Paleoclimate (O to > 14 ka) of W and NW Iceland, A Comparison of Lake and Near-Shore Marine Proxy Records: A USA/Iceland Contribution to P.A.L.E John T. Andrews (Principal Investigator current) Anne Jennings (Co-Principal Investigator current) James P. Syvitski (Co-Principal Investigator current) Abstract Abstract ATM-9531397 Andrews, John University of Colorado, Boulder Title: Paleoclimate (0 to >14 ka) of W and NW Iceland, A Comparison of Lake and Near-Shore Marine Proxy Records: A USA/Iceland Contribution to P.A.L.E. Iceland is located on the eastern side of Denmark Strait in a region where changes in the extent and duration of sea ice have major impacts on both the marine and terrestrial environments. This area monitors the relative strength of both the northward advection of Atlantic Water and the southward flux of sea ice and freshwater in the East Greenland Current. This PALE/ARCSS award supports the recovery of a series of sediment cores from lakes in NW Iceland and compares their proxy records of climate with proxy records from marine cores taken from fjords and shelf-troughs off northwestern Iceland. Based on earlier PALE studies, decadal/centennial sampling resolution is realistic in both environments, and correlations within systems and between lakes and the offshore are enhanced by an abundance of regional tephras. A major Icelandic contribution to the grant will include ship-time to carry out coring along three fjord shelf transects in northwestern Iceland.