Preparation and AMS 14C Dating of Terrestrial Materials for ESH Program Research Investigator: Scott J. Lehman (Principal Investigator current) Abstract Abstract ATM-9809285 Lehman, Scott University of Colorado Title: Preparation and AMS 14C Dating of Terrestrial Materials for the ESH Program ESH Program research relies upon the availability of accurate AMS 14C dates in order to obtain the chronologic control necessary for studies of natural climate variability on timescales of millennia or less. There is a compelling need for well-dated time series of terrestrial paleo-environmental change, and such efforts are likely to increase. This research often involves specialized pre- treatment of samples to separate contaminating from primary sources of carbon. The Laboratory for AMS 14C Preparation and Research at the University of Colorado (NSRL) and the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will offer pre-treatment, graphitization, and 14C measurement of terrestrial materials with an expected average sample-receipt to date-report turnaround time of 8 weeks or less. It is anticipated that this service and hence the reduced cost to the PI will help to motivate ESH-funded scientists to undertake more extensive, and potentially more accurate 14C dating of terrestrial paleo-climate and -environmental records.