Reconstructing Late Holocene Climate Change in the Central Canadian High Arctic Using Laminated Sediments Investigator: Michael J. Retelle MRETELLE@BAT.BATES.EDU (Principal Investigator current) Abstract Abstract ATM-9809963 Ratelle, Michael J. Bates College Title: Reconstructing Late Holocene Climate Change in the Central Canadian High Arctic Using Laminated Sediments This award supports a study of late Holocene climate change in the central Canadian arctic archipelago using laminated lacustrine and marine sediments. In addition, through studies of modern climatological, hydrological, and sedimentological processes in several basins containing varves, researchers will attempt to understand some of the complexities linking the varved sediment record to the climate system, thus providing an accurate means for interpreting the paleoclimate record in the sediments. The major focus of these studies is to evaluate the impacts and significance of climate changes of the last millennia, particularly the impacts and regional variability of the Medieval Warm period and Little Ice Age. Varved sediment records from the region will extend the detailed information from instrumental records (post-1950) and provide a spatial resolution to accompany paleoclimatic information from other source.