-type: 53 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 2 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 2 Picea: 201 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 3 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 75 Tsuga heterophylla: 185 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 32 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 2 Polypodium: 3 Ericales: 4 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 49 Other: 5 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 308 | 6871 Alnus viridis-type: 51 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 1 Cyperaceae: 2 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 221 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 89 Tsuga heterophylla: 206 Selaginella selaginoides: 1 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 24 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 5 Ericales: 7 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 54 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 2 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 1 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 312 | 7037 Alnus viridis-type: 70 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 1 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 189 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 6 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 100 Tsuga heterophylla: 249 Selaginella selaginoides: 2 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 47 Pteridium: 2 Ranunculus-type: 4 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 9 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 63 Other: 3 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 2 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 318 | 7287 Alnus viridis-type: 67 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 1 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 214 Alnus rubra-type: 3 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 4 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 80 Tsuga heterophylla: 187 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 23 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 4 Ericales: 5 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 59 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 1 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 322 | 7453 Alnus viridis-type: 56 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 1 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 183 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 106 Tsuga heterophylla: 178 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 17 Pteridium: 1 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 6 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 44 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 2 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 328 | 7702 Alnus viridis-type: 70 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 1 Dryopteris-type: 2 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 169 Alnus rubra-type: 3 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 2 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 115 Tsuga heterophylla: 181 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 28 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 4 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 56 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 3 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 1 332 | 7869 Alnus viridis-type: 74 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 1 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 172 Alnus rubra-type: 1 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 1 Potamogeton: 2 Tsuga mertensiana: 112 Tsuga heterophylla: 170 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 25 Pteridium: 1 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 9 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 77 Other: 4 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 2 Coptis aspleniifolia: 2 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 338 | 8118 Alnus viridis-type: 50 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 168 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 102 Tsuga heterophylla: 158 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 25 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 3 Polypodium: 3 Ericales: 5 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 46 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 3 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 1 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 342 | 8284 Alnus viridis-type: 95 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 4 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 170 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 2 Tsuga mertensiana: 107 Tsuga heterophylla: 169 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 34 Pteridium: 2 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 9 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 47 Other: 6 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 2 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 348 | 8534 Alnus viridis-type: 99 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 185 Alnus rubra-type: 4 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 1 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 99 Tsuga heterophylla: 127 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 43 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 4 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 6 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 48 Other: 3 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 4 Gentiana douglasiana: 2 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 352 | 8700 Alnus viridis-type: 189 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 1 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 158 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 0 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 4 Tsuga mertensiana: 52 Tsuga heterophylla: 87 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 71 Pteridium: 2 Ranunculus-type: 2 Polypodium: 3 Ericales: 3 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 61 Other: 2 Caltha leptosepala: 1 Aquatics: 4 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 358 | 8934 Alnus viridis-type: 110 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 1 Cyperaceae: 1 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 2 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 176 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 2 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 73 Tsuga heterophylla: 143 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 58 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 3 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 43 Other: 8 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 2 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 362 | 9090 Alnus viridis-type: 195 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 128 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 5 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 1 Tsuga mertensiana: 77 Tsuga heterophylla: 222 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 100 Pteridium: 3 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 63 Other: 16 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 1 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 368 | 9324 Alnus viridis-type: 121 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 1 Cyperaceae: 2 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 155 Alnus rubra-type: 3 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Pinus: 5 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 90 Tsuga heterophylla: 138 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 92 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 3 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 34 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 372 | 9480 Alnus viridis-type: 107 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 0 Dryopteris-type: 0 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 170 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Pinus: 2 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 112 Tsuga heterophylla: 143 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 62 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 2 Ericales: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 62 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 378 | 9714 Alnus viridis-type: 142 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 2 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 0 Picea: 198 Alnus rubra-type: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Pinus: 5 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 126 Tsuga heterophylla: 91 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 64 Pteridium: 0 Ranunculus-type: 0 Polypodium: 0 Ericales: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 4 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 47 Other: 1 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0 388 | 10104 Alnus viridis-type: 232 Botrychium: 0 Cupressaceae: 0 Cyperaceae: 1 Dryopteris-type: 1 Isoëtes: 0 Asteraceae subf. Cichorioideae: 0 Huperzia selago: 1 Picea: 254 Alnus rubra-type: 0 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 5 Pinus: 2 Poaceae: 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae: 3 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga mertensiana: 71 Tsuga heterophylla: 29 Selaginella selaginoides: 0 Polypodiophyta (monolete): 82 Pteridium: 2 Ranunculus-type: 1 Polypodium: 1 Ericales: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 11300 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 3 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 38 Other: 0 Caltha leptosepala: 0 Aquatics: 0 Coptis aspleniifolia: 0 Gentiana douglasiana: 0 Thelypteris quelpaertensis: 0