# PARCS Data File # Site Name: Hail Lake # Location: CAN - Yukon Territory # Elevation: 690 # Latitude: 60.0333333333333 # Longitude: -129.016666666667 # Site Code: HAIL # Entity Name: # Entity Type: Core # Age Model: # Depth Thickness Age Method # 0 -999 0+\-0 TOP # 128 4 2870+\-50 C14 # 204 4 4840+\-90 C14 # 236 4 5860+\-410 C14 # 358 4 8440+\-70 C14 # 398 4 8820+\-70 C14 # 423 10 8930+\-70 C14 # 482 4 9500+\-80 C14 # # Suggested Data Citation: # # NAPD contribution 200 Hail Lake; HAIL # Les Cwynar, 1997. Palynological Analysis submitted to the Global Pollen Data Archive. # # # References: # Cwynar, L.C. 1995. Paleovegetation and paleoclimatic changes in the Yukon at 6 ka BP. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 49:29-35. Depth | Age 3 | 67 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 19 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 4 Pinus subg. Pinus: 337 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 3 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 13 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 111 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 174 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 2 Picea mariana: 41 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 12.5 | 269 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 17 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 250 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 1 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 4 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 1 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 2 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 20 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 1 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 111 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 157 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 2 Picea mariana: 41 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 22.5 | 493 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 19 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 1 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 236 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 2 Sample volume (ml): 1 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 1 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 32 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 1 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 111 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 119 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 2 Picea mariana: 29 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 32 | 718 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 2 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 38 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 285 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 1 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 1 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 38 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 1 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 190 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 0 Picea mariana: 39 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 40 | 897 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 27 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 310 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 1 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 2 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 26 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 5 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 210 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 1 Picea mariana: 38 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 51 | 1144 Abies: 3 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 28 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 274 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 5 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 4 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 44 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 2 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 229 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 5 Picea mariana: 34 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 59 | 1323 Abies: 5 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 1 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 35 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 442 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 5 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 2 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 76 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 2 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 4 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 215 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 7 Picea mariana: 62 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 69 | 1547 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 1 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 40 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 488 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 4 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 3 Unknown: 3 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 1 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 48 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 3 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 4 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 310 Juniperus: 5 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 16 Picea mariana: 76 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 77 | 1726 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 1 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 29 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 1 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 249 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 5 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 4 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 47 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 4 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 190 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 7 Picea mariana: 49 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 85 | 1906 Abies: 3 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 2 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 37 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 2 Pinus subg. Pinus: 436 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 6 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 3 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 60 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 2 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 376 Juniperus: 2 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 2 Picea mariana: 56 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 93 | 2085 Abies: 3 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 35 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 285 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 4 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 1 Sphagnum: 6 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 5 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 53 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 6 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 3 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 231 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 12 Picea mariana: 40 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 101 | 2265 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 33 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 3 Pinus subg. Pinus: 311 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 3 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 52 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 6 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 2 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 4 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 178 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 4 Picea mariana: 49 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 109 | 2444 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 21 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 3 Pinus subg. Pinus: 321 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 1 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 4 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 2 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 33 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 3 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 173 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 5 Picea mariana: 50 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 117 | 2623 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 2 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 48 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 500 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 6 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 6 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 75 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 10 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 206 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 9 Picea mariana: 61 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 125 | 2803 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 1 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 25 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 265 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 1 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 0 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 5 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 58 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 5 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 136 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 1 Picea mariana: 31 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 126 | 2825 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 33 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 1 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 261 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 1 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 2 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 44 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 4 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 303 Juniperus: 2 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 6 Picea mariana: 25 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 130 | 2922 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 2 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 42 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 2 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 396 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 2 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 9 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 66 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 5 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 4 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 212 Juniperus: 4 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 7 Picea glauca: 9 Picea mariana: 59 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 138 | 3129 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 2 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 34 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 1 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 169 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 6 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 4 Fabaceae: 1 Alnus viridis: 48 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 1 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 185 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 3 Picea mariana: 63 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 1 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 146 | 3337 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 13 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 296 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 2 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 9 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 30 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 5 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 200 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 14 Picea mariana: 45 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 158 | 3648 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 2 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 15 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 1 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 402 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 0 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 1 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 47 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 1 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 264 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 7 Picea mariana: 83 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 166 | 3855 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 45 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 291 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 6 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 22 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 92 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 2 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 300 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 12 Picea mariana: 51 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 174 | 4062 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 1 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 11 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 210 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 7 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 1 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 2 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 38 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 2 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 160 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 3 Picea mariana: 63 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 182 | 4270 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 41 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 283 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 3 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 2 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 1 Alnus incana: 20 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 142 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 3 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 1 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 1 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 229 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 1 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 9 Picea mariana: 65 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 190 | 4477 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 1 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 21 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 141 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 2 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 7 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 57 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 4 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 1 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 209 Juniperus: 2 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 15 Picea mariana: 67 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 198 | 4684 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 18 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 218 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 5 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 10 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 52 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 2 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 112 Juniperus: 2 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 11 Picea mariana: 60 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 206 | 4904 Abies: 3 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 2 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 32 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 265 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 2 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 3 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 1 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 13 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 70 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 3 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 2 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 120 Juniperus: 3 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 9 Picea glauca: 8 Picea mariana: 70 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 214 | 5159 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 40 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 77 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 3 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 15 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 75 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 2 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 241 Juniperus: 4 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 42 Picea mariana: 80 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 218 | 5286 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 0 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 45 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 10 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 9 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 6 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 43 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 62 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 1 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 4 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 234 Juniperus: 9 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 12 Picea mariana: 124 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 222 | 5414 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 2 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 59 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 12 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 4 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 4 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 7 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 57 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 229 Juniperus: 15 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 53 Picea mariana: 129 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 226 | 5541 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 3 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 37 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 2 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 2 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 9 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 32 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 234 Juniperus: 9 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 39 Picea mariana: 163 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 230 | 5669 Abies: 4 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 3 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 70 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 2 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 5 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 3 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 1 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 31 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 29 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 1 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 1 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 217 Juniperus: 8 Populus balsamifera: 1 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 27 Picea mariana: 211 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 234 | 5796 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 6 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 44 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 1 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 12 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 38 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 2 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 252 Juniperus: 7 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 19 Picea mariana: 173 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 238 | 5902 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 3 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 65 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 1 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 5 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 16 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 18 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 2 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 226 Juniperus: 6 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 88 Picea mariana: 97 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 242 | 5987 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 6 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 54 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 1 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 8 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 9 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 13 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 1 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 293 Juniperus: 10 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 2 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 76 Picea mariana: 122 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 246 | 6071 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 5 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 73 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 11 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 3 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 10 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 11 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 3 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 6 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 1 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 279 Juniperus: 9 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 83 Picea mariana: 113 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 254 | 6241 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 4 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 68 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 1 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 1 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 1 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 5 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 14 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 3 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 9 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 15 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 232 Juniperus: 12 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 151 Picea mariana: 45 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 262 | 6410 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 5 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 74 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 3 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 1 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 8 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 1 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 8 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 490 Juniperus: 25 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 157 Picea mariana: 19 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 270 | 6579 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 4 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 88 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 9 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 1 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 1 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 8 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 4 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 349 Juniperus: 17 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 188 Picea mariana: 14 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 278 | 6748 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 6 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 107 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 14 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 4 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 18 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 5 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 337 Juniperus: 12 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 104 Picea mariana: 40 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 3 286 | 6917 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 4 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 78 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 2 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 12 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 8 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 2 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 13 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 4 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 1 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 511 Juniperus: 36 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 194 Picea mariana: 6 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 294 | 7087 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 7 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 70 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 4 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 1 Pinus undiff.: 4 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 21 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 1 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 4 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 2 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 1 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 8 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 1 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 6 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 1 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 4 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 1010 Juniperus: 18 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 132 Picea mariana: 61 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 302 | 7256 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 6 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 23 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 1 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 2 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 4 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 16 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 3 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 4 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 3 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 540 Juniperus: 6 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 3 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 108 Picea mariana: 131 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 310 | 7425 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 4 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 31 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 2 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 3 Potentilla-type: 3 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 10 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 4 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 9 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 1 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 2 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 279 Juniperus: 6 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 239 Picea mariana: 19 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 318 | 7594 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 5 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 74 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 4 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 2 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 6 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 1 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 18 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 8 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 10 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 1 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 537 Juniperus: 21 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 127 Picea mariana: 119 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 326 | 7763 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 4 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 51 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 2 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 16 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 4 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 440 Juniperus: 18 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 2 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 141 Picea mariana: 55 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 334 | 7932 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 11 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 35 Botrychium: 1 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 1 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 3 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 1 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 2 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 9 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 5 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 3 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 11 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 5 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 844 Juniperus: 18 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 2 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 188 Picea mariana: 35 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 342 | 8102 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 8 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 39 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 1 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 2 Lycopodium annotinum: 2 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 2 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 6 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 5 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 3 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 4 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 2 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 362 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 158 Picea mariana: 71 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 356 | 8398 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 12 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 64 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 3 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 1 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 1 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 41 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 3 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 11 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 8 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 780 Juniperus: 28 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 122 Picea mariana: 67 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 364 | 8497 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 8 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 32 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 1 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 2 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 3 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 19 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 2 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 11 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 6 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 1 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 2 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 2 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 626 Juniperus: 14 Populus balsamifera: 2 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 150 Picea mariana: 62 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 1 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 372 | 8573 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 4 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 38 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 1 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 16 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 1 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 4 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 3 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 6 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 5 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 414 Juniperus: 2 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 148 Picea mariana: 73 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 380 | 8649 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 11 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 50 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 2 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 43 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 3 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 7 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 0 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 4 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 1 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 2 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 652 Juniperus: 42 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 54 Picea mariana: 84 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 396 | 8801 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 3 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 25 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 1 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 24 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 7 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 4 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 1 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 11 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 3 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 1 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 481 Juniperus: 4 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 106 Picea mariana: 131 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 404 | 8846 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 6 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 26 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 1 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 8 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 8 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 4 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 1 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 2 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 874 Juniperus: 17 Populus balsamifera: 1 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 52 Picea mariana: 33 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 412 | 8882 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 8 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 14 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 3 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 5 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 9 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 0 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 2 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 492 Juniperus: 5 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 65 Picea mariana: 35 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 420 | 8917 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 7 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 61 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 1 Salix: 8 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 3 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 9 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 3 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 1 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 2 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 2 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 480 Juniperus: 2 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 172 Picea mariana: 34 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 428 | 8978 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 6 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 49 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 3 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 1 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 25 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 4 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 3 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 11 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 3 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 387 Juniperus: 39 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 104 Picea mariana: 90 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 432 | 9017 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 1 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 48 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 45 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 3 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 22 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 2 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 1 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 481 Juniperus: 6 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 193 Picea mariana: 40 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 1 436 | 9056 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 7 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 51 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 6 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 3 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 3 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 26 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 4 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 11 Rosaceae undiff.: 2 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 2 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 5 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 453 Juniperus: 11 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 153 Picea mariana: 18 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 440 | 9094 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 12 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 75 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 1 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 19 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 3 Unknown: 3 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 18 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 5 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 13 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 3 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 458 Juniperus: 30 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 99 Picea mariana: 25 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 444 | 9133 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 6 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 85 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 1 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 3 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 1 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 18 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 3 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 2 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 5 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 16 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 2 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 452 Juniperus: 7 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 2 Sambucus-type: 2 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 299 Picea mariana: 10 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 452 | 9210 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 12 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 105 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 2 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 1 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 1 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 23 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 2 Indeterminable: 0 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 24 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 3 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 8 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 1 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 581 Juniperus: 16 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 4 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 99 Picea mariana: 13 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 456 | 9249 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 16 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 118 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 5 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 3 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 6 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 83 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 4 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 9 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 14 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 2 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 6 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 7 Lamiaceae: 1 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 2 Ledum-type: 1 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 553 Juniperus: 7 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 2 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 32 Picea mariana: 2 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 460 | 9287 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 9 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 116 Botrychium: 1 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 3 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 2 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 93 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 4 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 6 Unknown: 4 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 15 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 1 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 11 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 4 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 3 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 609 Juniperus: 5 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 2 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 36 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 464 | 9326 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 28 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 156 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 3 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 37 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 2 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 5 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 30 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 2 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 9 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 1 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 1 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 1 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 1 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 5 Ericaceae undiff.: 2 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 561 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 1 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 2 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 14 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 468 | 9365 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 35 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 142 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 5 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 20 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 4 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 1 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 4 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 1 Alnus incana: 1 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 23 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 5 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 12 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 4 Dryopteris: 3 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 8 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 4 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 890 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 2 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 6 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 472 | 9403 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 17 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 141 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 4 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 2 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 40 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 12 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 8 Unknown: 5 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 16 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 5 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 9 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 1 Dryopteris: 3 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 5 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 818 Juniperus: 5 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 1 Sambucus-type: 8 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 9 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 476 | 9442 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 27 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 116 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 6 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 22 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 10 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 5 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 18 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 2 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 10 Lamiaceae: 1 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 2 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 1 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 1 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 3 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 636 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 4 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 480 | 9481 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 21 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 87 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 1 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 28 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 17 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 4 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 1 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 19 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 12 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 16 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 1 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 3 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 1 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 444 Juniperus: 5 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 1 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 5 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 484 | 9519 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 29 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 109 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 3 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 42 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 16 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 3 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 5 Unknown: 3 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 34 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 19 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 13 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 1 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 2 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 5 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 707 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 0 Picea glauca: 0 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 488 | 9558 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 25 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 51 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 8 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 1 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 8 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 1 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 13 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 4 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 2 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 2 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 4 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 26 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 12 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 14 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 2 Tsuga heterophylla: 1 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 1 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 1 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 1 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 2 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 5 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 662 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 0 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 492 | 9597 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 20 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 54 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 1 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 2 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 5 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 65 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 18 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 4 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 19 Unknown: 4 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 10 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 12 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 1 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 8 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 12 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 1 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 1 Tsuga heterophylla: 4 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 1 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 6 Elaeagnus commutata: 1 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 1 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 1 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 8 Ericaceae undiff.: 5 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 838 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 13 Picea glauca: 2 Picea mariana: 1 Cassiope-type: 1 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 496 | 9635 Abies: 3 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 44 Athyrium: 1 Betula: 71 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 3 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 26 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 34 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 1 Shepherdia canadensis: 2 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 3 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 3 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 8 Unknown: 3 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 8 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 17 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 1 Poaceae: 9 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 21 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 1 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 1 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 3 Elaeagnus commutata: 1 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 1 Picea undiff.: 7 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 752 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 5 Picea glauca: 4 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 500 | 9674 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 1 Artemisia: 21 Athyrium: 3 Betula: 29 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 1 Lycopodium annotinum: 5 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 3 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 26 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 1 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 0 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 9 Unknown: 3 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 5 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 4 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 12 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 1 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 4 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 574 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 2 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 12 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 502 | 9693 Abies: 0 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 40 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 28 Botrychium: 1 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 0 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 1 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 26 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 1 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 1 Alnus viridis: 9 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 9 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 12 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 0 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 280 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 1 Picea glauca: 2 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 503 | 9703 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 55 Athyrium: 4 Betula: 65 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 4 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 3 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 1 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 62 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 1 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 5 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 8 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 36 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 2 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 17 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 7 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 2 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 4 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 702 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 1 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 505 | 9722 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 71 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 62 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 1 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 3 Huperzia lucidula: 1 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 2 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 5 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 71 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 1 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 5 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 8 Unknown: 8 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 1 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 33 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 26 Brassicaceae: 2 Cyperaceae undiff.: 6 Lamiaceae: 1 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 1 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 2 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 1 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 486 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 3 Picea glauca: 0 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 511 | 9780 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 76 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 76 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 1 Equisetum: 4 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 3 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 1 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 1 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 10 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 86 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 1 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 5 Unknown: 6 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 17 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 3 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 33 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 13 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 1 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 1 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 10 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 803 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 1 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 2 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 1 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 512 | 9790 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 30 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 41 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 5 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 7 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 64 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 1 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 5 Unknown: 0 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 3 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 13 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 18 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 8 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 5 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 453 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 1 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 0 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 515 | 9819 Abies: 3 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 37 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 29 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 6 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 18 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 36 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 1 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 1 Alnus incana: 5 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 2 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 7 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 4 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 1 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 2 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 6 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 1270 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 4 Picea glauca: 0 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 516 | 9828 Abies: 2 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 28 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 27 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 2 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 3 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 12 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 40 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 2 Spore (trilete undiff.): 4 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 1 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 4 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 1 Poaceae: 4 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 1 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 2 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 1 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 2 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 1 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 2 Ericaceae undiff.: 2 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 400 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 1 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 5 Picea glauca: 0 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 518 | 9848 Abies: 5 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 57 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 18 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 0 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 9 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 18 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 6 Unknown: 3 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 0 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 4 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 4 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 6 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 0 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 1 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 1 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 1 Picea undiff.: 1 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 577 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 8 Picea glauca: 1 Picea mariana: 1 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 520 | 9867 Abies: 1 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 34 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 14 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 4 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 14 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 1 Pinus undiff.: 19 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 10 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 0 Spore (trilete undiff.): 3 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 1 Ulmus: 0 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 2 Unknown: 1 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 2 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 1 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 0 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 16 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 1 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 5 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 0 Elaeagnus commutata: 0 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 1 Polygonum persicaria-type: 1 Picea undiff.: 4 Ericaceae undiff.: 0 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 891 Juniperus: 0 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 2 Picea glauca: 0 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 524 | 9906 Abies: 4 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 14 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 19 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 1 Galium: 0 Ilex: 1 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 8 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 0 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 106 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 14 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 1 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 5 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 1 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 9 Unknown: 6 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 20 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 2 Rosaceae undiff.: 1 Cornus: 1 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 7 Brassicaceae: 1 Cyperaceae undiff.: 6 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 6 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 3 Elaeagnus commutata: 3 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 1 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 9 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 1170 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 12 Picea glauca: 3 Picea mariana: 0 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 1 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0 528 | 9944 Abies: 4 Alnus undiff.: 0 Artemisia: 3 Athyrium: 0 Betula: 18 Botrychium: 0 Caryophyllaceae: 0 Cladium: 0 Epilobium: 0 Equisetum: 0 Galium: 0 Ilex: 0 Lycopodiaceae undiff.: 0 Lycopodium annotinum: 4 Huperzia lucidula: 0 Lycopodium obscurum: 0 Menyanthes trifoliata: 1 Myriophyllum: 0 Nuphar: 0 Pinus subg. Pinus: 0 Pinus subg. Strobus: 0 Pinus undiff.: 149 Potentilla-type: 0 Primulaceae: 0 Pteridium-type: 0 Sagittaria: 0 Salix: 8 Sample volume (ml): 0 Sanguisorba: 0 Scrophulariaceae: 0 Selaginella: 0 Shepherdia argentea: 0 Shepherdia canadensis: 0 Sparganium-type: 0 Sphagnum: 1 Spore (trilete undiff.): 2 Asteraceae subf. Asteroideae undiff.: 0 Ulmus: 1 Apiaceae: 0 Indeterminable: 10 Unknown: 2 Vaccinium: 0 Liliaceae: 0 Alnus incana: 11 Fabaceae: 0 Alnus viridis: 6 Rosaceae undiff.: 0 Cornus: 0 Myrica: 0 Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae: 1 Viburnum: 0 Poaceae: 7 Brassicaceae: 0 Cyperaceae undiff.: 2 Lamiaceae: 0 Rhynchospora-type: 0 Urtica: 0 Osmunda: 0 Potamogeton: 0 Tsuga heterophylla: 9 Rumex/Oxyria digyna: 0 Cretaceous types: 0 Ranunculus: 0 Andromeda: 0 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi: 0 Cystopteris: 0 Dryopteris: 9 Elaeagnus commutata: 4 Linnaea borealis: 0 Diphasiastrum complanatum: 0 Polygonum bistorta-type: 0 Saxifraga oppositifolia-type: 0 Saxifraga stellaris-type: 0 Typha: 0 Ledum-type: 0 Polygonum persicaria-type: 0 Picea undiff.: 13 Ericaceae undiff.: 1 Concentration of Lycopodium tablets (grains/tablet): 110 Number of Lycopodium tablets added: 30 Lycopodium spike (number counted): 898 Juniperus: 1 Populus balsamifera: 0 Populus tremuloides: 0 Sambucus-type: 0 Coniferophyta undiff.: 10 Picea glauca: 6 Picea mariana: 2 Cassiope-type: 0 cf. Ostrya/Carpinus: 0 Populus (degraded): 0 Arctostaphylos alpina/A. rubra: 0 cf. Juglans: 0 cf. Lysimachia: 0 Thalictrum/Coptis: 0