Collaborative Research: Paleohydrology Across Central Alaska: A Multiproxy pproach to Lake-Level Records Bruce P. Finney (Principal Investigator current) Mary E. Edwards (Co-Principal Investigator current) Abstract ATM-9707625 Abbott, Mark B. University of Massachusetts ATM-9709398 Finney, Bruce P. University of Alaska Title: Paleohydrology Across Central Alaska: A Multiproxy Approach to Lake-Level Records The primary objective of this project is to produce new multi-proxy paleoclimate records from Central Alaska to test hypotheses concerning the cause of shifts in the precipitation-evaporation balance from 18 ka to present. The award supports research to: (i) expand the network of sites with decadal to century-scale lake- level data to identify the spatial and temporal pattern of changes in the precipitation-evaporation balance and (ii) identify fluctuations in the moisture balance for the past 2000 years at annual to decadal-scale from closed basin Dune Lake. These records are needed to understand the long-term atmospheric dynamics of the Arctic and to assess the significance of shifts in the precipitation-evaporation balance. The Holocene climate history of the region will be reconstructed with a series of studies analyzing the sedimentology, geochemistry, magnetic properties, pollen content, stable isotopic composition, and for the first time in the Arctic, biomarker compounds. The lake cores will be dated at high- resolution by 137Cs, 210Pb and AMS 14C measurements on macrofossils and pollen.