Decadal-Scale Proxy Records of the Last 3,000 Years from the Eastern Canadian Arctic and Iceland Based on Lake Sediment and Palynology John T. Andrews (Principal Investigator current) Lisa A. Doner (Co-Principal Investigator current) Abstract Abstract ATM-9520807 Andrews, John T. University of Colorado Title: Decadal-Scale Proxy Records of the Last 3,000 Years from the Eastern Canadian Arctic and Iceland Based on Lake Sediment and Palynology This PALE/ARCSS award supports a study of decadal-scale variability in the paleoclimate of Iceland over the last 3,000 years. It is specifically intended to unite projects of Baffin Island and Iceland by creating lake sediment and pollen records for Iceland that can be compared to similar high-resolution records from sites on Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada. This effort will help to integrate paleoclimate records from Greenland, Iceland and the Eastern Canadian Arctic and will provide information useful in piecing together the synoptic climatology of the northern Atlantic region.